fJATt'KDAY, MAKCM 3, USD, llKMOCIlATIO iSTATK CONVENTION. Tbo IX'hicx'mIo State- Convention for tbo (Hut ol ri'o In licrohy ral oil to . n.t..ilt, ITtn.itlllft ffiiiftfl. nti TuvMUy, April 3, 1HS8, for tbo ptirKo of and Wallowa, with reference to tbo rei )0iiiiiatlii u eamllilalo for meinlwr of rowntallon tinvbicb Haid counties are on- ConurcfH, a candidal!) lor .11111150 hi wio ihh'ii, rciwrmiiiv "iiY " . . Supremo Court, nix ile!ej,uteH to tbo Na-' Tlio act of tbo UgiHlaturo crcutiiiK nl tlonal Democratic Coiivuntlon and ix Iowa county wart approved on ruhriiary n,.ri,.u. 1.. r.iilfv tin. v.irlotin district 11. 1887. Jlv tblrt act it is provided that iiomliiatloim, and Hticb otbur biiHinetw art may pioiHiriycoiiiolHjioroimH.onveniioii. S.llll (.illivnlltlllll Will lrt! comixHcd of IWi ilulejrateH, iipjiortioiieu to Uiu various counties on tbo volo cant for camlldato to Coirecs at Ibo election of 18SD, belnj,' 0110 delei?ato for eacb county and 0110 for ovory i!(JU and fraction over 100 voted ho cant. In accorilanco with Hald amiortioninont, tbo reHjiectivo counties will Iw entitled to tlio following representation : liiikir. -1 Mm 0 llcninii A Mxlli.'Ur. 'i (;iHi'kiiiniiN 7 Marliin I) Clatnop fl Morrow I Collllnlila .1 .Mlllliiiiimili 17 Coo I Pulk r, Crook I Tillamook 2 Curry.. 1 Umatilla .1 DoiUhi 0 tlnloli -.8 (IIIII11111. 3 Winvo n (Iriuit ft Wimlilnglon 8 Jitcknoti 7 W11I In wu v.2 Jiin-plilno :l YhiiiIiIII 0 KlmiiHtli.. 3 l.uke -I Total I'm Uino 7 Tbo cotiiuiltli'o reHH'ctfully rccoiuinend that tlio County ConventioiiH for tbo elec tion of delegates to tbo Statu C'ouvctilioii. unless othurwiHo onlered by tbo local county committee, bo held on Saturday, Maich 1 1, 188-i. 1(. (lot.iis.Mif 11, Chairman Democratic State Central Committee, iiiimockatiu countv convu.vtion A Democratic County Convention Ih hereby called to meet in l'onillcton, I'luii- tlllu county, on Saturday. March i!lth, for tlio iiuiMH)of clectinir cfjjlit delegates to the Democratic State Convention, to lie held In IVmlleton April .'Id, 18S8, and for tlio purKise, If tbo cuiiventloii hIiiiII deem it host, of iiDiiiln.itiiiL' a full Democratic county ticket, to lw voted for at tbo next election j audio transact any other bind iiuas that may properly come before tbo convention. 'I ho convention wilu Ihi cmntioHcd of lorty-llvo ilolcj'utes, apiMirtioued unions thu Hoverul prcclnctH us follows: Adainn 1 Alti 3 Oilman 3 CViHitvIIIm .3 l.'lllllltlU'llllll 1 Ki'lm 1 Ihiciimpmi'iit I Punier Mllx I Jiinlii.T 1 Milton I Mouutnh . Norlli I'milletm I Nmitli l'i-iiillotoii.......J ! nlnii... I II Illiu 1 Viunyi'lti I viiimhi 1 J "' Willow Mirlni .l Voiikiiin 1 Tilllll H It U iiIhii icciimineudi'd that prliiiarleM for the election nf delejf.iles timilil con veiitlon Iki held in the varloiw ptccluctrt on the I7tli div of Mau h, at - o'clock p. 111., except In I'cmlleton, where It U rec ommended the mlN idiall Ik oKned at 1 1 o'clock a. in, rciidlelou, Or., February L'llth, 1SRS. tl , W. .M.ltt:.iu:, Chairman of the Domoeralle Central Committee. lift lllllll NnNjlnpiitliy, I'llllll lllf Wllll.1 U'llllltJlllllllHl, "Vim" will be hliheil 1111 bin pautH and Iik kwl wd ami injiueil llkt), you we, when 1 ImiiIiI the Kroiinil It hum in eaily jlayn when laud win dirt cheap, ami I jut took umhI of hill ofwlo for it, like I would for a home, von know? and aflmwaid lit mv plm wj'th it, hut everything wax tight till mm.whcn 1 want to null the place and Ihev ak iiu, "where It your diHHr.'" I he man I bought out It diwd, and heie I am." "Ah. "ejaculated a Jovial nllorney who oveiheanl the mI fiery, ' Ihut'it aiioiher eam nfeerv man hU own l.iwjer and a fool fur a client," mid then he turned awav from the man In tMilili wilb a inMilevimrt chuckle and hath no Hiinp.illiv. . in. 1 1 .. .. A. a , ,X ,mT,M,iih, , w ). 1 1 'i. 111 '" '!" Wcdnwdavlasi.l waspmul to hold iZ , Jll 11 i v o ,Z in . Il '""V"' Mi,,,", WeZ " Mu fit Vs"1 " Ti V. "".'..A ,,.r .,.,.l' ,SV'."' 1 !,V,",'k 1': billing u;,u'Hu;e:,:;, !i?,l!:: tlio lroHtMl now iiunty (mm tlu olil. Wha U 1.,,, lillin, it, Vl, In, vwiothor tlmy 11111 N-am tin four oniithur lli'lix or IVnturvilln iwinrtH f.ivtr u ttlvUUm at all. It is doubt- (nl, i ruf. (. . A. WihhIiIv a tliioii hi tho in- lu a.lilitt.ut to tlio fivo lUt tho followhiu turlor iloiurl.mmt 0 v iiMinim mimi. aw uw of tho inot in.iioitui t i haiwis wl lj'lH.r at II... fh,..,m In.lL.u'rml,,. hv tho hill : Iron , ' L in m'Iw.4 w.ail.l ap?.ar md to mv . t.m kiiw JI-10 ivntn nor uaun : 1 inm nU.. ivbIM I, in at all. or tho mhulnUtratUMi rou.l Iww, H ,H.r ton u ,m 7.1 ,v u r iiiik nini-UHKSi 10 nil kilt to I'lioiimuii l. till tlini kuliL I 11 !.' . i Jsliluo.v i'niitir, N. Y. Mr. ... ,., ,,. r It.ulM I KIIII OMHH'Iml llullv , ,, (Jwt Ik U alioaily m th trroniuU. rrf. WimRv. Minium Un ih-tlititUMiiikH-Mrilv u iKlnditil Uwilwir, will mm mi'inL.nn iiml will, iiimh to 1 1 in rtmnd of inanv m IjoIsm l him wlwit'il iMiuiMnoiiily fur llw iiti.iii. lln K.M I ota. Kram tti 'nii viu j.,uui, "What yai kuow " uej om MUhw lUMi tifumithci I.4-1 SuiuaUiv. "tl" nulil & "i know ,MI,1.. ilu,,, uguU, 1 Utmtt M v ,.11 1 ii , ,(V ,tl a , iM 1 'w,u. i fmrilhat Marv hliil It 11MU lllUll. tlwt MIII.W liM it mill flmt th bo- ou ilu. burulug .kn k Unit tuU i a iW 1 into , iIm ( r .flaini u '.u "' ,!wl.'4 i"" i Worth 1 wx hi IhwIi .,, ,twt ,.Vl., ? lu , Ml HU'WI. Wil l IP III III,' Nt'k I ... -h M MHIIH VUI 411.1 'III. 'Wlu, ..:ag UU Ohlklrvii ttml mI,, AS IMl'OKTANT JIATTKlt. Tim llepulilleun anil lleinorintlc Btnte Cen tral 0"iiimllnn, Actinic Jointly, llnve limned Hid roIliwln Order! 1'ohti.ani), Or., Fob. H), 1838. Totlie Hlectorsof tlieconiitle'jof Unloii,Wul lawn, linker, Malheur mid Umatilla: Tlio unilerolpiLMl. Joint committee, un pointed runt eetlvcly by tho Democratic anil ltuiul)llcun Mafu Ccntrul Commit Icon, to cuneltlor ami a-Krt iix)ii tbo con Htrnctlon to lw rIvum tbo Aetn of tbo U-g-Malum croatlm: the counties of .Malbuur ; Wallowa county fball elect onu tuprcHiii; I tatlvo, and for Honatorlal purjiosert nball Ihi uniioxeil to tbo eighteenth hoiiatorial dltrict. When this act took cllect the eighteenth Honatorlal dlHtrict coiiHiHted of Union county. It Is clear, therefore, that the iAiglnluturo intended that Union and Wallowa counties hIioiiM have 11 Joint collator, and this intention tool legal ef fect niKjti tbo paisage of tbo act roforrcd to. Subsequently, and on tho 17th of February, tho general niiortloii!iient bill liecamo a law, by which tho eighteenth Henutorial district was made to comprise tho counties of Whnco and Gilliam. Neither of these counties Is contiguous to Wallowa eoiintv, and thu latter county could not therefore, muter tlio Loiihiiui lion. Ii attached to them for senatorial iiiiriMj-cH, In our jiidgiuent the Hiatus of Wallowa county having been thus fixed, ho far as Legi-datlve reiirescntutlon Is con cerned, at the time the general apiortlon ineiit act was passed, was not changed by tho latter act. Wallowa county Is thoreforu entitled to a Joint nenator with Union, as provided hv the net of 1'obrit arv 17. until such time art the lA'uIslaturu shall otherwise provide. It has been suggested In tho conferonco of tho two committees that Inasmuch as 1 the (Herniation of Wallowa was included I wi ll Union in the apiKirtioiimeut of Hon I at' trial retirosoiitatlou to Union and t'nia T t counties, under the (iencral Amwr tlouiiieut bill, It should partlchiatu In the election of tho Joint conator allowed the two former counties. Hut thu act of Feb ruary 11th, us we construe It, has limited lliu right ol tepresoulatloii to one repre sentative ami to a Joint senator with Union. And this must remain as a 11 nut solution of this question tiutlljurther leg islation is pan iiKjn thu siihject. 1110 act creating .Malheur county pro vides inai naker anil the new county shall elect each, onu repiesentatlve In the legislature, while the general apisirtlou incut gives linker two representatives 'these two acts must bo construed to gether. If these two acts bo construed co us to give Maker the two members pro vli led for in tho general tiiMt t ioiiiticn t hill ami .Malheur one, as provided hi tho net creating that county, thu constltu tioual provision limiting the members of the House will be violated. If the act creating .Malheur county is to lie given any elteet tho fourth section thereof. which gives one repiescnlallve iniixt bo ruM'ected. This is in accordance with the intention of the Legislature as maul festi'il from thu act In question as well as from thu circumstances under which those acts were iscd. Our conclusion therefoie Is that the new county of .Malhuer ami thu county of Haker aiu each entitled to one lepiescntntive. We therefore recommend that Union county elect two representatives, and Wallowa one representative j that Union and Wallowa elect one senator jointlvj Hut Union and Umatilla counties elect one senator Jointly, and that Itaker and .Malln'iircountlert elect one lepreccntntlvo can 1. .1. W. Siici.ti.x, .Iohitii Simon, C. It. IU.1.1.1MU.11,, W. II. Hmsuwi, W. 1'. Ki:i.v, Pemocrntle Coin, Itepiiblican Com. Tin: T.wtiiT 1111.1,. in urn ilium or tin, c alii Tim .Mlllll I'nliiKnr tilt) tun. Die tiutii 111:111 of the wavs ami ttli:llll committee Thuisday submitted to I lie full cemmillce the till 111 lilll uikhi u hich Iho DeluiK'ratic inemlmrs liavit I Hm nl Willi farVimtl Mioiltllh. Tiki fivn lUt IIstotakeelfcct.lulv 1, ss.s. tin. uw.' "", nuncii a e v nun 0 tuib lie. "'MitloiHtotlellst ofartl- , "' e linisirted fnv of dntv a.v the follow lug: Timlier f va us 'ul - o. ...ugh wagon and shipping maieiial - wools not sis'cTlU'd in the ,'ill',r'l' Iheaillcles.iu.,,.:,, . o "oimil. ectt.ulut.vlnthecouiitrvwhinuo m.": 'jwkj. ! ... ivi.vk, nun inn piiino lehiriciieu .T,V ".".TV ,"'l 11,1 .1' " lllwrs. lUilo ami ImhiUm ami minphletn, printed . . HiiiiiuiiKus uiaii tno i.njj- , i, "' 1 'KMliH ('"plilutri ami all puhlirtitionH of fiwln pivurnnionta ami IMililicall.uirt of foitL'u hih'IiiH.w M.1.,,1. uuiii,! -1 i,,l ,.,.1 ...... 1 .n-. . , "... 1 1 "i .TV. .V.V ' mm ,11111 rilllM 111 nil iiih nl klmil. ill ..... ...... it . '' l .,,, , , ,,,,,, I ., 1 1 u U vrtoni tlat ralln, ia ,wr t0 Ulow HO ami 8-U) unit mr ikhiiuI, iMuvf holy;) i.miiiiI iron, 1 ,vt iK,r ,,m, I M0vnlsvriHiuml.; ' Iron ami Mivl wilt a-niaiu tinohaiiiroil, with a luovUlou that no ilulv nhall ox' mil tlii imr ttuit. ad valoivm. ' Migur, not ttlwvo nuniK'r 111 1), r. uuik. IHIIIOUI hrilirt, 7S itgiHw Marfwilloii r-m jvr imuiui, and for owrv iUvuv a-uiu jvr Kaiml; Mlmu. ami 11.4 allow m, 2, -AhlM kill .1 I it . l IMikuvmaWlow u l. s. ta, ivnt pr uHimt . miKaiH uU.ui 'JO 1). .". All I,m( toU,iv,i unmaiiufiu-tiinHl i8 . ut .lmtiu., Mmwu Sumatra ! or. '".; rapiunn toUuv.. m mmli4lwl. mi "'U. .K.Uontta Kkiim. iJiniav ;'' .at.;Wl.uiUw(fll. Imt .-if., ' I 'I'lU 1 . .111,1 ll:lllli..U Uo.,1. , . I, - L . ... . . . " ' "WWII " .l'1, H. 1,11,111 ti. .1 us. .11.. I in.thiu'.i. Urn... .J ...,. r:Art:C. W. Brownfield (Inn mliitlnif to tU class of goods, oxcepl such as aro coiiiikmoiI In part of wool.) Woolen and worsted cloths and all manufactures of wool of every description, inado wholly or In part of wixjI or worsted not siicclally provided for, 40 )cr cent, tul valorem. Latest cctitiiates made by tbo commit tco on ways and means of the probable reduction in tho luventio that would bo Directed bv tho passage of the bill aro iih follows: Chemicals, $7:10,000; china and glassware, 1,(500,000; cottons, km.uiw t.rnvUtnnu. t.uxi.ixio du uotiroaxitmito) woolen !l'oo1s. ll',:i00,000 ; sundries. $100,000; paper, ,600) sugars, 11,000, 00(1; hemp, flax and Jute, $1,800,000 metals, $1,000,000 (approximated); tree Iff t, $','Jo0,0(W. This would make reduction of aisjut ;i,uuu,uuu. A lino of steamers will bo put on tho ( river next week, between Fort' land and Tho Dalles, by tho Columbia Navigation Company, of Tho Dalles. Tho capital stock of tho Oregon Nit' tlonal Hank, of Portland, has been In creased from $100,000 to $W0,000. Tim Dullv Hant Oui'iionian. bv mull $! a year ; by carrier, 25 cents n week. PENDLETON LOTS FOR SALE I nIT'.-r Uit Halo more than THIRTY VALUABLE LOTS! In I''iiJIclim, lncluillm; I lie nightly lilock on thu hill, In plulu vlnw all over town. Just the Site For a Fine Residence. Tliffo )(rlcvK. loin will ha olil at rcanonnlilo Apply to James Leezer, At Icucr A Kiieblcr'i Drutf Htur, inelil ilw four' irn'i, I'l'mltotnii, J. H. KOONTZ, Driller In GENERAL Aiul I'mprlf lo'of tlio Henrietta Flouring: Mills, ECHO, OREGON lllffliratrnsli price imlil for rniln riniliHin, urniiiiniuii una Mi'lf.rlilllif (lour In hIik'I. Corn meal, t'li(ii KceU, flc.omale. AkoiiIx tor Kiuipp.llurrell & Co'h Agricultural Implements and Bain Wagons, Arc nrcniircd to will j wlient or reuelvo Oraln for StoniKO. Grain Hacks mill llarvoaters' 8uji))llo nt lowejit l'rlci'.i. PhihUu Gmcn'Uu a Sitrulaltu. Wiio niul Ticket Fence, rabbit tight niitl bull strong'. A limco which will Inst a life time. Price only 50 to 75 cents a rod. For sale in small or largo quan tities, at FAILING'S Carpet Store, Main street, near tho britl remlleton, Oregon. NEW STORE! MERCHANDISE Attention) ). S., is as 1 mtm opened. ivntK ivr ' Main St., Pondloton, tNext to Matoiite llmldlnir ) A COMPLETE LINE OP Gent's Furnishing tfoods, LOB. YEA & ARTHUR, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Aro Mm nmrllflnl mechanics In tOWtl Thoy 1I0 their own woric, find gunmntco It usalimt repslr for ono year. They linve 110 hired help lo pny,ninl only ileslro tn nmko wages on their work, hence tliey can givn Bottor Figures Than any other homo In town. Thcv buy us cheap in any Arm can buy J' Goods. mchl davr W.D.Hansford &Go Dealers In Hardware and Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono. MAIN HTItHUT, l'KNUMrrON. A nlinrc of tlio pulillo patronairij la nollcltcd iiicIiI-iIAkw First National Bank, or PENDI.1ITON f,KVI AWKEKV. JACOIJ KlIAZKn. Preildcnt. Vlce-I'renldent Mam V. NturslH. C'uMtiler. TnitiKHCt a general Imnklnpr htulntsn. On nil part of tho world BOUGHT AND SOLD Collection-! Made nt nil Point on Kcnnonaum irrntH. Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon, Transacts Conoral Banking Business. Proldont, JimHteki,, Vice President, I.kiiuan, CoNhler, () am ii.tox. Culled t onu Mutle on Favorable Tci'inx. npl 14 An Immonio Stock Jut rccolved, whlcli vh aro nowollcrlngnt prices that uiton lh tho oldeit Inhabitant. FANCY C1O0DH, HOH1KIIV, I.ADIIIH' AN'DMIHSKH'UN'UKIlWKAIt.HIIOK, 8MPPKU8, OI1OVK.1, HIIJIIO.NH, LACKS, (VjUSKr.H, NOVKI.TI US. Men's, youth's, Boys' tind Clijlii ren's Clothing. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. COMB ANM) KXAMINi: OUIt TOOK Alexander&Frazer MAI.V HTiti:KT. N. W. HIESTAND, Echo, Oregon. DEALEK IH Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Boiler Mills Flour. si oka am ana roil wAJii) rxa QIIEHUY A PAHKB-, AMA.YIl7T7x WIHIKM, Albany, OrKon. JlACIttSlSTO.MlLLWIUOIlTS.IltOKKonNI.ElU , Manufacture Steam Bnu, m,a 0r)st ViiUL-ffro",.f' made loonier. reimlrinVfarm'm.uJnm elvou i'attem Making m a f,; various form. NEW GOODS DRESS GOODS City Drug Store, F. J. DONALDSON, Proprietor, MAIN 8TKKKT, PKNIir,KTON,Or Contlnueulo carry n full line of Drngs, Stationery, Placquos, Porfumory, Tollot Arti cles, Paints and Oils. Agouti for tho AM-'ItKD WltlOIM' P. rfumon acknmvlndgcd to ho the nnesl oilor in tho world, In bulk. at fifty coiUs per ounce. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEP' In under tho maiing -1110111 of a thomugh PhHrmacll,aiid euntoinew can roly upon liavlni: their pn'ncilptloiia compounded accurately and at bottom prices. No nub mltullng ono artlclu for another In pro lorlpllous. No Boys or Apprentices Employed to practice on thn public. Should you need anything In our lino wo will Klve you.a better artlclu for lets inoucy than any other toro In town. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ATTENTION, Stock Breeders! I will mnkothoNKAHON OF IH88 with my WELL 8RED STALLION Garfield 9 Hloek, Cleveland llny,nno.fourth ClyilMtnlo, Hvoyenri old, bird in In lliln con nt rv hut nvnyrnrJ 11111. nrrii in u 111011 nun iniiMirn tn lliln coautrv hut fall, uMilccu IinnilM IiIkIi, wclRlit 1,711 poutiim, at My Ranch, k Juniper Cnmmcnclnir Maroli 1st- TKIt.MS-'cmoii, made. 12; Hpcclal contructn 1 iiNturuiiruliheil nt SI per mouth THOMAS NICELY, Ml JUNII'Ilt, OlIKQON. SALE OF IN PENDLETON. oiieo in nor.i'jy clvon, that p'lr-uiant to iri.iniuririaiie'l ..111 or I lln t'Otlllty Court Ol I matllla cttitiiiy. Ohkoii. duly miuh and eiilered on tlio lulh day of ndiriiiiry,IKSS,mild U main In Con nt v win 1...11 in ii... 1.1 . 1. .... .. ...1 lnl liliMci., 111.1l m Mirh Iota ami pareciN n Irlriv l.. .lnj,i.i,.l ....... ...... .............. ... .... ....... .. ,v. ,,,, mu, ,)., 11, VHI' llll'ill, r.illl 1-r.lill.. II, 1.11. i.i.ui. ... I, !.. .. ,.. , : ' I 1II.IM1 111, In aid ionijiy, ..on!iaiiiily known n l.'ouu !loiio h I'l l,, hllu.iinl hetivei'ii M.iln, C'. oit ni. 1 AlliiHtrii'in, In Uiu hiMitof .In. liimliuHi I'will.rr! ,r, nil III1VII, llllll COII llllll 1 11 L' Ollill- !'hii US, loin on Main, Court nud i-ouoiiwoou irro n, seiiiini pr main for ilio inir.diau' of mild property, or of any pur-tioiulier-of, wl I honcuivoi hy tho iin'lr nIuiiH, Ihni oiiniy ClerK of mild ....... , .., , u fim-n 111 mo foe, noon of Thurnday, i no iuiii tiny iir Aiull. A. it immh And all per-oim mi hl.ldliii: will ho required 'f '"''K',' paymeiiM I'timuiiiit to mich healed ii.i l.tiur i iu iiviucK III lliu foreiiouii of .... ....... .ii.iuii in! iiii'iiiioinii Hour n I louniid piiruof lom not then Mild will lo in io'Vi i','LB 'i'"1'"0 Aui llon.Hi piireolH V.nme.o;idna.n7",,,n,r i mi eoviniy linn a feu Unpin online. In mild liril IL- IV, 1111(1 Wl I exreillll lrr,.l,..r. Im ... I fill V.. via ...... r., .......I. i . ' . 'i'i.. ..'L . i'nitnii.r.-iiiiii.inu 1 1 iii o or ale. 'iiiiuiriii ii v ..7' y .r."".. "T MM.n ...i..r.'" '." v v ouri. ... imuuuii,,, m.nv ii ri io Im Int.. iim toillity Trimaiirv. niul .,.. .... .1... ..... Vosa of ereellniViV,. .:. :. . '." '. f'.r- or nalu county, for whtol," ,7P ' io mi t ouri li- cri'iitiii 11 now ini i;,,,;.;,, Court ri'iiii'ii 11 iihu' rnnii i.-... ...... ... .1... iloilko niul .lull ffl fobSl tf U.A. II UtTJIA.-V, County Clfrk Great Rock Island AM) ALBERT LEA ROUTES. T1.'.!!.,,,.lr.e.ct "nU Popular lino In connection nun uiu ruruiiTii l-nelllii JlMltvuf from St. I'uni audMluneapoll" "u",, To Clili nuo nuil (ho I'.ust. Tu Nt. IiiiiiIh nml the Mouth. TO IH'lOIOlllVH, 1,1'IIVOIMVOrtll' Atrhlxuii umi KnHn, ,tJ. The Only Lino ""''""b wnn tho at Council llfair., Un&SSR WMi CIlIC.VtJO.VMI A 1,1, I'OIMM KAHV, ritllman 1'alaTT Steeply and J'aluci- J)!ni)iu Cars! U.Wute.rft11 t"ro,,tf" KPro Trains on Tlekeifor -hIh by all eonneetlnL' rallwnv. and i-oiiiiMtiom. nmJ IS .'ou ' Tleket Awmt.11. It. . s.ta Pendleton, Oregon, ' CHAM. KKXKIIY, ;.. Asiiit, No. 3 Washington Kt - . r,,rtM,'n " " v I K. A. HOMJHOOK. Oen. TkUand I'avi. Agt. O. It r ( i 1, 1, Chicago. HI. V. novo 1 ' 1,1 R Uen. T. and Y aJ.' j1,1 $ u R ' MluueapolU. Miim. 9 rlnclp Jt Tin ril C To niul from prlncln.l , lunuu 111 1110 united mm. and Kuroio, Elegant Pullman Palacod Kmltfrnut Hleeplnir Cam run throwo, J preKM TruliiN to 0,f OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND Free of oIihiko and without ctut j Closo connccllonn at Portland for Km cUco and Pucet yound Pi.Im? 1 a Knut hound pajtenKer arrive nt KsiiM Knl bound Iro hrht nrrlve. m rMAl ... fl.nn .. " "URBfl Went bound froliiht nrrlvi. m .iJ? WnnL llflllllll llll.lBHun. nM.l..A . - parta at 4tr, p. m. ni . M,.wiL MVU, Wnlln Halln nurt lA-nii-B m. uiuu 11. m. ror wh in Wir, rlvoii llL4.nO II. ill. Imut W..II.. nr. .."''i nium. To Knu Frunelico. .. I..I ll........ ' " "mu, 11 v nivnitin 1 niiun. 1'iiri n..i ln,m. 1U..I f . . breioo Hat"'. OUumiM Tu rortlnntt. I,envlngi4penr nt wharf Han Jfmn.i.- n n, v,.W u,rii,iuiH i iiv jnii,f .irnrn, Mil ?.. . n I . 1 . . , 1 . 1 1. T .. . . n . r. . . Uri'irOII WOU ll! I n liml.l. L-.V nr. ., pi. ... ,..." "uawu ".'in i, imio lutlilir .1 Kntoii of Paiaace. Iucludlnir moiits and Lorth, UHDIIl. steerage, Hound Trip, Unlimited, Kor: liirfilrllirt,nrlln..ln l..-..r.... of tho .. ,-., iii.uirooiany tho Company, or A. L. Uu i. 1, iv., 1 .iriiiiiiu, urecou. A. Ii. 3IAXWKI.L IV. II. IIOLCOItlU, Oenenil Mnnaifnr. a. a. i' t n. i. ll.lrUH Jir, Alt l'cmnelon, (Jrti To an Francisco. C 1 Ily wny of tho Orogon & California E. And Conncctioim. Tlxo Mount Sliustn Hou quicker In lime than any other ivouio, neiween rUIlThAKI) AND HAN KltANCI i-envo roniana at:uu d. m. Thrntmh limn 3Q hnure VVi.1,HAS nVVVKT MtiKKI'Klj Excurslor Sloonors for Class Pasoengors on through trains froe charge I-'uro no 111 I'ortlitud to Mnerani niul Mau KrnnclMeo: I'lruLrlimN IIiilliultiMl Flint. clnnM, l.liulti'il (1 Hfcoml-fliiHH, Miiilnd 1; Ticket Ulllcol tlorner h'uml Front Mtn IMrtlnnl K. 1'. ltOUKU8,0. V St Vat. AH It. , KOKIILKIt, Manager. GREAT OVERLAND ROUfl THE Northern Pacific flailro TIircOXoY M.VH HUN.NINO I'ullmitn lilnee Nlrriilnj iVim I .w(iiii(irciu ikiji iwtcnrn 1 Jitraant Kmlnnmt Slertrtna Can With lUrthi Free vf CM From Orction nnd Washlnnton Pti to the East, via Ht. raul and Mlnncnpoiit. The line runnlni; I'ulneo Dining fan. (Jluala 7.) ooiiIh.) FuHti'nt Tlmn llvmv nillilo Fro CoiiHt over tlio iVorinrru i'liclllo llullroiiil Tn Winn v rltl, r,At.,.,ll lll.tfTj HI. Ju eaat via hi. ran 1 aim Minneapolis IIMIOlt.VNTHI.KI'iriNO OA113 A rA tin ll Inil et t-ntrti lor nvnrrna trill HI T.nnvn Wnllnla .Imtrf Inn tt. 111. fourth tlay. . I'ACIKIO DIVISION. fiiii mo ivinn 1 iimihiiu w llllll U i all polutH on niset Hound. A. J'.' ueiierai western l'linneiieer VEein. WaHlilugtou HI., i'ortlaud. , W. V. AI.I.UWAl.Agem. WM. r.ARnNFR g, CO. m ii 1 m ii I ivi nil v( tit m iin nuM Tiinn ni iu'ii k " ' 1 Manufacturers ot wmvi .r " " V FOnDWKWJNGSOUPUUUOIiriLD Hpecllleatlom and ctlmoles furnlihed iicjiinit uuuuingk in any section 01 1.' try, Corrtspoudonco tollcltcd. OFFICE: I34THIRDSTREE m Iii! 0SE3CUH JOB ESPiBU'IltT U uuu .fvai ctiui'rtrii 111 imw Kmplre. Eaxtern nrlces. f:. O I'nb Oo,