D A.ILY. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. A riir.r. i.iiiiiaiiy. I'ntronn of tho Dnlly or Heml-Wcckly I '.AST OIIKOOMAN ran f nifty iniihn use of tho KAHV IIIIWIOMAN library when over tln'y so doslro. TJm itnhllo nro enr illittly Invited to I l t tho ntlleo whenever Mil IlK'llllI'll. Novenly-nvp cent In manor or stamps will liny fortho HeinMVrekly EAST OIIK flOSIAK from now until after tlm .lime elections. Two dollars will pay tar tho Dally 15ASV OltHHONIAN for tho samo leiiglli of tlnio by mall. YOL. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 3. 18S8. NO. 3. DAILY. AILEY A I1ALLEUAY, ATTOIISIKVH.AT.liA W. nice Itootns 1,2, 3 niul 4 Association Illock Pendleton, OrcRon. T A. FEE. ATTOUNKY.AT.liVW, Oilleo-NoJtTribtins olllco, on Court stroet E ItKD l'AGE-TUHTIN, ATTOllNKY-AT-liAW. onice In Association building, room Id - mill 17. PENDLETON. - - - OHEQON, rpUUNEK A CHKW8, Auornea-nt-L.aw, PENDLETON, - - OimaON, ' I pnil lmiilnn.il nr nil kind attonctrd to with promptness. Collection a specially, Otllce on .Main Mticet. In tho ThompHun.llarnhart biiliuuiif, overiuo posiomcc. jama uu p UYKK KlTZOEKAIiD, ATTOKVKYM.AT.IiAW. Itooms No. Gand 0, Association Dloctt, Pon oloii, Of. II J. 1IEAN, ATTOKMKY.AT-fjAW. Offlcot-Msln Htrcet, in Thompson-Hani Imrt Unliainc. ovtr tho I'ost-OHIo. 0 OX MINOtt, A1T KN K YM-AT-1. A TV. Oilier Over Kirs I National lift u It, Pondlo on, Or. vy V. UUTGIIEIl, ' ATTOKWKY-AT-LAW, CKNTKIIYH.I.K, OUK00N. Will practice It court of Oregon and Washlncton. Collect.ons promptly iitiondcil to. yAUEK A HKU'WOHTll, ATTO H M K Y H . AT Ii A W And Notary Vubllo. Offlce In " Bant Orcgo ninn" building, I'utidlolon, Or. QAIITEK A WHITE, ATXUUNKYM AT LAW. Pendleton, Orciiun, Dooms 8 nnd 1) Association Illock, J L.KILLIAN, Justioo of the Peace, And Notary rnbllc, VAN8YOLR, - - OltECJON. Col.f.KCTtNO A Hl'KCIAI.TV. Flllim on land received, nnd llnul proofs talcen at reduced rules. Collecting n Spo iling. pAMHELL A 11EATIE, MKNTIMTN (Inn administered omcot-Mntii Htrcot, In Thompson-Flack lliilldlnK- Pendleton, Oregon. D H. J. 51. l'UUETT, I'llHIC'lAN A.I NIHIMKON. Oittces-OverMnrkton A Mom house 's store corner of Johutnii una Court streets, Pondlo ton, Oregon ryi. it. iiuedull, (Jrrinuii IMijhDIiui V Miliar ou. ((lniduiitfd-rrinl,ai'iiiitiny.) The doctor niters hi services to tho nubile, mid he make tho assurance that ho can euro any l Im. its, whom mcdloa! nlil can huvo any elleet. union ill residence on Johnson neur Court street. Olllco bourn, from 0 to 11 n. ia., from 2 to & p. in., nnti from 7 ml) p. in. Q KO. W. KINO., M. P. OUlcci Over Mnorhnuao A Co.' store, lies Idcnoo, mi tVehh stieet near Court str-el. itcstdttnc ami otllco connected by tulcphonu wltti Vlllara hotel. ,' Eipcclul attention Klvun to the tllsuusc of women and children. Jjj 1$. 1IAKKKR, PI1YH1CIAN AM) NIlUMHOItt, Doom II AKsoclut Inn Hlocu, - Mnln Street. J QKIHWOLD, ' I'll YHUUAX ASil HUItUKON. Ofllce In Hlmpson's drug utoro. Helix Or. yiI.LIAM WII.ICINSON, ' Practical Wutch, Clock & Cliroiioim-toi' 3IuUr. Itepalra In all tho ubovo brunches. All work warmntod. Otllco nt llrlEif'n old ktnr.U, Main Htreet, ruudleton, Orrk'un, A. W. SCOTT. Contractor nnd I'rurtlcul Iliillilvr, 1'OUTIiANI), OKEOuN. Ektlmntta fiirulNhed, on nppllcutlon, for all elm. i of coiutrui'ilon, either of frumu, brick or Iron, i'ori'epondnco Millclteil from partle contemplutiUK tuilhtln. AdUrrxt: MorrUon Street, febil tf Vorllund,Oreson. ILLIAM UOl'En, llliiuktiulili uuil "iVimouOInkcr, Alia nnd Oimleu treet, 1'endluton. llliicltsmltli work of all klmls In the best possible miumer, and on reasonuulo erms. AUTICIlLAIl ATTBSTIQK TO HOItaB HltOKINO. p.VT KINE, " Proprlotor of tbo "5tuvcpliou Inrlors Main Htreet, opikmUo Court Ilnuso Hquare. In I'lio.-iipson'j now brlek. The bout Wines, Liquors nnd Clifiira, Ele- nnt iiinnbo aurvod u pntroiui. illH JjJ lM'AHKKS, coxTKAtrrou ami iiiJiMtr.ic, Pendleton, Oregon, Country work n cpeclalty. Estimates fur jySutf uUhed oil short notice. V. INMA5I, lilaekMiultli und tVimon Urpalrcr, Horaeahoelne a Specially. Corner Webb uud Aura fitreets, I'eudlctou, Mk'KOIAI, NOTICKH. w ANTED I llv n rcmionalblo party with plenty of fed nbnnt Pfl head of cows on Miurm. Aildrcs this olllco. cl,vw 2t T OHTI A No. lOcbllil's ulioe, on IhuslrocU In I'on- iiieinn. rimicr leuvo minis ouice. JJMC-tH HEWAIH). TiKtoiipi brown oottor ilmr. bus no snots on him, answors to tbo niimo of "Kox." I'nr his return, or Informatioii, loailliitf to his re covery, ta revard will be J'"1 'Ajr n;y tu feb2l on J. J. IIALIiE It AY. H OU8K8 FOU HALE Hmnll band of Amrlcan horses, nil cuod lie, forsnl, Applvto W. W. WHITWOIITII, tu feb28 lm Echo, Oregon H 011HK3 I'OIt SALE. 'a vm I vml l.ntiil .if Hlnolr hnnntM fnrsnt. In small or lnro loti. All pond slso American hnrsis Can be kOKii at INrnhart station, on tbo O. It. A N. load, six miles below rciullc ton. For particulars address. ' T. l. HOl'l'Elt, tu feb?8 lm Pendleton, Orckrui. N. OTICE TO CONTUACTOIUS. Illds will bo received at Iho oflloo of tbo n tv surveyor unit noon on Wednesday. larrii Tin, lorino lining wiui orirK niiu co liitni ine cuy reservoir, in nccoroaneo iwi iilniK anil snecitlratlons. whluh can bo scon at Itolhchlld nnd Dean's slorr. rrndleton. J. II. WIION, feb28 Id Town Hurvcyor, F Oil HALE. A snlendld stock ranch nt Imnkmtit Prices, (lood for n n i kind of stocli .cneclal I v adanlcd to run til ml: sheen. Ploniv ot rnnnlmr water. outxldo riuiKO, Incnti-d In Yakima county. Hhoep winter on tliro days to two weeks' iceu. rcrmNiosuii.Aiiiiro.ii .i.m. i. ikix An, iiouyn, frl fol)!7 lm Kittitas County, W. T. OTICR. All nernons Indobled In tint drill of .Tliu I r.o a Hiiilrr nro reminded to come Mrwnrd mid sctllo with tho iinderNlKned at one", or tin accounts will bo Placed In tho hands of an nttoruoy for collection. I mean business, ami mum nave m'noy. rendlHlnii, Ort'k'on, Febniar' 17, IBS. frl fclil7 lm JO-lKPU 1IAHLEII. 8.5 frEACH IlKWAItl). A reward of live dollars a head will bo paid for Information lemlinir to the recovery of tho following (le.crllx'd horcsi ono sorrel niHro, bi. I (nee, 7 mi left -hiiiililT uml o on left fl iiik. Ono sorioi two'Vimr-old horso colt, white Ioj, it on loft, lliiiktiino buy m are, l wo yen r old, branded i) on left flank; nun sorrel tllley, two . venrs old, mine brand, and ono hay llilov, iimudod It (up sldo down) onrlRhthlp. Addreisi i. w. m.i iNiii.iin. tu fubli lm H'u.tim, liri'ifon. D IHSOLUTION NOTICE. 1'be iinnnnrkhlp of Fred 1'iino TuMIn and John ('. I. ensure, tindir thu llrm namo of Tnviln & Ijimire. havlmr Imen dissolved liv mutual Millsont. all nerons havlmr elnlms iicmIiiI said firm will pioaso pre.enl them In mo by inn roll 1st: ami all persons owl nit said llrm mmtscltlo with me. iv iinKMireiiNh. by Mild "arch t, or costs will bo lidded. lulled I'omui'ion. iii'1'i.'ou, r nnrunry ia. ibim. FitKit I'AdixnmriN. t.i f.ibl 1 .1w Atiorip y nt I jw. T 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCKItN. (JennriiH. M JoIiiikoii holds a nolo slcnrd bv .lellno mill I . A. Himlwlok. Tills nolo bus boen nnlil. nnd I lm miliilo nro herobv uc- coidlnuly uotltled of that fact romiioioiu urcgnn, eennuiry u, imi JET1IUO HAItllWICK, f oblO 1 m E. A. HAHDVVICK. OTIC'ETO CUKDITOUH. I'o whom It mnv concern! All persons knowlinr tliemelws Inil bted to the ostato of James O. .Mcl'oy an heroby notltlcd i seltlon or befi.ro thu llrst day of May, and suvu I roil bio mid cost. Mill. j.Mi.n n. jiciun , tu fol7 AihiilulNtrntrlx. j OTICE. To whom It may eoneerni Tnlto untlco that thuHoiith llrltlsh I'lnienil Murine Insuriilice Compiiny of Now .culiuitl desires unit In tends to ceiiko doing htinlucHi In tho )'t"to of OrcKou, and to withdraw lis capital there from. THE hOUl II llltiriHH FIUF. A .MAKIM'. IMMIMIAKUK It J., OF NEW ZEALANO. Dv WILLI A MH. AUII A WOOD. onll (l);in Attorneys. Seventy-Eighth Annual Exhibit HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAUTFOIID, CONN. , i I, . Assets, January i, I88B ; Cauh on hnnd,ln bunk, and ciiih Iiciik 3 CO.3.2811 01 Cash In hundsof auenlN aim in coi'rsu or transmission SS0.1I7 K2 Honisand acciuod In terest. SI.517 00 Real estate, unonclili). bered fi3i.ir7.im Iymns on lmW and r morlKHRes (Isi lion) ..1,110,500 00 Loans on Collateial security 70,ff0 Q0 In United States bonds, railroad siocii.iiiiu .Miuonui naiiK siocK 2,IC0,7n fcO Total Assets, --$5,288,603,97 Cnt.ll o ipltal ( KO.OOO CO ii' bp vi' i r 10 in.iiruiico iiUaiai slandnrd) l,s7i7U7 01 ii'.iiiiidliu oi ilms gjiian a do 1 1 . I rs'siuplus. S.lso.SM) 81 kiindiis otur ohii tul and all H.blbtio l,9a,2V) 61 el pieiiilunis receive. i iliirlnir tbo sur J.IV,.31() MJ io'mI lueoiiu rreelvoil during ijio oi .V'K.mSl 8 Iner-'i'se In si.ih '2U.6i7ft2 Inureuse In net mri liu- 110,273 1)7 Insure In the old reliable Hurtrord, Glopton & Jackson, Resident Agts., dsw PENDLETON, OIlEQuN. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. CUITICINM ON T1IK TAMVV HILL. l'enl"in DnmaKos Agiilnst Lanirtry Six- toon Widows nnd Forty Orphans mmle by nn Kxplonlon-tlin C'rown l'rlllco will Itlo-Aii IMIt'ir Killed, etc. Hicclal to Iho Eat Oreitnulan. C turn Heed Oil In I.nrd. AVahiiinoton, I). C. Mitrcli 2. Abnini I. Knoll, u cotuiui hhIom tuorcliunt of Now York city, und U. S. KtijicrHoii, of KunmiH City, woro boforo tho liotwo coin- inittco on nriotiluiro in thm cuy toiiuy und tlcfomlod thu iiho of cotton uml oil in tho nmni'fituttiro of lnnl. A Icudint; fcaturo of tlm iiroccedingH was tlio churgo of tlm cliuirniim of tho coinnilltco thut tho atandiird Oil coniiuinv hud tnniH iwrtcd cotton need oil to tho North in tho Hunto tuiikH in wlilcli thov liml currlod coal oil into tho South, Thin cmmeil it nonwition. rnslnnt (Iran ted. ahiiinoton, 1). C, March 2. l'on hIoiw lmvo been uruntod to Ilurrv P. ChuHo of Hundy, Oroijon. und to CciiIiuh hiniuioi iwyton, LoiiiinbiuvJo., VV.T. Criticism on Iho Tariff hill. Nkw Yinttc. March L. Tho Now York iiruHS of tonlity HttyH editorially concern ing tnu tiiriu Dill to IK prcHontcil to Uon grcHM : Tho Trllilllin anva: Tiin flrwt IninrpHHlnn ono giiiim from tlio criiHiil of tliin bill ih unit u could novor lmvo boon fmnicd bv u hiiiio mail witii imv oxnoctn- tlon that It would iuhs oithor'hoiiuo of vjonga'HH. Tho World najH: Tlio bill him tho up nouranco of an honcKt moiiHtiro and will. if onautod, roform tho turiir und ro dni'o tho HiirjilitH of which tho people, uh a wholo, aro tloniroiiH. llio IlnioH wavm Tlio bill, bv far. is tho most iiuiM)rtant mciiHtiro of unv Hort Htibinittt'd to ConuroHH nlnco tho war, with oxcontion of tlio cotiHtitutional umondmontH nnd tho bill for tho ro Hiiniit(on of HiKJcial luiyinontH. 010,000 IlunmKos. Cnic'Ado. Im... March U. Mnnnccr VickorH, of McVickorn' theater. luiHHiicd n i .,....... ,i... r.. mi.. r. im 000 tlaiiiiigeit lor non-fiilllllmont of her contract in tlint city. Mi-h. Ijmgtry ml mitH tho forfultttro of tho contructH, but jmtrt In ii claim that it wax till n account of 111 health. Petitions Presented by Hermann WAfiiisrnoN. I). C. March 2. IJiuir- her Hermann. conisrcHHiiiati. nroHonteil H)tltlouH from tlio eoplo of KiiHtom Ore- gon ami J.iiHtein MiHlilngtou tocongrcHH io-(iuy asking tiiat tueru lie no cnungo iimdo In turllf diitica: on foreign ImnortM'of wool, nun iioroircHcwen inuHieecnoi coiiHiuerubio lenuin mat tuicn acttoiiH would roHtilthiruelv to Iho deidructlon of tho wool growing IntereHtH of tho Uniled .Slaton. Hlxlfen WliPnvs and Forty Orpliimts. Vai.ijo, 0.vi, March 1'. Slxtcon wo men weio miulo wli own unit fort v clill- driiti ot'iihaiiH by tho explosion of tho bollerH of tbo Julia -ferry boat, which no cidontly ucenrred hero Monday about 0:10 o'clock in tho morning. Thu Crown Prime Will Die. Itrui.iN, March 1. Tho Gorman Crown l'rlnco, Frederick, Iiuh written bin will, tlirectlng thut bin bon. 1'rinco AVilllain. Iw iilaced in cluirgu of tho s)lillcal toKtu inunt of tho (ierman oinjilio. Tho Crown I'rinco'H douth in exacted ut tiny mo ment, und till (iermuny moiiriiH, A Dublin News Dealer Sentenced. Diiii.is, Mtirt'lt -.A iiowh dealer named Dingle hurt been Kiutoncod to tbreo montliH, imnririonmcnt forHelllnu copien of tho nowrspuiior" United Irol.ind," containing roortH oi the meetiugK of thu Hiipihod br.itichcH of tho National 1OUgllO. Sixty Lives Lost. London. Murcb 2. Tho French Hchoonor, Flour do Lit Nier, foundered lust night nil' of tbo Maud of Cavuuno. oil' tho caiwt of South Amorlcu, and Hlxty of lor piixsuiigorn were drowned. ThuO. It. N. Directors Itestralneil. I'oitTbANi). On., March -Uiion aimli- cation mado by Van Po liHhmut, a l'ort and Danker, Jitdgo btcuriiH, oi tlio circuit court, Iiuh isHiiod an ordor rcHtralnlug reHldont dlrcctorH of the Oregon Hallway and Navigation Company from nlgnlng tho Iouku jointly with thu Northern l'u cillu and Oregon Short Lino Companion for tUvixion of territory. Ho Killed Ills Mistress, l'liKHCorr, Amzo.NA, Mutch 2. Martin Durand, who murdered IiIh iniHtrcH.s koiiio montliH ago und who wuh convicted of murder in tho Hint degreo. wuh lumml hero to-day. IIo Haid on tho ticullbld that it wuii hard to dio, uud thut tho govern ment waa hcurtloHH to hung u mini in preforencu to reuniting him. Two Newspaper Men Ili;ht. Cl'M'ei'I'kk, V.v., Murcb L. KHIh It, Williitint), editor of tho CulK.'jper Ksjio- neiii, went io mo omeooi i'.dvn uuriiour, tho editor of thu Piedmont Ailvanco, ami demanded Hutixfuclion on account of u nonpaior arildo written by WilllaniH, which upiKuircd in u recent ihsuo of bin paper. J tot It drew revolver and nino or Ion hIioIh woro llred at a dlhtuuco of nix inicas. William wuh rliot through tho heart and lmitantly oxpired, und Harbour wuh badly wounded. WilllaniH wuh u ntmhew ul Uonurtil Williams, who mar lied Mrn. IkmgluHH, tho widow of Stoplien A. Douglatw. Harbour i a hoii of John ,H.irbour, member of tbo Virginia Uouko of delogatoi. How he.llaile ills Mlllliius, San Fuancihco, March -'.Surah Al tbea I J ill KayH tho Into lamented ox-Senator Shaion uhvuyn Hisiko fioely to her about lilrt ali'alrrt. Ho told her confiden tially nn ono occuhIoii that bo had made Hovoral milllotiH watering ntock of tbo Spring Valloy Water Company, and hov oral mora niilllonH out of thu gtiH com Winy of San Frunclco. und thieo mil lloiiH out of coal niincH in l'onnHylvanla. hho HiiyH hor nliaro of tbo proiierty nmotintH to twenty niilllonH, and hIio Ih going to lmvo It. Ntnbbrd Fatally. San FitANCiffo, March 'J. John Olbl 8 wuh fatally Htatmod by bighbindcrH in this city ut hIx o'clock tltla ovenlng. Tlm Latest Market Deports. 1'oiiTi.ANi), On.. Murch U KitHtorn Or cgon wheat Ih ipiotod at 71 centH to-day. Nothing Ih done in 1'astcrn Oregon wool, but tho UoHton imotation for tho product IH 1-1 to lUCCIlIH. No New Developments. Ciiioaoo, Murch U, No now doveloie mont of tho Htrlko on tho llurllnuton &. Qulncy roadn. Tho men coiitinuu to hold out, und it in expected that thoy will lio HUCCCHHflll. Competent Kniclnecrs Wanted. Council Huikkh. Iowa. March 2. All of tho mail clerkn on thu Iowa til vIhIoh of tho lliirlington fc (itilncy railroad lmvo Hontln iietitloiiH to CongreHH asking that tho government compel tho railroad company to eugago tho competent em:I neern to roplaco tho "HeabH" now ut work uud who were put on on account of thu Htrlko. Hulllvaii tit HliiRKcr. I)NDo.v, Murch 2. CharloH Jlltcholl wuh nrro.itod to-tlny charged with ur- rnnglng for n prize light. John L. Sulli van uniieured in Court uml denied thu churgo booked nguluHt Mitchell, but, not withstanding, bu wuh placed under 1000 bonilri lor lun nppearanco Hhot by a Poll it by n I'nllconian. l'otiTbAND, On., Match'. Me cLam-hllii who attacked l'ollccmun Ilolnapplo, of mo cuy lorce, ami wuh Hiiot ny mo oi flcer for bin trouble on ThtirHduy night, wuh taken to thu hospital for treatment. Tho wound wuh nerioiiH, but not necen- Biirily futul. When phyHleiuiiH went to ino noHpiiui t o-i lay to look into jic Luughlln'H condition bo wuh found min ing. IIo hud deliberately nkipiied from thu hoBpital in it critical coudltloiii und IiIh wiioivaboutH in ntill unknown. Hllfh Oniclal Uubbeil. ICkv Wkht, Floiuda, March U. Tho Huron Iloldorberaud ami Dor Luhu, en voy extraordinary and nilnlntor iilouino- tcntlary of (Jermuuy while vinltlng Ha vana went out for a walk In tho nubile lmrkn. and were roblied In broad davllubt of their money, gold wntchcH uud cluiiim ami oilier vaiuaiiieH, by nlghwaymou. Tho bold thloveH ehCiiped. A Tescher Airitlsned. 1'oiiri.AKD. On.. March '1. John Hald- win. in tbo olico court to-day charged n,,,;,,,. ii;,..i, .... ...1....1.. .1 t . . 1 iiiii-u miiicii cneii iiuiiiu 101 renrusii 1 uu I'roieHsor Hurnhain, princliul of Couch ,.. ,,mni f(P ,.. ,,f i.iu tru,,uu ' rv? li 'll 'KlilHelovon-yeur-oldHonforii,, thu u.'rdH ho hud Hokon ho hud a trl nil olloiiHO. Mm to gl vo 11 chiineu to hoiiiu of them Tarirr inn a 111 Pass. vvll0 mtl iMrUcd buck in contest on other AHiiiN(irnN, I). C, Murch L'. Chulr-1 bills to tluow IiIh uhlning luncu uiiiong inanMlllHriayHthoTariirbllHH coiiKervu- tbo "Confedemto brlgadlerH" und try to "vo, 11 fact which well commended itself curry oil' thu Hopiibllcan nomination for to tho majority of tho lnotnberH of con- 1'reHldent. A recent dispatch from l'arln grow. IIo iidmitH that fourteen Deino-t had caUHcdimlltical cnndldateH coino uh cmtHwHl voto agiiliiMt Uh pussagobutox-1 thick an leaven In "Vullambrosu." Tho iHjctH to boeuro fully ten Hopiibllcan voteH doom of tbo Hepulillcan parlv weio now for It and boliovcH It will pasH. oten, und piesldentlul c.indldiileH were CONOllHSS. " lieen engaged for hoiuo dayH past in a Sherman, from the committee on for-; political unction for hoIiIIoih' voton. First ulgu relations, reported 11 resolution uh uu came bis friend from Nebraska, Marnier amendment to one oU'ered by Stewart, I son, backed by Iho (i. A. K., and ho requesting tho President (in view of tho (Vest) hud listened with real gratlllcation. dlllleullloH and eiub.irruHHinuntH which I Kven Hint senator's Mug ut llio 1'iesldent huvo uttonded tho Immigration of Chinese 'of tho Luited Staten hud not detracted hibororn. itiidor tho limitation of treaties , from the general merit of bis bid for tho with China) to negotiuto u treaty with noldler vote, and when bo icceived (lorul tho F.mporor of China containing u pro-, tiibules uh a token of regard from IiIh vision nun no i jhucho mnororH Hhall , luimlilng consiiiiieniH no (est) lnnl bill enter tlio United States; laid over. ono single suggestion to make, uud that Mitchell oll'eted a lesolullon, which 1 wuh thut llllles sliould huvo boon em wuh ugreed to, Inslructing thu cotnniitteo broldorcd over thojioilulH of tho Whito on public lumlH to impilro Into thu pro? hoiiru. When tbo honator from Nebraska prioty and udviHublllty of huvltig hovuu or , took bin Heal ( Vost) had thought tho hid eight townships of thu public domain, wuh in bin favor. Hut tho t-cuator from surrounding and including Mount Hood, 1 Malnu (1'ryo; hud "caught thu eye" of Oregon, net apart an a national park. thu auctioneer, thu ii. A. It., and hud Thu committco on nubile lands reported "irouo ono Ix'ttor." The senator wuh ore- 11 bill to fectiro to actual rottlerri public lands iiilapted to agriculture, and to pro- tcct forests on thupiihliodomulii; ordered ' printed und ru-commlttcd. ; In committee of tho wholo tho bill i authorizing tho Hccrutury of the tieasury , to purchase IkiiiiIs with surplus rovenmi, wuh couHldered. Milln. of Toxiih. uud McKlnloy, of Ohio, curried on tbo (list part of tlio debate. McKlnloy making u opinion that tlio prize should Ixj given to longHpeeeh, attacking I'lesidunt Clove- j tho senator from KausaH; but then tho land's refusal to apply surplus fundi to senator from Illinois (Cull. an) hail coino tho redemption of bonds. to tho front and made a bid which had Weaver of Iowa, followed with uu wtuggored his convictionH an to tho pro uttii"k on thu national bunking Hyntcin, prioty of dosing tho Halo. Since. Unit which nut in curtain banks immense time hu hail beuu in 11 condition of tin- sums of money, uud during tho present ... I.. .!...,!... II,... 1. ...I l..... ..1.I...I 1... iiiHIIIlliniiaiiuii liuiA liuuil rilniuuil litui 11 ex-olllclals of thu tieasury department. , Heed, ol .Maine, uml Hreckouridgo, of Kentucky, uud Ituudall. of I'onuHvlvania. participated in tho debate, after which , McClenry, of Kontueky, ollered tho fol-1 lowing umeudinunt, which wuh accepted 1 by Mr. Mills: "Provided, that bonds ho purciuiKcd or redeemed shall constitute no part of tho Kinking fund, but shall bu cancelled by tho necietury of tho treas ury." Kolloy, of I'onnHylvunia, denounced tho Democratic partv for itH refusal to reduce internal taxation. Kandall fuvotcd tlio bill, while con demning the piuseut ml icy of tho tieaHiiry as unwise. At tho conclusion of his re marks ho gave riso to grout applause on thu Democratic side by expressing 11 con viction that tho Doinooratlo party would bo found unltud on a tariff muaiimu. Thu committee then rose, uud thu bill wuh pushed. VKST'H ltltAVt: .SPEECH. Tlio Pension Kcliemss it ((rent Political Aactlon, with Plumb, I'rye, Mandersnn, Cilllniii and Other Didders. Following in u meru detailed account of VeHt'H notablo Hieech agiiliiHt tho pro poHid immeiico pcnnlou HtealH, a brief mention of which wuh mutter In our tolegraphiu colunniH Thursday. IIo linked: "Whence then came thin talk of federal foldicrt in tlio uluiHliuuecriV Thoy were not thero. Ho wuh tired nnd nick of ItiHlniiatlon of robliory, und pro- teiiHO, und hypocrisy, in tho name of tho trim und gallant HoldtcrH of tho Union. IIo would givo every diHiiblcd or dejiendont noldier of tho federal army, and wldowH ami orphaiiH of those who Have loHt ineir liven in tlio her vice, the liiht aero of land uml thu luxt dollar. Ho would have done thu hiiiiio for tho Confcdoruto Holdlern, "if God hud blent our euuHO." Why thin tulk that CongroHH Iiuh not done enough fur tho KoldlerH, when thu country hud paid out, kIiko leoo, fo8:i,00d,u)0 lor ieniionH, a liner allty uniiurullcled In tho bUtorv of tho world. Tho grout military una political organization, thu Grand Army of thu Kupubiiu hud thrown itH luncu into thu dob.itcH of CongrcH.H, uud Hunt billn to thulr accredited HonutorH for tbo purmno of lielug unacted. When thu J'rexldont of thu United Staten had honently uud bnively dlHchurged bin executive duty, uud vetoed cmictmcutH which hu coiihIiI ered !mpro)cr, hu Iiuh lieen threatened by olllcern of that organization with per Homil iiiHttlt if ho dared muko bin preH once known In thu city whom It held it annual iiioolinir. Thero wan u limit to human endurance. Ho ( Vest) had voted for penmen bllm. eoeteed by IiIh position. becaitKu hu hud been u Confederate, und becutiKo hu wuh houcstlv anxious for tho glory of tho country. Ho had voted for them lieciuiHo hu wanted to evidence to tho world thut tho men witii whom ho hud acted in Htrifo reflected tbo Holdlerx of tho Union, und were willing to give them even more than thoy demanded. "Hut there Ih ii limit, uud I huvo reached It. It will bo driven no futthor by claim ugentH und phtnderurH in thu garb of HoldlerH. For honest and real Holdlern 1 am willing to vote any amount of ihiii Hion." iiiddino nit Tin: nomination. Vent wont on to nay that of LMiOO.OOO men unrolled uh soldier during tho four yearn of war,thoro woro upplIcntlonH from l..(H),UUU lor eusIouH on account oi (Us ability. Such military execution bad never neon known in tlio History of the world. Who believed they weio honest uiinllcautH? Who lioliuved thuxu Hmslon bills hud not degenerated into iwlltical tibusu which cried uloud for redrosn? Ho coming to thu front without limit as to mituitiiy or locality. Tho Senate hud pared to vote a jienslon to every man who hud r'orved 11 duy in tho unity. Hu (Vest; wuh ubout to knock down the prize to tho Honutor from .Maine wlien IiIh blend lioin Kansas (l'lunib) canio to tlio fi out uml outdid I'ryu by uu amoudinont which would Iiicieaso tho oxiiendlturu fifty or Hoventy-llvo million dollaiH, IIo (Vest) then hud been Htiongly of tho xloty, walling to hour from other bidders I.. If... ....It, 1 ..,,.,,1,... MM... u,.. - III Vliu Kivl ,,(ii,u,iiii iiin ituii. liu rui.- ate hud not yet heard from IiIh dulcet- tongueil Iileml Irom lowu (Allison); nor had tho Seitato heaid from tho (lis- tinguished senator from Ohio (Sherman), who, in raich 11 contest, ought cortalnly to come to the front and bid something for thu vote which thu candidates thought wuh to determine tho contort. Neither had tlio Senate vet heard from tho pro hiding ollleer (lngalls), who would bu noininated by the District of Columbia. Kvoryouo know thut thu District of Co lumbia only noted nun tho most uunoliiali motives. Ho, Vest, would rather ha.o tho nomination from thu District of l -liinibla ilian from any Statu hi 1I1.1 Union, lieoatiso everyone know it cmiM from tho liuait, and never fiom 1110 iMjckot. No man, woman or child in thu district hud any other object than Iho promotion of national honor and prosper ity. And hi when ho toad in a Demo antic paier last Sunday that thu jn'Mld- lug ollleer of thu Senatu was the nominee of tho district, ho Hiild: "ICurekal wo have found thu man ut last, and thu tiuoHtion Ih llnully settled." In conclusion Vest wild: "Partisan or non-partisan, my convictions require 1110 to vote against tho bill, und I say hero now that I hoio It may 'die to death' in thu other brunch of thu national Congress, and if not thero ut tho hands of tho ex ecutive. If that lie unparliamentary, make thu most of It." WAHIIINOTON LICTTKK, Washington, Feb. 24th., 1888. Washington Iiuh been tho Mecca to wards which tho eycK of all good demo crats huvo Wen devoutly turned during thu past few days. 1 lore the llrst steps woro taken towanlHthu great victory which Ih to bo won UiIh your nguin by tho party. Thu Democrat le National Committco which met In this city to select thu titno und place for holding thu National Nom inating Convention, held a three dayH meeting of intense intercut and every rl vul city worked its hardest for thu prize. Thu only other business of Importance transacted by thu committee wuh tho election of Mr. Win. Stclnway, tho piano manufacturer, of Now York city, to till thu vacancy on thu committee caused by thu denth of Hubert O. Thompson. Thin selection wuh a great disappointment to tho republlcuiiH. whoconlldeutlyoxiiucted 11 grout row in tho committee over It. lteprcKontutlvu Scott, of PoniiHylvunla, was in favor of holding thu convention beforu thu republlcuiiH held theirs, lie liuving thut having ttossesslon of thu Government, It wuh thu proper thing for tlio democtutH tu take thu Initiatory stops In oenlng thu Prctiiilontiul campaign. Senator Gorman, of Maryland, opposed uu curly convention, maintaining thut there wuh no reason why tho deinocrutn should change their, policy of following thu republicans: thut with 11 late con vention thoy could tuku advantage of any mistakes of their opponents, whereas, by preceding thu Itepubllcans It would on able them to iiuiku capital out of any blunders Unit might bu committed by thu Democrats. Senator Gormun'H views weru shared by neatly two-thirds of tho committco, bunco thu selection, at llrst of July II. Tho next duy a tccouslileratlon of tills votu wuh secured, uud Mr. Scott's vIowh accepted by adopting Juno 0 an thu date for thu convention. It wuh not until near noon on Thursday, that St, Louis wuh llxcd tiH)n uh tho pluco; tin tu thut hour it wuh lielloved thut Sun l'riiu ciseo wuh Hiiro to win. Mr. Mills, chairman of thu House committco on Ways uud .Means, Iiuh Just returned from u living trip to Providence, Ithodu Island. Ho says lie is delighted wilhthu spirit of tho Now tmgland eoplo in regard to thu luvuuttu question. Throughout tho manufacturing districts tho turiir for revenue theory is popular, uud (buy aro pleased with thu Presldent'H turiir message, It Ih now said that little Phil. Slier Idun'H declination of thu nomination for President wuh a cuso of "sour grsi.i'H." Hu Ih not eligible. Fven granting that hu wuh I sun, us IiIh mother says, several months after tho arrival of bin parents hi this coin, try, said a naturalized citizen of this city, that would miiku him uu 11II011, under thu law, us his father wuh not nut unitized, uud no more eligible to thu lues Idency than if hu wuh born In Ireland. I know, because 1 hud a win born rovorul months after my arrival In thin country. uml hu wuh ohllued lieforu ho wuh al lowed to vote, on renchlng tho ugo of twenty-one, to tuko tho oath of allegiance, uh ho wuh held to bo alien born. Thu same law would apply to Sheridan's case, Chaiges having teK'atc(lly been iiiudu in 11 number of Itopubllcuu pats'in, thut tho Commissioner of Pensions had given llioroMIers of Democratic Slates uu ad-, vantage over those of Republican Slates In tho amount of i-etiMions allowed them, 11 table Iiuh Ison prepared ut thu puiiHlon olllco, which ellcctually disproves thu silly chargu. Aiiothc'r bad break Ih to bo charged up to the ItiTiulillcan leaders of tho House. They see It now, but It Is too Into to stop (ho deluge. Thoy proposed and passed a resolution to Investigate thu Govern ment' Printing, or rather to investigate Mr. Honodlct, tho llrst Democratic publio printer, promising to show uh many start ling thlngH. Tho proisisition wuh readily ugreed to by tho DomoerutH, after un amendment wuh added Providing that tho invesligidlon should include the tour-years term of Mr. benedict's Itopubllcuu pre decessor. Tho committee uppoiutcd under tills resolution Iiuh already begun work, uud enough has been done to make tho HopubllcuiiH very Horry thoy stinted It; uud tho indications ato that their sorrow will continue to Increase, lleto aro Homo figures taken from tho books of Government printing olllco, that apeak volumes. In January, 1880 (under Hounds) thero weru -VIoL' x;isons on tho rolls receiving if HlH.SiO, und in January, 1888, under benedict, Iheii'iuo ::,u-ll on tho rollH receiving fir:i,-l.7. Notwith standing tho great reduction in tho 1111111 lier of employes over '.Mf and Hie largo Having hi cali over flA.OOOiiiuin mth thuro wuh moro woik turned nut of tho olllculn Jan. I HSU. Comment ih need less. ClntllKO i,f Willie , 10 A.l.ed I r. F urn the Or.-gimiuii. Ill Iho cilmin.d court, i'bui da N lb il.irris, of Imi irumlo, indn i' a f 1 ir eeuy bvomlsutluini'iil . eutnii'iia pli vol 11 a iviilty, uud of former nominal In ni n county. IIo ulsn api'li' d hru cli.inuoof vuiiitu to Union ciuiit a w lug that a trial in this coiint.v w n.ld bi ineniivoniont to him and hi- ' Itiiis.ses thirtoun of whom livo in Unioii cuity IkjsIiIoh causing groat oxpi'iisc fr bung lug necessary docuuiunts to Ibis utv.