if v THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1S88. DEMOCHATIC 8TATK CONVENTION. TflKSOJENt E O I' COURESPOSDENCK. The Science of clcnces, and Only Key to the Word. The science of. corrctpondcnccs is the pcicncc of eorreflpomlotico or relation be tween things natural and things spiritual, and is the only koy to the. "Word because the 1 Am the Itself life in Himself Tti TWmw.mt!ft fitnto Convention for must be order itself, and can communicate ttic State of Oregon is hereby called to in no other way than in the most perfect meet at Pendleton, Umatilla county, on ftJ1d highest language the order in which Tuesday, April S, 18.';12J the spiritual is expressed in the natural nominating a candidate for member of 1 ....i. t 4i, Congress, a candidate for Judge of the the language in which the works of the Supremo Court, six delegates to the Nn- Creator are the signs for tho words of this tional Itamocratic Convention and six ( revelation. It is known that there is tho alternates; to ratity the various uisirici. nominations, and Btich otlior business ns mav nronerlv come before the Convention. Said Convention will Ikj composed of 155 delegatus, apiwrtioncd to tho various counties on the vote cast for candidate to Congress at the election of 1380, being ono delegate for each county and one for ovcrj iR and fraction over 100 votes so cast. In accordance with said apportionment, tho roHicctivc counties will bo entitled to tho following representation : Tlccr.... . I jinn .. Betitoi -..... ......... 6 MulhMir... tMMIHINI .Clackamas -inisop.. Columbia. COot Crook.. Cnrrr ........ Dongln UIlllnin......, (irnnt Jnckooii. ...... Jnsepltlno Klamath...... Lake Lane spiritual and the natural; and that the spiritual flows into the natural and pre sents itself to bo seen and felt in tho forms which fall under the sight and under the touch ; and that without them the spirit ual is not otherwise received than as f .1 .1. 1.4 - - 1 . I auccuon anu iiiuukui, ur u iuu unu m- dom, winch arc of the mind. It ib ac knowledged that affection and thought or love, to which belongs affection, and wisdom, to which belong thought, are ur.iritimi. That these faculties of the soul 2 1 wiiich present themselves in tho IkxIj in . ...l!.l !. l. ..r Marlon........ 9 1 lliu lorms wiucu are uaneu mo orjjann ui f . J . 1 4 . I., 1 . , .1 ..1 .I.nt uurruw.............. i mutv unit iiiumuji, n jtiiuttii , 110 iiipu tin... they mako one, ami in such manner ono, Z'.ZZz : that when the mind thinks, the mouth in : an instant tpcakrf ; and when the mind ! wills, tho body in an instant acts. Hence r, I it is manifest that there is a perfect union of spiritual things and natural things in man. It is similar in each and evory- lhcre is there the .3 Multnomah..., ..4 Fil K ... l Tllliiino ik... ..2 Umatilla. ............... ..0 Union.......... ..3 Wmro..- 5 Washlncton .7 Wallowa.-.. ,.1 Yamhill ..3 ,.2 Total.. iss thintt in the world. , spiritual, which is tho inmost of the cause, The committee rcsjiectfully recommend and there is there tho natural, which is that the County Conventions for the clet- , its effect; and the t .vo make ono, and in tion of delegates to tho State Convention, the nutitmi me .spiritual noes not appear; unless otherwise ordered by the local county committee, bo held on Faturfluy, March 14, 18SS. t B. GouiHitmi, Chairman Democratic State Central Committee. Ikhiiuso the latter is .within tho former as the soul is within tiio body, and as the inmost of tho causo is iu tho effect, it is bimilar with tho word. the truth tho i wisdom, inteiiorly it is spiritual, be- cause it is iivine. uiu at tno spirnuai demociiatic county convention, appear in the sense of the letter, I ...t.Snl. ... ...i.1 Ll.tl1.lt UflttUA mltul A Democratic County Convention is hereby called to meet in Pendleton, Uma for that reason remain unknown without a knowledge of tho science of corrcspon of California, Professor of Geology and Natural history. Tf if,.. id tin ma t f-nrrv hut mint. nn real independent existence but God, and science mil the sysicmauc ununiKu vi Diino thoughts "and ways, tho science that teaches tho correspondence or rela tion between thing natural and things spiritual must bo tho science of sciences, the interpreter of the Wordor wisdom and thus scienco and religion are demon strafed to be one and tho samo verity, and there is a wav at last from Israel the spiritual to" Egypt the scientific and Assyria tho rational. Inaah 19, 23-25. Wo must have a scientific religion or religion will flee away from this globe forever, llcligion cannot be at war with true science, neither can science bo at war with true religion. One God evolves both worlds ; one set of laws hold both worlds in order and orbit, and when this great truth is perceived religious recon struction is begun. Build the more stately mansions, 0 my soul, not like the Babel builders of ancient story, "for brick had thev for stone, and slime for mortar," Genesis, 11, 3 and 4, but build with the rock and stone of eternal truth, and it will oicn again the magic well of which Jesus talked to the woman of Samaria and streams of living water ..L..11 ...la., f.iw nil --.t1.i ti fiiiit iftiin nf i ifc.l-U . - 'I'-". .vri. ........ I everlasting life. "It is the spirit that nuickeneth. the flesh profiteth nothing; 1 tlm wnrils that I siwak unto you. they aic spirit and thev arc life." "The letter KlllCiU UUl IIIO PJHUl in-. iwi..- out a parable spake ho not unto them Matt. 13, 34. Jesus suith unto them : Have vo understood nil these things? Thev say unto him, yea, I-ord. Then said" ho unto them: Therefore every scrilxs which is instructed unto tho kingdom of heaven, is like unto a man that is a householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old Matt,, 13. 51 8. Jerusalem shall bo called the City of Truth Zech., 8, 3. I.ook utxin ' ioti. tho city of nnr solemni ties, thine eyes shall see Jerusalem, a quick habitation, a tabernacle that shall not Iks taken down, tho stakes thereof shall never be removed, neither shall the cords thereol bo hroKcn .saian, .w, u. lCRAD. tula county, on fcaturday, .March 4tn, lor dence. The whole Uhristian church is tho punosc of electing eight delegates to fore d to acknowledge that tho Aiocalypse tho Democratic State Convention, to Ikj and u largo jortion tho greater jortion held in Pendleton April 3d, 1833, and for I of the 'Word is still u caled book, and the purjose, if the convention shall deem , from tho sense of tho letter they adduce, it best, of nominating a full Democratic munv heterogeneous and insane heresies. county ticket, to bo voted lor at the next , Indecud the doctors diwigrco to such an election: ana to transact any other busi ness that may proicrly come iKjforo the convention. Tho convention will Imj comtKwed of forty-five delegates, apjortionou among the several precincts as follows : A (I tun h Cum un Cottonwood Encainnmeut. Hulls...... Milton , North i'CDtllfton , Union ., Viinyole...., Venton , Yonkutn ...... Total.., 1 .Alttta ,..' Ctmtt-rvUIe... ..I Kclio ..1 Foxier. ..1 Juniper. ... ..i Mountuln ..... ..0 Ho u tli Icudlcton.. .1 Utniitllta.... ........... .1 Vlni-on ,.1 Willow HprlDB fv.,ll,.t,, .WI.I.H. it i. r.,-ill things that are in tho -..A. ifi .i. ..n i...'n .i ... ii heaven iu a heavenly form. - ... i lrnnesristrus, tho Jigj'ptlan, Pendleton, Or., February , 90th, ,1883. Chainnuu Committee. W. M. Dkaolb. of tho Democratic Central extent that the outside world looks upon the wrangle as purite and childish, and comfortless negations of Ingersoll finds many sympathisers, because according to the order of creation, Divine things pre sent themselves in corresjiouuences ; therefore tho word was written by cor resKjndences, wherefore tho Lord, lie cause Ho siko from the Divine, shake by corresjwndences, for that which is from the Divine falls into such things in nature as corresjiond to Didne tilings. This is according to tho law of Divine order. Let us summon a witnctM or two. The invisible things of Him from the cre- . . . i t i i i.. It is also recommended that primaries uuo,n ??2a i, r..' . A . 5 .b for tiio olection of delegates to said con-' "I,uult - iu . ...V. . " ..' vcntionlK) held in the various precincts iloIM-2ttur: " v ..... earth, are in Dcnnes 2000 years shadow of heaven ; and things therein each to the other like, more than on earth is thought. John Milton. There will Iks no scientific evidence of God's working in nature, until naturalists have shown tliut tho wholo creation is tho expression of a thought, and not the pro duct of physical agents. Iet tho natur- luok at the world umicr such in ressioiis of tho thoughts of Him whom wo know, love and adore unseen. -Mutt is the end to which all the uuimal creation has tended from the first Pahtozoic lifches. Pitot. Agassi.. The couiurativo imutouiist lias shown that all created vertebra1, without excoj tion, are analogous, so that tho induction Incomes irresistible that an archetyiK! existed previous to the creution of the lirst of tho kind, bhull we then hesitate to bolievo tluit tho systems of law like wise lwrvado tho moral world? Wo can not Bliut our eyes to tho established fact that an ideal, or archetyjHJ, prescribed tho form of uuimal life ; and shall we not lxjlieve that tho tyjw of ull intellectual life likewise exists in the Divine mind? Mu. JJ.vNCKorr before tho How York Historical Society. What then is tho alternate view? It is tho after rojectiou. with Berkeley and Swedeuborg, of the indeiendent existence of matter and tho efficiency of natural forces. It is a frank return to the old idea of direct Divino ageucy, but in u new, more rational and non-authropio-morphic form. It iu the bringing together and reconciliation of tho two apparently antagonistic and mutually excluding viows of direct agency aud nuturul law, the timo tern of u rational philosophy. It is tho tielief in it God not faraway beyond our reach, who once, long ago, enacted laws and created forces which contlnuo to run tho machino wo call nature, but a God imminent, resident iu nature, ut all times and in all places, directing every eveut and determining every phenome non a God in whom in tho most litem! sens not only wo, but all things have their being in whom all things consist, through whom all things exist, and with out whom there would bo aud could bo Temiitirature Iu OrrRon. To tho Editor oftho EuHt Oregonlan. Basuok, Coos Co., Oit., Kub. -2, '63. As a numlwr of jKjople are expected in Ortv-on the comiui; snnng and summer, , ,,iiut orhai8 it umy bo well for them to know imj,rc.HljionB . una ovidonco will pour tho teniiKiraturo of the various localities ; UJK,U U8( tjmt M creatures are express! OI tne aiaiu us luiuinuni uv uiv -tiici vi tho government signal service for Oregon, and published by the Portland Journal of Commerce in its issue of Fobruury 11, 1S3S. Uuntlon Newport.., Itonnhurt;.. AHtorlu.... Almmy. SIO.STHI.Y MEAN. ,30.0 Portland ttO.O nr ....... . I n ...mmj u xiin. uruuuu....H....n. L-tko'lew .!. l.7 Tho DiiUvH 'Ai H IRK I.tnL-vlllo jsl7 Lallrandd.. ...Ul M ...17 0 Ahlilaud , Kola During tho very cold snap tho follow ing were tho lowest figures recorded : AIIOVK ZEIMI. Candon U Antoriu. to Albany 1 Newport 1 ItELOW CKltO. I'ortlund - KiHt I'ortlnnd 4 Ashland 3 Eulu G Kosotmn; 0 Tiio UulleH H I.lDkvlltt 51 Lakevlow i'l 1m lirande - 31 From tho above it will be seeu that tho monthly mean temcruturo of Bundon, for January our mid-winter month is iour degrees higher than any other ior tion of the State ; and during the cold snap it was 10" degrees alwvo i'ortlund, 20 degrees above Koseburg, 28 degrees ulove Tho Dalles, 3S degrees above Lakoviow, and 48 degrees ubovo La Grande. Tho above figures sjwak for themselves, und toll tho intending immigrant, uud ull those who wish to move from one jortion of our State to another, that Coos couuty has tho U-st climate in Oregon ; und his spado will show him that tho soil cannot be surpassed for tho various requisites essential for tho growth and preservation of unimul and vegetable life. A Banuonian. Vntal I'ureult of n FnitUluM Wife. About a week ago Charles AVilliams eloped from Kecodari, Sonora, with the , nothing. ...?r". . -M...!.. .. ......I.. ....... 'Pl. ' . wife of Jack Martin, u cattio man. Tho woman appropriated $3000 and a gold watuli and chain belonging to Martin, vhile Williams scattered tho horses be longing to Murtin and neighbors to pro vent pursuit. Tho day following, Martin prouurud horses and ixase, and started In put stut. juosuay ne Benooi; tne party According to this view, tho phenomena of nature are naught else than obiectitied modes of Divine thought; tho foices of nature are naught else than dif fouout forms of tho one oinniptc.eut, Divine enorgy. Tho laws of nature, but tho modes of ojHsrution of that Divino energy, invariable becuusj Ho is un clutuueablo. According to this view, tho in a canyon near Hill's ranch on tho San , iuw of gravitation is naught oIho thun tho iiftdKft A soon as Williaiim saw Murtin mode of onoration of tho Divino energy hu Mjwned ftro ou him, he shot passing iu wistuiulng tho cosiuob tho Divino UipongU tins body and causing instant ; method of Ristuimtioh, the law of ovolu gtb. Tim ioe .returned to Fairbanks , the mode of ojjortdiun of the sauio 'Jfcr winiorcameutii, Houriug whlau Uiey Uhino enoruy in originating and ctovul lUMin VtniiaA stUst W illiaiiui and tho oping tho oowuo tiio Divino uroucs of waiitoi. mm wtuhgns qua nut -omwi maow; und science 10 but the -tom- IQVtUIIS Wvil.arm-d, turn deokro Wuiy will ,W; 7Utui WfiSy riot ntLwilo, M9it Uiw ; r ffloj(tiis,awl i9 Amariwn )vere ntte Irnaivlult'Q of tliasa Divino tin attU whe, m a word, iicowdiuK in this vv Uiiiio is no mil Sown but ejJvlt, wtd no tf..d Ijriaiidait oxistonco but Uod. Jnor. UnOavyrn, L. D., Univorrity No Taxes and a rcn.lon for Everybody. From tho London PcmocraL. "No taxes and a pension for every body," sounds like a fairy talc. It may tio converted into sober fact, not by con fiscating property, but by nutting a stop to cofiscation. Whv should it seem a thing incredible that 100,000 iersonB. having worked hard and honestly, should at the ago of sixty-live receive a iKjnsion of 10 ier annum" to make the remainder of their lives more in accordance with the bountiful provision which nature and art have provided for mankind? We now give to one landlord what might with justice be distributed to ono hundred thousand families. Tho income of the Duke of Westminster is rejKrtod to equal one million sterling er annum, and probably this is an under estimate of what ho actually receives, and far below what ho will get in a few years, unless common sense and common justice are allowed in the meantimo to prevail. For this million sterling per annum the duke confers no advantage whatover lipon the community. All the labor by which he benefits htiB Ikkjii ierfonned or paid for by others. Through tho oierations of unjust laws, made by landlords for laud lords, ho obtains tho jower to make these exactions. Year after year adds to his rent roll, while he stands with folded arms und simply absorbs the value for which thousands toil and remain unre warded. This gigantic and heartless fraud has culled law und religion to its aid. While in defies the ten commandments it in vokes them in the pulpit and iu the press. While it tramples on ull just laws, hu man or divine, it bribes lawyers to con tend for its unjust privileges anil crushes ull opposition by the weight of its untold and ill-gotten wealth. Think for a moment of this fact overy ono of the twenty millions of shillings which tho duke iockoia every year with out exercising a singly useful function; every one of these shillings has to be eurnod by tho labor of some one who re mains unpaid for his lubor. Workiugmcn in London earning 12s. per week pay 4s. iu rent, und of this sum 2s. goes to the ground landlords for doing noting. Funey tho Duke of Westtnineter de manding und receiving 2s. jer week, or 5 4s. er annum, from working families whoso wholo income is far less than tho cost of food alone in cases where the worn-out and impoverished families ure taken to the workhouse in order to joat Ione actual starvation. This is thought to be right, reasonable, and just. Whereas, to proioso thut a man who has been all his life long defrauded in his wages by means of landlordism, .should have 10 jer annum after he is sixty-five is ulwurd, Utopian and, indeed, positively lUinCUlCYUUH. The Cause for tlie Abuse. From the New York World. It wus brought out in evidence before the Congressional Investigating Commit too that tho retail price of coal in Phila delphia was $4.48 pe- ton in 1800, coin pared witli $0.50 now. Tho charge for transiortation htm lieen increased from $1.22 per ton to $1.80, though the cost of transjxjrtation has meanwhile been reduced 80 ier cent. This is what twenty-eight years of protection and ten years of "combines" havo done, Is it strungo that the Committee is abutcd by coriwration organs for discovering such facts us these? Mluea on Itutsel Creek. From the WhIIu Wullu Uniun. Tho mines on ltusscll creok ure now a tonic of conversation bv munv, and oltl mining mou eoiug the ore speak highly of tho prosjHx-t. A minis in steadily en gaged in developing tho discovery claim, and has every pr.pct uf aeon triking a body of galena. If oosUv worked and huso Hiatal ore were dimwerud, it would prove a gieat thing for the town and oountrv. Tho onginul lodo is now lowtad for "a lwigth ot over a mile and u half, though devolowuent work is bsing dom. on but ono claim. FARMERS AND TAXATION. 8vo,vrJ In I)uUlllo Courier Journal. "Let us look ct the articles taxed by this tariff, first in groups, and then ex amine the groups in detail : In it3, there were imported woolen poods to the value of W4.23.J.244, utKjn which was collected a tariff duty of -!,2i),717. an nverago of more than 07 per cent. Of silk goods wo imported to the valuo of $31,2(54,270, upon whch was paid a tariff of $13,540,300, or about 40 per cent. Here it will bo seen that goods of wool, the principal wear of the ioor, is taxed about 18 ir cent, more than goods of silk, exclusively the wear of the rich." Senator Vance. The Senator then went on to bIiow that wool was taxed from ten to twelve cents a pound, while silk cocoons were ajmiiiicu ?r.nt- ihttv. Thus it nnnears that the rich are given a little free trade in finerv, but the poor are not jwrmitted to partake of any of the blessings when it comes to flannels, blankets, wool hats, knit goods, "all goods made of knitting frames," bid morals, woolen and worsted yarns, wool en clothes, woolen shalls, women's and children's dress goods, coat linings, Ital ian clothes, alpacas, and hundreds of other articles into manufacture of which wool enters, all of which arc heavily taxed in the name of protection to that la bor that is compiled to buy these things ovcrv dav. 1 ill just print section 300, 307 and 308 of the tariff M:hcdulc. Sec how you far mers hts protected by this beneficent tar iff. Here it is: "300. Clothing ready made, and wear ing apparel of every description, not sjeci ficallv enumerated or provided for in this act, and balmorul skirts ami skirting and goals of similar description, or used for liko purposes, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair of tho alpaca goat, or other animal, made up wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manu facturer, except knit goods, forty cents jior -tound, and in addition thereto.tlnrty tivc jior centum nd valorem. '.! I '1..nl-u 1lnll11.mil ini'lrflfu t'lllllfia. ulsters, and other outside garments for ladies ami children's apparel and goods of similar description, or used for like purjKWcs, composed wholly or iu jmrt of wool, worsted, the hair of tho alpaca, goat or other animal, made up or manufactur ed wholly or in part by the tailor, seam stress, or manufacturer, (except knit goods provided for in Sec. 303) forty uve cents er -ound, and in addition thereto, forty per centum ud valorem. "378. Webbing, goring, susjenders, braces, beltings, bindings, braids, gal loons, fringes, gimps, cords und tassels, dress-trinimings, head-nets, buttons, or barrel-buttons, or buttons of other forms for tassels, or ornaments, wrought by hand, or braided by machinery, made of wool, worsted, the hair of tho allien goat or other animal is a component ma terial, thirty rents ier pound, and in ad dition thereto fifty per centum ad val orem." Vsi 4li.i fir., tliwvn nf tit. itnf v- eight wool sections of the tariff schedules. And right here 1 would suggest to overy fanner iu this country who reads this pa lter to set right down and write a letter to litii iiii.riilif r nf PmiirmKrf mill iiulrtlmt 'i-ii- tlemun to M;nd him a copy of "The Tariff on Imports into the United States, und tho r reo last, as contained 1:1 the -ct 01 of this pamphlet of eighty pages that one can form 11 projer conception of the sys tem of tariff taxation. There ure things in it of which you never dreamed. For instance, bergumot, a ierfuinc, is on the free lint, while castor oil is taxed 50 cents u gallon, nearly 200 per cent. Arsenic, a deadly joison, is taxed 50 jer cent an ounce. Iiecac, is free, while Kochelle salts is taked three cents u K)tind and Epsom salts is taxed half a cent a jtqtnidv . .... . . .. There is a hundred of such "incongrui ties" in this tariff iniquity which I 1ioij to note more ut length in the future. Meanwhile, this paper is closed with some remarks of u leading Iowa ltcpublicau: "Tiio Government is raising a surplus revenue of more than $150,000,000 a year which comes directly from tho jocke'ts of the icople. And as those revenue taxes now being collected ure so extravagantly in excess of the needs of tho Government and as tho jeople have to pav $000,000,000 in order to get f 150,000,000 fnto the Treas ury of the United states, increasing tho articles they buy from 50 to 100 per cent, everybody who reads und thinks at ull is asking himself, why should this anoma lous state of things exist ?" The Kdltor'a Critic. From tbe Walla Walla Journal, He stantis in tho stores with his back to tho stovo und tells how ho could run u nrnvspajwr; how ho could bo indcinm dent as a hog on ice, und call things by their right names ; how ho could expose corruption in high places, how lie could write good common senso. and none of 'your frivolous, trying-to-be-funny stuff. no criticises ouier jseopie's methods of conducting newspajmrs, und just wishes some ono would give him a chance to show his journalistic ability. The way to cure one of these chum is to get him to agree to write a sensible nrticlo every day for a week. Before tho week is out ho is sure to bo pumped dry, und will gap worse for un idea thun a cldckeu does with the pips. A redwood treo recently felled near Humboldt, Cal., measured 10 feet in tli nmeter one way und twenty feet iu tho other ut tho stump. It was 200 feet long, tajiering to a diameter of 8 feet, und con tained enough timber to construct a Bmull village. The Dally Uakt Okwwian, by mail, $0 uyoar; by carrier cunt u wQek. MardHoiise DAVE M9RM. rr!etr. Northwest Corner Main and Court Street, PINDLIT0N, OBXOON. CENTRALLY LOCATED Re-opened, Re-furnislied uud Equipped in First Olasa Style. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Free Conch to and from Trains. Pianos, Organs! SoM by- MiMS BR0S& CO., Are Fully Warranted. And n thle flrmV guarnntce U worth 10O cent on the dollar, they will handle only First-Class Goods Wo huvo come to stay. Wc havo adopted for our motto. "Ilonc.t dralhicutid inlr prices. We buy itrlctly forcnh. WcAhnll Rive purchasers the benefit. We can sell you an Organ or Piano on monthly in stallments. The lot Urnnd Mednl Given tr nny society win nwnrded the Klin ball Or.'an. Tho lanjcut stock of these Justly celebrated Orgnnscvcron exhibition In East ern Oregon ut our ware room 1. Mims Bros. & Go. City Drug Store, F. J. DONALDSON, Proprietor, MAIN' 8TKKKT, - PEN ULETON, Or., Continue In carry n full line of Drngs, Stationery, Placques, Perfumery, Toilet Arti- clea,.J?.ain.t9.an.d Oils. Agents for the AI.FHKD W RIGHT Teifumon acknowledged to be the fluent odors In the world, In bulk, ut nfty cents per ounce. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEP'T Is under the mnuogemcut of a thorough I'hnrmacUt, und euktomer cau rely ujMin huvliii their prcxcilptlons comoundcd accurately uud at bottom prices. No nub stllutlng one itrtlole for another In pre scriptions. No Boys or Apprentices Employed to practice ou the public. Should you need anything In our lino we will give you a better article for lets monoy than any other store In town. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PENDLETON CANDY Factory, 11 AY Ell 0 SILSlUJI:,lioi-let'iti plHinifncturors of Plain Candies and Taffies, Ami duelers hi Fine Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars end Tobaccos. GivQ Them a Trial. SALE OF COURT HOUSE BLOCK IN PENDLETON. Xiotlce In hereby given, that pursuant to au oruer issued out of ttn County Court ol Umatilla county, Oregon, duly mad- and eutered on the 18th dav of Kebruarv. IksX.kiiI,! UiOHtll aCfounty wllUell to the hUhe-t and bet biddeu, uud in urh lots and purwis u may be deemed most udvantugeous, IU vul lltllllM ri.fll .Uttllu .1... ........ ... 11 tr..... In tald county, commonly known us Couu iiouse block, situated between Main, Court und Altttbtreels. In the heart of Die bulnes Mrtlon of tald town, nud containing eigh teen USt InlM frniillmi nn Mi.ln P1.11.1 .....I , Cottonwood strtofs. Healed proposals for the purchaku of said properly, or of any por ; tlon thereof, wl l bo ruceivou by the umler slgned, Iheiounty Cleric of said couuty, nt atmn of Thursday, The lUtb duy of April, A. I 1KHM, Aud all per.oini so bhldlug will be required to muke payments inn-feuunt to such bealtd bids prior to 10 o'eloek In the forenoon of uU d.y. Atbald laat mentloutd hour all Ion and pans of lots not then siold will bo ottered for s ile at 1'ubhc Auction, In purcels to ult bidders, and as may uppear nio.M ad vautajeotik to said 1 ourt. The county ls a f .liuplo estuto Jn said proper!, and will e-ecuto proper deeds of oouv yanee to pqrehaseiu ui the ilm uf t-nle. lilt purohune prie )nut Do paid 010-hulf in t usta upoi iihduy j(m -.und the rmuln dMronor bef.r. Octou.r lO.ISh.'J, puivhaisirs togietliHir lutes t.r the same with iwr ool ko unty to )eaniioved by tho ouit. Tlia unifu.. nf - t.. ..T.i.i ...... .i... Count Treasury. nd etHi urtfor thw tur- oe of ereeting A nrw CMiri ilou (tUd jral for nalu uuuuly. fw whol iiurptwo shI(1 ourt h ruttl a bm fund kuoWi a h G,A. UASlTfltKX, County OltjiU. Jiy Urderoft ftl fobSI If tvIhI Tickets Ti and KuropeT e,,f Elegant Pullman Palace Emigrant Sleeping C in. run Ihrowi. prtM Traln t0 OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND SI Free of charge and without cb Clo.'o connection nt lorttand for .,t clco aud i'uget SouoU rol,!!' r.nt bound pnyeriicerarrl vi ti34 parts at 6:00 p. m. WeU bound UHneneerarrtrM.ti- pan ai 4:15 p.m. Walla Wall aad Pe.fU,u Leaves Bt 6:00 a. m. for Wslli rive at 4.C0p. ni. from Wall Wli To San FrantlKo, Leave steamship wharf, TortUsd night, a follows: a'" Oregon WVd.Jan'y 4; ColumWife.i State Thus t 'll:' Orv'tSS ColumblH, Krl so; State TulJi.f Oregon Mat ' at; Column ( To I'ortlaad. Leaving ftpear st wharf San Fruriu a m as follows: m ColumblaTuet Jau.1; stsie. g.i Oregon Wed II: rolumbh sii HtaieThursdav Jan IffjOreiton Moa 5 Columbia Krl Jan 37; State TawLt Hates of l'aumrt. Including meals nndtxrtii Cabin, ..... Mteenige, - . , Hound Trip, Unlimited, For further particulars Inquire ofun of the Company, or A. U Maxwell,! A T, A., i'ortlund, Oregon. A. I. MAWII W. H. HOLCOMB, A,0'P'M General Manager. W. C AI.LOWAYm IV'tidletnn, ftj To San Francisco, d By war of the Oregon & California El Aad Connections. Tho Mount Shasta Jta Quicker In time thunanroue Route, Helwcen POUTLAKD AND fiAN FRASO Leave Portland at 4:00 p. a. i Through time, 39 hours. puiiiiMA.v; nrvFKT mmi Excursior Sleepers for Class Fassengers on through trains free charge. Fart) from Fertlanit to Htn and Man Krauelseo: 'lrtclnMH Uiillinlted.... t'lrMt'Cla-MH, Minltrd. -1 Hecond-clnt, Llmltrd...... 1 Tiokct Offlce: Career Kaad Front Hts-rrtIiK E. IN UOUKIW.O. F. - rwiif It. KOKIILBK, Manager. GREAT OVERLAND ROlf TUP Nnrthprn Panifin lilt. iiuiiiiiiiii iw...w -- ... vfc.f T TVl' 1I1TVV1G Pullman Mate Sitting Qint Magnificent fi Elegant Kmtannt kW,Vl With Berth! t)rt 0 From Oregon and Washlngtw ' to the Eat, Via fH. Paul and Mlinspoll. line running Palace Ilnln;C (Meals 75 ccnU.) fastest Tlw Kvrr 3I'' Coaat Over the sorthen lai.llc Itallroad To Rloux City, Council Bluffi, a Burlliigton, Oulncy. w. . IwJ t.Cm nil pol u ts t h rougliout the Kat east via 8t. Paul and Mlnnfrol EMIOUANT8I.KKPIS0CAK Are hauled on resular ,f Pff" the entire length of the ortMfi Kallroa Leave Wallula Junetlon8:IO.B Leave Portland 3 p. n 'VITd' m, Minneapolis or 8t. Paul I2. t- oils to nil points Ka.l.fcoulh soa e PACIFIOI)IVIfiI0. Train will leave Portland dr " in., connecting wlth O. It. 4 ".-" all points on Puget SoA'jf chaBL General Western Pasieu'ijer At Washington bt., IwaY, WM. GARDNER 4" Mauufaciurr of Steam and Hot Heating Appara FOIt DWELLINGS OH PUHUO Specifications and elhnl heaUnghulldlnglnttuyeeclo- try. Correspondence feOlirv. OFFICE: 34THinDSTRS Portland, Oregon- ; 1 1 . 1 it,'l I AIMS-, HI' V