East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1888, Image 1

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J- t
rtroM r fce iUy Sensl-Weekly
EAST OftKOONIAN cm freely make use
of the KAsi' OKKOONIAN library whe
ever thy m desire. The pnbllc re enr
dlstlty Invited to visit the efllce whenever
o Inclined.
Hnventyflvr cents In money or stumps
will pny for the Hnl-W.-ekly KABT OltK
(H)NIAN rmm now until nfter Hie iliuiu
t-lncllons. Two tlollnrs will pay for the
Dully KAMI' OltHOONIAN for tho same
lenRlh of time ly mnll.
YOL. 1.
NO. 1.
i . . . . . i
ft ' ' '
liv n rrsronHblo party with plenty of ford,
. . i t ft I. ...it . nlllMll a It IS A ttl I vnuu
II III III b lJ llcnu ui vuno uu nnwitai aiioiuan
tlllH (IttlCC.
A No. 10 child's hoo, on tho Mrootn In Pen
dleton. Kinuer leave- ai uii uince.
rjiil nnn hrmvn unllnr (loir, llltn no snots Otl
him. unsworn to tlio nuino of "Hex." For IiIh
return, or information leading to tils ro
covery, tf reward will be jniM n Ii,y
ttl feb2l or J. J. iiiVLIjKU.V V.
Hiiuill l)niiil of American horses, nil Rood
t.c. fur milo. a nni v 10
w. w. wumvuuTH,
In febM lm Kcho, Oregon
A mixed band of ntok horses forsiile, In
small or iarje low. All khki sixo American
horses Ciin boenn nl Hirnhnrl station .on
the o. It. & N. mad, six mKn below .'eiiiue-
lon. lor particulars uddr, ,,
tu feb28 lm
Pendleton, Urcgoii.
oricK to coNTUAtrroiia.
llldtt will bo recolved nt tho office of tho
city surveyor until noon on Wednesday,
Man-li 7tli, fortlio llniiijf wita uriPK nun ce
ment the city reservoir. In iiccordunco ltli
plitiin ami specifications, which can bo neon
ut ItothchlUl uiU Heiiu's store, PendMnti.
fcl28td Town surveyor.
a aiiliMnllil stnnk mtioh nt hutikriint urlr.es.
aoodfonniy klntlof iocK,opecliillyuuuplcd
torumiliiKslicnii l'h'iity ol running water,
nutldo mux?, located In Yukinm cotitiiy.
Hheopwintor on thru day to two woolen1
feed. TurniN to null. Address: J. M. T.
llox CO, ttoxlyti,
frl feb!7 I in Klttllns County, V, T.
All nni-sons Indebted to the firm Of Holllllzo
t HiniiT iiro ren,uosteil to coma forward nnd
nettle with tho uiidorrtlirnvd ut once, or the
iircoiiutN will ho pliiced in tho hum! of un
attornoy for collecilon. I mean IiunIiic.ii,
and iiiiihi hiivo inonuy.
rcndlcton, Unti'n, Kebruarv 17, 181.
frl fobl7 lm Jq-iHl'II IIASliKlt.
.rHACIl KEW'Alll).
A rftwanl of llvo dollars ii head will ho paid
for Information loading to the recovery of
tno following doxcrlbed horex: one Koml
mare, Itutii face, 7 on tcftHiiouhlnrnnd O on
leftltiuK. One Korici two-year-old horno
colt, white lotn, u on left Hunk: one bay
inare.twoyciiMold, hrtiiided O on loft Haul;;
one norrel ill ley, two yearn old, game brand,
and one buy lllluv, oniuUed It (tip ldo down)
on rluht hlt. Addreitn:
tit febll lm H'mlon, Oregon.
Tho lurtnernlilp ' Kiwi I'aRO-TiMtln nml
John c. I ,cii n rc, uii:. the firm nanio of
Timlin & U'Hituru, ItavliiK heuu dlwuilvud hy
iniitual conxrtit, nil iiuioiih hivvlnu ulalniH
asaliiHt raid iliiu will pioa.ix pr--iunt Ilium to
mo hy inandi Int; nod tf It perin owIiik mud
firm mini. tieilte with me, hy nolo hrcunh, by
xald .unroll lm, or costi will ho mlilt-d.
Dated I'oitdlolon.Orfjtun, Kehmaiy 13, 181
KIUJJ t'A(llTUhnN.
In fobl 1 3w Altoni'y nt l.uw.
(leoivo II. M. Jolnikon liohl ft note nlgneil
hy .lethro and K. A. Hnnlwlck. Thlx nolo
Iiuh bouii puld.aud tho putillouru hereby .ic
coidlnuly notified of that fuel.
1'OIHllOton, OrUKou. KehruaryO, HvM,
foblOlm E. A. HAUDVVICK.
jotich to okhditouh.
To whom It may concern! All pcrnonn
knnwiiiKtliem'olveH Induhttd to tho eHtuto
of .lumen U. ilcCoy nr.i hereby notified n
Nottlo mii or hefi.ro the flrnt day or May, mid
save trouble and cost.
tufob7 Admlnlhtralrlx.
$10ll":WAK"' -
"For tho return, or luformu'lon
mo iii'iMivcry in mm uiu i"nivi"ii hi ,
with Xovor top ami boKom, which Ntruyed
from Nolln. Unlatlllft county, v-nil weekH
, br.lllded A
since. Addreas! JACUII INOICAM,
frl fob! Hn Albu, OrfKon.
To whom It may concern! Take nollco that
tlioHoulli IlrltUh Flroand Marino Insuraiieo
Company of New Zealand iloslrvti and In
tcudH loceaxodolui: biiHlneNt In tho M".le of
OreKou, and to withdraw lu cupltal there
from. TllK HOtn II HlUTIHll Filth; A
ootl 0)im Altoriu'iH.
First National Bank,
LrviAnkeny, ,
Jacoh Fit az Kit,
Horn X. HtHrglH. Cashier.
Transact a Koneral banking bun Incus.
-On all parts of tho world
ColleotloiiM arudit at nil l'olntr. mi
HeiiNOiiulilc tiu-iiiH,
Mam street, l'endleloii, Oretfou,
Trnnsacto Gonorat Banking
Vice President,
4ami htkki,,
,qK0i V. IjAJttJilON,
MtUlo . (tWtiutbla
J)1 12
Vent Hprnh Afnlnt tlio lcnlnn Btcul
Horrible llulehnry In Tcxwt Tim Htrllm
Mny be Hnttled Anollier Train Itobliery
CnrconinV HI oney Alpine AvhIuiioIips
Plaie unil Curt Now Supremo Court
To liducato Itidlnn Chlldrnn.
WAKiimtiTON, 1). 0. Tho bill for tho
coinimlHorv education of Indian children
llllH IHlHHCtl Ixjth IIoilsch. Jt IllllkCH It
tho tuity of tho Keorohtry of tlio Intorior
to CHtublinh tin industrial lioimlin Kuhool
ii)M)ii ovory Imlltin i-cHorvation when the
mho or When nitmlwr llvo liunurod or
Vent on tho Pension lllll.
"Vahihnhto.s, ). C. Fohnmry 21).
VoHt nnttjo yostortliiy ,n iiroiit hjicccIi
tiijon tho dependent ikjuhIoii bill. Ho
Hhowed that out of two million, thrco
hundred thoiiHiuul unrolled Koldiorri th'ero
tiro ut tho proHont titno, twonty-llvo ycarH
uttor tlio Horvico ovor two Hundred tnou-
Hnntl appllcatioiiH for iioiiBionH. Huch i
wholesale dciihIoii bill uh tliiH wuh calcti
latc'tl to ucnorato political ubuno. Homo
of tho HtroiiL'ont advocaten were tming it
to tiiako a Did tor tlto presidential nomi
nation. Vent Halt! In conehiHitm:" Whether
1 inn iartinan or non-partinan. my eon
yictiona reiniho mo to vote againut thin
bill: ami I mtv hero and now that if it
pasfOH tho Soutitu. I Bineerely hopo it nny
die tlio death in tlio other hnineii ol won
gresH; and if not thuro, then at tho hand
of tho oxeeutivo."
Tniftudy nt Denver.
DfcNvmt. Col... lfufi. l). M. F. O'lJoll-
1r n I winirtM u1tif nml
IVJ f le -Willltll.ll2 tlteff miUV ttllA MllfJll
hero to-day by a l-ix'd Hall, a well-known
architect. O'Uellloy atlacked Hall in a
notei (llntiiL'-iooin. uutl knocked mm
down. Hall, while lying on tlio floor
Hied foiiridiotH at O'llellloyha'c of them
taking elTect.
A AVholealo HlittiKlitur.
Hm'HTON, Tux., Fob. '2U.A Mexican
tlretl a negro cabin Hixty mileH west of
hero, and idiot the oceupantH an thoy
eamu out of tho burning building. Five
purnoiiH wore tlum killed and one ho
riotiKly injiiiod. .Lwo olhurn wore liurned
to death in tho cabin, ami one wan
caught ami hanged to a tree. A Hiiit for
tho noHHo.Srflon nt tho land on which (ho
cabin wan Hituated, which had lately boon
decided in favor of tlio negroeH, wan tho
catiHo of tho butchery.
Another. Murder.
Houhton, Tuxaii, February H.
ir. flloh) -hot and "lcillutl FranU'
Kicortl yorttorday in Coloratlo county.
(tcotd, it 1h alleued, had inmiltcd Aloro'H
Tliu Ht'rlko May he Knttled
l'irrriiiuitti, I'a., Fob. lit) PronItluJit
lVlcln:, of tho Chicago, llurliugton &
itUii.cy railruul. 1h liero, and linn had a
IHjirioiutl intorviow with Arthur, Chief of
tho Brotherhood of HngineorH, -and Haiti
that uh a coiiHiHuioni'o bu believed tho
Htriku would bo bottled to-night. Knight
of Labor hngineerri are mill coming in
and offering thorn Hurvico, and are being
ut to worlc,
A liny Killed.
Nr.w YnitK. Fob.. il) Ihuuu Uarrett. a
oy, fell from thoHixth lloor of atonement
iniihu to the urouud.and IiIh body cruiilied
alinoHt out ot human Hcmblnucu.
A III); Lump of I.uok.
Ni:w YoitK. February, 21). Henry I).
Hid voiith, of Rutherford, Now Jer-
hov, a houw)-kcoiK.'r, Iiuh jtint fallen
teir to a miilton doiiarn uy tliu deatn ot a
Uerman relative, and Iiuh gone to claim
tin lorttmo.
(iou)il mid Hiik K.e.ipe.
Nr.w YoitK, February 21). Tho
Grand Jury InvcHligating tho crimi
nal chargeH agaiiiHt Jay Gould and Kim
hcI t?ago luiYo roportett, and found no In
dictment agaiiiHt thorn.
Another Train Jtobbery,
St. Louih, Mo., Fob. 2'J. Tho Southorn
ArkannaH ami ToxtiH Kxprcas train wuh
robbed at one o'clock thin morning one
mile from KingHlaml, Arkantnm. Tho
roblHiin HinaHhed in tho doom of tho ox
preyii car. anil tccured between llvo thou-
Hand ami ten thouuautl dollars.
KiiIkIiU MuUon DeniMiid,
I'mmiPito, I'a., Fob. 20. It ih now
doomed that K. of L. engineers nro taking
tho placuoftho llurliugton HtrikorH. Thoy
promise Chief Arthur that if any K. of J..
ongiueorH have gone to work thoy will re
turn to their houiCH if ho will call IiIh
engineers oil' tho Heading railroad and
tho llrooklyn olovatcd road.
C'orcornn'n Kutnto.
Wahiiinoton 1). 0, Feb. 29. Tlio great
er portion of tho otato of W. AV. Coicoran,
tho lately deceased millionaire, valued at
thtcu million dollarn, in left to his grand
children, Goorgo 1'., LouIho M.,und Will
aid C. KimtiH. It in to bo hold in tnint
for thorn for ton yoani. Otio hundred
thousand tlollatH iu given to tho Cotconin
tut gallery, making ovor a million dollars
that ban boon boHtowcd by .Air. Corcoran
on that iuHtitution. Fifty thoiiHiind tlol
KtiH iH.given to the Homo for aged women
nuking half n million given to that in
Ktittitiou. Whltniwishlni; Chtor PanUh.
Foistlanii, On., Fob. 2p. Last ovou
ing'H teli'gtuin hajHt "Folico CoiiiihIbh
iouoru Jonathan Uourno, Jr., Joo Kimon
and 1$. J', l uulwcll aio detoiinlned to
whitowatih Chief of l'olico l'anih, in ihs
llitnuo of factH of which ho bIhiuIh publicly
.I'onvluled. 'J. ho grand Jury nmy yot b-
able to (lift tho cau to tho bottom, ami if
Un toino ouo may got hint.
ilSluni mi UU Vjiyttme.
l'oirrfiA.s-n. Qbsqox. 'j&bruttry 20.
Ihuniij JJUyn of 'Vpnillyton' avrWod
from Kan Francisco to-dilV Ulltl leaves for
l'oiidietbn to-morrow.
1'fiitTf.ANii. Oiikoon. Fobrttan' 20.
"Sho," now being played at tho Now
I'ark rneator, ih meoung wnu luiiirouuu
onted huccchb.
Hnnroiiie Court Hoclslon.
Bai.xm, Ou., Fob. 20. Tho &iprome
Court to-tluv decided tlio case of tho Or-
irmi AVnullltltrioiI HHVlllL'M hunk nmiol
lantH vh. Thomas A. Jordan, Hhorilt' of
Multnoniiih cotintv. Tho Ittdginont of
thn lowur court is reserved, and tho Btilt
ordored to be disininHcd.
Nchoaner AV rooked.
ti . t n . . uvA. on Tl.n
c?.r, ,wiKitij u.iii., j. uu. mvt
Schoonor Kowark, with a cargo of lGJOW
foot of lumber Is wrecked, it is proi
iihiy a total loss.
Steamer llrttns Ilrduced.
San FiiANOisotl. C.vi... Fob. 20. Tho O.
It. & K. Company Jiitvo reduced their
rates between Han Francisco una rortittna
to $1(1 for cabin ami $8 for Htoorago pafl-
Hongors: for tlto round trip, caunr .io,
Bteorago $15.
, a Hiueiue.
San Fiianoisco, Oai.., Fobniary 20.
Cantaln H. Is. Hlierlock. lorniorlv an
olllcor in tho United States Navy, suicided
at tho 1'rescott Hoiiho thiM forenoon, by'
shooting lutuHclf in the head.
JCArthiiuMke Hhock.
San Fkanoihco, Cai..,, Fobniary 20.
i HliL'ht eartlinuttko sitoek wits lolt in
dillcront parts of tho State to-day.
San Fiianoisco, Cai... Fobniary 20.
ltossilor & Smith havo failed; liabili
ties, $00,000.
Aiiotuer nuiciue.
Mauyhvii.i.k. Oai. Fob. 20. Jo Coti-7
sins, a lalHiror, to-dav made tno tiitn ana
this tlmo a HticcoHHiui attompt to tauo ni
own life. Ho swallowed laudanum.
Tim Vnllcjit Tlcthns.
AT n.t 1.I 0(1 Vnnnriil unr.'
vices for hovoii of tho victims of tho forry-ij
boat explosion occurred to-day. Flags1
woro uumr iil iiuii-uuihi. iuihuichh wuh
susnonded and the schools woro cloned.)
uiooin overspread tno wnoio coimuiiniiy.
TIL. I I T ...... !.... l..l..wwl
died this morning. This makes tliu total
number killed, twenty-inno.
Avuliiiiclio lu ltuly,
I'ouTbA.Ni). March 1. Hispatches from
Europe this morning roiMjrt violent snow
storms prevailing in Northoru Italy. Sev
eral villages in tho Alps havo boon on-'
tiroly destroyed by avalanches, and sev
eral lives iiuvo noon lost, irootm nave
een sent out to aid the suflbrors. Many
stroycti by an tmtlancho, and thteo
uuards und four other men killed. An
avalanche completely covered the villago
of SturiMine, and 'thirty lives woro lost.
llulhvny Transfer.
PouThANn, Ou., March 1. Tho Mult
nomah Street Hallway company was
tninsferred t Van H. DoLash-
mutt and George A. Marklo, Jr., for tlio
purchasers. Tito now olllcors of tho com-
auy are: uco. A. Alarkio, dr., lircsideut;
van H. DoLttshmutt, vice iia'sidont: 1).
cousists of about thrco miles of street
railway, sixty-nino horses and nineteen
cars, nml Is valued at sovonty-llvo thou
sand dollars.
Another Ohio Tragedy.
Eaton, Ohio, March 1. J. A. Boll, a
boy thirteen years old, who murdered his
mother about a vear into, has hist bcon
sentenced to imprisonment for life as tlio
penalty lor ms eriiuo. no cxmimcti ro
markablo stoicism for ono so young, and
received tho seutonco without tho least
apparent coucoru.antl as soon as removed
to tho prison sat down u a game oi earns.
A 1'. Tlland Hank ltulmbiirsetl.
Washington, 1). O., March 1. Tho
Committeo on claims have reported fa
vorably upon tho bill to roimbtirso tho
First National Hank uf Portland, Oregon,
for monies advanced to a government
contractor who failed.
A J'enilletou Case Decided.
Saluji. On.. March 1. Tho Sunromo
court this morning rendered a decision in
tho case of tho Pendleton Manufacturing
company, plaintiff and respondent, vs. J.
Alaliana, deieudani and appellant, ap
pealed from Umatilla county, and or
dered a ro-argiimeut of tho caso.
I'eiulletou l'rlsuuors.
PoiiThANi). On., March 1. W. J.
Furnish, United States Deputy Marshal,
arrlvetl hero to-day from Pondloton, hav
ing in charge Frank Shearer and Jsaae
Gober, accused of selling liquor to Uma
tilla Indians, Tlto former plead guilty
and was lined $10 and costs by Judge
Deadv. Gobor stood trial, was convicted
and sentenced to three mouths' in jail.
l'liluterH on u Strike.
Pouti.ani), Ou March 1. Tho painters
of this city tiro on a strlko and domand
ton hours' pay for nine hours' work bo
foro thoy will go to work. Tho carjHm
tors of tho city aro cooperating with tho
knightH of tho brush, A fow non-union
paintora undertook to go to work this
morning nmong union carpontoin and tho
result was a lreo light ami a "knock
down" or two with (ho carpenters on
toil. Tho "scabs" woro Immediately
taken oil'.
l'nrtluml Produce I'rlceo.
l'oitriNii, On,, March 1. Tho foreign
wheat market is improved, hut thorn i
not much advance bore. fcun Francisco
buyers biJ?l13D' to l.itl for No. 1 Hliip-
thing'Jitlffioiiig in. wool lieiw. !M
Undo in Kiuponghie is very aeumttntl'
Liij'OJM are wrJjnglfuU privQS. SdiMta-
...... u. r.r,Miv7pri..v-' r. . .1
.ulllinrnvi ii'ir ("jomtvn niul l.nlro nriino wrstit .
anirorinif from limlr of food. Snldlora nml f""irJ
.I...I 1. ...l! I lound OV
n'i ...t..... ........ ti x. C
xnu uimioin iiunru aeiii uunuva n uu- i
TwoHty-Tlve I'eople Killed, nd Others
Hnlly Injured An Kx plosion Causes the
Monday morning thoro happened tho
most terrible fatality in tho History of
Vallojo. About 0 :10, just uftor tho whis
tle had blown to signal tho departure of
tho stcamor Julia from tho South Val
lego wharf on her first trip, and before
she had got looso from hor moorings, a
torrlblo explosion occurred, racking too
vesHol.through its wholo extent, and fill
ing tho air with volumes of smoke. Tlio
curly trip takes all workmen living on tho
Vullojo side to their work iu v 'rious In
dustries on tho Contra Costa side, also
those going to San Francisco, eonso
(lttontly thoro wore a great many pafeson-
gors on board. Tho morning being cool
most ot them had gathered about the
Wtuin smokestack iu tho lowor cabin. As
tho explosion camo from tho boilor these
mop woro directly exposed to tlio torriblo
shock. Besides this, potroloum used for
fttol was scattered through tho steamer.
hotting it on ilro. Thoro was torriblo con
fusion and heartrending cries from
crushed ami burning men. Tho force of
tho explosion is shown on u body that
was dratrL'nd out of thn wrnck hv Con
stable Jxigttn, without head or limbs, und
utterly unrecognizable. Tho burning
steamer sot tiro to tho wharf, and for
hours tho flames hold sway until tho
boat was burned to tho water's edgo.
There woro 'fo'rty-nino passengers on
board, of whom at loast twonty-fivo woro
killed outridit. uutl munv others woro
badly iniurcd. It is believed the explo
sion camo from tho boilers.
Laura "Wobstor, of San Francisco, is
emerging from a cataleptic trance of thrco
months. duration.
Tho "Union Suuaro theater, Now York,
with all its contents, was burned Tues
day; loss ovor $1100,000.
Jumcs Lynch, a section hand who had
imii ....i .. rM it.?. r. .. 1 1 . .in . i .......
found dead near Fort Assinaboruo, Mon
tana, having evidently boon murdered.
The last seou of him ho was carousing iu
a saloon.
A report of a U. S. iiiHiHjctor as to tho
arrest of certain parties charged with
smuggling opium across the Canadian
Hjrdur, contains un entry ol a payment
of $200 by tho smugglers to Horliort F.
needier, lornier collector oi customs at
Seattle, and ho lias been called to Now
York to explain.
At Santa Crux. California, tho body of
Aloyricx, Jr., aged si years, was
or his wife's mravo in tho I. O. O.
omotery, ho having shot himself
through tho mouth. Tho wife of deceased
dictl a fow months ago, after a short mar
ried lifo, and it is believed that constant
brooding over hor death drove Moyrick to
commit the desperate act.
Tho Montana Smelting Company of St.
Paul has closed a contract with tho Groat
Falls Wiitor Power Company of Mon
tana, and will erect tho largest smelting
plant in tho world at Groat Falls, on tho
Missouri. Tho companv has a capital
stock of $1 ,500.000, which will bo in
creased as required, and their plans call
for tho expenditure of nearly $2,000,000
for tlio erection of furnaces and other
Maggie Guggan, fifteen years of ugo,
was assaulted and murdered and her
body concealed in a closet In Green
Bros.' boot-heel factory, Chicago. Soph
Davis, a mulatto, 22 years old, i Hup
posed to bo the murderer. Ho loft tho
store before tho discovery of tho body,
and has not yet been found. Tho girl
worked in tho factory, und it is supposed
that she reached there about' half past
six. Davis at that time was thoro alonu,
and it is supposed ho criminally assaulted
and murdered her witli a hatchet, hor
skull iHilng boaton to nieces. Tho cloth
ing and Iwtly gavo ovidonco of tho girl
having made a desporato struggle.
Northwest Notes from Wuslilujrtosi
A postoillco has boon established at
Grand Viow, Owyheo county, Idaho.
Lafayette Aspinwall has been appointed
postmaster at Biggs, Wasco county. Or.
Patents havo been granted to tho fol
lowing: Edward .E. Kedllold, Linkvillo,
magazine gun; J. E. and Minim Burnett,
East Portland, paint; James J. Hcilly,
Qpokano FuIIh, means for provouting
creeping of rails and rail joints.
An increase of pension was granted
to Dowitt C. Miller, Forest Grove,
and Morris S. Mills, Jackwonvillo.
D. O. Doughty has boon appointed
postmaster at Willainina, Polk county, in
place of H. L. Churchman, resigned.
Tho commissioner of Indian atl'airs has
reconimonded to Congress to appropriate
$S,000 for tho purohuso of land near Tho
JJallos, on tho Columbia rivor, for Indians
on tho Warm Spring reservation, to on
ablo them to havo good fishing grounds.
Maj. Powell, of tho engineer corps, was
instructed by tlio secretary of war, somo
tlmo hl'o. to make a survey of Tillamook
bay, in Oregon, with a viow of improving
tho channel. Mai. Powell has made his
rqport. Ho says Tillamook town is tho
principal PlacOiOf tho region in which it is
located. It is" situated on a fmiill hlough
near the head of the bay, and if tho dis
trjiiuting and receiving point of a fertile,
and rapidly Bottling country, Almg
thoyo rivers aro numerous sloughs. Ho
also states that eoast trails and loadscon
vorgo at that place, Ho recommends that
$l,t)00 Im -appropriated to clear cut tho
..fhow but little favorable prospect
v. , 1 --,1 1" - . .1. - Ti.-rT.ii,..
oposeu piuuuugtj on win "-'ticim;
lor um.niij luauu uniiuuiuo un wiu 4. uviut . .....-, "!yii
CopSf I to gather mussels. HHW
A fow trains woro sent out of Chicago
Monday morning, somo engineers not
havinc been ordered to strike. Just bo
foro tho titno appointod for tho strike
Train Master Pope issued an order that
no trains should bo moved west. This
...... ..i. t,.. .! i ii. iA
nun itmuii uy hiu limn jiiuii in iiiu iiii,.1 ,.. . . .
..u i.;i tho committeo of tho ivholo, and tho
as it coniossion tnat tlto company Had so
cured no 111911 worth mentioning, and
that tho rolling stock would in 11 moment
moro bo practically tied up.
At 4 o'clock precisely switch on
gino 447 wont to tho West Av-
entto roundhouse. Jilirco others soon
followed, and the engineers nnd firemen
quit work, nnd tho strike was on iu earn
est. Tho suiwrintcndont's ofllco was
crowed with applicants for positions.
Chief Engineor Arthur says they woro
willing to discuss tho disputed projiosi
tionswith General Manager Stono, and
to make concessions if thoy did not con
vince him thev woro riirht. "Tho strike
did not occur because of tho schedule, be
cause when tho question of wages was
raised Mr. Stono refused to .do anything
at all. Wo receded from our first projio
sition, and oilcrcd to accopt rants,
whico Stono refused in tho most positive
manner. He inado no projiosition to us
at all. and tho fight is now purely on tho
question of pay. Mr. Stone says wo
want to put unskilled labor on a par with
skilled labor, Wo go by tho assumption
Unit there is no unskilled labor on tho
lines of any road iu tho Union. Docs
Mr. Stono mean to say that ho has un
skilled engineers on any branch of his
road? "
An accident In consequence of tho
strike occurred at Napiorsvillo, Illinois,
Monday afternoon. Another accident
occurred near Council BlutTs. No ono
was killed, cut considerable damage was
A resolution of a K. of L. Assembly
says :
"Without going into an examination of
tho truth or falsity of charges of alleged
bad falih against us on tho part of the
Brotherhood, this exocutiw board is un
q'tnliflcd against any of its district mom-Lu-"
taking the places of theso striking
workers, and wo call on members of our
order ovory whoro to refuse undorunyand
all circumstances to become tools ot this
corporation in its hour of trouble."
Only ono train was sent out front Den
ver Monday ovor the C. B. O. lines. The
men rofuso to -work, but are orderly.
Now engineers aro advertised for.
Somo passongor trains moved from St.
Louis, but no freight was handled. Thpto
was nearly a susjionslon oi business at
Kansas City, Quincy, and other iwiuts.
Only llvo -traiiui -camo -into- Chicago
Tuesday, and but ono wont out. Now
mon aro being distributed all along tho
lino. Another accident occurred near
Fulton Tho engine, mail and express
cars of tho St. Paul train woro demolished,
and two mon aro reported fatally injured
and one seriously hurt. Tlio blame for
tho accident is laid to a green hand on
tho Burlington ongino.
Ovor ono hundred engineers to tako
tho placo of the strikers on the Burling-
ton system woro securod in New York.
Humors of a compromise aro in circu
lation. Olllcials of tho C. B. it Q. road
stato that applications for positions as
onginoors and iiremou aro coming in
constantly from all ovor tho country, but
as the company does not accopt anybody
except uftor a rigid examination, the
process of selection is slow, and conse
quently thoy do not oxpoct to bo in good
ordor for at least ton days. About fifty
mon so far havo boon selected. Formal
aotico wt.s issued Tuesday afternoon to
the striking engineers and llromoit, that
unsloss thoy report for duty by noon
Wednesday thoy will lo considorod out
of the v'o.npany'B otnploy.
A non-union engineer was beaten al
most to doath at McCook, Nob., by a mob
of rowdies.
Powdorly advises Knights of Labor to
not tako tho places of tho strikers.
A Milton Mwn'n Genius.
From tho Milton Eugte.
Tho patents havo bcon recolved by
John Millor, of Milton, for Hour mill
machinery invented by him. Ono tiH ;i
stono dresser, which does away with any
manual labor, tho power being applied
from tho shaft which runs tho burrs. It t
dresses tho top and bottom stones in a
tierfect manner and would gladden tho
heart of any country miller who Knows
no way but tho old. I. is tho saly dresser
lu tho United StatoB which is wholly
worked by motive jMjwor, and is far more
perfect in its operations und results than
any other.
Another invontlou is 0, wheat dryor
which works on tho same principal as tno
machinery of a clock. Tho old way
drying wheat is irregular. Tho top
wheat would bo dry and tho bottom
damn. This is obviated by a round tub
iu which is sot an upright shaft to which
is attached a largo wheel. At tho bottom
of tho shaft and attached to this wheel
is a svstom of scrapers which, with tho
whoel, iuako,ono revolution around tho
tub iu three hours, scraping the damp
ened wheat into tho elevator. bovo is
tho wheat spout, and attached to tho edgo
of tho wheel is a spout which drops tlio
grain into the tub.
i lui,' fin
From thuItinlTU Frop l'r. .
Tulk about climate! Bight hero on
Camas prauio, at an altitude of !I,0ju foot
above sea level, Cyrus Overman iwcaod
twontv-livo acres of barloy on tho 4t'u day
of February tho 1'nst grain sowed this
year and plows havo been ruunirg'
ovory day siuco.
11. y, uudson was uttiwit
ruin Trniii. k
drqwifad near tho
jwhiltj trying
Tho Scnnto rosumwl consideration of
tho bill to incorporate tho Maritimo Canal''
Company of Mcaragua. Sovoral amend
ments rciwrtcd by tho committee on
foreign relations wore agreed to.
tho mil was tnon reported duck irotn
nmondmonts!atrroc(l unon in committeo
woro concurred in. Tho bill then papscd
yeas 33, nays 16, as follows!
Youfl Aldrich, Adison, Blair, Brown,
Chase, Chandler, Colquitt, Cullom, Dan
iol, Davis, Dolph, Edmunds, Evarts,
Farwell, Fryo, Gorman, Gray, Halo,
Hearst, Hoar, lngalls, Mandorson, Mitch
ell, Morgan, Paddock, Payno, Piatt,
Plumb, Pugh, Sabin, Sattlsbury, Sawyer,
Shorman. Stioonor, Stowart, Teller, Tur
pio and Wilson, of Iowa 33.
Nays Bate berry, Blackburn, Coko,
Faulkner, Goorgo, Gibson, Hampton,
Kcnna, Pasco, Rcagon, Hiddlebcrg,
Yost, Waltham, Wilson of Man-land lb.
Tho senate then took up tho bill grant
ing pensions to ex-soldlors and sailors who
aro incapacitated for tho lierfonimneo of
manual labor and nrovldintz for pensions
to doticndcnt relatives of deceased soldicrti
and sailors.
The second section wbb amended by
adding tho words "and who are without
other adequate ways ol scll-fiupiort."
Plumb moved to strike out tho ytord
"totallv"boforo tho wonl"incapacitated,"
and gavo notice if it prevailed ho would
move to utuond further by providing that
tho pension should bo from $40 to $120
oniy, according to degrco of incapacity.
Aftor discussing the amendment was
agreed to yeas 27, nays 22, ami tho word
"totally was struck out.
Plumb also moved to striko out the
words"ln tho degree horcln specified;"
agreed to yeas 20, nays 22.
Plumb ulso moved to Insert tho follow
ing: "All pensions granted to widows
under this or any other general law shall
tako oficct from the date of tho death of
tho husbands of bucIi widow rcsiKictfully,
but not dating back of the passage of
this act ;" agreed to without dlAlsion.
Call moved an amomiuiont to make 1110
bill apply to those who served iu tho
Floida war. 1mt acooptod a modification
of it moved by Morgan by making it tri
ply to those wlio served in tno war wnii
Mexico (for thirty days) und in wars with
Indian tribes.
Without disposinc of this amendment
tho bill was laid asldo, and Blair otlered
an amendment (in order to navo 11
printed) providing for a service
pension at tlio rate of $10 Per mouth.
Tho House also Biient a. good.. deal of
titno itiyontln,rirgyM
.Morrow liiiromjOBxl k iwolutiar cillHi-kf
on tho President for iuforMMtioti , as? to
what steps have 'bech taken" til prdrait'
continued immigration of Chinese la
borers into tho I'nitod Stato.s, notwith
standing tho provisions of the treaty of
November 17, 1870, and laws passed in
pursuance thereof. Also to establish a
quarantine station at San Francisco.
By Grain of Texas A joint resolution
extending tho term of oillco of the Presi
dent until the 110th of April, 18S0, and
changing tlio date of meeting of Congress.
Voorhees of Washington Territory
For the aioiutment of a commission to
select a place for tho naval station 011 tho
Pacific coast.
Caroy of Wyoming For tho admission
of tho State ol Wyoming.
Bayno of Pennsylvania A resolution
reciting tho allegation that the commis
sioner of Indian atl'airs has forbidden
missionaries from teaching tho sacred
scriptures in tho natlvo language of In
dians in any school supported in part by
tlio United States, and calling upon tlio
Secretary of tho Intoriar for information
as to tlio authority of law under which
this order was issued.
Among tho bills introduced and re
ferred was one by Sherman, authorizing
an issue of circulating notes to national
banks to tho par value of bonds debited
Tho Senate joint resolution in relation
to the claims of John B. Head against tho
Unltod States for alleged uso of projec
tiles for rifled ordinance, was passed.
Tho following bill was also passed : To
authorize tho Omaha, Hayes City &
j Southern Hallway Company, and tho
Chicago, Kansas and Western Hailwuy
Company to build their roads across tho
Fort Hayes military reservation.
Call's amendment to tho dependent
pension bill, making tho bill apply also to
others who served in tho war of Mexico
or (for thirty days) in any of tho Indian
wars, as agreed to.
A long debate ou tho pension bill
1 .. 111.- 41. ...l.l 11. 1I..
all UulllllllVVvv V! IIIU llliuiu IIIU JXUiinu
leduced tho appropriation for a public
building at Omaha from $500,000 to $400,
000. 'i hat for tho appraiser's building at
Now York, to cost $100,000, Including the
nlto, was rniscd. Tho-House ratified tho
action of Hichaulson of Tennessee, who
loported adversely tno resolution ollered
this moining by Anderson of Iowa, call
ing on the public printer for cause of his
failinc to comply with tho order of tho
lloiiKofor ly,0viU copies of tho reports of
tho Pacific Baihvay commission.
the House committee on Indian atliilrs
will lopoi.t favorably tho bill to restore to
tho public domain jnirt of tho Uintah In
dian reservation in Utah, and that tho
grant to tho Billings, dark'' Fork
t'ooke City 11.il way right of way through
thj Crow reservation in Montana. A
minority iepot, signud by loui" moinborg
of tho committee, vill bo fiiibmiftod, on
tho luttor bill.
In a railroad aiwidwit nuaf StjxlUnjr
inu uan uuiu ihwhvi lAiupii . .iiuihui
wore injurud, kIx sovcraU
1 : 1 .
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