Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1942)
o h ÿg P re p a re Now fo r V -I-C -T -O -R -Y A FTE R V IC T O R Y Th, I t a l T i L « , ot H g l N e w s , G o ld Ih . Hill, Qregc T " , '. ' T Gold Hill irrigation District has „« * 7 ??"“ un‘‘‘ *»dneaday caused an assessment for District .* ven,n# *isiting with her son in purposes for the year 1943 upon th* ’ **w *n<1 daughter, Mr and Mrs Lloyd lands within the district to be made Dusenherry at their home at Wag ¿XLe,d Creek Talent; Mrt Dusen district, ami *an “assessment r o lM s “ »Pending the rest of this on file in ¡he office of said District I **** Wl,h her parents here: at Gold Hill Oregon, and is open Recent guests at the home of Mr to inspection, and all land owners, and Mrs Joe M w is have been Mrs assessment pavers, or other interest t^wi«*« ... i . u . i . u u . ed parties are hereby notified that * * husb«nds aril of Directors will at the Mr and Mrs Janies Armstrong of hour of 10-Ort o ’clock a. ni on the Pendleton who wrrf here over the 6th day of October, 1942, at the o f. S u r ' I Lusk u kh° o f f Portland p r and were r fice of said district in Gold Hill, Arthur who Oregon, meet and sit as a Board of guests this last week »nd: Equalization to review and correct the assessment roll as prepared, and purpose of v . Ihe *“Y .»’«■P'»»e OI hearing nearing and anti Lavcrn Dungey is now located in b> "nv i Ncw York Ci,y ° n *,u,v in ,h‘‘ VS i mt. it sit ii persons to said assess . \a v v ments and the apportionment there " of, and any other matter or matters i . --------- connected therewith that may come Mrs Effic Hladkburn of Rogue beforP River visited at the of ner her « them. I | -»avw. «tviistt m mv horn,, livuit» m inursaay sept. 17, 1Q4£ W» I-ast year the forest stood Idnth' UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OVER 20 presentation of the necessary form among the thirteen Oregon forests. MAY BN LIST IN KESKKVK CORI’S \ Statistics udicate a 39« percent from the university. {jntreaafc in lumber sale receipts Colonel C. L. Sampson, head of over the previous year. Most of the National Forest tim 1he HtrPC department at the Univer ber is being out on the South lint- sit of Oregon, has Just announced students over 2« ixjua district near Tiller. Oregon. that university One large sale has been made on years of age who are likely Io be service the Bohemia dialrict near Disston, called by their selective boards during Ute summer could be Oregon. In addition to timber sales, one enlisted ut once in the army reserv* aide has been made for Cawarn corps without waiting until the o- peiting of rtit, new school year in for sword ferme September. The problem of changing from war work, after World War !, to peacetime production, plunged us into a long and grim depression. Rural America felt this depres sion five years ahead of industry and business. We tried to warn la bor and capital but they would not believe the warning and insisted the rainbow and the pot of gold at the end would last forever. Students must be able to meet the Finally, the bubble broke and the THE WAR AND Bl'SINSSS physical and selioluatic require storm came. We had 12 million A Summary of the Week THKNDS—Drafting unemployed, the domestic market I HEX PS—Drafting of of used used con- con- ments under Ute army enlisted re »»ruction machinery for war work. for farm production was gone, and serves and also w show , n u t* « w w t Ute a is u necesstry r iia A llj % ,«*>« — personal attributes even the smaller export market sur A nation-wide inventory of such e- to make good SuipA,!enU h« t* en iP«ugurated by arnly officers, the colonel said Kn- vived only when we loaned Europe t‘hc War Production Iksard to deter the money to buy our products. mine its wheheabouts and availabil listments will bc made at the HOTC Farm income was reduced, mort office in Eugene. ity for immediate use. gages increased and many farmers Five hundred items of import The navy has also announced a lost their farms while industry, big •or» of Gold Hill Irrigation District fitem i all '-------- parts of the world were in broadening iin o e iiin g o of i iis its V-l >-i program, ac. ac- and little, was at its wits’ end to IlERTHA COY ROSS, Secretary. plmesi on an emergency shipping ii„ B nr r„_i r w l survive. • priorities list as vital to the nation’s ’ Carl Kosseek, Terry Meissinger Salem To Prevent a Worse Depression. >■-- of — .... is war-time economy. Only these items ,u‘u<* *,r “ ’e bureau of military In- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Our problem is to prevent even a spending Uiis week at the home of will be assigned cargo space on U formation and placement at the Un- worse depression at the end of this Earl Moore: He aecompained his bound vessels controlled by the iversity. Where beforc students bet- iiTJUBSTANCE” was the subject war. Every industry, big and little, mother and sister to Gold Hill and X' ur s h ,PPf”g Administration, with Upon \ t 17 and unefl 20 Oil •>*«•>• ween th« the tttfi»« ages t of years kJof the Lesson-Sermon in all has been retooled to produce air Il»y « . . . on „ 1 .« were eligible, 111,, age limit now Churches of Christ, Scientist, on planes, tanks, cannon and weapons Sunday, September 13. I Ihe British Isles, Canada and Sew - being extended to include all stu of war. Millions and millions of dol • Miss • • ’ *> / a spent p t i i I last H .M i in n i« l l and ltltl I insular II4 U IH I Evonne Moore S. trrilorial possessions dents under 26 years. Students who The Golden Text w’as. “Thy lars have been spent for this pur week kumdland, which may be allotted could not previously get in muy zeek at the Uie home of Miss D orothy, orothyfoundland, name, O Lord, endureth for ever; pose. ■ ■ . *n . Medford. . . . space not exhausted by emergency now be enlisted through their local Hansen When this war is ended it will and thy memorial, O Lord, items. navy recruiting office, upon the take the same millions of dollars throughout all generations” (Ps. u .o o . . Manufacturers of metal office ma- to turn these industries back to 135:13). Mrs Hattie Beeman of Portland *s rhinery were instructed to halt peace-time production. visiting at the home of her daughter work on all orders, old and new, Among the citations which Lessons of World W’ar I. Mrs C W Martin and Mr Martin. military or civilian, n p n unless speeifi-' comprised the Lesson-Sermon r n llv m t t h i i r i t r i n o o J k v W P Il We learned after World War I that | cully authorised to proceed by WiPH was the following from the Bible: our country cannot prosper unless The Army will place orders in the TIMBER SALES INCREASE “Many, O Lord my God, are thy agriculture prospers. We know now near future for lurge quantities of Bataaa wonderful works which thou hast wool cloth which w ill use the bulk that our country cannot prosper un Timber business in Douglas Co of the domestic wool clip now avail k M lI dene, and thy thoughts which are less agriculture, business and indus unty is on the increase us indicated able. This means that domestic w o f try, and labor are all prosperous. to us-ward: they cannot be reck A Dim* Out of by the annual report just prepared growers are assured of a fair price, Whatever our personal feeling may oned up in order unto thee: if I Every Dollar in and a state market for their wool. be, the fact remains that all of by V.V. Harphgm, Forest Supervisor would declare and speak of them, these groups taken together make up for the fiscal year 1942. The Ump they are more than can be num our domestic market which con qua National Forest sold more than All woolen garments cleaned WANTED bered” (Ps. 40:5). sumes over 90 per cent of our total 64 million board feet of timber hav by us are moth proofed at no The Lesson-Sermon also in We want wool, mohair, hides and production. ing a value in excess of $225,00«. extra cost. cluded the following correlative Labor can purchase its maximum pelts. Also scrap iron and all kinds Actual cutting done in these sales passages from the Christian of farm products if each worker has FRENCH LAUNDRY which put $55.000 in the U. S. Trea wf metal, junk batteries and radia <******»*«»****»»*»»»»*»»*»»»*«*»* AND a permanent job at good wages. The Science textbook, “Science and tors. sury. DRY CLEAN employer can pay good wages if he Health with Key to the Scrip Increased timber business on the GRANTS PAS8 BARGAIN HOUSE YOUR has something useful tc manufacture tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: Pick up and deliver t-wtua a Grants Paas. Ore Umpqua National Forest has placed 626 S. 6th St. and some one has the desire and the “God’s thoughts are perfect and money to buy it. Jobs at good wages it fifth among the Oregon Forest for week. Tuesday and Friday. eternal, are substance and Life. depend upon an employer who is receipts earned during the year Material and temporal thoughts making the money necessary to pay will he compounded with the are human, involving error, and the wages. You can know your EYES highest quality drugs obtain since God, Spirit, is the only Farm Prices Reflect Good Business. able and as exactly at your Eansaa only when required This makes it plain that with em cause, they lack a divine cause. Dr. Orville H. Scheetz Doctor orders at the depend ployers and business busy in use The temporal and material are not The Seal of Approval able— D r . H e r b e r t W H e r m a n n ful undertakings, with all workers then creations of Spirit. They are Optometrist employed at good wages, farm OPTOMETRIST but counterfeits of the spiritual prices will be good and consump EYE SIGHT SPE43AIJST OWL DRUG STORE and eternal” (p.286). Grams P au tion at its maximum. GRANTS PASS, ORB. 606 East H. St. The key to the situation is that 519 H. St. Phon« 2MJ GRANTS PASS, ORE. employers shall have the cash mon Mr and Mrs Joe Hanimersly are ey at hand to change from war man planning to move into the Morelock ufacture to peace-time activity with ' house this week. the least possible delay when this war ends. Our United States Senate is ' Mr and Mrs Harold Tause and Awarded by the American In searching for a plan that will pro . two children of Hugue River visite0 stitute of Laundering after duce maximum revenue to the gov I at the home of Mr and Mrs Delos Passing Rigid Tests Walker and Dixie Leg Sunday: ernment to insure victory; provid» a fund at the end of the war big OUR DRIVER PICKS UP AND enough and quickly enough to con Word has been received by his DELIVERS ON TUBS. A FRI. vert business and industry from war family that Seth Coy is now in Leave Tour Launsry at The work to peacetime necessity, but Camp in Montana. "Ace of Spadea" without the government having to borrow and lend the money for this Mr and Mrs Ralph Darling and purpose after the war is over. GRANTS PASS their daughter, Mr» Gladys Brewer Here I* a Simple, Practical Plan. STEAM LAUNDRY For the solution of all these prob and baby daughter al of Fort Kla lems there is one simple plan of out math,* visited friends in Gold Hill "Since I9ur standing practical value, based on last Sunday. the idea that war profits from all companies, big and little, should be used for this purpose. The tax rate on war profits is fig ured at about 90 per cent. Business and industry, big and little, would be permitted, however, to deduct from their taxable war profits 20 per cent of such profits, provided REAL ESTATE------INSURANCE the deduction is used to purchase United Strtes Recovery bonds. NOTARY PUBLIC Recovery bonds would be a spe cial kind of bond for this purpose JAMES L. ROORK only. Recovery bonds could not be sold or borrowed upon during the war, and neither would they pay any Gold Hill Hotel Annex interest. They must be held by the purchaser until the end of the war. The day the war is over these bonds would automatically start to bear interest, could be bought and sold, and become the same as any other government bond. The pur chaser could sell them or borrow upon them to obtain the money to change his business and plant from war production to peace-time pro FILL UP WITH STANDARD AND YOU’RE SURE duction when and as he needed mon ey to do this job. OF MAXIMUM MOTORING "PLEASURE, AND Profits for Peace-Time Recovery. ECONOMY IN FUEL CONSUMPTION. In other words, business, big or little, would be required to contrib Friendly Courteous Service ute 20 per cent of its own war profits to provide the money to change its own plants back to peace time production. AL JE R SE Y , M ANAGER. The fairness and equity of such a plan is perfectly plain. Each com pany, by using 20 per cent of its own war profits to buy Recovery bonds, builds its own backlog to bridge from war production to normal peace-time activities. Big compa nies and small companies will buy in proportion to their size and needs The World’s News Seen Through until the war is over. In the mean time, our government receives the he hristian cience onitor maximum in revenue to produce for An International Daily Newspaper victory, and we, the people, have es •• T ru th fu l—-Conitructive— Unbiased— Free from Sensational- tablished security against the worst ‘•m — Editorial» A re Tim ely and Instructive, and Its D a ily depression of all time. Featurea, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, M ake With such a plan adopted and in the M o n ito r an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. operation, we can all give our maxi T he Christian Science Publishing Society mum to the war effort, secure in the O ne, Norw ay Street, Boston, Massachusetts fact that when the war is over we Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a M onth. can quickly and safely go back to Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. the paths of peace. The necessity Introductory O ffer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. for such a plan is so apparent, the evils of depression so grim and widespread that we, the people, can Address. well afford to take time out to sup SAM PLE CO PY O N REQUEST port our senators and congressmen in this effort to bypass another de- ' M , i u i s m i M S * * w w b ii Ntoitnbfir U.S.Wor Bonds PRESCRIPTIONS Open Monday Standard Gasoline COY’S SERVICE STATION T C S M