Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1942)
The Gold Hill N ew s. Gold Hill. Oreiron D jß t fd id t O * * W fiCAJtSON - - - !>ai'-" t<ir«4fy »iu Washington. I). C. •INSIDE’ ON ALEUTIANS The inside story can now be told of why the Japs were able to land in the Aleutian islands and bomb the U. S. naval base at Dutch Harbor with so little opposition. As with most things in this war, the problem goes back to lack of foresight, and also, to some extent, lack of army- navy co-operation. Not generally known is the fact that the navy in September, 1941, some two months before Pearl Har bor, refused to let the army build an air base on Umnak island to guard the navy’s Dutch Harbor base. What happened was that Senator Brewster of Maine, a member of the Truman committee and of the naval affairs committee, flew to Alaska last September with Brig. Gen. Arthur Wilson to ascertain whether Alaska needed further for tifications. At Kodiak they met Brig. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner, commander of the army's forces, Heap High the Cookie Jar! whose father, a famous Civil war commander, once helped to pay (See Recipes Below.) Ulysses S. Grant’s w’ay home from West Point and later surrendered to That Sweet Tooth Grant in Tennessee. This Week’s Menu Apricot Juice with Lemon Slice “Mom. may we have some cook General Buckner wanted to go on Macaroni and Cheese ies, please?” from Kodiak to Dutch Harbor with Tomatoes Baked with Chopped That question asked in a childish Senator Brewster, and although the Green Pepper Center voice with real pleading is going to navy was willing to supply an am Shredded Green Salad . be as daily as the phibian plane to the senator, ti ey A" Rye Bread Butter balked at having General Buckner sunrise and sun y z •American Prune Pie go along, referred to him as a set these days Beverage “hitch-hiker.” as your younger members of the Finally, however, the party, in family feel the homemade cookies of yours will be cluding General Buckner, went on snap of fall in the mighty welcome to him at camp: to Dutch Harbor and located an ex air. School days cellent site for a flying field on Um Honey Fruit Bars. with their de- nak island. Immediately upon their (Makes 3 dozen) _ mand on youthful return, Senator Brewster arranged 2 eggs energies will perk up summer’s lag for a senate appropriation to build 14 cup honey ging appetite too! • an air base at Umnak, while the 14 cup sifted flour Very few of you can say “no” to war department prepared to pro la teaspoon salt a request for cookies. Far from ceed. 14 teaspoon baking powder spoiling the appetite for dinner, a Navy Says No. 14 pound pitted dates, sliced cookie or two with a glass of milk 6 ounces mixed, candied fruits The war department also notified will help the child get gracefully Beat eggs and honey to blend. Add the navy of its move, since the army through the late afternoon hours un sifted dry ingredients and fruits and is charged with protecting the shore til dinner time. mix well. Turn into a greased, wax- establishments of the navy. A few Keeping the cookie jar full may paper lined pan. Bake in a moder- weeks later, however, word came have been your major problem in ate-to-slow (325-degree) oven for 45 back from the navy that it did not former years. This year it will be minutes. Remove paper. Cool and want the army to build an air base that plus making cookies with a ra cut into bars. Poll in powdered on Umnak island to protect Dutch tion of sugar. But you’ll do it, I sugar if desired. Store in covered Harbor. know, and these recipes will help jar for several days to mellow. When senators asked Vice Admiral you: Frederick J. Horne why, he replied: Chocolate Chip Cookies. Oatmeal Crispies. “The navy can protect Dutch Har (Makes 314 dozen) (Makes 4 dozen) bor.” 14 cup butter 1 cap shortening 14 cup honey This was in late September. Two 14 cap sugar 1 small egg months later, after Pearl Harbor, 1 cup dark corn syrup 1 cup sifted flour the navy frantically demanded an 2 eggs, beaten air base to protect Dutch Harbor, 1 teaspoon baking powder Y: cup sour milk 14 teaspoon salt but it had to be started during the 2*4 cups sifted flour 14 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips snow and ice of an Alaskan winter. 94 teaspoon salt 14 cup nutmeats Therefore the date of completion 1 teaspoon soda was July, 1942. 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and honey until light Probably the Japs knew this date. 2 cups oatmeal and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. They have had fishing vessels cruis 2 cups raisins Sift dry ingredients twice, and add ing through the Aleutians off and Cream sugar and shortening. Add to butter mixture. Add vanilla and on time. At any rate it corn syrup. Blend. Add beaten eggs. blend well. Fold in chocolate chips was for the some first week in June, one Sift together dry ingredients. Add and nuts. Chill, then drop by spoon month before the Umnak air base alternately with sour milk. Stir in fuls on a greased cooky sheet. Bake was finished, that the Japs struck. oatmeal and raisins. Drop by spoon at 375 degrees for 12 minutes. And when they bombed Dutch fuls on an oiled baking sheet. Bake Can you spare a cup and a quar- Harbor, the navy’s flying patrol in a moderate (350-degree) oven for ter of sugar? boats there were helpless. Heavy 15 minutes. think you can if and slow, they lacked protection Ginger Snaps. you know that from the army's fast pursuit planes, 1 cup molasses you will spread so speedy Jap Zero fighters made 3!4 cups sifted flour that sugar over mincemeat of them. 1 teaspoon salt eight dozen cook Lack of a nearby army air base 14 cup butter ies as in the fol from which fighters and bombers 2 tablespoons sugar lowing : could protect the rest of the Aleu 14 teaspoon soda Vanilla Nut Ice Box Cookies. tians undoubtedly contributed also l l i tablespoons ginger (Makes 8 dozen cook.'es) to the ease with which the Japs took Heat molasses to boiling point and 2 cups sifted cake flour pour over fat. Add sifted dry in 114 teaspoons double-acting baking Kiska harbor and the western Aleu tians. gredients to mo- powder lasses and fat. Ya teaspoon salt PERSISTENT LEON Mix well and 6 tablespoons butter or shortening shape dough into The army doesn’t seem to think 14 cup brown sugar, firmly packed a long, thin roll. that hard-hitting Leon Henderson, 1 cup granulated sugar price-fixing boss of the OPA, is Wrap in waxed 1 egg, well beaten paper and place lethargic about wanting to put price 1 cup chopped nuts in refrigerator to ceilings on tanks, guns, trucks and 114 teaspoons vanilla other army material for which it chill overnight. Sift flour once, measure, add bak Cut into thin slices with sharp knife ing powder and salt. Sift again. is now paying top prices. and bake in a moderate oven until Cream butter and sugars gradually, In a knock-down, drag-out session lightly browned. Remove from pan creaming thoroughly. Add egg, nuts, in the office of mild-mannered Un while hot and store in tightly cov vanilla and mix well. Add flour dersecretary of War Patterson, Hen ered container to keep crisp. gradually, mixing well after each derson banged on the table, told That son of yours may be grown addition. Shape into rolls, 114 inches Patterson the army was paying too up now and in the service, but my in diameter and roll in waxed paper. much, that he demanded the power guess is that some of those good, Chill overnight or until firm enough to put price ceilings on army sup to slice. Cut in 14-inch slices. Bake plies. “I’m going to keep after you on on ungreased baking sheet in a hot oven (425 degrees) 5 minutes or un this till I get it,” Henderson stormed. Lynn Says: “When I was younger and I was til light, golden brown. Preserving Food: Eat and can A fruity, unusual pie is this one courting a girl, I kept after her until whatever you can from your Vic tory garden. But you still may combining prunes and bananas with I got her. And that’s what’s going have some left, you say? cornflakes and coconut. A sugar- to happen now.” saver, too: There are several methods to CAPITAL CHAFF •American Prune Pie. take care of the surplus. First, (Serves 6 to 8) investigate to see whether your C. Frank Grillo, president of the 2 cups cooked prunes community has one of those stor United Rubber Workers, is one man 114 cups whipping cream age lockers where you can rent who doesn’t believe that labor lead 14 cup honey space in the freezing locker. ers at home are more necessary 1 cup sliced bananas Cleanliness and speed are impor than fighters at the front. He has Few grains salt tant factors in this type of stor resigned from the Rubber Workers 2 cups uncrushed corn ffakes age. Food must be well select and asked for hi3 old job back in 14 cup shredded coconut ed to warrant the expense of this the army—not a cellophane commis type of preserving. Baked pastry shell (9-inch) sion (you can see through it but it Cut prunes from pits in small protects from the draft). He wants Drying at home is another ex cellent way and one of the oldest pieces. Whip cream. Measure one to be a sergeant. methods available. Driers can cup and blend with honey. Add fruit <L The navy has wisely drafted some be bought for a reasonable sum and salt and stir to blend Add corn of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI sleuths and used to advantage for drying flakes and blend lightly but thor to help train naval intelligence at and storing fruits and vegetables. oughly. Pour into baked pie shell tic irs. They are doing a bang-up Other foods such as root vege and sprinkle with coconut. Top with job. tables, pumpkins and squash have remaining cream and serve soon aft C. T h e Truman committee has per er preparation. good keeping qualities if stored suaded the army to lend it Brig. in their natural state under well If hat problems or recipes are most on Gen. Frank Lowe, a Maine Repub regulated temperatures such as your mind during these fall days? Explain lican, as its executive officer. your problem to l.ynn Chamber! and the C. On her way from Hollywood to in attic or cellar. Dried beans, m il give you expert advice on it. Address peas and cured onions may be your letter!, enclosing a sell-addressed Washington to participate in the stored in an attic. Squash and stamped envelope for your reply, to her as treasury’s big bond show, demure pumpkins require a relatively U lin l.ynn Chambers, Western Newspaper Ann Rutherford sold several hun warm place with free circulation I nion, 210 South Desplaines Street, Chi dred dollars worth of bonds at each of air. station stop. At Albuquerque on« cago, Illinois. Released by W estern N ew sp aper U nio n man handed her S1.000 in cash. Thursday. Sept. 17, 1942 JUST TERNS SEWDNG COKCILE Overlooked Wife —Do you know what day it Is? Just twenty-five years ago we got engaged. Absent-minded Professor— Why effect through the wuiat which em phasizes the perky flare of the didn’t you remind me before, skirt and, is becoming to slim and dear? It's high time that we got married. chubby figures alike! • « • Barbara B ril Pattern No. 1033 la da- •hilled (nr sizes 4. 6, (. la and 11 rears. Sire tl years requlrea 1’ , yarda M inch m aterial. yard contrast tor collar and Ila yarda rlc-rac fdgln« to trim . S E H ÌS ’t l t IR C I K P A T T K ItN IIK P T . 14» N ew M on tgom ery Street San F r a n c h e « C alti. Force of Habit “She is suing to have her hug- band's will set aside? Why?” “I'm not sure, but I think she got into the habit while lie was alive.” Self-Preservation Encloae 20 canta In coltra tor eacb pattern dealred. “ If hat a dancer! I never knew you could jitterbug.“ “I can't. II e were just trying Io keep our fret Iram being trampled by the real jitterbugs." P a tte rn N o ..........................S ir e ................... Name ....................................................... Addreas ......................................... That's It! Sonny Boy—Dad, what Is meant by the bone of contention? Dud—The jawbone, my son. IT IS a simple design which al- * ways looks best. That’s why you’ll admire and approve this cunning frock every time you see your little girl wearing it. The raised skirt line achieves a smooth Small 'Bin' Men It is a strange but true fact that we are living in an age of big men who are under medium height. Hitler is below average height, and so is Stalin. Churchill is by no means tall, although he is taller than little Franco. Mussolini is well below average, and he has al ways been rather ashamed of it. Until the Munich crisis very few people in this country had seen a photograph of Mussolini standing near any medium-built men. He was always photographed against the skyline, with the camera at a low angle, to give him height and that imposing jaw line. The great Napoleon was only an Inch over five feet, and his two most implacable enemies, Horatio Nelson and the duke of Wellington, were very little taller than he was. Wellington cculd never mount his horse without help or without a stone to stand on. Esealloped corn is especially flevoruble if several chopped ripe olives are added to the dish before serving. • • • III choosing an innerspring mat tress, look for these: well-tem pered steel wire coils, long-fibered cotton or curled hair padding top and bottom, sturdy borders, strong ticking that won't stretch and some provision for ventilation. • • • Make an oilcloth cover for your ironing board, to use when brush ing und sponging garments. a a S K IN Raw, smarting surface relieved emez- Ingly by (he toothing medication of R E SIN O ft. AWAY CO CORNS I*Bln KIH i q u irk , corns ■pratili y m uovati « I mmi yuu unsi thin, attfMhln«. cushioning Ih*. MchoU • Zloo-pads. T ry Ihren t D-SchoHs Zino pads a A good spice tip: Try putting Many Trades cinnamon in lamb stew. A man of many trades begs his • • • bread on Sunduy. - Scotch Proverb. Do not cut the skins from apples when making applesauce. Remove i blossom end, stem and parts that /T o Relieve distress from MOMTHLY\ are not good. When thoroughly ' cooked, put through a course sieve. Made in this way the skins give the sauce a pink coloring. • • • When making raisin breads, T ry L y d ik E. P ln kh srn ’s Vegetable cookies, etc., cover the raisins with C om pound to help relieve m o n th ly p e in , backache, headache, w ith 1U hot water and simmer them for w e a k , n e rv o u s fe e lin g s — d u e to about five minutes before using. m o n th ly fu n c tio n a l disturbance«. T a k e n r e g u la r ly t h r u o u t th e They will be larger and softer. FEMALE WEAKNESS To help prevent peeled pears, apples and bananas from darken ing when they’re to be used in a fruit cup, cover them with grape fruit juice and chill. • • • Spiced waffles are delicious. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon each of cloves and nutmeg to your regular waffle recipe. Hot strained honey, mixed with a little cream, butter and a dash of cinnamon makes a de licious topping for these waffles. m o n t h — P ln k h a m 'e C o m p o u n d helps b u ild u p resistance against such distress o f “ d iffic u lt days.” Thousands upon thousands o f girls and wom en have reported g ra tify ing benefits. Follow label directions. Well worth trying! % COLDS L IQ U ID TABLETS SALVE N O H osoet COUGH PROFS R ia to e s? q A nourishingfood, Mr. Hitler ! E H A V E potatoes in America. We also have fruits, meats and green and yellow vegetables. For every crop you harvest w ith forced Lbor, wc have a larger crop grown by men who work hard from dawn u n til dark because i t ’s their land, their country. You’ve never met an American farmer— or his wife— have you, M r. H itler? Too bad. Otherwise you m ight have thought twice before you started this war. O ur cellars are used to store foods, not as bomb shelters. But our boys know the meaning o f bombs. H ow did you like that first air raid, w ith not a single U. S. plane lost? Those boys didn’t live on potatoes— they had meat, m ilk, fruits, vegetables. . . all the things we have at home. American food follows them to the corners o f the earth. H ow can we do it? American women are doing it — home-canning fo r the home fro n t and saving money fo r W ar Bonds at the same time! Do you know how much o f it they’re doing? W e ll. . . what would you give fo r FO U R B IL L IO N JARS of home- canned foods, M r. H itler? BALL BRO THERS M U N C IE , Can Successfully! COMPANY IN D IA N A , p ut some o f those 4 billion jars on your shelves; they represent a dependable, low c o il food supply fo r your fa m ily. But be sure your home-canned foods beep. Use B A L L Jars, Caps and Rubbers. F ill in the coupon on the printed leaflet fro m a carton o f B A L L Jars and mail i t to us fo r a free copy o f the B A L L B L U E B O O K — complete canning in structions and more than J00 tested recipes. I f you do not have the printed leaflet, tend lO f w ith your name and address. U. S. A.