Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1942)
•'? r» 9 ^ The Gold BOB CAMERON DEAD FIRST VICTIM OF WAR FROM GOLD HILL number *;/ OUR D E M O C R A C Y------ by m , i FOOTS CREEK NEWS ------ ¡SCHOOL ENROLLMENT ,N HIGHER GRADES PROMISE FINE YEAR Mrs Marlon Li£r*».o Foots Creek had the honor oí be ing selected us one of the camping . High school attendance shows an IklllS***«* last Inni week of _ » A l 91st • InfanZ _ 1 places the ‘nQr* “ e over last year as the Lwal try Division from Cump While,: enters the first week: The They spent the night between Gold #rades are lower: With the opening Gulch where the Sunday school bull <la,e -'ionday work is progressing ding stands and the Forks of the n*ce‘^ an<l everything points to a Creek, there being neary 21100 men 8uccess,ul >*ar: and officers who were out on a six I Eo,,ow*n« is the first weeks en day journey traveling over 90 miles 1 ro,bnent by grades: Mr and Mrs Marion Lance had thJ ,Gra<,e 1: ,3; 2n) I5: 3rd 25; 4th 13; pleasure of meeting Mel Cotton who 5th ,2; 6’,h ,7; 7th 18: » h 17; Fresh has been at Camp White since July | ,n‘‘n I8’ S®Phs H ; Juniors 7; Senior 20 and has been commissioned an ! Pos‘ «r**“a»e 1 ■ officer: About three years ago he . There “re six more students in with John Howdish of Medford op kjgh sc!’°o1 than last year with the • rated the Lance Mine, Mr Cottons «ra<*E* below what they were: father being an officer in a San! ». ------------------------ — Mayor and Mrs Don Ferguson Francisco mining concern: Cotton ....................... was among ,he .......... soldiers to swim *'«•• guests at the dedication cere.. Hogue River at 5 a in, with full pack « " " e ’ h*,d a* Camp whi‘e Tue*d>y Mrs W J Wilson, Mrs William , Ferg“’on bad the privilege o Bressei and Mrs Cloyd Dick alien p*ac,ng tbe plaque in its permanent ’he first meeting season P, ,hc flag P®1«: They were _ of — the the season of the Civic Ci uh of Hogue River in also dinner guests after the program their club room Friday afternoon was over: S MRS HOSTESS Bob Cameron of the I! S Navy in the First Gold ilill boy to die foi th,. honor of lit* country in the iaesciil war, Word was received Wednesday that Robert Keith Cum cron was killed in action on Aug 7: lie wus flying us u machine gun ner in u dive bomber, the letter which told of his death staled. Hob wus only 18 years old, son of Hoy 1» Cameron of this city. Four sisters of Grant)' Pass» ,a brother Douglas of Gold Hit and Ixdloy in the army survive: l*r Hoy has not been heard from in umosl flve months. Hob enlist'd in the Navy in Aug u yeur ago: His lust letter wus sent from Breiiiington in July where 1»? wus wuiting to be sent out on a car rier. Mr and Mrs Chas Wieliley and two small ehillren Lee Ann und Hob by are visiting Mrs Wiebleys par ents Mr and Mrs C l> Ix’e on tin Old Stage Hoad: The Wiebleys home is in Cleur Luke Calif. sert luncheon was served after AT WRTHDAY CELEBRATION which officers were elected: Mrs Wednesday afternoon Mrs P E William Cox was elected president but resigned Mrs Dick being elect., Holderness was hostess to several ed to take her place: Mrs Alin Me.. ladies who celebrated the birthlay Gregory, vice president; .«rs Mrs narry Harry of Mrs Mabel Davis: Since it had Hill Scretary amt Mrs Elizabeth been on |y a few days since Mrs Fowler treasurer: Plans were made Doldcrness’s birthday there were • a. » « « ..— .I » L . . z-w fW A zsF _ 1 - _ • to attend the District Convention at two groups of presents on the table Ashland Oct 7 at which time Mrs 0 when it cam,. time to open the gifts: Mrs Walter McLean ueeompuined i C Sanford of Coquille wil be their Each lady took a turn, Mrs Holder being baby by Mrs Celia Wise and Miss Bee „ guest: -...I. The > .sv question oi ° first: Whoops! a uau.i of canning ness . ----- Werth weld to Hcdmond lust week tomato juice for hot lunches at the Mrs Davis’s was a prettj DISTINGUI SHED SERVICE CROSS ’ DI S T H O S IT D SERVICE MEDAL J school was also discussed: There! Ant* next ^ rs Holderness— for severul duys visit. w ere 16 present: Sept 24 they w ill an<^ bibs! and so on through the POR EXTRAORDINARY H E R 0 /S " ‘ FOR H/GHL Y MERITORIOUS sponsor the teaciiers reception at wbole layette, as w ell as some lov. Miss Mary Lou Tygart returned W M IL IT A R Y AND NAVAL SERVICE TO THE GOVERNMENT the high school auditorium, pot luck 8>Hs for each lady: Refreshments to school in Bcufkely, Calif: Sunday OPERATIONS A G A IN ST dinn«_ _ _s — as in . pre were XPrVfl/J — T _ served ♦rs to Mesdames Louise She was acX'ompained b y A l1««-. dinner S_ in the evening ¡J 7N E E N E M Y . i 1 ÓR. / ’✓ A OUT C . P .lO IL lT Y . HobinsFn, Nona O u ters. Jew el vious years. Miss Myrtle Winn who has entered n »hm H t Amy business college there, also. Mattson has Deen been em Routh, . Frank . .u iiivin who woo nas . ’ ---- J Ross, Ethel Hancock, ployed in Postal work arrived Wed A ,a '•'erner>t, Edoth Thompson nesday from the East to make his ^ abel Davis and Hazel Holderness Mrs James Cummings who has R O M R C T D t v r c s i r i o GOLD HILI, St HOOL TAX LOW Iteen visPiea her parents. Mr and BOMB STRIKES NEAR ROORK NEW JUSTICE OF homc here with his wife who has I ----------------------- — PEACE FOR THIS PRECINCT owned the “House Bv the Side of HEAI TH CNIT HAVE MEETING Mi* W G Howes returnel to tier BR0CKINGS RECEÑ I LY COMPARED TO OTHER DISTS ... n ... >. . . . - ' WEDNESDAY MRS BOYE home in lairllund Tuesday . the Hoad’ for a number of y-*rs: NC DAMAGE DONE Thursday Mrs Mattson gave a party Jsnics L Boor received his a p . I - Loren De.Mer made a business The Health Unit met last Wednes ! pointment as Justice of the Peace for his return and a farewell for I lie Gold Hill School District Jias trip to Portland lust week. afternoon at the home of Mrs Art Mr and Mrs Frank Taykir ha\k . . , , ............... ‘ »'ream . Sept: 14: Tin- “n«l *ra rrank Taylor who havk Hrecint. on The Mt: Emily near n in e « honddn W'r ”7 ° f W ° ,:lX rU,eS ° r ■ «»b ib iien t conies from Governor 5P«n‘ some time at the home of her Boye, the first meeting after the r-—1 the target of Jupi Z 8f h° ° ‘h‘‘ COUn‘' ° f "s r:'Un8: u“ ‘ 18 ,or unexpred nH‘,ht’r Mrs Edward Kiene on Sar summer vacation: The next ineeL. lack last \qeek when a ’ire s w it h I liii '■ ”3 ',‘ ni*bs *s the tax compared to term of John Chisholm, resigned: dine (.reek ami are leaving to spend ing will he October ti at tlie home empted to set fires with bombs 8 a a ' ra te s as h ig h as 3 3 :7 m i l l s ' A ir Roork R fio r lr im e ,> v t „ i. ii. i, A . i his o f. th e w winter i n t e r in in C Calif a lif f for o r \ Mr f r T Taylors n v ln r « of Mrs Hill. the Mr has established long the coast : Smut fires were) health. The ladies present were Mesdams put out by forest service men und j M js Hannah ltoutli returned to Dee at the Gold Hill Hotel Annex A Meunier, G Tulare, P Throne H Mr and Mrs Ernest Beinkens have tier home here after an extended w*lere be will engage in the in no damage was done. ^W «» 4 6 */ 74«. 6« recently sold their home to Mr and Hill, R Cameron, L Milter,N Gail, Frugrumenls of t|M- bombs had trip into .Southern Calil: with tier surance business as well care for Mrs Harry Scliacbleiter from Los A Boye and visitors Mrs Millie Wal the duties of the new o f f ic e GRANTS PASS, OREGON niece Mrs Nellie Busti of Harbor, Japanese markings on them inlica. Angeles wiliere he has been an ker, Mrs Boye and children Phyllis ting tliut it was the Japs first feebp Oregon: \\ A Trent, brother of Mrs Ann and Billie who are visiting at engineer on the S P lines and has Routh and father of Mrs Bush camc PREFOUNTAINE BETROTHAL Wed , Tliurs., Fri., Sut. attempt to invade the continent. the Boye home. Miss Helen Parrish two m ole years, before retiring: to tie at Hie home of his sister fo. ANNOUNCED BY PARENTS SEHT 1(1— 17— 18 -IO Mr and Mrs Hikens dro habe liv county nurse and Mrs J S C Weills, some time while recovering from uii ‘B e y o n d th e B lu e H o r iz o n REBEKAH LODGE CONTEST The betrothal of Miss Loretta Pre ed here for the past 10 years will president of thc Jackson County accildeiit several months agp: IN TECHNICOLOR FOR MEMBERS INTERESTING — fountaine to Edward Lukowski was remain until the first of the year: Health Association. with Mrs John Novak of Portland is recently annonred by her parents They have bougrt the Paul McGuire Dorothy Lamour ..vo. . Foots Creek aivre Miss Drace Bigham and Mrs Vio. store ano and Hichurd Denning The Rebekah Lodge met Wednes v is it in g with tier parents, Mr and Mr and Mrs Edward Prefonntaine place near plan for their daughter Mrs Charles' *a Pomeroy of the school faculty Also Preview Fri—Sat. Mrs Willi r Martin and family*. j of near Gold Hill: The wedding wil day evening with it good represent | u«uu McCune and children to live there are occupying the upstairs apart.. take ____ place _ this fall in Portland lion of members present: Editti Sun. Mon. Tiles. Mr und Mi s Charles Beck were Miss Prefountainc 'was *a"*foriner ° n ’heir return from Uike T ahoe! ment a* U»e M Garner apartment SEPT 20—21—22 Kenyon read soines funny inci.lent' ¡business visitors in in Gold Gold llil llil Mon Mon . elementary school student in G o ld California: Mr McCune has enlisted house across from the school: It isiness visitors and M idu.. 7'"'.' ------I i------------- ............... ..... uu"‘ "" « " i ! ‘ bnnentary school student in Gold go i l o r^ h e), iri" ‘", ,r7 l da/ f ‘be interest of the drake Hill finishing her high school in in defense work: Mr and Mrs O D was the former Merritt property. “SYNCOPATION" With good for the lodge to hear: A con. estate j s , M;irvs Aca<laniy ¡„ Mcdford; sj ,,. Odegard and son Jack have arrived raittce was appointed for the good A Menjou—Jackie Cooper I look »v,.,«» ..M « voui ov ui lltsiiu oil! nursing course at pvi Portland anl . from Los Angeles and taken possess of the orler for the next meeting: ion of the smaller house bought John Hayes has returned to his is at present employed at Oregon ,on Wed Thurs. Fri. Sat. The membership contest is waxing home hert. after working all summe8 j Shipyards: Mr Lukowski is in the from Mr H onkens, SEPT 23—34—35—26 strong and one s$de made rapid at Fairview, a summer resort ut Army. Mr and Mrs W C Waver who COLD K IL L LODGK NO. 129 “Magnificent Dope” strules Wedntsday; The committee Blue Lake, Oregon' bought the former Edward Guetzlaff Meets Every Taeadar Night with appointed birthday night served Henry Fond—Lynn Bari Otto Benerle and Sylvan Cool of place gave a party Sunday afternoon cake und tea and crackers to the ife who Mrs Millie Walker who lias been Dunsmuir were visitors Sunday at for their son YOU ARE WELCOME ---- ------ , Robert - and - w — ----- members who have birthdays this visiting with her sister Mrs Letsy the home of Mrs Mary Cook and son were married Saturday at Grants W’alter McLean, Noble Grand month, those being Tude Turner, Miller and ................................. Mr Miller, her Rill: They left early Sunday morn Pasa> ,he bride being Miss Lilly «a. * » I U left I | | V for I Dave Winn, Vice Grand Willie McLean and Hazel Holder home in Corvallis last Trursday: ing and drove through Jacksonville Pe " ° H “f Eagle Point: They are Wm. Autenreith, Secretary ness, and to all other members: ll is Grants Pass and the Applegate Valley and pick.. libing Ii,,,no at Drani« Pass loped numbers of the drill team Mr and Mrs Dale Clement hav ed blackberries' They said there Mrs Pauline Wahl from Medford Warren Coppock, Treasurer will soon be back to start practice: moved into th,. west apartment of are quantities of berries, ripe and caled at the home of Mrs James AMlrrHYaT » R n w i n m n r o SL . RKnKKAH bODGE 97 the Walker apartnint house: They going to waste: They drove on Shaw Sunday afternoon, also looked Donald Steinmetz who recently after her nronerf, hPrr Mee,s th® D™ «<« third Wednea after her property here. had been living with Mrs Clements Wednes Thurs. through Grants Pass and back to days of each month at the I 0 . O. F. was inducted into the Army is now mother Mrs Nellie Davis Among the former Foots Creek Sardine Creek where Mrs Cook vis SEPT 16—17 Hall, Gold Hill. Oregon stationel at Geiger Field, Wash: It ited with tier sister Mrs Lottie Smith boys who have been called into thc Nellie Winn, Noble Grand is a flying field “Alias Boston Blackie” Mr und Mrs Logan Gardner ....... the ,I1V rest of ,„ vhile the e party visited Mildred Newnham, Vice Grand with Chester Morris are now living in Portland vi. ..... (he Mystery House- In the evening Evelyn Thompson, Recording Sec. Mr and Mrs F Wertz have been friends here last week. with ¡Mrs Cook and her guests at theGarl LARRY SCHADE Viola Moore, Financial Secretary spending sevcnul days ut Breiten.. “Mexican Spitfire WATCH REPAIRING , .. ...... . . . , 1 Robbins home ut Del Rio at an ice bush Springs . Delia Kell, Treasurer Mr and Mrs Will,am Wright wl.o , Th()se were Sees a Ghost" S. P. Watch Inspector I witli Leon Errol—Lupe Velez a e been living ,n th e B it t e r h o u s e t ,lp R w b b in s fa m ily > M r an<1 M rs Since 1918 Mis» Ma>el Moore, a teacher li n u ia w " ' 'i,Vl* ,M,rCl,i vmond Bitter and Joanne, Mrs 21 S. Central— Next to Craterian GOLD H IL L GRANGE NO. 534 Fri, Sat. ■•»any years in the local school, is l<, “ . 1 ippen inoperty reeen (;O0k and Messrs Bancrle and Cool’ Medford, Oregon now employed at Phoenix where •Hiupi«< Meets first and third Thursdays iv, I ,(. f ornian Baileys )wo m returned horn Monday SEPT 18—19 she will teach the fifth grade. and are n<>w living intheir new ______ “Submarine Raider” at 8 p. m_, at their hall just above b °m c’ i Garden Club w ill hold its regular with J Howard the Methodist church on Sams Val John Dick who bus spent the A u g u s t W . G lu ts c h 1(1(M Leroy DungeTTuBnky), has been ' ” 1Cl',ing .‘N ’ a,‘ lh? WR<; ley road. H. E. club meets second past seyeraj months *t the home of “Pierre of the Plain»” DOCTOR OP OPTOMETRY and fourth Tuesdays at 1:30 p. m. A A Walker returned to his home transferred to Hamilton Field, Calif room, with pot.luck luncheon nt with John Carroll I p m at Fresno, Calif: Saturday. Successor to Dr. Jud Rickert PLUS 5 Crapter Mr and Mrs Jim Cook and child New Shipment Specialist in all problems of “Perils of The Harlow Banry is living ut the ren of Trinity Center Calif- were, GIRI, SCOUTS MEET TUESDAY •ye comfort and vision PALMERS — PERFUMER Royal Mounted” Paul Thompson home this winter visitors a. the B E Cook home last D E N O O N AT WRC ROOM 308 Fluhrer Bldg.-Phone 4001 w hile atlmFling school: Kc ts a week: Th# men are brothers. BILLFOLDS Girl scouts' mil . Tue sla y after Sun. Mon. Tues. Medford, Oregon seniom this year. noon nt 4 P M: The neri meeting to SEPT 20—21—22 Mr and , Mrs ,, Charles Kell . returned Becker’s Drug Store ----------- be held nt the V- BC room: If you “All Through the Night” service are Homer Harrison son of . i . . ■11 ' svl lng their son, wan| „ scout troop please be at Mr and Mrs Bvujamin Harrison an« Leonard who lias been stationed at With Humphrey Bogart Ross Turpin son of Mrs Altena Tur Fort Ord: A very short time after the nieeting. pin of Grants Puss. Also visiting him h(. was sent to aeamp Orland Pahner s|>ent the w eek- in Virginia: While in California they end. in Gold Hill helping Mrs Pal. “Private Buckaroo” -- — ................— Miss Dean Mills, the former Sybil visited Mr and Mrs Howarl Kell and nier get settled for the term to teach •w * With Walker, and a friend from Corvalis ehiilren at Oakland: Their grand-1 here: He returned to his work The Andrews Sisters RELIABLE visited with friends in Gold Hili sons Larry and Donald returned I Monday by stage: Mrs Palmer is at OREGON REASONABLE last Thursday, home with them for a visit; |th e Wise home thu term. Miss Helen Melturney arrived al the home of her uncle I’ E Holler ness and family Sundny evening on her way home to Hcdmond: She is a student of OSC at Corwallls und has spent the summer working as pastry rook at the Oregon Caves resort: She left by stage for Bed f mond Tuesday morning. lesa /ftocut Conger Funeral Parlors