The Gold Hill The Moit fhly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Volume XLV GEO. ). TANNER FUNERAL METHODIST CHURCH THURSDAY JUNE 11TH J ’established 1 ^ 9 7 (»old Hill, KHMOLUTlON NO. 37 Published in the Biggest Little Town in the State Oregon. Thursday June ij , 1942 HOY BUOI T (AMPOKEE BITKA LEE HAGGARD AND CHARLES E. CAREY AT ElJxH PICNIC GROIN DM FOOTS CREEK NEWS EUGENE T1LLMAN MAKKY AT OLD TIME CITIZEN A RESOLI TION culling u special ATTENDED BY LOCAL I ROOP KENO I AHT SATt RDAY By Mrs. Marion l-anr<* FUNERAL WEDNESDAY election in tile city of Gold Hill, and I he 4-H club met Saturday even, Tile Hop Scouts of Crater Lake Miss Eutlia l.ce Haggard ami Mr. ing at the home of Air. and Mrs. Al fixing u time und place therefor for Funeral services were held Wed Areu Council met ut the Elks P ic­ Funeral services were held today the purpose of submitting to the le­ nic grounds for tlseir cumporec the nesday afterpoon at the graveside C. Eugene Tillman, both of Gold Ponlz their leader. Those presert Hill were married last Saturday in (Thursday) ut 1:39 *. M. at the Gold gal voters of suit) City of Gold Hill past week end. ut Hock Point cemetery for Charles 1(ena, Nevada. Thu ceremony was were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chase, Mrs Hill MetliiHliNt church lor George Troops entering the cuniporee E. Carey, a long time resident of performed by tin- pastor of the Frank Daily and three children, Mrs Tanner IV, who died ut Ida home In tor their acceptance or rejection of Arthur Smith and children, Mary Santa Valley Tuesday June 0, 1942. the levy lor general fund purposes were, Three, Four uud Eight of (iold Hill. Hud lie lived until July Baptist church at his home I xju and Bob Burton, Hon Elder, lie would liuve been 82 years old Medford, Five of Central Point, Sev­ tor the year commencing July 1 1942 'Bhe young couple returned to The funerul services were con­ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Griggs, Mr and m Ordinance en of Jacksonville and Seventeen of He was horn in Portland. As a young Gold Hill Sunday evening. ducted by Rev. Trunk Weimiiett us provided lor Mrs. Pontz and son Albert. Kefresh- man he rame to Gold Hili and at Gold Hill No. 222. pastor of Ute local Methodist church. ments were served. The scouts tiiked with full packs °We time was a teacher in tile school W j IEBEAS upon und after the a- LOCAL ITEMS Hurtul wua made In Hock i’jOinl The next meeting the first Satur­ here, lie hud spent the past 13 years Cemetery, with |*erl Funeral Home doplion of the budget of the City of into the grounds und were inspected day evening in July will be at the tioid iiill for Ute year commencing before camp making. After camp in this vicinity, part of (lie time he i.ast Wednesday Mrs Celia Craw home of Mr and Mrs. Albert Smith. In charge of arrangements. operated a little shoe shop at his fonl and sons, Richard and Honaid Mr. Tanner la survived by Ids July 1, 1942 the Council of the City making Troop 17 Gidd Hill entered The Riverside Extension unit will 'home. of Medford visited at the home of hold their last meeting of the sea­ wife and two aona, Slunley of Fuir- did, by Ordmunce. levy a tux upon In the knot tying, signaling, water He was preceded in death by his •Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kell. Richard view Miotiigun and Howard of the tuxuble property in the City of boiling, nature study and niupiug We then bud camp und cooking in wife. Alice Carey, a few years ago. is now serving in the navy Honaid son Tuesday June 16th fhen an all Clearwater California One daughter (■old Hill for the year commencing ■lay meeting will be held at the He is survived by two sisters Mrs. remained for a longer visit. Mrs. C. It. Heatnea of Gold Hill and July I, 1942 for general fund purfMi- speclion, After supper we had gen­ Girl Scout Hall in Rogue River be­ Emma Jordan, Gold Hill. Mrs Mrs. (Alive Baldwin and her son an udopted daughter Mrs. I.own of aes in the amount of $2,(152.59; und eral campfire. At this campfire eucli ginning at 10:00 a.m. Each one is Rebecca Alee Eugene, one brother Virgil went to San Francisco Iasi WHEREAS the City of Gold Hill troop had to put on u stunt or some­ (aiburg Ore. 17 grand children, 4 to bring their own sack lunch and Tyiey Thompson, Eugene an a num.. week to spend some time visting greut grund children und other rel­ bus no tax base for generul fund thing. >ugar. Coffee will he furnished by ber of nephews and nieces in Gold Mrs. Bahiwns sister. purposes und it is necessary und re­ The next morning we hud inspec­ atives in the U. S. and Cunuda the Unit. A small collection will be Word has been received by frienc quired tliut such levy be authorized tion of hreukfust. 'I roop 17 entered Hill and other places. taken for the use of the hall. Miss Mr Carey passed aWay Monday that Miss Isie Montgomery is attend Marion Farrell, County Demonstra­ Editor It. E. Itlnnkcnburg of the uud approved by the it gal voters of first aid und (lien went to church the City of Gold Hill, service. The presentation of uwurds morning about 11:90 o’clock A. M. ing summer school at Monmouth. tion Agent will give a lesson on liulletin, Grants Pass, was u bust, THE PEOPLE OF HIE CITY OF Mrs Bert Johnson who has beer followed tile church service. The at the Thompson Best Home where irying and freezing fruits and veg- ncsa visitor ut the News Office GOIJ) HILL RESOLVE AS FOL­ been here several weeks with her ■he had made his home th«, past few troops were rated as "Proficient, tables All interested are invited Saturday. months. parents, returned to her home al LOWS: Standard or Participating’ to attend. Harlow llanry is now living at i f f Stanley Eisher of daughter are now living at the Auto Bend Oregon ut '•«'*<• Gold '«*" Hill Gran-I ployed in lumber camps in Calif, for X V m T T r " 11 . ’!* “ ‘V 1““ C program June 4th “» Park in the cabin occupied by Mrs. since selling his property here, he 1,* * f° r by Ordl I«*’ »«»■ bef,,r'' »««ion und <^|iforilia baVe bougb, the fnion the past four years. -Palmer while she taught here. has lived in Rogue River ,i . «.pen to the public were Hixons. | ()j) S(ation formerly OW!le(, by I.ast Saturday, Howard Kell, b ro . Mrs. Andrew Stevens and chil­ S< stion 2. lo r Ine puriMisc of said { Davis', E&trenacios, Fiahes and Avery Miss Patty Clement returned to tlier of Charlie and Ernie Kell, son her home Sunday after a visit with election, tin- City of Gold Hill shall nes. The following program was * Mr and Mrs Avery bave gone to of Air. and Mrs Charlie Kell, talked dren of Phoenix and Mrs, Victor °"c voting precinct amt enjoyed by many Grangers and ! G ,nnwlicllh visi, ht.r molher> Birdseye, Teddy and Mary Ann her aunt and uncle neur Yreka. Mie City Hall in said (.By is desig- friends. wi„ visi, ri.|alives in <-.ana to Charlie by telephone from Talla . from near Medford, visited Friday Mrs Avery«g fa„ler was ki|k.(, hassee, Florida. This is the first in the Effie Birdseye home. They Mrs. W. E Boss was taken to naled us the voting place und the Jesse Fish led Hie group in singing recreation a few weeks ago In a train accident word that has transipred between brought ice cyvam and cake in hon­ Sacred Heart hospital Mnniluy und following persons are hereby up- with Iwo peppy new pointed as judges and clerks of said ' numbers. Then Eve Prentice’s 10 und her mother may return with the brothers for many years. Ernie or of Mary Anns eighth birthday. is reported much better. . is stationed at camp at Tallahsssec election, respectively, lo-wit: Troopers, ail uniter 12 years of age hl.r t(> .\|end Mrs, Co|e Hayes of Wed. Burton while he and Mr. Burton Hill, Oregon, us shown by the Recreation meeting June 27 at 8 nold are Mrs. Thrones parents. ehangd, Eva Smith. -School und Miss h yanees J)avis¡ who, was in ’ derburn and Mr> and Mrs. John were employed at Camp White was assessment roll for said year, for P.M. at Grange hall. Square dancing Conservation, Dorothy McGuire; a collision accident last week with Price of Gold Beach visited Sunday called to his home near San Fran­ general fund purposes, including all singing, games and cards. Bring Highmay and Reuutification, Fannie J A. Lyons of Myrtle Creek, was ! at the home of Hugh Hayes and fani- cisco, due to illness in his family. dctpartinents of municipal govern­ couples for dancing anil cards and Kies; Remembrance und Sick, Mad­ able to return to her home here ! | uy. ment in the amount of $2.652.56; as tables for card playing. Everyone P. M. Snyder from San Jose Calif ge Dorman; Membership, Jewel th day after the accident. She was Ruth Lance spent the week w-ho owns timber property near set forth in Ordinance No 222." welcome H.E.C. plans on serving klkcn „ Medford hospital but no I , „ Miss 7 Z ith "h »P^«"rM il7 Mr and Mrs Routh; Flower Show, Willie McLean Tried chicken dinner before Recrea-1__ ■__ ____ __ . I en,t with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Merlin, Oregon, was a dinner guest Ways and Means, Elinor Force. 599 YES , , serious injuries were evident and i un,( n.,hhv i« cm- tion meeting from 5:39 to 8:99 a tl-i-- ---- —•------. » .. • . . Floyd Lance and Bobby. She is eni in the Cloyd Dick home Sunday The ladies brought some good re Lshe was released following treat ployed at Camp White. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett who NO 591 60c per plate. eipes using little or no sugar. At I nient for bruises und cuts and a Pvt. Wallace G. Iverson was a lived near the Perry Ollom place IL E. C. MEETING sprained ankle. the next meetings members are to, Section 4. The Recorder is hereby visitor in Gold Hill the past week until their home burned recently, H.E.C met at the hall with 11 bring information on roses and directed to provide such ballots, end He is stationed at a Portland are the parents of a baby son born members and 8 visitors present. Mrs. specimens. Roses will he the topic pO|j voting booths and other OUR BOYS IN SERVICE air base. at the Josephine General Hospital for discussion 'Hie doi r prize was jk>nis necessary for the holding of MacDonough, Mrs. Eddington, Mrs. Mrs. Lucille Wilson, of Ashland in Grants Pass June 3rd. Frink, Mrs S|Nirlin, and Mrs. Wil­ won by Pauline Tygurt. T!„- next slH.b election, and said election shall Word has been received by Mr. spent! Sunday with her parents, Mr meeting will he at the WRt. Hall bt> conducted and returns thereof son from Sams Valley, Mrs. Evelyn and Mrs Bryan Ward that Kenneth, and Mrs. T. Z Smith. Her brother I.OSERS IN CONTEST on June 19th. made to the Recorder us may be Bertrand from Bayside Grange N'o. their "son, is now at a pilot’s train­ Jerry, who had spent several days ENTERTAIN WINNERS AT 500 Humelioldt t'alif., Mrs. Welsh ing school in San Antonio Texas. REBEKAH LODGE MEETING provided by law. and Mrs. Maybel Taylor of Gold Hill Kenneth enlisted in Uie army four as her guests, returned to his home ATTEND ACCORDION FESTIVAL Section a. t he Recorder is hereby all gave short talks. Mrs Josephine here with her. The Rougettes'of Gold Hill went directed to give notice of said elec­ years ago and is now a technical Amethyst Rebekah Lodge met Mrs. Emma Jordan and daughter to Salem Sunday evening to attend tion by publication of this resolu­ Loeffer1 was remembered by her M-rgcant.^ W hen lie completes Ixis I wVnnie Stanley and children Wednesday June 3 for their usual the accordion festival held there tion in two issues of the Gold Hill Flora Friend and Florence Lance course of one month at this school interesting California and Mrs. Bonney of business meeting. An Monday at the Melsinger Studios. date "of” sa^.i won the door prize, Mrs. Bertrand he becomes a pilot and will be sent Eugene spent Wednesday night in program was given by Esther Gil­ The girls were accompained by Mrs. election, and by posting copies of baked a lovely ginger bread to go elsewhere for more training. His Ashland visiting relatives. christ and Olive Turner. with lhe sandwiches and jello ser­ address is Av-s James K. Ward, Earl Moore and Mrs. Soren Christ i ...... , ,, After lodge the losing side in the ved by 111 H.E.C. enacn. Mr Estrenado also went and . . , ''f1'..1". ’ lc Squadron -L Flight C, pilot replace SHOWER HONORS MRS. LEWIS attendance contest entertained the took a group of accordion students ... 1 ’ ' 0 ’ 1 r , ‘8 ° n . h i­ nient center, Sail Antonio Texas. AT ROUTH HOME WEDNESDAY winners with games and refresh­ to the festival in his truck. They ííMt of said notice and FOOD PRESERVATION Mr. and Mrs Earl Cook have had ments The table was pretty, decor­ the posting of said resolution shall | MEETING JUNE 16 ROGUE RIVER returned Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hannah Routh, Mrs. Lester several letters from their son Way- ated with roses and artistic place he not less thun fifteen days prior Word conies from Miss Marian lie, now Fireman 3rd Class, on tlie Thompson and Mrs. Carl Routh cards, which caused a lot of pleas­ lo the date of said election. LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND Farrell, Home Demonstration Agent USS Tennessee. Wayne lias been were hostesses at a shower held at ant remarks. Section 6. The publication of this that meetings are being held this ( ross the Pacific to the Midway and the home of Mr. Hannah Routh. SUPPER PARTY IN MEDFORI) Refreshments of Jello and whip­ resolution as hereinbefore provided m onth and next showing how to Wake Islands and is now at Sun Wdnesday afternoon in honor of ped cream were served and every­ Last Saturday evening Miss Beth shall lx- deemed a compliance with 1 preserve foods by drying and frees. Francisco. Mrs. Berline Lewis. one had a very pleasant evening. Paulsen was hostess to several tile provisions of the Charter for ing and canning On June 16 there Sam Jones, son of Mrs. W. E. iGames were enjoyed before friends nt her home In Medford at the publication thereof. will be a meeting o' the Riverside Chaffee of Galls Creek, recently en­ the lovely gifts were opened The Mr and Mrs. Ellis Mathews and a supper party. During the evening Passed by the City Council and and Rogue River community at Mrs listed in the navy and is now sta­ hostesses served punch and cookies two- children were visitors at the the guests enjoyed two tables of signed by inc in open session in Grizzel’s Auto (’amp with a picnic tioned nt the naval training base at and iced tea. home of Mrs. Mathews’ mother and cards and then the guests presented authentication of it passage this 8th luncheon, each bringing her own San Diego His brother William, The ladies present were Mesdames family, Mr and Mrs, Cal Dusenber her gifts for n bridal shower. day of June 1942. table service. Mrs. N. B. Schuler is who enlisted several months ago, is Helen Howard, Amy Ross, Andie ry, last Sunday while her spn Those present were Mr. and Mrs DONALD FERGUSON, Mayor the community committeeman who now at San Francisco on a supply Brooks, Eutha Lee Tillman, Flor­ Wallace was here from his station Art Boye. Arno lloye, Wallace Iver Attest: may be contacted for further details. ship. ence Lance, Zen Clement, Helen In Portland. son, Miss Helen Parrish, Mr. and NELLIE G. REED, Recorder Every lady interested is invited to Ethmer Boen is now stationed at Thorsen Dora Marsden Eula Wilson Eldro Davis, daughter of Mrs. Nel Mrs. Dennis McGuire, Mrs. Gladys Approved by me this 8th day of attend this meeting. The meeting ('.amp Bowie, Fort Wortlx, Texas. ( Louise Robinson, Alta Clement, Haz lie Davis spent several days as a Coates, sister of Miss Paulsen and June, 1942. for Sams Valley and Table Rock is He is the son of Mr. and Mrs, John, el Holderness, Nellie Davis the guest of her brother and wife. Geo, the hostess. DONALD FERGUSON, Mayor to be announced next week Roen of this city, honoree «nd the hostesses. Davis in Klamath Falls. Grange ,ew«