'T‘ *r Thursday May ¿0, 194* QHaiSTiAN SSISNOE 0NUR3NES The Gold Hill New»j Wkal An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of Gold Hill, Orcgcn, and Vicinity___________ WAR BONDS Fred Landers, Editor, Publisher_________ _ UAH IN a DYWKCE battered at the Postoftice at Gold Hill, Oregon, tor trans­ mission through the mails as second-class m atte r.__ Then the supply of WHAT WILL THEY DO The Golden Text waa, “Why art thou cast down, O my aoulT and why art thou disquieted within me? hnpt thou in God: for 1 shall yet praise him, who is the health of iny countenance, and my Go;’." ,Ps. 42:11). Among the citations which comprised the I.osson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: '■There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, an, through all, and in you all'* (Eph. 4:4-0). The Lesson-Sermon also in­ cluded the following correlative passages from the Christian Science ‘extbook, ’’Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “Soul is the substance, Life, and intelb; cnee of man, which is in- dividu.'.ii£id, but not in matter. Soul c n never reflect anything inferior to Spirit. Man is the exprersion of S ul" ( t !77), The 75-millimeter gun is a divi­ sional weapon used by the Artillery as an anti-tank gun. It has been replaced to some extent by the more modern-“105", known as the heavi­ est of divisional weapons. The 75- mm gun costs $12.000 and has been converted by our Ordnance into a “blaster" twice as efficient as in the first World War, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUbSuuPTION KATE «1.50 PER M ftO U L and Body" waa the sub- U Ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all churches of Christ, Scien­ tist, on Sunday, May 34. Wiik lipsticks aw. ! other cosmetics will not use mori What will the hoys and girls do than they need, adequately.. ' is stunner is a- problem question for every parent to solve or try to PONY EXPRESS TO RIDE AGAIN t.o.ve now that school is out and leisure time is on the hands of many I HE OLD OREGON TRAIL 28TH DAY OF JUNE SAYS SHERIFF’S I of these young Americans. The older boys and girls will probably have little trouble keep­ The Pony Express will ride aga«:. ing busy at work or play and in most eases care for themselves. The over the Old Oregon trail troin P01« smaller bos and girls are the ones land to Timberline Lodge on June that will need a lot of supervised 28, according to Herman Blaesing work and play to keep them con­ Jr. race chairman of the Clackamas tented and ir.cendentally off streets county sheriff’s posse. This 70-mile relay event reviving and alleys. Some definite planning Ihe epic mail runs of a century ago f,ir Un children of the eonununity t.i tli mrUir of recreation would was inaugurated last June when the int I os' and no doubt this has Klickitat county sheriff's posse of or \vi 1 be done by various organize0 lioloendule, Washington, delivered groups interested in the boys and ihe mail bags to Timterline in five hours, 45 minutes 21 and 2-5 sec's, lir ls . to nose out teams from McMinville, Business men and others should remember when a lonsonie looking Oregon City, Portland and Oswego boy comes around with nothing in It is sponsored jointly by the posse particular to do, to at least give him members of Lake Oswego Hunt Club a kindly smile and help him over­ and Timberline Lodge Sheriff Bussell Woodward of Got- come the sudden change from school and the crowd to the more quiet dendale has already said that his living with no school duties oil his deputies will defend their champion ship, and the sponsors expect at mind. least five teams to nun this year. Nothing is quite so important as the welfare of the youth of the The competition is limited to sheriff commufitiy or the nation as to that pose organizations and calvary units 1 of the United State* Army, Blaesing This gun gets maximum power for minimum weight and cost, and the American people are providing the finance through the purchase of War Bonds If you do yourt sfiare and in­ vest 10 per cent of youh income in War Bonds, adequate supply of this efficient gun can be assured our fighting forces Buy War Bonds every U. 4 pay day. The power of the greatest Navy in the world, our own two-ocean fleet, rests in large measure on its back­ bone—the Battleships of the Line. They displace approximately 35.000 tons and cost up to $70.000,000 We have something like a score of these huge ships in the Atlantic and Pa­ ject only to thetlimltations of stren­ gth and physioal requirements, end they should be paid equally for the work. That's Ihe opinion of William P. Witherow, President of the Na­ tional Association of Manufacturers who says that as many as four mil­ lion women may be employed by Ihe end of 1943. Manufacturers and industrial rela- .ions experts have been conducting .1 series of clinics throughout the county tn order that they can adopt a 'sound approach* to the employ­ ment of women in war jobs. Describing Ihe survey, Mr. With- ■row reported ’These unique on- in key war proucing centers stretch Ihe-spot ‘women clinics’ were held ng from New York as far west as Oklahoma City, for the purpose of exploring personnel and employ­ ment relations problems involved in the employment of a million and more women in war industries within the rear future." The survey yeilded some interest­ ing facts on the feminine Invasion of a hitherto largely masculine field. For one thing, their prraence in factories Is stepping up the war efforts of the men ’ At first the men resented Ihe In- vssion of whgt wss formerly strictly a male domain, but soon they began Io slirk down their hair, wear lies and even roats oreailonly. In many factories the women began by do­ ing more work than the men. The men couldn’t stand that and they slcpiied up their own efforts. If the fair sex does have the ef­ fect of accelerating the war produc­ tion, women should be a welcome addition to our Industrial battlefront And certainly they should be paid the same wuges forth sam work. ■ IS L t C T I» » V I STBAIg ÇAU1IS V IS U A L si tr a its T*wuuia --- t FEMININE COMPETITION W omen can satisfactory fill most of the jobs performed by men, sub- A ■ » ' » ■ • ' a ■ W«i You can know your EYES l.enses only when required D r, H erb ert W H erm a n n OPTOMETRIST cific. ♦ hsweasù» Regularity of ■ •» •la y 's BWalqht BeuriMu Whla- -b a U g feetes fas the Grants Pass 519 H. St. Phone 25SJ said. MI ST HAVE LIPSTICK Think twice before tossing away that used lipstick container, emp­ ty cold cream jar, or last years van­ ity case. They’re all precious items because the metal and plastic short­ ages especially since many contain­ ers will no longer be made of these materials. Each year that fancy row of toiletries and cosmetics on your dressing table takes its toll of criti­ cal goods to the tune of five million pounds of plastics, 250,000 ton of steel, 2,250 ton of copper and 550 tons of zinc. That’s the explanation for the conterplated packaging of cosmetics in paper, cellophane or other less permanent containers. However, the WPB toiletries and cosmetics branch doesn’t expect to ration glamour yet. Perhaps women will not use more than they need. The race backtracks the Barlow Hoad Section of the Old Oregon trail, starting at Oswego Hunt Club crossing he Willamette river at Or­ egon City and then following the Clackamas, Sqndy and Zig Zag rivers to the base of Mount Hood. At Government Camp the route turns north on the Oregon Skyline trail to Timberline Lodge. Back Mount Hood national Forest Service officials last ytar built several new sections of trail to provide better footing for the ponies. Seven horses and riders make up • team and each team is given a sack of mail to be relayed to the lodge Special caches that are stamped on pony express tetters by the post­ master at Timberline I-odge have covers among stamp collectors, ac­ cording to Fred Van Dyko, Timber- line manager. Eight huge battleships are under construction and more are contem­ plated. To finance these modern goliaths of the sea It is necessary for every American everywhere to buy more and more W ar Bonds. Wa can do it if everybody doaa his share. Invest at least ten percent of your income every pay day to help your county go ever its Bond Quota. o. s Miss Dorothy Burket was a Med-1 ford visitor Saturday night return-: ing to Gold Hill late Sunday. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS will be compounded with the highest quality drugs obtain­ able and as exactly as your Doctor orders at the depend­ able— « O L D H IL L LO D G E NO. 12» Meets Every Taaedax Night Y O U A R E W E LC O M E Harry Newnham, Noble Grand Walter McLean, Vice Grand Wm. Autenrelth, Secretary Norman Gail, Treasurer OWL DRUG STORE GRANT8 PASS, ORE. A M E TH Y S T R E B E K A H LO D G E r Meets the firs t and th ird Wednes­ days of each piontb at the I 0 . 0 . F H a ll, Gold H ill, O r e * » All woolen garments cleaned by us are moth proofed at no extra cost FRENCH LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS T h e S e a l o f A p p roval AND Pick up and deliver twlee week. Elsie Cameron, Noble Grand Nellie Winn, Vice Grand BeHe Smith — Rec. See'y. Irene Johnson, Fin. Sec’y Della K ell — Treasurer GOLD H IL L GRANG E NO. SM Meets first and th ird Thorsdays a at 8 p. m„ at their hall jaat above the Methodist church on Sams Val­ ley road. H. E. club meet» second and fourth Tuesdays at 1 JO p. m. Awarded by the American la * ■titute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Testa OUR D R IV E R PIC KS UP AND D E L IV E R » ON TUBS. A PEL Leave T ou r i-aunsry at The “Ace of Spades'* rfeoeun We need many of these powerful, fast little boats to cope with the treacherous submarine type of na­ val warfare fostered by our ene mies. Everybody can help pay for more Sub Chasers by putting at least ten percent of his income into War Bonds. Buy Bonds or Stamps •very pay day. Buy them from your bank, your post office, or from your office or factory through the Payroll Savings Plan. ' A m m J M a VLMs GRANTS PASS, OREGON May 27-28-29-30 BAHAMA PASSAGE With M A D E L IN E CARRO LL MAY 31 JUNE 1-2 TORTILLA FLAT With Spencer Tracy and Hedy Lamarr U. S . T r ta n r y D t f r t m t n i ★ JUNE 3-4-5-6 THE COURTSHIP ßutf, Wiik OF ANDY HARDY ROONEY WAH BONDS ★ Also With Preview MICKEY SATURDAY NITES ★ The Aerial Camera for use on Scout and Observation and Recon- naisance planes is essential to both the Army and Navy air forces in planning battle formations and in ob­ taining information on enemy forti­ fications and movements. They look something like a cannon, and cost about $3,400 apiece. W H l IE adds a march Of nailheads and per/- in g to p r e tty M a r a * caln L O -H E E L E R S ! Closed or Sling Backs 1 E X C E P T IO N A L MAY 27-28 M e x ic a n S p itfir e B a b y Date With The Falcon MAY 29-30 Unexpected Uncle Also Prairie Stranger Highway Pool Hall—Owl Club 116 E. Main Pho- 2301 RAISE YOUR SUMMER SMARTNESS! VALUESI WRESTLING Ticket» on »ale in MEDFORD At Are Here “Since lw w r LUPE VELEZ Also M onday N ight 8 :3 0 PM T h r ills I «Spills! WHITES GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY With MEDFORD ARMORY (WUth The Brightest Ideas in Aside from the sixty-mile an hour Mosquito Torpedo Boats, the Sub Chasers are the speedsters of our Navy. Light and fast, they are the eyes of the Fleet on the water. They displace approximately 1,500 tona and cost about $2.400,000 each. it Wltai IÄ S I UKW l i l P l t l * to, M A New Shipment of W H ITE S Has Tiiet Arrived Both PARIS FASHIONS and NISLEYS Medium, low and high heels Priced from $3.95 to $5.00 MAY 31 JUNE 1-2 The aerial cam eram an can plot wide territories in bold relief so that A rm y or N avy Intelligence can make accurate measurements of en­ emy territory. We need many of these cameras so necessary to the a ir arms of the A rm y and Navy. You can help buy them with your purchases of W ar Bonds. Invest at least ten percent of your Income ev­ ery pay day, and help your county ge ever its W ar Bond Quota. V A T l . V. I. Tr»sn»ry LITTLE FOXES W ith B E T T E D A V IS Also You’re Telling Me JUNE 3-4 COUNTRY FAIR Also PUBLIC ENEMIES I X-RAY SHOE FITTING Golden Rule Store Grant« Pa»»