Qold HHJ New “WHITT tfUIRTM 00. The new chlwln» obUining oth« cottunodiU«» urtaln liana in general« to the and that it doing a RMjthificiani Job in the all conuittCri ihdiild do bn a ktrtail plenty of nefUHtllei Io go around, consumer»" interest. Tan of Ihoua- s, ale. WMF will cause us all to for . to ba rationed subsequently, the victory may be speeded, , conservation number or name of which he de­ W ork to prevent fires I ruling wiU have aa profound effcats clined to state. on your life as any war order yet PLENTY FOR ALL In amplification, Mr. Price point­ issued.' You w ill notice its lack ed out that *'we recognise that In a joint announcement. Secre­ where you never even thought of many people, in the normal course, its use—as a bleach for foods and buy sugar in sacks. People who do tary of Aariultnrc Wickard and cosmetics, for instance. Chlorine so should not he considered us Price Administrator Henderson re- ently said thut food stocks in this fo r textile bleaching w ill be limited •‘hoarders’' in that sense of the to half of wlhat is usually used, and , w ord“ he declared, laving stress on country art* abundant, and that there justification for since there are few substitutes a- i ness of the clothes, merely tlhelr is no need or vailabje, some yardage w ill have to brightness. The bleaches you buy I hoarding or abnormal buying. be darker. There w ill also be less ! from the grocer fo r home laundry Consumers should remember that. bleaching in shellac, the color be­ w ill also be effective because they “ Scare buying" is one of the sur­ ing a little more yellow than in so- w ill contain SO percent less chlor­ est ways to produce price inflation. Temporary shortages are created called white shellac. And your ine. Although it w on't affect husband's favorite white shirts w ill most of us, owners of private swim­ as demand runs far ahead of su|>- lose some of their dazzle; all com­ ming pools must get along w ith ply. The retail industry has been and mercial laundries must do without only 25 percent id tlhe amount for­ chlorine, except for a very small merly used. amount which may be used for the most stubborn stains. This, of course, doesn" affect the cleanll- SHORTENING THE RUBRBK SHORTAGE. «ULD H ILL LODGE NO. 129 MaeU Every Tuaadu Night Practicing what it preaches, the YOU ARE WELCOME GOOD NEWS FOR SUGAR War Department thru the office of H arry Newnham, Noble Grand BUYERS REVEALED BY the Quartermaster General announ­ W alter McLean, Vice Grand STATE RATIONER. ces that huge amounts of rubber Wm. Autenreith, Secretary are being released for certain phas­ 0. 1.. Price, Oregon state ration­ Norman Gail, Treasurer ing administrator, returned to Port­ es of the war effort, through a re­ cent program ordered by the Quart end Tuesday from an OPA ration­ AMETHYST REBEKAH LODGE 97 ing adm inistrator^ rcvrnt»ng price increases H u ll woud otherwise take place. Home fif Juicy Jumho'a— Frnaen One of th r most Important ele­ ■ M u e r te Hogue. I T I »TUM ments in this program is wise buy­ , uuni» . ing. Stores are keeping inventor­ Famous Fried Chicken Dinner» v iin a t , ies at reasonable levels, instead of ei » v a in 125.00 10.00 987.50 307.50 300.00 670.00 100.00 $ 1095.00 670.00 100 00 $ 1095 00 $ 1000.00 Schedule VI—Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and A vailable Cash Balances, and Tax Levies Estimation of Tax Levy Total A ll Funds Total estimated expenditures .......................................................$ 30,665.96' DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and available cash balances ....... „ 10,269.86 Dated thia April 6, 1942. (Schedule I). Amount necessary to balance the budget ..............................$ 20,396.10 Signed: D. H. McGUIRE, ADD: Estimated amount of taxes that w ill not be Clerk Pro-Tam. collected during the fiscal year for w hich thia budget is made .......................................................................... 2,624.50 Approved by Budget Committee: Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year ...... ....... .6 23,02040 A nalysis o f estimated tax levies: Amount inside 6% limitation ......................................... .$ 23,020.60 * r 4 • e < / ( Signed: A. A. WALKER, Secretary, Budget Committee. $ 1743.71 $ 2494 42 . 250.00 15.73 1501.96 613.04 542.01 ..... •2 g 99.03 $ 57.00 949 94 183.75 • 431.13 137.65 $ 1702.47 $ 4208.92 $ $ 866.61 $ 8012.78 185.37 $ 909.31 FRANCES M. THRONE, Chairman, Board of Director». H. D. FORCE, Chairman, Budget Committee.