VX » Z» X *.* The Quid Hill Kcws, Gold Htll, Oreybn. doubling their efforts. Their ser­ vice to this nation and the world Medical scicnoe oontinues to p ro ­ cannot he over estimated in value duce m ira cle s--m ira o le s that oheat or praised too highly. MIRACLE DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE PLATll.M MINE’ A cco rd in g to the file s o f the Gold H ill News as o f May 1910 th is lo ­ c a lity at a p o in t 5 m iles west of M e rlin on the west side o f Hogue riv e r, 3 m iles fro m the famous H ell Gate w a te r p o w e r on Hogue riv e r, has p la tin u m m ine, assays o f w h ic h w ere made in Germany at that p e rio d w ere given as h igh as Hi ounces. O th e r assays matte in P ort la n d at the tim e gave I I ounces o f p la tin u m to the ton. The m in in g E ngineer. W . A. M a rvin , stated in the (M ay 21, 1910 issue). “ I have not exam ined the lode, but the ro ck w d iicli I saw was o f a ch a ra cte r to in dicate that the p la tin u m has been found in places". T h is is of special interest to Mr. M a rv in as he has spent tw o years in the em­ p lo y o f the G overnm ent, w o rk in g m ostly i ■ Coos and C u rry counties searching fo r the source o f the pla t iliu m w hirtb is found in tire b lack sand o f the seacoast, and, especially in the sand at the m outh o f .the Hogue riv e r the ledge is n iu iiiy m in e ra liz e d fo r a w id th o f GOO feet. 200 o f w h ic h is a b rig h t p in k q u a rtz, St) foot o f e th e r q irtz . 15 o f .sherulitic g u n g u r A c c o r d i n g to th is aneinent re cord at th a t ainie, “ T h e re w ere tw o p la tin u m mines in the w o rld — one in the U ral m oun­ ta in s and the o th e r in A u stra lia , b u t in n e ith e r o f files,■ m ines, does p la tin u m p redom inate as in the ease o f the M e rlin m in e ." We re p u b lish th is account, h o p ing to c o n trib u te som ething to the W a r e ffo rt in w tiii h we are a ll so v ita lly con­ cerned. in opening up new fields o f m a te ria ls no w so tiugent in sup­ p le m e n tin g c u rta ile d supplies of o th e r co u n trie s now in the be- *s o f the enemy. 1... .1. j J „ L .-.r - rr7^" MAKERS. death, th a t give life and health and happiness to m ankind. W ritin g in the Header's Digest, Paul de K r u if te lls o f one o f them, hi ttie (last, p e rito n itis fo llo w in g acute a p p e n d icitis has meant death rate ru n n in g as high us 75 percent Each year some 25,(MW Am ericans have d ied a fte r nppendietom ies. M edical a u th o ritie s know that w hen an appendix burst, b illio n s ot in te s tin a l m icrobes w ere sprayed out. But they had no remedy. But the d o cto r never adm its fa il­ M r. and Mrs. K e rn u l B u h le r am: Mrs. C la ire P alm er spent the week end vacation v is itin g in and near P o rtla n d w ith frie n d s and relatives. Mrs. C lyde Mattel o f S ardine Creek re ce n tly u n d e rw e n t a m a jo r o p era­ tio n in P o rtla n d * t tales’ re p o rt she is re v iv in g iiieely and as soon as she is e tie w ill v is it w ith her dau­ g h te r and fa m ily n P o rtla n d uelore re tu rn in g to h e r home here. M r. and Mrs. D on Bosecrans o f visite d w ith Mrs. an,| fin a lly , a w a y was fou n d to I’ o! reruns parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ho- use that amazing saver o f life , s u l­ zey Tcpovac and fa m ily re ce n tly. fanilamide, in tre a tin g p e rito n itis . The re s u lt: One d o c to r and his co- A rt P a rke r, s u ffe rin g fro m a scalp w o rk e rs last year handled 331 smc - i ’.fa c tio n spent several days in a ,‘ssive emergency raises o f u6ute e ilfo rd h o spital lats week. apt e n d ic itis -w ith o u t a single d eath! ( her phyjsieians had com parable A fte r re n tin g his ca b in on the ure. .. _ .Thursday April y 194-' ■ y a y jB im * Experimentations GAIL’S GOLD HILL MARKET Groceries — Meat Market — Hardware — Feed — School Supplies went on. l l i l t , C a lifo rn ia success. “ As th e news o f th is sim ple, p o w ­ erful scie ice spreads Iron» sea to sea," w rite s Paul de K ru if, “ many thousands o f lives w ill be saved. "I he humblest backwoods surgeon today ca-i he n re sucoess'ul death fig h te r against p e rito n itis than the ! greatest kn ife m a n o f three years ago. A ll the citizens w h o get this news, and a ll the p ra c tic in g p h y s i­ cians and surgeons, can now get in a d riv e to w a rd th is g o a l:: appendi­ c itis m o rta lity —z e ro !’ ’ The A m erican system o.‘ p riva te m edicine has been responsible fo r u u n riv a le d progress in a w a r w h ic h never ends— the w a r against d is­ ease. against pain, against human waste. In these days o f m ilita ry '» n r, v itli a ll ttie new p e rils to health that w o rld -w id e c o n flic t , ereats, the men o f m edicine are re- Hunting and Fishing Supplies CALL 321 ---------- 1 WE DELIVER .............................. ................ 1 ...................n OPEN FOR BUSINESS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS r iv e r to E. V. C arp e n te r and son, Mr. .. E. V in ce n t we it to S helton W ash. w h e re he w ill v is it w ith his so... 3:00 a. in. t i l l 8:00 p. m. 3:00 u. m. t i l l 7:00 p. nt. O--------------------------------------------------------------- if Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevenson of G rants Pass w er - Si: id i' gues’s ! th eir daughter n il family Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. T'rn e sl Eo.:'- who h rs bee-- em- ’•■'-ed in Walla Walla, Wavli.. re ­ turned to h :s bou t- here this dee GROCERIES W A TC H HEP » IR»N»: LARRY SCHADE S. P V a t' h I'" "ectoi Since 1913 <1 21 S. C entral- Next Io C raterian Medford. Oregon | rttOGur ike message must go through" 29^ KERR LIDS Reg. 3 dozen BIB BOY SOAP bar 50 OXYDOL Large size 230 230 PEACHES con Local pack free stone AMAIZO STARCH Carnon Glors FCRMAY SHORTENING 3 lbs £ J c M i l Q n -U f-l U n f a PCRK & BELANS 300 size e a c h fA y t GRANTS PASS. ORÉGON NOW v MILK Oregon 3 cans for — TÇ/jJ P L A Y IN G — Betty Grable and Jack Oakle "SONG OF THE ISLANDS” IN TECHNICOLOR 32c lb. Preview Saturday 11:00 p. nt. MMURDER BY INVITATION COMING SOON! m l A b b o tt and Lou C ostello in ‘RIDE 'EM COWBOY’ T h irty-n in e thousand men and women o f this company are behind your telephone service, making connections, keeping your service in order, working out ways to meet telephone needs. They are a part o f the great army of telephone workers in America who are out to help w in this war. T hey have been tested time and again, in fire, flood and storm. T h e ir call to action has been the tra d itio n that says, 'T h e Message Must Go T hrough.” T hey’ll do their level best, under wartime conditions, to give you the finest service possible. tH I P A C IF IC T I U P H O N I AND T IL IC K A P H i t . PRODUCE NOW PLAYING! A VACADOS 3 for THE WOLF MAN COM PANY* Claude Rains and I-ou Chaney Also— Service You’ll Like 100 CARROTS big bunch ORANGES Jumbo size doz. 150 ASPARAGUS 2 pounds Nice and tender Johnny Mack Brown THE MASKED RIDER Whether you want water, air, gasoline, oils or any other travel­ ing needs, you will like our Personal, Friendly Service. Just ‘SAILORS ON LEAVE’ COY’S SERVICE STATION AL K E E S E Y , William I.undigan and Slurley Boss. M A N A G E R . Southern Oregon’s Finest Entertainment! C ra te ria n Ends Saturday Night Bud Abbott-Lou Costello in Ride ’Em Cowboy Plus Charles Starrett in 'George M ontgom ery in “Riders of the Badlands” ZANE GREY’S Last of the Duanes Tuesday Walter Pidgeon-Roselind Bussell Spencer Tr^cjsy-Katherine Hep­ Plus Lionel Atwill-Anne Gwynne in burn in "Woman of The Year” Starts Wednesday, 4 Days Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in ‘‘Corsicin Brothers” PORK STEAK Ends S aturday N ig h t “International Lady” Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Design for Scandal “Strange Case of Dr. X” ALL CUTS ATTRACTIVELY PRICED QUALITY DELUXE Roxy Ends S aturday N ig h t Ilo n a Massey-George B rent in Monday. W e are Featuring PrimeGrain Fed White Face B eef from the BEN DAY RANCH in SAMS VALLEY. Your Medford Theatres! R ia lto Sunday, MEAT Sun. Mon. Tues, April 5, 6, 7 stop at our Standard Station for your motoring need.^, PORK LIVER fresh, lb. lb. 390 «C MINCED HAM pound 250 Sunday, Monday, . Dorotry Lewis-James Ellison in .. . “ICE CAPADES” Fishing Season is almost here. See our complete stock# at BEST CASH PRICES We Issue Licenses. With Jerry Colon na Wednesday, Thursday Barry Nelson Laraine Day in Yank of the Burma Road PLUS Jeffrey Lynn Constance Bennett in Law of The Tropics Brenda Joyce-Jane Dorwell in PRIVATE NURSE 1 PLUS Added Attraction Remember H e W ill Meet any S h e lf Price In Southern Oregon