STRAIGHT FROM t N E W YORK An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity w ill »Wallow up death in victory, and the Lord God shall wipe away tears from o ff all fares; and the rebuke of His people shall be taken iw ay from off all the earth. The H erald of the Epiphany. "There w ill be no penalty to ihe man or woman who tells the a* mount of sujs r he or She has at the All woolen garments cleaned I'rcd Landers, Editor, Publisher time of registration. But there w ill ky ua arc moth proofed at no be penalties for those who make a S L b M .iU l'lt t iN HATE »1.00 PER YEAH IN A D V A N N C E extra coat false statement. " It ’s necessary that everyone reg­ FRBNCH LAUNDRY AND at ister and make accurate statements” DRY CLBANRRg tie declared, “for the reason that, , Pick up and deliver twtoe ■ while they may not need sugar, that registration w ill be the basis for week. They «diall not build and another | W ANTED I other commodities to be rationed We want wool, m ohair, hides ano inhabit; they shall not plant and ! t subsequently.’’ i i lls. Also scrap iron and ull kind another eat; for as the days of a i •f metal, junk batteries and radia ree are (shall be) the days of My people; and Mine elect shall long enjoy the w ork of their luinds. They «¡RANTS PASS BARGAIN HOUSE b a ll not labor in vain, n or bring 8. »Ith St. Grants Pass. Ore orth for trouble; for they are (shall lie) the seed of the blessed AYMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY . the I ord. The w olf and the M O VEM ENT. •mb »hall feed together, and the i VI i ; I tw o I'.e s u rrrc tio n s are n .«h»P eat straw like Ihe bullock; •chilly mentioned In the Bible'’ m l d ti; i -h nll be th<‘ serpents meat, hey siudi ot hurl or destioy in ( I ) The heavei.'i, or s; iritu u i, re.. direction, Hev. 20:6; Blessed and .'I My holy mountain, saith the or. Is. 25:6, In this mountain ‘ Hall holy is he that hath part in the -g T h e increasin g p o p u la rity of lira! resurrection; on such U’e sec- he Lord of hosts maxe unto all B a rc la y 's S tra ig h t Bourbon Whis­ eople a fees! of fat things . . . He h l d e a th imth ::«■ power; but they k e y . . . i s « b i g factor in th e trend ill lie pries s f tin ¡ U H of Ctirist. towards fin e , light-bodied whiskies. I .shiH reig.i w»th Him a :ho us- i y e a rs ' i • ... 4 >0,17: The t i eorrupiion inherit im-orrup- lion. Behold, I shew you a mystery e »half not ; 'I sleep, but we shall ill he changed, in a moment, in the 'w i ll ting of a i eye, ai the Iasi trumpet; for the trumpet shall (omul, and Hie dead shall tie raised Incorruptible, and we shall he ehang ed; for this corruptible must put on ineori uptiiMi. and this mortal must put on im m ortality. (2) Tfc-e earthly, or human resur­ rection, Exek. 16:53, 55, 61, 63; When I shall bring again . . . the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daugh- Jtec, then w ill I bring again the cap­ tivity of thy c»" lives In Iflie midst of them. W hether thy sister, Sod­ om and her daughters, shall return to th eir form er estate, and Samaria and her daughter sftiM return to th eir form er estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your form er estate. Then . . . thou shall receive ttity sisters, thine elder and thy younger; and I w ill give them unto thee for daughters, bu, not by Bring to Medford a new breath in modern photograp th y covenant...........when I am paci­ fied tow ard thee for all that thou nearest thing to life itself . . . hand painted portraits by i hast done. skill and experience—a skill that brings life and vitality Is. 65:17, 19, 21, 23, 25: For be­ hold, I create . . . . a new earth, and and a tone of quality that will bring joy to the heart of I w ill . . . . joy in My people, and they shall build houses and inhabit who appreciates finer things in art. And! remember. them, and they shall plant vine­ yards, and eat the fru it of them. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the I'ostoflice Gold Hill, Oregon, for trans mission through the mails as second-class matter.__ d rafted FDR SPRING S u i t dresses of sheer crepe with crisp touches of wntte ami arrest­ ing n e w l i n e s c a p t u r e hl -h h o n o r s tills 8 p r i n g— a re­ fresh!;..'. contra .1 to service u n i ­ forms. This femi­ nine New York creation h a s a s h e e r sharktl ->i blouse - top with rhinestone b u t ­ tons. BE B RIG H T AT N IG H T Dress up for the men at the din­ ner h o u r in a long gown, sim­ p ly fa s h io n e d , out elegant and in colors t h e y like. An antidote for war-time Jit­ ters is this New York creation of m ih green with n a w flared tat­ tle« peplum and rhinestone e y a- lets for its bodiee lacing. Small Children and Baby SPECIALISTS BELL STUDIOS STRAIGHT FR O M U N E W YORK THE * CHINA HERB CO. ( LEE & WONG) EAST MAIN STREET. MEDFORD, OREGON. Office Hours: D aily 10::0 A. M. To 5:00 P. M. Closed Sunday T ry our Herbs when others fail. New Line of BOYER COSMETICS At Popular Prices Becker’s Drug Store Moving TRY EADS TRANSFER Long Distance or Local Oregon— Wash.— Calif. Medford— Phone 2828 YOUR w ill be compounded with the highest quality drugs obtain­ able and as exactly as your Doctor orders at the depend- OWL DRUG STORE wants fam OUL x I F am ily G r o u p s up photograph before the boy leaves the girlsi graduate from High school te entire family taken NOW. You >rrow may be too late; so why put it an appointment for any evening or ay . . « But do it NOW ( Studios Across From Hotel Allen