The Gold Hill News The Most Thoroughly Rood W —Idy in Sowthrn Volume XLIV School News Est ablished 1897 Published in the Big geet Little Town in the Stato NUMBER 47 Gold Hill, Oregon. Fellowship Day A t Methodist Church Pot-Luck Dinner Fifteen Students Finish Driving Course; Fine Work Fitteen high school students com­ pleted their driving course under Hie direction of slate instructor French Tuesday, when they took their final teat. Mr. French slates that the Gold H ill class is one of Hie best he ha* tuught and Hie boys und girls are ria l drivers, aide Io lake care of Htcinselves und the public in traffic or ojx-n driving or parking their cars in the most approved method. 'Hie fifteen students who finished tlie course w ill compete with other schools from Grunts Pass Io M errill, Ins congregation H,at the- iliscxiurse re|,rt.M.nll(,jv i. Soil C o n -'w ith the exception of the Meilford o f|,|u .H 'a X id u r y UTb^ servatiou of I ire -I Jackson County schools, for the Southern Oregon Buddy Blair Mr. and Mr». Kemal Buhler, Alvl» W inn, Harlun Bunry. l.eroy Garten, and V id o r Frost w ill Journey to Eugene Thursday afternoon. They w ill enter the Hayward track event» Friday. They w ill comtwtc 'In run­ ning, und broad Jump w ith boy» of other schools. They plan to return Sunday H ie first mul second year typist» In announcing his sermon subjecl p ee lest Tuesday Io be judged against Boys 1 Peter 3-3. Girls 1 peter 5-6. Soil ( '.»nsi i iulion olfice in Medford, sim ilar tests by oilier schools were WALTER J. LOOKER from ( I s to n nuts !• cult is Io I.allies Organization ut 12.30. Ree. For Glory and fo r Beauty, Jean U n pi u i s 32 per ton without s..dis the following: Evalyn Christenson, Candidate a,u lo r Republican Nomina K ik the ch Jesus bring n v ie Her nod bun for liilii- Dr. Situs E. Fuiiliam of Salem. Alvi» Winn, Bob Burton, Janies Bos?- lion o lr State Senator from Jackson I ( .a j )s ’ nest. Den Three. jts-lf and D istrict Superintendent, w ill be pres- t i l l s amount is collected when Hie c.runs, Jefferson Marsden, Bolen . ■ ent al Ibe dinner and preside id Hie wheal is ordered and the county A- Itosecruns. Mary Barton. Harlow I County, Mr. and Mrs C. L. Thompson and "Service to my community, State and j Annual Meeting of Hie congregation. genls force arrange for the sacking daughter Clarice have moved from Banry, Melvin Lewis. Junior Shoe-1 Nation" The record breaking al tendance on in Hie farmers sucks. I the Jacf:sonville-Phoer4ix highway This wheal is being sold Io relieve maker, Wallace Davis, Myrtle Winn, to the small house on the Dr. Free- w ith all Etc' Faster Sunday at both the preaching itn ii u Virginia Centers and Mary Lou Ty­ pressure on elevators and to promote JACOBSON-ELLIS NUPTIALS burger place form erly owned by D. •il by ways and wi'vlee und Sunday School was the Irinin .ins .as sei gart. livestock and poultry raising. IN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY H. Ferry. Mr. Thompson is employ­ means 1 ..omullee, i liny d ial 1 - occasion for in iiili encouragement EASTER SUNDAY Io members of Ibe im-al organization. ed by Arthur Echert at the former m a i l , at Gold H ill Grange hull pre­ BIRTHDAY REUNION HELD Ruleigh Thompson and I). Needam In an impressive ceremony Easter ffhe pastor was privileged to re­ ceding the tegular meeting A pril 3. of Ehgene, visited in Ihe J. B. Jor­ morning Miss Betty Jean Jacobson Ralph Lovell place near the Alaska Auto park. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell After dinner square dancing and ceive into Hie church fellowship Hie Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson were] dan home Sunday. They were en-1 largest class to lie wclconted in re­ hosts at a birthday reunion held for route,Io llornshrook on a business became the bride of Ralph J. Ellis, j bought the place near W ilderville a general good lime was had.. Bev. D. E. Millard officiated. They ' that was owned by (he Thompsons Our guest speaker Dr. Geo. A. Si­ cent years. Under Hie direction oi Mrs. Artie Doreii who was 73 years trip. were attended by the grooms parents who lived in Grants Pass for nine Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. Eskew ii mon of Eugene, Granger und Repub­ olil Hint day. One son, six daughters Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ellis. years and have many friends there. lican e.mdidal lo r congress gave.u group of young ladies made their und 16 grandchildren were present. The bride chose as her wedding Their daughter Clarice is attending in itia l appeurunce as a church choir nmst interesting description of Indtn. Those who attended were: Mr. amt outfit a navy sheer ensemble w ith Rogue River Acadamy at Medford. tic has truvi led over most of Hie A generous offering was received Curl Friock and children, Mr. und white accessories and gardenia cor­ ¡ ’ or Hie relief of world sufferers. Frank E lliott of Bedding Calif, was world and gve.s lectures on his tra­ Mrs. John Doren, and Mrs. Babcock sage. A special invitation is extended of Montague, Calif., Mr. an Mrs. I.. in the csmuiiunity Friday and Sat­ vels. lie had Ilic misfortune to get .1 FROM COW CREEK 'line goung people w ill live at urday. Coming in the interest of finger cut off in u lintel door just to Ihe Gold H ill Grange members Fiock and family of McCloud Calif. Tulelake California where Mr. Ellis having repair work done at the fo r­ (By Mrs. F. A. T ripp) before coming to Gold lli l l . He was to utlcnd Uie services Sunday und Mr. and Mrs. Webster Fiock and fain is surveying engineer for the L. S. mer home of his mother Mrs. Paul­ participate in Ihe Fellowship day. ily of Ml. Shasta Calif. Also Jim Ellis accompained by his wife und Mr. Bureau of Reclamation. ine Wahl. The place is near Rivera Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons and and Mrs. Glen Roberts of Grants Cow Creek Valley s having nice and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Janet of Yreka. Puss. Other welcome Grangers were Mr«. Thomas West Hurt warm days now und the flowers and GOLD HILL BAND PLAYS McMannis. ___ Mr. und Mrs. H itlon of Eugene, who Mr. and Mrs. Otto King and c h il­ gardens show it too. In Gun Accident Tuesday WITH OTHER HANDS IN WED. Mrs. Effie Birdseye from here and are former Gold H ill residents Mr. dren, of Shevlin Ore., Mr. and Mrs. In a few days all the apple trees CONCERT EAGLE POINT Mr. and Mrs. Victor Birdseye of ami Mrs. B ill Perry of Eagle Point Raleigh Mathews and Earl Hansom w ill be in bloom and then the val­ Mrs. Thomas West of Gold h ill is near Medford, were among those at­ and Mr. Frances Spurlin, and Mrs. in Sacred Heart hospital in Medford of Eagle 1‘oint, Mr. und Mrs. Jitn W il­ ley w ill really have on its Easter Wednesday the Gold H ill School tending the tour of the Rogue River Sadie Frink of Sams Valley. They suffering from a bullet wound in her son, and daughter and W illiam Mc­ bonnet. Band joined w ith other bands being Jersey Cattle Club held in Josephine all spoke briefly. abdomen which it is said was in flic t­ Ciain of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. Everyone upthis way is busy fix ­ instructed by Steve Whipple, at Eag­ county Thursday, when over one H. E. C. w ill meet at the home of ed by the accidental discharge of a John Wolfe and children, Mrs. Gra­ ing fences or making garden. le Point where the combined bands hundred were present from Jackson, BiHie Shunterniun A pril 14lh at 1:30 22 rifle which was leaning against ce Curry and son Jackie, Mr. and W f are getting our dahlia beds ptayed together. Joephine and Douglas counties. J. Co-hostesses are Carrie Puhi and a wall.. Mrs. Phil Griggs und children of ready for planting and have a nice A number of students played solos c. Nesbit of New York was the Bertha Potter. Mrs. West is married and has two Medford, Elaine Morgan of Frants garden started. qccompained by Mrs. Whipple at main speaker. Farms visited included Pass, W illiam King the hosts.Mr .und children. One thing is being done up this the piano. Those going from Gola A. Hadden, George Riddle and A. E. GARDEN CLUB Although her condition Is serious Mrs. Tom Henderson and son Tom way is Khe new telephone line that H ill were: Ix*ona Holderness, bob G riffin where high grade Jerseys are her attending physician stales that of Gold H ill and Ihe honoree Mrs. is being built to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burton, Junior Swindler and Armni Kemps place. J. H. Smith has been Thompson, trumpets; Warren A lbri- bred. Victor Birdseye was appointed her condition is as well as could be Artie Doren. The Garden Club met Friday start­ working on t line several days now gth, Arlene Daily, trombones; Leroy on the conunitte fo r the fa ll tour. expected ut press time todny . • ing w ith pot-luck lunch at I pm. The Mrs. Wallace Galbreath recently and it w ifi soon be finished. TRIPLE DUTY. Carter, Anne Christensen and Or- UHC members were guests nt Hie MOTHER OF LOCAL MAN DIES It w ill give more plane spotters pha Martin, clarinets; Nadean Swin­ sold her property near Alaska Auio lunch anti plans were made for the park to Norman Gail who has rented IN CALIFORNIA ROME During macefinw more than «300, !? ” ' c " ’rca‘1>' <'«•> for dler, Raymond Dusenberry and Eliz­ unnual Senior luncheon for the mem­ it to the Thompson fam ily of Texas 000,000 was spent here in America 9PoHing here. abeth Andrews, violins; Marvin and the Bennett fam ily of Oklahoma. bers of the senior «•'lass of Ihe high Mrs. Effie I.. Johnson 67, of Santa in a single year to developc new Also in fire season w ill give Ihe school. The luncheon w ill be April Throne, Fern McCoy, Harold Col­ Mrs. Mamie Patterson or Ashland Cruz California, mother of Earl products Hint would make our lives warden here a better Mhance to vin, Norman Jackson and Clayton was an Easter guests at the home of 29th ami w ill be held in Ihe WBC Moore of this city died at her home more comfortable. In researdh lab­ spot anv fire lhal mighl be up that room at noon. Adams, saxaphones; Gene Hotder- her daughter Mrs. Tom Knox and on Marrh 29th. The body was oratories all over the country many way. ness. bass horn; Beverly Christen­ family. Mrs. Effie Birdseye and son Immediately afler lunch the exec­ brought to Medford where funeral thousands of men and women work Everyone upCow ('reek way is sen and Katherine Hayes, drums; utive Ixiuril met and made tentative Glenn spent the afternoon w itli the services were held al Hie (xinger ed at the endless task of raising o u r:,. much pleased that the new phone Beverly Dagmar aixl Evelyn Christ­ , nondnations for o ffk (rfc fo r th o Victor Birdseye fa rily near Medford. Funeral Home on Saturday A pril 4th. siluiidiird of ..t i : . . i _Hue w ill soon al be working and not living higher and follow ng year. ensen and Yvonne Moore, accor­ Mr. and Mrs. George Lance were just a dream. Burial was made in the Central Point ways higher. dions. The regular meeting was held at 2 cemetery . guests o f Mrs. Floyd Lance, Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Henry Galdricke re­ , . . . . To dny these great industrial re- pm and Ihe follow ing members were and Bobby at Gold H ill. Mr. and Mrs. ceived a letter front their son Fred, Mrs.Jnhnsor. is survived by her s,.arch ,a,Mra,(>rcs havt, ano|her job nominated for office for Ihe follow ­ Marion Lance spent Sunday w ith husixmd, Clark W. Johnson, of Santa | jw ,,rkj ng I1OW ,o pro|ect as Fred i n a favorite all Voters Must Register iu i/i w rv i . . . w ith us - --- ing year: Pauline Tygart, president; Mrs. Lances mother Mrs. M. Stead Before April Fifteenth < > « ’ •« -son Earl Moore of Gold | our freer'lom'’’and the comfortable ? 'e W* re “ ,l «,ad w ,lh his P *™ ts. Edith Bryan, v-pres.; Fanny Kies, at Rogue River. H ill, five grand children, June Ma- way of life that they helped to hope the big fight w ill be over soon secretary; Besic Ferguson, treasurer Alice Jacobson o f Corvallis daugh­ tCitizens are warned that April pel, Evonne and Nnrira Moore of create. For our armed forces they and ail the boys get back home. Madge Dorman, librarian-historian. Gold H ill. Mildred Hisher of Sacra, have already developed airplanes, The Azalea Grange met at regular 14 is the deadline to register if they ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jacobon- The door prize was won bp Pauline son is visiting her cousin Mrs. Vic­ menlo California, Elmer Butt of Sac­ meeting Monrta night. Most all the wish to vote in tile May primaries. Tygart. tanks ami guns that are superior in tor Birdseye near Medfor. She also ramento Hnd James Cornult a bro­ many ways to foreign makes. And young boys are away on duty some­ Mrs. L. G. Gentner of Medford Mrs. Catherine Caris left for Cal- acted as brides maid for an Easter ther of Central Point. Two sisters (hey are constantly improving on where in the U. S. A. or somewhere gave a very instructive and interest­ Mr. Sarali E. Wilson of Grants Pass I'hemselves constantly making wrap else but someday they w ill afi be fornia on March 26 to visit w ith wedding w hile there. ing talk on daffodils and brought Duane Hutchins and daught- and Mrs. Lena Reynolds of Kay Jun­ ons lhal are better than anything back again and then the Grange w ill her husband who is stationed at I Mrs. , .... w ith her nearly 11)0 different variet­ Camp Roberts. She found employ- ■ *U,,|H1 Ann returined