Gold blood money . D u p lta aU tha talk to the ««act that the labor problem ha» been gen er a lb »ettled tor the duration, the fact rem ains that no man can get a job in most industries unless he belongs to a union, pays dues to a union, and accepts dictation from a union. The closed shop amounts to a labor m onopoly of the worst kind— a m onopoly exercised by labor lead­ ers w ho are responsible to no one, not even the governm ent. If the 100 percent closed shop goal is reached, labor dictators w ill be m ore pow erful than governm ent it- aetf. They w ill have an absolute stranglehold over all instruments of production and distribution. W itness use of such pow er in slow­ ing up w ar production to enforre demands. Refusal of thousands to w ork in defense industries on W ash­ ington’s birthday except at overtime pay. is an example of unpatriotic or disloyal aation hard to equal. Our sold iers .are dying on many fronts because such actions h * • held u vital supplies. Double time for-over tim e should be called "blood m oney today.— Industrial N ew s R eview . TRUE WEALTH. “By taking a romantic view of labor in Hie past and a sordid view o f working co | cent of the 1040 requirements In 1 given uniti June Ist to reglsler War services have so depleted the this group are apples, prunes.apri- wlth thè Federai R eserve hank in prosiN 'dive supply o f agricultural ( out* and freestone peaches. More bis dlslrlct on fo n i» nblalned al Federai Heperve batik or graduates preparing for teaching ' borne d ryin g is expected thia year as any brand!* The»e uew regiatranls are that those in charge of the w ork in w ell. granted a general license between Oregon fear that new agricultural March 23rd a d June Ist. departm ents planned by schools DOWN PAYMBNBS INCREASED After April 1st the credit value may have to be abandon«? tem por­ ON 1NSTALLMBNT BUYING. of a used autom obile, Instead of arily and even som e exlsiting de­ being based solely upon the l>ur- partments discontinued unless addl- M . tional teacher, be found. * a ***** ln chase price, la to be based either Professor Gibson plans to go out * * expansion of Installment credit upon the purchase price or upon tliroug the state soon in search o f i at this time, the Hoard of Oover- the average retail value as stated prospcctive teudhers and Is a sk in g 1 nor, o f the Federal Reserve System in such autom obile appraisal guides that college graduates w ith back- | lul adopted 'Amendment No. 3 to as may be designated by the Board. ground training in science, and Regulation W. effective March 23. w ith farm experience if possible, 1942. The principal chaoges made ; get in touch w ith him. Arrange- by the amendment are a> follow s: ntents have been made for those In- i The standard m aturity , reduced THE CALL TO THE COLORS teresled to take certain courses at from ig to 15 nlontb , for all credit IS A CALL FOR DOLL ARSI the college this spring If necessary subject to the regulation, except lo prepare for teaching. Men w h o credits for residental modernlza- for any reason are not subject to u On. plumbing, furnaces, w ater heat if!1 active m ilitary service are especial- aPV, w p ler punipi aml pi , no#i a|| ly sought. of w hich may still be for 18 months The down payment» ary increas­ NO LIMIT ON TIN FOR HOMB ed from 20 to 33 1-3 percent on re­ CANNING; INCREASE DESIRED. frigerators, w ashing m achines, iron- I With the admission of Vermont; This is tha Aral Star» and era. vacuum cleaners, electric dish- < Stripes. The Continental Con- and Kentucky to the Union twel Plenty o f tin cans w ill be avail­ w ashers, room unit air conditioners Dig deep. Btrtka hard. Our gress on Juno 14. 1777, resolved: stars and two stripes were added' able fur hom e runners this year, R. se w in g m achines, radios and phono­ boys naad the planes, ships, and to the flag following an Act of1 “That the thirteen United States It. T u y lo '. chairman of the Oregon graphs sn ,| m usical instruments. guns which your money will help Congress in 1794. It was a flag On home air conditioning sy»- be thirteen stripes, red and white; USDA w ar board, has hern inform ­ to buy. a of 15 stars and 15 stripes over Fti tents and uttic ventilating fans, the I ed by the W ar Production board. that the Union be thirteen »tors, McHenry that inspired FranciJ Oo to your bank, poet office, or Tin cans for hom e canning ore down paym ents are increased from white in a blue field, representing Scott Key to write “The Star-1 savings and loan association. not included in the recent order re­ 15 percent to 33 1-3 percent and a new constellation." According Spangled Banner." Congress in} Tell them you want to buy De­ stricting tin for com m ercial packing on furnaces, w ater heaters, w ater i I to legend the five-pointed stars 1S18 restored the original number! of many com m odities, T aylor report »„imps and plum bing, from 15 Io ’ fense Bonds regularly, starring ■ were designed by Mrs. Betsy Ross. of stripes. cd. Home canners can obtain all 20 p ercen t now. The follow in g articles are added of the eans they need from their l ov. to use them to maximum effect. OvR NATION’S STRENGTH. usual suppliers, and w ill nol be re­ to lihe list, w ith 33 1-ft percent They must he encouraged to d yAS AB R A S £lA < SAKUT WRESTLING « MEDFORD ARMORY M onday N ig h t 8 :3 0 PM T h r ills ! »Spills! Tickets on sale in MEDFORD At Owl Club, 116 East Main, phone 2300 S c e . UMITIS. SMS* HII.W , »