r-k ¿oif »,. Â. .fr te < A ' The Gold Hill News Grand M atter I. O. O. F- To Be In Medford For Joint Meeting TW E N TY MEMBERS ATTEND I*..AKT HOBI.K GRAND THURSDAY. DEMOCRACY Local items Friends and relatives of Mrs. Sora Waii gathered at her home one Sun­ day very recently and spent the day helping her do some house work. The men put a new roof on her feed room; a hot water system was in­ stalled in the house; the ladies clean­ ed and papered the kitchen. At noon the ladies had a pot-luck lunch served to all present. This was a surprise to Mrs. Wail and she deeply appreciated the work of tier friends. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Eihart of Ashland were among those present to do their bit. roots C re e k Mrs. Marion Lane«. Feb. 17 George Martin Jr., son of ANO AS TRUE IN Mr. and Mrs. George P. Martin, who spent part of the school year at sR&H rvofjiy save Westmont Bible College at Los Ang­ les, California, held preaching ser­ or m eaniv lose vices at the Foots Creek Sunday tRc last, best Sunday following class hour. He gave a very h 'pful sermon or the Rope of e a rtR .’ Ten Virgins, Matt: 25, which was greatly enjoyed. He was accompan­ IOOf-Apr/5,B65 V-/ ied by five from the Bogue Biver church. Mr. Bourell and son, sang a duet. They also accompanied Mr. and Mrs. M L. Sutton and Mr. Martin to Selma in the evening. three children of Hogue River moved Mrs. Cloyd Dick has been ap­ last week into the formerly Lively house above the Sams Valley Road. pointed chairman for this district Mr. Sutton is employed by the in the mobilization of woman drive which began February 16th. Her Western Minerals Products Co. assistants working from the Bock Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pichard moved Point to the Bogue River bridge, from the Auto Park to the house just are Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. Howard vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Budd Gail, H ill, Mrs. Ted Dole, Mrs. Norman Schuler, Mrs. Ernest Beinkins, Mrs. Suhday afternoon. Robert Knox, and Mrs. Marion Lance. Mrs. Asii Walker and baby son, A baby son was born at Medford Jack Arlington returned to Gold H ill Saturday evening to the home February 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Phil of Mr. and Mrs. A. A Walker. Both Griggs, Mrs. Griggs was formerly Miss Ethel Henderson, of the Col­ are doing nicely. ony. Her mother, Mrs. Tor Hen­ Mrs. Harold Wilson, who lives at derson is staying with her. W ill­ Sunset on tlw Rogue visited with iam King, uncle of Mrs. Henderson her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. is visiting bis daughter in Medford a, present. Smith, last week. Wheeler. Charlotte White, Marie JoJnes, Those who have volunteered for Eileen Dick and Esther Ollom W R. Force and H. D. lo rrc e defense work '□ Gold Hill are urged from this community were among visited with their father, Dave Force to meet at the City hall tomorrow, REBEKAH LODGE OBSERVES last Thursday, at Eagle Point where the High school girls from the Friday, at 7:3(1 p. m. Special in ­ 44Tfl ANNIVERSARY he is staying with Paul Force, an­ Rogue River school who were en­ structions will be given by Dwight WEDNESDAY. tertained by the Gold H ill school, other son. Phipps, on work at the observa­ and later attened the basket ball The Rebekah Lodge observed its tion post and oilier defense endea­ River and O. F. Palmerton, of Rogue River, game between Hogue vors. Deputy H. it. Ingling w ill | 44th anniversary Wednesday even­ Gold H ill. a nurseryman and landscaper, has be present to finger-print those ing, the lodge having been institut­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Painter and two finished landscaping the Auto Park who have not already met this re­ ed on Feb. 14, 1896. Two of the children who ave lived at the form­ grounds. quirement for volunteer defense charter members were present und er William Carle place for the past workers. Everyone interested in a third member was not able to year moved recently to Central Miss Barbara Nathan, of Medford, the work are Invited to attend the be present. The three charter mem­ Point. was a week-end visitor of her grand bers are Mrs. Katherine Kellogg of CEMEST PLANT OPENS RUNNING meeting, it is staled.' William Cotten, of Birdseye creek parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Au- IMPORTANT MEETING I Medford und Mrs. Carrie Puhi und 24 HOURS. THREE 8 HOUR took his step father, W alter Myers, tenreith. Mrs. Lucy Mee of Gold H ill and u SHIFTS. SCHOOL NEWS. Mr. Greer and sons of Marshfield, to Medford Saturday to consult a A very importunt agriculture and fourth charter member, Wiliam Car- --------- have rteurned to their home here doctor. Buddy Blair labor survey meeting of vital inter­ ter now of Portland also wrote n ... .. „ George Hull, from Salem, and and Mr. Greer has been employed « i f i c Portland Cement com- In a fust busketbull game Friday greetings to the lodge. The mem- est to every one will be held at Carl Hull of San Francisco, neph­ to work at the cantonment the Beavers defeated Kerby on the Central Point Grange Hall, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Howell of ews of George and Marion Lance, , ? ,3th *. bt,ng home floor by the score of 46 to 26. bouquets of fcarnations and fern. evening, JFebruary 21st., at 8:0« Bogue Biver, called on Mr. and Mrs. arrived Tuesday evening for a visit Several birthdavg were also observ- L ‘ rep" 'r‘ f° r sevcral All conference games are now fib- p. m. S. A. Duscnberry, on Sardine creek a, the I-a nee home. Carl has been as »his ni.-.'.iin , , weeks. The plant is running on a I ished but there are to be several ed ni«ht ’ 24 h” “ 4 ‘“ »a U r,“ can. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George other home games. City folks as well us all farmers Tuesday. They w il, soon be leaving for Idaho where Mr. Howell w ilt be Hull and family for the pas, five Tlu. I„ ,i„ , aide In . recent I“"'""; u" Wednesday, February 26th„ they are earnestly urged to attend. days. employed on a dredger. will engage Sams Valley here and This is NOT a Grunge meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Roland M iller from Mr. and Mrs. Hay Biles and child- Friday, St. Mary's nt Medford. Same kind of meeting w ill be the Burton Mine near Glendale, run, of Yreka, were guests of Mrs, ............ J ..............7 - b " - r l i £ r s i Harlow Banry, Marianne Casper. held at Hogue River Grange hail spent the week end at the R. L. Biles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rae Clements, and Kenneth Cook lint solos, (liiiiccs und uuntoiniiii**« in Grant Pass on Saturday after- ere .... i puiuoniints | ,|H. government operations. Dusenberry and family over the M iller home near Riviera. put on a short program of the his­ W noon. If you can't attend one b e1 were given und seemingly hugely! ______________ week-end. tory of Gold H ill over Station KM- enjoyed. Delicious sure and attend the ohter. refreshments The Garden Club w ill meet this FIRST AID CLASS URGED TO ED Tuesday. were served after the frolic and SHOWER FOR MRS DUANE BE PRESENT AT TO N IG H T’S Friday afternoon at 2:0« p. in. — ■ o--------- Mrs. Verna Alberts and daughters beautiful valentines were given to HUTCHINS, MEETISG. RECREATION MEETING. WOMEN TO MEET AND FIN ISH Paula, Wanda, of Chiloyuin were the winners of the contest. Everyone who has been attending The Recreation Meeting to be held BANDAGES ON FEB. 27TH. guests of Earl Moore family, Satur­ the class in First Aid are urged to MRS. LENA TRESHMAN FUNERAI « Las* " j ‘‘,n‘‘s*,a> " ‘«hl Miss Mary day, Miss Paula has fully rerovered in Medford, Thursday night, Feb., All women _who have been w ork­ be sure and be present tonight, 26th„ Court house auditorium, at lu ' *'" * bos,ess her from her accident last fall and is ing on bandages at the W. R. C, TO HE MELD SATURDAY (Thursday). The instructor has IN MEDFORI) "" I home to a group of young people able to resume normal activities of eight o’clock. There w ill be only hull, ure requested to be present on who gave a shower for Mrs. Duane a >oung girl. She was shot and the one night this month and it will be special message, it is stated, that Friday February 27th, All banda­ . . . ... , | Hutchins, the former June Robbins with Miss Izola Jensen and Miss il is hoped that ever member of the ges started will be finished ut this Mrs. I resham was born in Ger-1 The early pari of the evening was bullet lodged in the spinal column Ella Gardner, a representative of the class w ill hear. meeting and other details of the I T * ‘ “ ®- Sbe spvn* >‘luv,n« an‘* »hen gifts and in removing it part off the bone National Recreation Association. work given. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Banry and amt to the U. S. with her parents were opened and admired. Be- was also removed. She spent sever­ Special help w ill be the help in al weeks in the hospital at Klamath Harlaw, spent Saturday with their ihnvn .° .? iL * ‘X ¿ ‘ ,UrS ° f Bge’ and Hreshm^nts were *rved around a Falls and in Portland where the active games and other forms of mother, Mrs. Gamble of Marshfield, . »“tiled in Nebraska. She was table on which was a pretty center Five Wrestlers Signed For recreation that w ill be of particular performed . She and returned to Gold H ill Saturday a resident of Oregon yO years and piece made of a miniture bassinette operation was First Wrecding walked the firs, time on Christ­ help in our present emergency. All evening. They spent Saturday ived in Sanw Velley for 35 years, trimmed in pink and blue with that can go are urged to do so. Bout. night with Mrs. Banry’s mother, three sons. Harry A. of Holland, streamers going to different places inas Eve in her own home. SON BORN. Mrs, Leila Shoemaker, and returned , eg0"' O ,,° (,f Sams Valley, around the table. Lovely refresh-' Mr. and Mr.s. F. L. W ertz of De- Word has been received by friends Mack Lillard, promotor, announ­ • rss ’’f («alls (.reek and the »laugh- ments were served to Miss Vera to their home a, Capitol H ill, near of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Griggs that ces this week llw signing of five ter Mrs. Howard Harker of Prine- 'ones of ........ Misses Rae Clement. poe Bay, Oregon, are building a Glendale early Sunday morning. near the | a son was born to them on Feb. heavy weights for the resumption ville; five grandchildren and five Marjorie Smith. Mnrv Lou Tvgart, new home on the hill ruary 6,h ,942. in Medford. The of wrestling in Medford on Monday great grandchildren are left, also Lucille Bosecrans, Genevie Tlior- former Lively home. Ground has FRANCIS HANSEN IS PROMOTED young man w ill be called Leonard night. The sixth man w ill be sign­ on_£ sis,er *n Canada and a brother '°n , Winona Dungey, Laurence Kell been graded for a road and the TO SERGEANT Dale Mrs. Griggs is the former house preparatory Io erecting the ed before the matches Monday. Francis M. Hamilton, of Gold H ill The Pearl Funeral Parlor hi\s Mesdamcs Alice Betts, Edith Cum- Ethel Henderson, daughter of Mr. Jumpin’ Joe Savoldi, former chnm , ¿ S<‘ of ,h<* f" neral ,o he held mings, Althea Coombs, the honoree, buildings. and Mrs.. Tom Henderson of River­ who enlisted in the army air corps pion, w ill meet Andr Odores in e in Medford. Saturday at 2 p. m„ Bev Mrs. Hutohins. and to Miss Bailey in February 1941 was promoted Mesdames Nellie Reed, Frank side Colony. one-hour main event; Chief Thund­ this month to sergeant. He is lo­ . fc. W illard w ill officiate and an