i'V Thursday, February I a, 194a 2ïüÈiijS^!s2LJâi£i!îfibJSS2S2t— Trees DO Talk! OUR DEMOCRACY------- byM.t C. L Harris who resided In Gold H ill In 1932, w p a visitor in this city Tuesday. Mr. Harris lives on Route 2, out of Grants Pass. T H E S T R E N G T H O P A CO UNTRY fS fN /T S P E O P LE „ T H & * WEALTH/S TH EM STORED WORK. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dungey went to Loa Angeles by bus last week where Mr. hungry expects to ob­ tain employment. New Line of BOYER COSMETICS A t Popular Prices Becker's Drug Store WANTED We want wool, mohair, bides and pelts. Also scrap Iron and all kinds of metal, junk batteries and radia­ tors. GRANTS PASS BARGAIN HQUSB 636 S. Slh St. ('»rants Pass, Ore. 1 7 4 2 ... A B O U T 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 C O LO NISTS — W ITH T H R IF T — STO R IN G OF W O R K — T H E R E A S O N FO R T H E IR S U C C E S S . YO UR PRESCRIPTIONS Will be compounded with the highest quality drugs obtain­ able end as exactly as your Doctor orders at the depend­ able— 1 9 4 2 ... Oun 132 M IL L IO N — OWL DRUG STORE J GUAM'S PASS. ORB. { W IT H history ' s swiftest E X A M P L E O F S T O R IN G UP W O R K —FO R E X A M P L E S O M E 17 M IL L IO N F A M IL IE S O W N T H E IR H O M E S — The Seal of Approval 6 6 m il lio n in d ivid u als OWN LIFE IN SU R A N C E P O L IC E S - A N D T H E TOTAL N U M B E R O F S A V IN G S ACC O U N TS IS A B O U T 4 6 M IL L IO N . B ILL SEEKS REPEAL OP AUTO USB TAX. Congress has received a bill in­ troduced by Representative Gerald W. I.Landis, ot Indiana, which pro­ vides for repeal off the federal auto­ mobile use tax when present stick­ ers expire, July 1, the Oregon State Motor Association learned Uiis week, The tax, which w ill call for a new payment of $5.00 on July 1, has been criticised Ironi many angles. Representative Landis, in a state­ ment, described it as a nuisance ttx and called for repeal on the follow- ; giounds ■ “The automobile is not a luxury. ' .Most cars are used for business pur­ poses and transportation purposes. ‘Owners of small and old passen- 1 ger cars must pay the same amount as do owners of large limousines and luxurious yachts. "The sticker system is unsatisfac­ tory because many of them will be destrayed, lost, or stolen.” The American Automobile Associ­ ation, with which the Oregon club is affiliated, has led a fight for re­ peal of the tax on the ground that it is an unfair assessment and treats the automobile as a luxury instead of vital part of the national pro­ duction and transportation system. If you've been purtiotically click­ cy Yheicle. J.— 1 Troup movements must con­ ing away on a sweater for some soldier boy, stop— unless you ure tinue uninterupted during black­ uoing it under the specific direction out« whether being accomplished off the Red Cross. The average man by government transportation or by in the service is adequately outfit­ civilian vehicles, not recognizable as ted by Use government and doesn't emergency vehicle«. need additional clothing unless he’s 1 4.— To insure the unintrupted mo­ stationed in Iceland or Alaska or vement of troops during bjackouts sent into the field on long campa­ it is direct« that each aerial of all igns. In that case, the commanding movements made by (Jia use of civi­ r r v ill „1 p|> |o I! < Led » ross, lian vehicles be preceded and follow ' 1 h.c . \ i’ll ibe.i ..iiunge for the ed by Army vehicles for the purpose weuiers to le knitted. By this sys­ of identification. tem, millions of pounds of valuable Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gray and wool can be diverted to more es­ end visitor« with relatives and sential purposes. sons, Charles and Joe were week- friends in thia city. IIBBB CAN TAKE IT ON T IIB Awarded by the American In ­ stitute of Laundering after Pasaing Rigid Teata OUR DRIVER riC K S OP AND DELIVERS ON TUBS. A FRI. Leave Tour l-aunary at The “Ace of Spade«** GRANTS PASS 6TEA M LAUNDRY “Since twuu DO YOU WANT YOUR FURNITURE CHIN FOR WAR. ESTEY PIANOS, Orchestra in­ struments, guitars, musicians auj>- DOLLARS TO BUY The tin can will go through the plies, sheet music and records at war primarily us a container of Pruitt's Music Store, Grants Paaa. It. Maximum quality at a minimum meat vegetables and fruit. Beer price. cans are among the first to be cut. In 1941 more tin was used for beer than for three of the four major 1 .Courteous Personalized service. vegetables, beans, corn, and peas. Only toniatces used more. In ad­ < 'F air Dealings dition to their reduction for beer, tin cans have already been cut 50 ff you do SEE per cent for the following products: baking powder, biscuits, candy and confectionery, cereals and flour, All woolen g a i w t a eleuaed SUGAR RATIONING UNDER FULL chocolate and cocoa, coffee, dog by us are moth proofed at ■« extra coat food, petroleum products, spices, SWAY TO MAKE GUN condiments and tobacco. And this FRENCH LAUNDRY AND is only the beginning. POWDER. DRY C L B A N X U GRANTS PASS Sugar rationing has scorel the VEH IC LES IN TROOP MOVE­ Pick up and deliver twtee a "Furniture you’ll admire at prices! ! MENTS.— first direct hit on the kitchen of week. you’ll appreciate. !! America. And so far, home defense The following information has •****w************w w *w w eeeeee has been far from good. House­ been received from the office of wives, panicky and unpatriotic have the Commanding General, Fourth been storming grocers’ shelves in­ Army, San Francisco. stead of meeting the challenge by L It Isas been brought to the planning new menus and more in­ genious use of the sugar allotted. attention of this headquarters, that Needed for the production of In­ during blackouts state and local re­ dustrial alcohol which goes into gulations require that a]l except smokeless powder sugar today is as emergency vehicles be driven over Second Quality, but excel­ much a weapon of war as a flying to the side of the road and stopped until the all clear signal is given. lent for many purposes. fortress. Here are some suggestions 2.—The presence of uniformed from the government’s consumer division how Mrs America can do persons in civijian vehicles is not her part on the ome front: Make considered by state and local au- Earthenware Bowls in fewer desserts that require large a- tehorities as sufficient evidense to assorted colors 9 inches mounts of sugar. Serve more fresh permit its movement as an cmergen- In diameter fruits, naturally rich in sugar. Use as raisins, dates, figs, prunes, pea­ ches and apricots with breakfast Copper cleaners so hundy cereals and In place of candy. Try less sugar in coffee and tea and for many purposes. stir well -what you do use. Manchels -A N D EVEN MORE IM PORTANT IS THE STEEL IN OUR BACKBONES. Saturday Specials NOT A LOOK OF FEAR WAS SEEN Oilcloth Mix Bowls 12c ea. Pot Cleaners FOR WOMEN ONLY. ■ U^'APT. ISA A C H U LL WROTE IT OF HIS WHOLE SHIPS , COMPANY "FROM SMALLEST BOY TO OLDEST SEAMAN AFTER THE "CONSTITUTION" (OL0 IRONSIDES) HAP TAKEN THE "GUERRIERE-* The girdle panic is off. But it H took an official government prono- jjg uncement to do it. Foundation gar- ■ ments, Mrs. America is assured, will H be allotted a limited amount of the IK rubber thread necessary to hold that ■ line. But don’t stop your exercise —changes in design and partial sub­ stitution of other materials w ill make the new girdle molds a lit- 1 tie weaker than their pre-war sia- -s | tan. a. ■ ■ lua.»KW3'aMRHMiaaHpMBM You can know your EYBS » Lenses only wbea required. Dr. Herbert W Hermann OPTOMBTRIHT Grams Pass 111 H . St. Phot a M U Milk Pitchers Blue Earthenware Jugs for many uses, 18 os. capacity Yarns ahd kplttin g ..Supplies, our Store. Visit this popular department In 5-Hwsc Mcgregor Co.5- ‘» « c W HERE IT’S EASY TO BE TH RIFTY.