t 4» >-•«fa. 4<» £* • * * ÏV ' Ï " £>• X,./< » ‘ ' X f r ‘ X- U» The Gold Hd News *-R - P “ M ort T b o rem h lr N m « «<*<•<• «» curly as March 1941 Worthy Master Howes appointed registered previoualy, Io register , » *, in anUcipation of the tremendouft committees on Labor survey meet­ fo r m ilitary service. country are stm being flooded w ill. V((1urne of lrilffi(. ,h(. r .,i|r „.,() ,, ing. Chairman Cleo t.ilchrlst, of the 'etters relating to so-called endless being ealje.l upon to handle, and I’omuna: E. ( j. Boehnke, candidate for loeu! forces announces that Hie re- chain schemes soliciting defense brought to $52,000.00 Southern Pac- VV. G. Howe«:; Berries and small congress on the Bepuhlican ticket giatralion w ill be conducted in one stumps. ific ’s equipment purchases since the fruit. for the Fourth District. day here;; at the city hull. Hours The |>ui|etin« „ ( j uj y 22nd.. 1041 beginning of 1940. it was pointed Henry Conger: - Beef rattle. of registration are from 7:00 a. in. . , , ’ . , . . out Mr. Mark Forrest of Seattle, Wash Henry Carter: Dairy to 9:00 p. „ . \ ohmtary help is " notice regarding the le Arnold Bormert: Grain, Clover seed ington, made a business trip to being n e ,r tne . cgis.ration ser- ° *UCh T*™ "- ^ ^ " th e SUNDAY’S DINNER Grants Pass last week end and vis­ and Hay. Pointing out Jiat this and '*** P"UwB' ° f “ ,e Vun,,u* ited with his sister, Mrs. Celia Wise on Thursday, before returning Mr*. Marion Lane*. Feb, 10, Mrs. Howard H ill, of the Colony and Miss Helen Parish, District nurse from Medford, were hostesses for the Gold H ill division of tne Jack‘ on county Health Unit at the farmers home on rtiverside, Tuesday. After a dessert lunch Miss * a* .tin tola ot te r course taken at the Chicago Maternity Center lo­ cated in the heart of the slums. She also read a letter from a friend wno is a missionary in Kikongo, Beige, Africa, which was very interesting. Those attending were: Mrs. Har­ ry Newham, Mrs. Jack Frost, Mrs. S. Bryan, Mrs. George Tulare, Mrs. Paul Throne, Mrs. Boy Cameron, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Lowell Muenier, Mrs. W. F. Boye, Mrs. Jean Boye, Mrs. Lloyd M iller, Mrs. H. Hunyard, Miss Parish and Miss H ill. Victor J. Green, from near Los Angles, California, who bought over 20 acres of land of the Champlin subdivision, located across the highway from Chalkers Motel has started building a home, also a real ------------ estate office _____ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long have i » c i c I several rooms home t d Durkee, of Salem, was here | added „„„ , to their oume • , t ! i . ,, , .u » i »ear Glendora Gardens across from ast Thursday to attend the funeral a . . »• L. . grandmother, j d. « ■ m i Sherwoods Auto Court. Thev y are >f , . his Mrs. L illian . „ , *l r ‘' n i r i' i «■ it» also o f Cave Junction, but for- ,, from . , Southern , California. . ing in such schemes whose .mine.-: Mabel and Marguerite Moore. district Bcgional agriculture meet Drake, • » »• i- »- i -t-v. who bought the two Creek. There are 1 „ „ Hoxie . „ Lucas , C lifford Dick and ,nX w *" be held at auditorium of nerly of ■ Sardine . ... c i- acre tract near the Rogue river . ,, „ . ” T in« P ah n iu r^ lA tk . °Yfice Department requiring them ,,len Bailey and Mr. Saylor Bailey, Court House in Medford by State other relatives residing on Sardine Creek. Funeral services were con- i .n",” 6* \ f°^ , ,..........i ■ , • ' ° ; *° show cause why fraud orders ^«Iber of the hoys, and Mary committee. is to he condueted solely for thos. ' V , , V . H"'“ ' “ r1" e,'s Bose ducted in Giants Pass w ith inter- ° a. d *s Hazel Fish and Boy Cameron men who are liable for service ... b<. ,“ U»« a minister of the Christian church. nental United States and in Alasku, on ’Window Gardens” , how to wat­ » “ " and family, e" ” Howea- Fan“ y p " . w..i» Mrs. Roe was also a faithful worker. her son son and family. Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. 7 _ H awaii, and Puerto Bico, who are er them und geiural care of them. her Pass the past week. Long and Minnie Fiene To this union were born four cJiild- between 20 und 45 years old. The article stated that it is not nec­ Roy Centers, of Gold H ill. essary to have a hide or holes in Mrs. Maxine Dungey and Miss rcn’ The Gold HPI Boy Scouts, under Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houth and the castainers if care is taken in Ruth Lance are employed in an of Mr. and Mrs. Wahl are wrell known the direction of Mrs. Cleo Gilchrist watering and plants may be grown ,W0 children wer‘‘ visitors nt the ” ,v ^ucisnsi fice in Medford. DANCE SATURDAY SIGHT. here, having owned property near containers ?nd Mrs’ VeHie BiIes c T .i .* n L “ The 1. O. O. F. hall w ill be the in lovely —. _____ ___ _ instead of cans h°"I.e of the Alaska Auto Park several years Scout Display in the Gold H ill News on Fools Creek lust Sunday. xcene of the regular dance S a iu r-jo r the unattractive pots generally Howard Lewis of Jacksonville has ago. office window, Tuesday. day night, w ith Happy* Chaps and used for indoor plants. spent some time here employed by Mr. and Mrs. Birdseye and child­ Scout charters, awards of honor Mrs. Bernard Christensen is visit- Lassies furnishing the music. The door prize was won by Fan- Ni lie Reed in remodeling her ren, Teddy and Maryann, from the ing w ith her husband who is em- rv«eived by the local scouts in re- The general public invited. Ad- Die Kies. A call for books was home. Dr. E llio tt D airy Farm near Med­ mission including tax, 55c. made fo r service men, the books to ployed near Beagle in a mine and X* o ,1 h ! i,nd national contests, wood- ford were dinner guests at the home w ith other relatives for some time. "*Drk> Indian carvings, thy scout be taken to the library where they Miss Barbara Nathan spent the of Mrs. Effie Birdseye and son _____ arrow and rising sun emblem, bead SCHOOL ¡NOTES. ( w ill ________ be sent on w ith no expense to week end w ith her grandparents, Mr Glenn. Armand Evans visited w ith his w »r k, electrical apparatus, door The High School hasketbnll team i the donors, and Mrs. W illiam Autenreith. was defeated at Central Point Tues1 The next meeting w ill lie Feb. cousin Reese Evans and fam ily bells etc, make up the attractive dis- Mrs. Eugene Burton was hostess z I PlaV- public is invited to day by tile score of 3fi to 14. F ri- 20th„ at the W. R. C. room nt 2:00 last week. fo r the Foots Creek Sewing Club M .E. Vincent returned to Gold come by the News office and see day, February 13, they w ill p la y 1 p. m. Hil! Sunday after an extended visit Wednesday when nine were pres­ Mrs. Florence Adams leftf fo r 'be Scout display. K irby on the home floor. Gold ------- —---------- - ent. The next meeting w ill be Dens One. Two and Three, Gold w ith relatives and friends in Wash- Lfill defeated Kerby in a previous Cecil Johnson was called to Pros- Sacreniento this week. held Feb. 18th at the home of Mrs. | ington. H ill Scouts cooperated in the w in- game at Kerby, This is the last Pec* Monday to go to work there, Pierre Douga. Cleo Swindler spent the week end own display which is a part of the home conference basketbull game. Belcher attended a . ... , • » . . . »<.i.,k.. .r „ i v » i Mrs. Harlan Mrs. Otis Johnson, from Henly, w ith his fam ilv, He is I eel.'bration of National Scout week .. ,, . , Miss Dorothy Burket spent the at home High school students are broad­ , . . . ■ ». 1» t i „. < - ilchrist. i u . farewell party Tuesday Oregon, has been visiting her fath­ 1'K' Tlie Seoul Scout Muster. Moster, Cleo Cleo G Gilchrist, I / 1 7 • in , . Medford ., . casting a radio program of the his­ week-end w ith Corinne Harwood in employed at l.e Moine, Calif. is assisted in the work here in Gold , " Ven," K ’’ S, br» her. Ray Sut- er, Boy Cameron, at Delta Motor tory of Gold H ill over KMEI) on Medford. lli l l by three “ Den Mothers” , Mes. »", who left W ednesday evening for Lodge, Also relatives at Gold H ill T i’-«dny. February 17th. a’ 1:00 p. ni dames Loeffler, Johnson and Gil- Por,land ,o cn,er ,he rserv,Ce’ and Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clement have The Gold H ill High school girls Christ. ,, , ,, , , , Frank Owens who owns the for- entertained hie Hogue River girls moved to Medford to lie near his Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickard, for- ___ . . . ... . -------- i \ i of »/• u n ill, i have k i mer . i.. ., I'ickett t Gold i- i i i H ,ncr P»'kett has been last Friday and refreshments were work. er residents . ... . . " place . , - ., ... , mer re- ..... r ... ' A rtur Gorman of Seattle, son of , . , n v n „ „ „ duite ill. Also Walter Stevenson served previous to the basketball , . „ » . .. turned form Butte Falls. Tliey are .. , .. Art Gorman of this city, spent Sun- , who lives on the right fork of game between Hogue River and HASDKERCHIEF SHOWER GIVEN , . ... ... , ,, , . Iivink at the Auto Park at present. . . . . day visiting w ith Mr. and Mrs. Art . . . . . . , . , , . „ ,, Foots creek the Beavers. Friends of Mrs. Lovey Scott met Mr. Pickard is employed at Gails (■ n rtn u n n n d Iin n n o 1 at her home Wednesday afternoon market. I Jack Pinkerton has recently re GIRL SCOUTS and after visiting a while gave her turned from a business trip to Sou Harry Newnhani was called to The G irl Scouts had a valentine handkerchiefs _______ _____ instead of valentines Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith and son them California. San Diego last week to attend the exchange and refreshments at their Refreshments were served in the Re|H‘te, of Grants Pass, were Sun­ funeral of his brother, Robert Newn meeting Tuesuay aftfernoon. Sav-1 late afternoon. Those present were day visitors in Gold H ill. ham, who passed away in that city. eral of their members were ah- Mesdanies James Clement, Carl DEFENSE VOLUNTEERS TO sent on* account of Illness, The Routh, Lester Thompson, Toni Bob- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson of MEET AT SCHOOL BUILDING A baby boy was born to Mrs. Bet­ girls took the “ Meet your a ir w nt-'in son, Hannah Bouth, Paul Holder- Tule Lake, Calif., were called to TONIGHT. ty Walker, w ife of the late Asil den" elreulafs to distribute them to ness and the honoree, Mrs. Scott, Crescent City Saturdey by the seri­ W alker,'at 5:15 a. in. Tuesday morn every house ni Gold H ill. They --------- ous illness of Nikolas Johnson. __ who _____ _ u All citizens have _____ signed up ing Feb. ltlth, at the Community are to ask also if anyone has hooks Kelly Clement and Creighton Bert’s father. Word was received Io do defense w ork should report a hospital in Medford. The young for service men in the camps, and Thompson spent Saturday and Sun here Tuesday evening that he had the high school building toniglil man weighed in at 6 pounds 12 whether the people hnve been soli- day visiting their parents in Gold passed away. Besides his son he is Thursday for finger printing. ounces, and has been named Jack cited for paper. H ill. Tliei returned to Corvallis survived by his widow. A deputy w ill be present and pro­ Arlington. Both mother and son Sunday evening. perly take care of this detail, ac­ are doing nicely. Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Jack, Bonita and Barbara cording to local coordinator. John Leon Wise this week-end were Mr. Miss Anna Gilchrist returned to Mr. and Mrs. Budd Gail are mov­ Smith, Jimmie Kellogg, Robert and Ghislu>|m. The meeting is 6:30 ami and ----- Mrs. Wallace Medford, , — Mr. her home here Monday after spend­ ---- ---------- of ----------- ___ r person ........ ............... .. to llv 1 wishing help in (1 the ing today to Medford to live. Mr. I»ex Ann Swindler attended a birth- each ami Mrs. Harry Johnson of Port- ing several weeks w ith her grand- Gail has been learning the post of- ady party for little Miss Georgia Lee , defense w ill he required to be fing land, and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark Earl Snell, candidate for g o ve r*.fiCe business in Medford and is to Brown, small daughter of Mr. and , er printed before being assigned Mrs. George Brown, in Medford, on i duty, ■George ot Klamath Falls. at Grants Pass, , nor, lb« eraployod ther*' Tuwday evening. 1