I KEYNOTES RED CROSS APPEAL Tl T IP S TIC Q U IP S ’ ll J L j GAIL’S GOLD MILL MARKET Groceries — Meat Market — Hardware — Feed — School Supplies Hunting and Fishing Supplies CALL 321 K e ro g n ix in g Hint it w as in e v ita b le that the use o f tne m o to r vehicle ' w ill see some re s tric tio n in the ! ^resent em ergency, K a rl S nell, see- I iT la rv * o f stale, said toilas • lie di«l not th in k com plete c u rta ilm e n t ■Itould be encouraged. “ We must rem em ber that th o u s­ ands o f persons are dependent up­ on th is in d u s try fo r th e ir liv e li­ hood and I am sure it is not the in te n tio n o f o u r o ffic ia ls to p a ra ­ lyze any im p o rta n t in d u stry w here ever possible to avoid do in g so", Mr. S nell, w h o is a m em ber o f the n a tio n a l live -m a n h ighw ay tr a ffic a d viso ry com m ittee to the w a r de­ p artm ent, declared. Frances Fedden. a ttractive Bronxville, N. Y ., a rtis t’s model, is the 1941 Red Cross poster girl. Thousands of posters like the one pictured above have been distributed throughout the country calling attention to thia year's Roll Call membership appeal. Fainted by Brads law Crandell, prom inent New York illus­ tra to r, the poster carries a national defense them e, portraying the active part being taken by the Red Cross in serving the armed forces. “ So long i.s used tire s, recaps and retreads are made a va ila b le to us, and so long as serious shortages In gasoline o r o th e r essential com m od­ itie s do not develop, I heli -v? the use o f the au to m o b ile should be -n ro iirn c e d — c o n s e rva tive ly am i in m od e ra tion , o f course.” Snell emphasized th a t the m o to r vehicle has become an essential ele­ m ent in business, vo ca tio n and standard o f liv in g . He urged c it i­ zens to d riv e m ore c a re fu lly , m ore 'I'litio u s ly and m ore th o u g h tfu lly than ever before. Such o p e ra tio n , he declared, means lo n g e r life to the vehicle, its tire s and equipm ent. “ I f y n u r car. tire s o r equipm ent should become b a d ly damaged in a tr a ffic accident, have you stopped to co n sid er w h e re and how they m ight be re p la ce d ? ” he asks. OPEN FOR BUSINESS WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS 8:00 a. in. til! 7:30 p. in. 8 a.in. till 6 p.m. .U MAY WE ASK YOUR COOPERATION DURING OUR EMERGENCY? For reasons most obvious, we arc limiting' our delivery service to once a day. We will assemble all orders and deliver (lie mat 4 t 'clock each after­ noon. This is a Free Service we are happy to render, but ask yotir coopera­ tion to this extent. Just Phone 321 ami we will gladly deliver your wants, or call at the store and select your purchases. MEAT MAKES THE MEAL Don’t hoard tÄk. S S '1 Groceries BACON SQUARES BEEF BOIL R E L IA B L E MAN to succeed L lo yd Hoot in Josephine C ounty. About 1800 fa m ilie s . E xperience not nec­ essary. E v e ry th in g fu rn ish e d but car. F ine o p |> o rtu n ity step in to , perm anent p ro fita b le business, i R uw leigh P roducts sold here fo r years. Big P ro fits . See, phone o r w rite Guy Hays, B t. 1, Box 229, T a le n t. WE DELIVER “>•170 W'e do believe it is a good policy to keep an ample supply on hand at all times as it will save you many extra trips to the store with a saving on your car—Tires—Pocketbook. .0 ib. Swifts Premium GROCERY SUGGESTIONS PORK LIVER so healthful lb. 2S 0 LINDY PEAS can 100% PORK SAUSAGE, Lb. 350 SPINACH, Royal Club can “>• 2 5 0 2 ib.. 3 5 0 Josephine, No. 2% cans WEINERS, LARD, skinless open kettle ROUND STEAK, Swilts I’rime Steer JQ0 2 for J50 SHORTENING, Pearl, 4 lbs. 550 PARKAY OLEO, 2 lbs. 450 CRACKERS, 2 lbs. jq g TOMATOES ">• 3 5 0 Now Playing LITTLE MEN Jack O akie — K ay — also— F ra n cis Cascade, factory fresh MAN FROM MONTANA Jo h n n y Mack B ro w n — Fuzzy K n ig h t Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 8, , 10 j G re ta ( ja r h o — M clvyn Douglas GARDEN FRESH FLOUR, Kitchen Queen Swans Down Klamath Bouquet Produce COFFEE, Miner’s Special Gold Hill Special, $1.89 $1.99 $1.45 TWO FACED WOMAN Wed.; T liu rs . Feb. 11. 12 VIRGINIA Fred M a cM u rra y — M adeleine C a rro ll — Also CONVOY Ground fresh when you buy New Carrots are on the market. Big Bunch 50 LETTUCE, 50 big fancy head ORANGES, A nd get some more yourself , take the advice of men WHOSE ADVICE HAS BEEN GOOD IN THE PAST. INSURANCE AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY ARE NOW PROMOTING THE SALE OF DEFENSE BONDS. [FHO cvb M a il DEFENSE BONDS P A Y ... DEFENSE BONDS PROTEC T. GRANTS PASS, ORBGON N ow S h ow ing — They Died With Their Boots On E rro l F ly n n — O liv ia de H a vila n d P re v ie w S aturday 11 P.M. HAYFOOT W illia m T ra c y — James Sun.. Mon.. Tues.. IIS IS ONE OF THE NAVAL TRADITIONS WHICH CAUSES SO MANY FINE YOUNG MEN TO VOLUNTEER FOR OUR NAVY OR M ARINE CORPS TODAY AND M AKES C IV ILIA N S RESOLUTE IN THEIR SHARE IN NATIONAL D EFENSE. Southern Navels CANDY BARS 3 for Long WINGS LEMONS, Sunk ist, 360’s doz. 250 CAMELS LUCKIES CHESTERFIELDS 2 for r nming Soon— Shadow of the Thin Man William Powell — Myrna Loy 290 Cantonment Workers Make our store your headquarters for hood — Housewares — Hardwares Hand Tools and Sporting Goods. We operate o i a cash basis and sell as reasonable as any cash store in Southern Oregon. Feb, 8, 9, 1(1 Nelson E d d y — Kise Stevens 100 110 3 doz 3 9 0 (p e a so n CHOCOLATE SOLDIER > lb. 21c lb. 25c Remember H e W ill M eet any S h e lf Price In Southern Oregon