Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, January 15, 1942, Image 5

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    rhursday. Jan. 15. 1942
G o ld
H ill
N e w « . G o ld
H ill. flr p v n n
r V f ......
How to Figure Out Your
Income Tax Deduction*
don ’ t let
and you feel
• W hen bowel»
bowels are sluggish end
irrita b le , headachy and everything
do to an effort, do ea r n lln m do — c___
F K K N - A - M IN T , th e m odern chewtng
gum laxative. S im p ly chew F K E N -A -
M 1 N T before you go to bed—sleep w ith­
out being disturbed—next m orning gentle,
thorough re lie f, helping you feel e w e *
«gain, fu ll of your norm al pap. T r y
F E K N - A - M I N T Tastes good, ia handy
and economical. A generous fa m ily supply
coti o< cacci >«»»»
« » V II » 10» .11»
m iU U N ri ON HIM
««« im m tuunaci
con o. »uto hosui
0« i«uc*
Ax Z9230, 15 cents, you receive designs
tor the 7 tea towels and a matching pan­
holder. Send your order to:
Box 1M -W
Kam a» City, Mo.
Enclose IS cento tor each pattern
desired. Pattern N o . . , . . .................
Nation’s School
The nation that has the schools
hag the future.— Bismarck.
Pattern No................................................
H ° W much income tax w ill you
pay for 1041? For everyone,
•*'* ' and long-accustomed taxpay­
er«, that a a question to answer
now—long before March 18, Alin*
dute. I f you ore single and m ak­
ing $19 a week you w ill have to file
a return, and you may pay a tax.
You must file und you m ay pay,
too, if you are m arried and m ak­
ing over $1,500 a year.
• • •
H ow m uch should you rig h tfu lly p a y .
O u r 32-pagr booklet o lea rly explains »lie
Ins and outs of Incom » ta x paym ao ta fa r
single, m a rrie d , business m en, fa rm e rs ,
tells w h a l you m a y and m ay not dedust*
Ito s sim plified Incom e ta x table
your o rd e r to:
San Francisco, C alif.
117 M i n n a
Kix* Iota lo rents In coin fo r your
copy of Y O U R 1IM2 IN C O M E T A X
G U ID E .
N a m e .................................................. . . . .
re lie ve m isery o f
this good old reliable way
A t the first e lm o f the Dionns Q uin­
tu p le ts catching cold— theirchests and
throats are rubbed w ith Musteroia— a
product made »»peciaffp to prom ptly
relieve distress o f colds and resulting
bronchial and cronpy coughs.
The Quinta ba rs alw ays had axpart
cars, so mother— ba assured o f axing
Just about tha R E S T product "»«A.
whan you n«a M uxterols. It's asors
than an ordinary “ salve"— Musteroia
helps break up local congestion!
IN J S T R E N G T H S : Children's Mfld
Mnsternle. Also R egular and E x tra
S treng th fo r grow n-ups who p re fe r
a stronger product. A U drugstores.
Strike Hard
* -
The unforgivable crim e is soft
hitting. Don't hit at all if it can
be avoided, but never hit softly.—
Theodore Roosevelt.
----------- MONTHLY—
W om en w lx i su tle r p e in o f Irre g u ­
la r p e rlo d i w ith c ra n k y nervouxneea
— du e to m o n th ly fu n c tio n a l d is ­
tu rb a n c e s — should And L y d ia &
I ’ln k h e in 's C o m p o u n d Tnbleto (w ith
added Iro n ) »im ply m arvrlou» to re ­
lieve such distress. T h e y 're m ade es­
pe c ia lly /o r wom en.
T a k e n reg u la rly — L y d ia P ln k h a m ’s
T a b l e t s h e lp b u ild u p r e s is ta n c e
a g a in s t aueh a n n o y in g ayroptoma.
T h ey also h elp b u ild u p red blood
e n d thu g e ld In p ro m o tin g m ore
s tre n g th . Fo llo w la b e l directions.
Ly d ia P ln k h a m 's C om pou nd Ta b lets
Blessed by Doers
The world is blessed most by
men who do things, and not by
those who m erely talk about them.
—James Oliver.
with backache?
\ Y / H E N kidney» function badly end
” you «uffer a nagging backache,
with d iz iin e u , burning, »canty or too
freouent urination and getting up at
nlqnl; when you feel tired, nervous,,
all u p te t. . . utc Doan's Pills.
Doan's are especially for poorly
w o r k in g kidneys. M illio n s of boxes
are used every year. They are recom­
mended the country over. A sk
D oans P ills
W NU— 13
2— 42
Center o f Things
Location, room luxury, fina loods
at moderi priras, gradoni »am­
ica, bait in entertainment . . .
tverything ideal!
Guy Toombta, Managing Director
No. Z9230
W elcom e at a H ousew arm ing—H oney T w ist R olls
(See Recipes Below)
H ousewurniing Tim e
Soft, Bweet, crusty rolls, a fruity
coffee cake, a plate of cookies,
te m p t in g s a n d ­
w ic h e s in c r e s ­
c e n t, d ia m o n d ,
o ir c le o r h e a r t
s h a p e s , c o ffe e ,
tea or cider from
which to choose
your drink—these
form the basis of the refreshments
for a housewarming. The event isn't
lavish, it ’s simple, sincere and
warm with friendliness for you’ve
gathered to greet your friends in
their new home.
housewarming as a surprise to the
fam ily in their new home, or wheth­
er yau're inviting friends to an " a t
home" in your own home, keep ev­
erything as simple as possible. If
you have many coming, ask some
earlier and others later so the house
and brush over Twists before bak­
•F ru ited Coffee Cake.
(M akes 1 large ring)
1 cake yeast
Mr cup lukew arm potato water
6 cups flour, sifted
1 cup lukewarm water
1 teaspoon lemon extract
1 cup shortening or butter
1 cup sugar
(4 teaspoon salt
V« teaspoon nutmeg
% pound large raisins
% cup currants
H pound candied citron
V4 pound candied lemon peel
Soften yeast in potato water, add
1 cup flour and w arm water. Let
rise. Cut shortening into rem ain­
ing flour, add remaining ingredients
then combine with first m ixture. Let
rise until double. Shape into large,
buttered ring or loaf and let rise
until doubled in bulk. Bake in a
moderate (350-degree) oven 1 hour.
Frost with a powdered sugar icing
and sprinkle with chopped or shred­
ded nuts.
Here are some cookies that are
•Assorted Sandwiches
as delightful as homespun. They’re
•Sweet Bow Knot Rolls
e s p e c ia lly nice
•Honey Twists
Frosted Cup Cakes
•Fruited Coffee Cake
recipe makes a
la r g e q u a n t it y
•Recipe Given
and you won't be
a b le to c o u n t
will never be too crowded. No en­ consumption o n
tertainm ent need be planned for ev­ them. The blend­
eryone will want to inspect the ing of fruits with spices makes thia
house or apartm ent and have a light a popular cookie:
snack before leaving perhaps.
Cape Elisabeth Cookies.
Clever invitations can be sent out
(Makes 3*4 dozen medium)
by using a m iniature plan of the
*4 cup butter
house, a rough drawing ar silhou­
1 cup brown sugar
ette of the house and writing the in­
1 egg
vitation inside or out as it best fits.
5 tablespoons m ilk
1% cups flour
All refreshments can be placed
1 cup rolled oats
on a table set simply with a plain
V« teaspoon cinnamon
cloth and attractive flowers. Teen­
Ye teaspoon allspice
age girls will enjoy helping at the
% cup pineapple cut into shreds,
table pouring coffee or tea and help­
ing All the trays of rolls and sand­
Ms cup walnuts, chopped
wiches as they're »«ed.
*4 cup raisins
Hot rolls with the smell of the
3 tablespoons grated otahge rind
oven still on them w ill spell a
grand welcome, especially when
Combine sugar and butter, add
your guests come in from frost- egg and m ilk, then dry ingredients.
nipped outdoors:
Last of all add the fru it and nuts.
Drop by spoonfuls on greased cookie
•Sweet Bow Knot Rolls.
sheet. Lake in a moderate (375-
(Makes 2(4 dozen)
degree) oven 8 minutes.
1 cup m ilk
’A cup butter
Here are some tem pting sandwich
Mi cup sugar
combinations for the sandwich plat­
1 teaspoon salt
ter. Made in crescent, star, heart
2 cakes compressed yeast
or triangle shapes they’ll be one of
% cup lukewarm water
the most popular numbers at the
2 eggs
4% cups sifted flour (about)
•Assorted Sandwiches.
Scald m ilk and pour over butter,
Flaked tuna or salmon seasoned
augar and salt. Crumble yeast Into with mayonnaise, lemon juice, and
water to soften. Cool m ilk to luke­ butter.
w arm , add yeast, beaten eggs and
Mashed sardines, lemon juice,
2 eups flour. Beat well. Add enough chili sauce.
flour to make a soft dough. Turn
liverw urst with chili
out on a floured board and knead sauce.
until smooth. Form into a ball and
place in a greased bowl. Cover and cooked bacon.
let rise until double in bulk. When
Cooked ham ground with sweet
light, knead down and shape into pickle, moistened with mayonnaise.
long strands, 8 inches long, (4 inch
Cream cheese with orange m a r­
in diam eter. Tie these strands into malade or cranberry jelly.
a single looped knot. Place on
Sliced Am erican cheese, thinly
greased baking sheet and let rise sliced fried ham, mustard.
until doubled. Bake in a moderate
Cream cheese and honey.
(375-degree) oven, 15 to 20 minutes.
Peanut butter, lemon juice and
Brush with powdered sugar icing mashed banana.
and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
•Honey Twists.
(Makes 2*4 dozen)
Use the same ingredients as in
Rolls in a variety of shapes
Sweet Bow Knot Rolls. Soften yeast
are guaranteed to please the
in lukewarm wa-
most fastidious fam ily. Here's a
teL ^ ? ,d m ilk ’
list of favorite shapes to try out:
add butter, sugar
Knots: Twist and tie strip of
and salt. Cool to
dough into a knot.
lu k e w a r m an d
P arker House: Roll dough *4
add enough flour
inch thick, cut into rounds with
to m ake a thick
biscuit cutter, dip in melted but­
batter. Add yeast
and fold In half. Place rolls
and eggs. Beat well and add more
close together in pan.
flour to m ake a soft dough. Place
Crescents: Cut dough into tri­
in a greased bowl and let rise until
angle shapes, having dough at
doubled. When light punch down
least four inches at wide end.
and roll into small strands about
Spread with butter, roll begin­
6 inches long, *4 inch in diameter.
ning at one corner. Pull ends
Coil into greased 2-inch muffin pans,
to resemble a crescent.
beginning at the outer edge and
Buttcrhorns: Cut dough in edge
covering the bottom.
Brush with
brush with butter, roll to­
Honey Topping. Let rise until dou­
wards point.
ble in bulk and bake in a moderate
Butter Flakes: Roll dough %
oven 25 to 30 minutes.
inch thick, brush with butter, cut
Hosey Topping.
in 2-inch strips. Stack strips 4
Y4 cup butter
or 5 high, cut into 2-inch pieces
% cup powdered sugar
and place in greased muffin tins
1 egg white
cut side down.
2 tablespoons honey, warmed
Cream all Ingredients together
(Relensed by W estern N ew sp aper U nion.)
“ S IT U A T IO N S " are what these
° two pups seem to get into
every day of the week. Em broider
them on that new set of tea towels
and let their antics decorate the
kitchen towel rack. Single stitch
and outline m ake these motifs;
the bows would look well if ap-
. . . d o n ’t cough! Get pleasant, » -o -o -th in -g
relief from a cough due to a cold w ith famous
Snitch Brothers Cough Drops. You get that re­
lief for only a nickel a box. W h y pay more?
Both kinds taste delicious: Black or M entho l.
10,000-M ile Waves
OS M E N T H O L -5 4
Several South Am erican earth­
quakes have created ocean waves
so huge and powerful that they
Believe in Life
traveled 10,000 miles across the
To believe in im m ortality is one
Pacific ocean and were recorded thing, but it is first needful to be­
In Japan.
lieve in life.— R. L. Stevenson.
Search Thyself
Search thy own heart; what
paineth thee in others in thyself
m ay be.—J. G. W hittier.
lain base. Solid maple
trim . Shade of linen fin­
ish parchment.
S IM Defense Savings Stamps
maynow be obtained through
Brown A W illie«,«/,« Send
13J Raleigh coupons fo r each
dollar stamp. Defense Stamp
Album, shown above, free
on request.
P la te S ilv a r w a r a . 26
pieces and walnut finish
wood chest.
TRY A PACK OF RALEIGHS. They’re a grand
blend o f 31 selected grades of choice Turk­
ish and Domestic tobaccos—made from the
more expensive, more golden colored leaves
that bring top prices at the great tobacco
sales. And that coupon on the back o f every
pack is good in the U. S. A. for luxury pre­
miums. Switch to popular-priced Raleighs
today and write for the premium catalog.
■ aw
coupons also packed w ith KOOL C ig a rette s
W N g in Red Skelton and O teie Ncleon every
Tueeday night, N B C Red Network
s500 EVERY WEEK u r m
^ 5
I t ’s simple. It 's fun. Just think up
ala st line to thisjingle. M ake sure
i t rhymes w ith the word "got.”
W rite your last lino of the
jingle on the reverse side of a
Raleigh packago wrapper (or a
facsimile thereof), sign it with
your fu ll name and address, and
m ail i t to Brown A Williamson
Tobaeeo Corp., P . O. Bog 1799,
L o u is v ille , K e n t u c k y , po st­
marked no t later th an midnight,
January 24, 1942.
Y ou m ay enter as m any last
lines as you wish, if they are all
w ritten on separate Raleigh pack­
age wrappers (or facsimiles).
Prises will be awarded on the
"Peter Piper picked a pack
With a coupon on the back.
Raleigh was the brand he got
You have 133 chances to win. I f
you send in more than one entry,
your of winning w ill be
th at much better. D o n 't delay.
S tart thinking right now.
First prize .
originality and aptness of the line you write.
Judges’ decisions must be accepted as final.
In case of ties, duplicate prises w ill be
awarded. Winners win be notified b y mail.
Anyone m ay enter (except employees of
Brown <L Williamson Tobscoo Corp., their
advertising agents, or their families). A ll
entries and ideas therein become the prop­
erty of Brown A Williamson Tobaoeo
$100.00 cash
Second prize .
. 50.00 cssb
Third prize.
. 25.00 vast»
5 prizes of $10.0*
. 50.00 cssb
25 prizes of $5.00
. 125.00 cask
100 prizes of a carton
Sf Raleighs
. 150.00