Trout Season and Limit Set for Thia Year orderly conduct statute, section 23- GIRL SCOUTS ARE ASKED pounds last Saturday. The Boy and 925. If the blackout violation oc­ TO HELP IN RED CROSS Girl Seouls are also gathering Hie curs in a district where the acts SCHOOL OF FIRST AID payer here. _____ The state game commission, at u would dearly be a violation of section 23-325.” meeting held January 10, set the Cleo Gilchrist, committeeman of The above answers without equi­ the Bed Cross School of First Aid, WEST BUYS general season for tiu u t si* nclies oi over in length in 1942 from April vocation the numerous inqoiriea , (l akes ail appeal lo G irl Scouts ami STOCKYARD L I MBEH Tom Weal purchased the lumbci lb Io October 31, with Ihe excep­ Ii-ieivi-d by Hie State Defense i other gii Is and women to assist in f.ouncil relative to (tie power to i the Bed Cross First Aid School, by in the Southern Pacific stock yards tion of twelve eastern Oregon i t ' s as counties where the seuson w ill ex­ enforce ‘blackout* regulations. The keeping children for mothers who fences, and has removed it from the property. SIMPLE tend from May 2 Io October 31. Opinion of the Attorney General wish to get the first aid training. should be transmitted by County these counties are linker, Gilliam, He stales tbat in most eases Hit as this : I nion, Grant, Harney, Klumath, Defense* Coordinators to District children w ill be small and it w ill New Line of Lake, Morrow, Lmatdla, Wallo­ Attorneys amt City Attorneys for be only necessary lo remain in the their information and guidance. wa, Wheeler and Malheur. hmm- while the children sleep. Any BOYER COSMETICS G irl Scout or others interested in Ibe daily bag lim it remains the same as before, fit teen pounds and helping in this important defense GRANGE NEWS At Popular Prices one fisli but nut lo exceed fifteen project should get in touch w ith W m. llowes, Ed Kiene, John Mr. Gilchrist at once. fish in any one day.’ TIie lim it for Becker’s Drug Store any seven consecutive duys or in Gray, Ralph Wigle, Hoy Cameron, Soieu Christensen and Garland possession at any one time is th irty Cl BS GATHER PAPER pounds and two fish but not to ex­ Lance are doing some much needed As a start to their campaign •« repairs in the Grunge bull. On Sun­ ceed th irty fish. gather all waste paper ln_Goid H ill day some of ibe ladies prepured a •lie local Cub pack stacked up 1200 From November I to A pril 17 anglers w ill be permitted lo tgjie pot luck dinner for them and Mas- WANTED trout over ten inches in length on­ lei Johnson who had helped some. Tuesday, January 13 fifteen mem­ We want wool, mohair, hides and ly in those waters open to steel- | | l ( A m m ! H m í I — -T¿r- bead and salmon fishing. Ibe ag- bers enjoyed the first II.E.C. meet­ pelts. Also scrap iron and all kinds ing of 1942, I hree of tin- men jo in ­ of metal, junk batteries and radia­ GRANTS PASS, OREGON gregate bag lim it for steelhead, salmon ami trout over ten inches ed the ladies for lunch. Florence tors. Now Showing — m length during lids period w ill Lance the new chairman, was in GRANTS PA88 BARGAIN HOUSE (barge. Flans were made and com­ 020 S. Otb St. Grants Pass. Ore. lie three in any one day w ith a ‘ TEXAS’’ mittees appointed to take charge of possession lim it of six and weekly W illiam Holden—Claire Trevor Pomona dinner on Jan. 24 at hall. lim it of ten. New committees were appointed However, during the general op- for the year and a year book is to Preview Saturday 11 P.M. < n seuson for six inch trouut tin- reg GOLD HiLL LODGBNO. 12» made and sample sent to State ulur duily bug lim it of three sal | lie Grunge in June. “Nine Lives are not Meets Every Tneedar Night mon and steelhead over twenty in- YOU ARE WELCOME Bessie Davis and Florence Howes Enough” < Ins in length muv be eonnted sep­ H. D. Force, Noble Grand were remembered by their Flora arately and steelhead over twenty H arry Newnham, Vice Grand and Hattie Chaffee received inches in length may be counted ¡’ triends Sun, Mon, Tues; Jan. 13-19-20 Paul Thompson, Secretary nice gift. separately from the trout lim it. Art Gorhaip — Treasurer. “You Belong to Me” Mrs. Cleo Gilchrist explained the Special regulations prevail on the Henry Fonda-Barbara Stanwyck sizes of bandages and compresses Rogue river and arc essentially the VMETHY8T REBEKAH LODGE 97 cvervbooy the defense board would like made Meets the first and third Wednes- same as last year. WHO for use in emergencies. lays of each month at the I O. O. F Changes in blAck bass regulations Coming Soon— CONSERVES Refreshment* of jello, W’bipperi Hall, Gold Hill, Oregon Abbott and Costello include ibe establishment of a min­ OR < ream, doughnuts, cup rakes and Jewel Routh, Noble Grand imum length lim it of eight inches “Keep Em Flving’ PRESERVES (o ffe r were served by Josephine Elsie Cameron, Vice Grand and a closed season during May Loeffler, Bessie Davis and Janie Belle Smith — Rec. Sec’y. and June to protect the spawning Marsden. Hazel Holderness — Fin. Sec’y. fish. Also, the separate bag lim it - I S D O /N 6 U /S B /T H E P B IT . Next serving committee for H.E. Delia Kell — Treasurer lo r spiny-rayed fish, which is 30 in t.., Jan. 27, w ill be Florence Lance, any one day of u|| species eombin- GOLD HILL GRANGE NO. 334 Fanny Long and Irene Johnson. I cd or in possession at anv one I Meets first and third Thursday* time. at 8 p. m., at their halLaext to tele­ MRS. ANNA LANCE IMPROVED No bullfrogs under four inches Mrs. Anna Lance, who has been phone otfice. H. t . club meets sec­ in body length may be taken. Tin- quite ill in the home of her son, ond and fourth Tuesdays at 1:30 p season w i# be open from June 1 Mr. G. R. Lance for the past week, lo April 15 of the following year Now’ Playing is reported improved. Mrs. Lance w ith the exception that in count­ 1 .1 . WATCH REPAIRING is from California, having been “Badlands of Dakota” ies east of the Cus-adcs the season here for some time visiting her son Richard Dix, Francis Farmer LARRY SCHADE w ill not open until July j. IN NOVEMBER 1863 - ’|. Hugh Herbert, Andy Devine and daughter-in-law. S. P. Watch Inspector A daily bag lim it of five fish w ill Since 1918 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Also Hopalong Cassidy in be effective for striped bass. 21 S. Central—Next to Cralerian SAID: In addition to the present bag ‘Riders of the Timberline’ I Medford, Oregon CNRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lim it of three fo r sturgeon under SiQACRAMENT” was the sub- four feet in length, the lim it for Sun, Mon, Tues; Jan. 18-19-20 M jeet of the Lesson-Sermon in slurgeon over four feel in length Is “Parachute Battalion” all Churches of Christ, Scientist, to be two. **»****••******♦***•**♦*♦♦**♦**♦% Robert Preston, Nancy Kelly, on Sunday. January 11. T h a t governm ent Special seasons and limits in the August W. Buddy Ebsen, Harry Carey The Golden Text was, “Let us individual counties w ill be listed in DOCTOR OF OPTOMBTRT o f the people, — keep the feast, not with old lea­ the annual synopsis of angling reg­ Wed, Thurs; Jan. 21-22 ven, neither with the leaven of Successor to Dr. Jud Rickert ulations to be issued by the game by the people, malice and wickedness; but with Frank Buck’s commission in the near future. Specialist in all problems of the unleavened bread of sincer­ “Jungle Cavalcade” eye comfort and vision fo r the people, ity and truth” (I. Cor. 5:8). I 308 Fluhrer Bldg.-Phone 4001 also Prosecution for Failure to Among the citations which Medford, Oregon s h a ll n o t p e ris h ‘Blonde from Singapore' comprised the Lesson-Sermon Comply With Blackout was the following from the Bible: ♦SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSV fro m the e a r t h .” “Let us draw near with a true I lie Oregon Stute Defense Coun­ heart in fu ll assurance of faith, cil requested an opinion from A t­ having our hearts sprinkled from torney General I. II. Van W inkle an evil conscience, and our bod­ recently as to whether or not " it ies washed with pure water” would be possible to arrest and (Heb. 10:22). prosecute for breach of the peace The Lesson-Sermon also in­ under section 23-927 of the Oregon RELIABLE cluded the following correlative laws a person who, after having passages from the Christian REASONABLE been given due notice to blackout Science textbook. “Science and in connection w ith a war emergen­ Health with Key to the Scrip­ I N N O V E M B E R l$ 4 l - cy measure put into operation by a tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: “We county or stale defense group, re­ H IS COUNTRYM EN should strive to reach the Horeb fused to comply w ith instructions REDED/CATE height where God is revealed; and and defied any authority which T H E M S E L V E S TO the corner-stone of all spiritual would compel compliance.” This THIS R ESO LVE. building is purity. The baptism section of the code is commonly re- i of Spirit, washing the body of all ferred to as the “ nuisance statute’’, , the impurities of flesh, signifies covering offenses against the pub-, that the pure in heart see God A T MEDFORD'S NEW lie peace, public health and public ! and are approaching spiritual morals not elsewhere made punish­ Life and its demonstration.” able by the code. “ It is ‘easier for a camel to go In an opinion banded down by through the eye of a needle,’ than Attorney General Van Winkle on for sinful beliefs to enter the January 9. 1942, he stales: Popular Prices — Skates for Rent kingdom of heaven, eternal har­ “ I find no express provision in mony” (p.241). our statutes which prescribes a penalty for the failure to obey whatever extent is necessary in blackout’ order or regulation. In Newspapers Play Vital < istrihuting information is also be­ the present national emergency Role in War Campaigns coming more apparent in the pres­ ! there is no doubt that a person who Southern Oregon’s Finest Entertainment! Your Medford Theatres! Local newspaper» and radio sta­ ent war effort. KOAC at C orvallls refuses a blackout regulation is v ill step up Io 5000 watts power as committing an act which ’grossly tions are becoming more and more <1011 as remaining parts held up by disturbs the public peace’ w ithin important in carrying o n adult ed­ priorties can lie obtained. | Ibe meaning of section 23-927, and ucation in agriculture and probab­ While newspaper^ w ill he called the authorities above eiled. (Slate Ends Saturday Nite I ly in other fields as well, accord­ in for s till more important ser­ v. Nease Id Or. 433, 440 -1905-; Ends Saturday Night! Ends Saturday Nite I Hopalong Cassidy - Andy ing to leaders in the Oregon State vice, they in turn are facing serious Stale v. Bergman 0 Or. 341, 343, 344 Ann M iller - Ruby Vallee W illiam Powell, Myrnu Loy in Clyde college extension service who are problems, slide college men point -I877-.) “Time Out for Rhythm’ planning an all out effort to aid the oid. War conditions probably w ill “Stick to Your Guns” “ I, therefore, answer your ques­ “Shadow of the Thin plus B ill E llio tt in national food f()r victory drive and reduce advcrtising in some lines at tion in the affirm ative.” plus Roy Rogers in Man” other programs related to the war. least, coupled w ith higher prices “Son of Davy Crockett” The Attorney General also was ‘Bad Men of Deadwood’ Newspapcrs always have consti­ for paper. Recommendations are asked whether a person who refus­ tuted an important medium for rea­ being made to staff members sup­ ed to obey a blackout order might Sunday and Monday Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ching the people w ith agricultural plying material to papers t(, w rite be arrested and prosecuted for dis- The Marx Bros. “Go West, Young Lady” inform ation, these officials said, their news in the fewest words orderdy conduct under section 23- Deanna Durbin - Chas. Lau­ plus Bela Lugosi - East Side “The Big Store” but w ith transportation curtailed possible. 925. ghton Kids in through tire rationing and other The reply: "Since Ibe violation Wednesday, Thursday “Spooks Run Wild” “It Started With Eve” «join uasa atuoooq s.i,ulad ‘smt.uii MEDFORD EDITOR HERE of a ‘blackout’ regulation is a vio­ Joan Bennett - Franchot Tone vital. W ith tires and even cars be­ Tuesday and Wednesday Moore Hamilton, editor of the lation of section 27-927, all arrests “She Knew All The ing rationed there probably w ill pe and prosecutions for same should Starts Wednesday, Four Days “Major Barbara” a reduction in number of farm Medford News was a business vis­ be made and had under section 23 Answers” plus meetings and gatherings in general itor at the News office Tuesday. 927. However, there may well be plus Guy Kibbee in Gene Tierney - Bruce Cabot He was in Gold H ill in the interest within the next year or so. “Tillies Punctured “Scaittergood Pulls the situations where Ihe acts of a The.value of state owned radio of the Defense Bond campaign, he : blackout violator are such as to be “SUNDOWN” Romance” Strings” ftatlon capable of being used t0 being chairman of Jackson county w ithin the prohibition of the dis- work, OUR DEMOCRACY WAR ON WASTE IS AID FOR D E F E N S E . OUR DEMOCRACY ANNIVERSARY J Conger Funeral Parlors SKATE ICE ARENA C ra te ria n , R ia lto Roxy