f The Gold HUI New», Gold HUI. Oreiwi TNVMDAV. NOVEMBER M, IN I Mrs. Maybelle Ruins was in Gold Hill Tuesday morning to take care of insurance business pertuining to her burn with its contents Uiat burned Monday morning quite ear­ ly. The forest service responded to the call for help and they put out the fire. The stock was all outside the building, but hay, small imple­ ___________________ ■ ments and the barn were burned. to .............................. Bill Reed, a student at the Uni­ The fire was due to defective wir­ Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Wlgle left Tuesday on the evening train for a versity of Oregon, last week pledg­ ing. several weeks trip to points in the ed the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. Mrs. Earl Moore, Yvonne and Willamette valley where they will Bill is the grandsou of Mrs. Susie Nadra and Mrs. Mtiore’s mother, visit relatives and friends. They Coy of Gold Hill. Mrs. Rert Stevens, went to Chilo­ will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. quin last Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walker have Wigle’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. the Rert Alberts family. Paula Al­ Johnson, who live near Newberg. received word that laiverne is em­ berts. who was struck by a bullet ployed at the Douglas Aircraft discharged from a 22-rifle by an The (Christian Science Society Manufacturing plant in Los Angeles Indian boy. will have to he remov­ and is in the assembling depart­ will hold Thanksgiving services in ed to San Francisco to have the the church edifice across from the ment at present. bullet removed which lodgrd I. O. O. F. hall Thursday morn­ Vaughn Whitmore left for Port­ against her spine. ing. Thanksgiving Day, November land Sunday evening on a business 20. at 11 a.m. The public is cordial­ Miss Jill Marlin, a student at trip and will return late this week ly invited to attend these services. •regon State College, will arrive Mrs. Melvin Davis, nee Valentin» ome this Thursday to s|>end the Mary, Ann, and Dorothy Swigart Cook, is spending this week with Thanksgiving holiday with her of Wolf Creek visited from Monday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cool arents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin, until Wednesday of this week with during the Thanksgiving vacation he attended the Oregon Stale-Gal- Jocelyn and Denise Meunier. Mon­ at school. 1 ifornia football game last Saturday day evening the girls enjoyed ice and has been visiting friends since When shopping for gifts, see the J skating at Medford. that time. Creighton Thompson large stock of attractive albums and Killy ('lenient, who are also and records, also record players attending Oregon State College and that play through your radio. Pru­ Bill Force, student at the Univer­ itt’s Music Store, Grants Pass. sity of Oregon, will also spend the Sunday School Thanksgiving of­ vacation with their families here. fering will be this Sunday anil Pop Taylor would like Io thank I World Service Sunday will be a everyone who turned out during week later at the Methodist church. the fire and helped carry furniture Word was received from Massa­ out and helped put the fire out. chusetts Wednesday of this week that Mrs. Millie Walker was in the NEW DIRECTORS EI.Et TED east to attend the nationaj Grange FOR IRRIGATION DISTRICT convention. She accompanied state Grange Master and Mrs. Ray Gill i Two new directors were elected on the trip. She had been.to Port­ for the Gold Hill Irrigation district land. Maine, had seen the Atlantic at their meeting last Tuesday eve- ocean and stated that she was sur­ ni ig. Otto Fuhrman was elected prised at the narrow streets made for the three year term and W. J. of granite blocks in the eastern Wilson was elected for the one cities. year term. The third member of Harlow Banry, who left last the board is William Howes. week to attend high school at North W.R.C. TO ELECT Bend, has returned to Gold Hill and plank on re-entering the local The W.H.C. held its regular meet­ school. ing last Wednesday at their hull. Mrs. J. W. Beeman of Portland On the first meeting in December arrived last Friday to visit for sev­ the Corps will hold the election of eral days with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. officers. The regular inspection is Martin. to be held soon, also, when the of­ Mrs. Claud Scott went to Gold ficer can come to this district. [ Beach last Monday evening and I stayed over Armistice Day with Mr. Scott. They both returned to G tiL M n PASS, OKKOON Gold Hil, on Wednesday. n Local Happenings i'H06w Now Showing — FATHER OP MRS. MEUNIER REBBKAHS VISIT PASSES IN CANADA Monday evening a number of the members of the local Rebekah lodge made a fraternal visit to the Medford Rebekah lodge in a body. Those who went from this lodge were Edna Gorham, Ruth Lewis. Mary Chisholm, Delia Kell, Elsie Cameron, Mabel Hittle, Elinor Force, Madge Dorman, Evelyn Thompson, Nellie Winn, Bessie Ferguson, Irene Hendrickson, Nona Centers, Edith Kenyon, Jewell Bouth, Louise Robinson, Willie Mc­ Lean. Apphiu Bowers. Mrs. Brown, a member of the Grants Puss lodge, was also present. Mrs. A. Meunier received word the first of this week of the death of her father, A. I.uvullee of St. Paul, Alberta, Canada, Saturday evening. Mr. I.uvullee died follow­ ing a long illness. Funeral services and burial were held Monday. FOR SALE: 2 wood ranges, cou­ ple of wood heaters, gasoline range, 2 burner oil stove, round dining room table, chain hoist, pipe vice 130 ft. \ inch pipe, coil springs and beon Used Car Lot, 714 South 6th St. of cold water in Christ's name. Sams Valley road New Car Store, 411 South 6th St. and never fear the consequences. ERNEST .LYMAN Grants Pass, Oregon Those ready for the blessing you impart will give Thanks. (P570) Bruce Cunningham of Salem vis­ ited in Gold Hill last Wednesday. “BELLE STAR” New Line of BOYER COSMETICS At Popular Prices Hannum & Kelt Liberty and Material Well Being, and for the Joys of Family, Friendship, Happiness P RAYERS such as that are being offered all over the nation today, just as they were when that first little group of grateful colonists offered theirs in celebration of the first harvest in their new land. Hundreds of harvests, hundreds of Thanksgivings have passed since then. As a nation, at each of these Thanksgiving observances, we have had much to be thankful for; each of them saw our country a little further down the road of history, a land growing in power, in area, in wealth . . . and, most of all, in the happiness and well being of a free people. T o DAY, Thanksgiving, 1941, we see our country engag­ ed in a tremendous effort that is testing all of our capac­ ities for ingenuity, for skill, for courage and patience. We can be Thankful — and with confidence in the future — that the past has proven our ability to meet problems and to solve them, and that while our present position is a new one in history, It is not without precedent in kind and most certainly will yield to solution by the combined efforts of a people made incredibly strong by the blessings of nature and three centuries of freedom. As individuals, as a nation, as a people u n d er God, we have m uch to be th a n k fu l fo r on this T h a n k sg iv in g D ay. Let each of us individually, or as fam ily g ro u p s, o ffe r c u r th a n k s as we sit dow n tc. th a t b o u n tifu l fe a st th a t is the o u tw a rd sign of o ur g ra titu d e . Get It Ready For Winter Now ZERO NE.................... PURM-GUARD....... $1.00 Gallon $2.65 Gall