The Gold Hill News, Gold Hill, Oregon Thursday. Nov. 20. 1941 Smartly Styled Draperies Any Beginner Can Make TERNS I SEWDNG CHOCHE- with convertible neckline and long and short sleeves. The jerkin and skirt lend them ­ selves to novelty m aterials, cor­ duroy, plaid, tweed or gabardine. Contrasting blouses m ay be of washable cottons, rayon crepes, silk crepes or sheers. . . . Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1477-B Is de­ afened tor sizes 13. 14. 18, 18 and 28. Cor­ responding bust measurements 30, 32. 34. 38 and 38. Size 1« (32) Jerkin requires • i yards 34-inch m aterial, skirt 1% yards 54-lnch m aterial and blousa with short sleeves 1% yards 35-lnch m aterial. Send your order to: SEWING C IR C LE P A TTE R N D E PT. Nwag Tacked to Valance Board. C O PATRICIAN, tlicsc draperiea *■’ topped with a graceful swag I You may m ake them yourself— combining ju st the colors for your room. Rayon dam ask In dusty rose for the draperies, rayon aatln for the swag, brown fringe for trim m ing—th a t's one stunning choice. To iiave your draperies hang beautifully, co rrect m easuring is necessary—but easy. • • • Our 32-page booklet hat exact diagram s and directions for making many attrac* live styles of draperies, drapery curtain« and Kiana curtains. Telia how to trim; m ake sw ags, valances. Send your order to: READER HOME SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco. Calif. Enclose 10 cents In coin for your copy of NEW IDEAS IN MAKING CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES N am e...................................... .................... A ddress....................................................... ‘They G ot M e C overed’ I t F u n n ie tt Book of Y ear A NEW all-around champion •* * has been crowned . . . in the entertainm ent world. He is Bob Hope. Not sutisfled with being rated tops on the radio, Number One in screen box office receipts, he is author of one of the nation’s best sellers, which just about nails down this triple crown for Bob. "They Got Me Covered," Hope’s autobiography, has been claim ed by critics and readers alike as one of the y e a r’s funniest books. It is a hilarious story, in narrative form , of Bob Hope's life, gener­ ously illustrated with photographs, in addition to having cartoons de­ picting scenes from his life. The book is how available at drug and departm ent stores throughout A m erica at 10 cents p er copy with the purchase of a Pepsodent product. This low price is possible because the sule of the book has been sponsored by the Pepsodent Company.—Adv. OVER 5 0 ? Most of us find that age and living habits bring on occasional bowel- laziness. These spells of constipa­ tion, with aggravating gas, may cause restless nights. AD LER IK A can help you face the future more cheerfully. Its ingredients attract to the bowels extra moisture which softens packed wastes and assists in comfortable bowel action. A D LER IK A helps to leave your bowels refreshed and clean. Next time constipation and gaa threaten your comfort, try ADLER IK A . Druggists have it. Worthy History There is no history worthy of attention save th a t of free nations; the history of nations under the sway of despotism is no m ore than a collection of anecdotes.—Cham- fort. /MIDDLE-AGE WOMEN (,S ) H E E D T H IS A D V IC E II If you’re cross, restless, nervous —suffer hot flashes, dizziness— caused by th is period In a woman’s life — try Lydia Pink- ham ’s Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Helps MJ IC ill.r o U IO V IV O O _ wavaw ---------- functional disturbance. Thou­ sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. Fol­ low label directions. Magical Talisman Courage and perseverance have a m agical talism an, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into a i r .— John Quincy Adams. US New Montsumery Street Ban Francise» Calli. Enclose 15 cents In coins lor Pattern No....................... Size................. Name ......................................................... Address ..................................................... Chicken u la King for F ifty (See Recipe* Below .) Church Supper Ideas What is so gay as a grand, big gM-together full of informal fun, the hum of pleasant conversation and plenty of good food thrown into the bargain? A church supper, of course! The fun will take care of itself and the food—well, alm ost if you get the right amount of it, for the cook­ ing’s as simple as only simple can be. Chicken's a tre a t any way you serve it, but very easy to pre­ pare and serve if you do it this tim e-tried, old-fash­ ioned, favorite way ladled out of a big kettle with plenty of cream sauce onto feathery light hot biscuits: 'Chicken or Turkey a la King. (Serves 50) 4 4-pound chickens, stewed, then cut m eat into pieces Or 1 18-pound turkey, stewed or roasted, m eat diced 1 pound fat (chicken or turkey fat and butter mixed) 4 cups flour 2 gallons scalded milk 1 pound fresh mushrooms or 2 large cans 2 tablespoons minced onion 1*4 teaspoons or more salt % teaspoon white pepper 1*4 teaspoons paprika 2 sweet green peppers, chopped (optional) 2 pimientos, chopped (optional) *4 cup egg yolks (6 eggs) Melt about three-fourths of the fat, add the flour, and blend thoroughly; add scalded milk, stirring rapidly with a wire whisk to keep well mixed. Cook until starch taste is gone—about 10 m 'nutes. Cook the mushrooms, sliced, in rem aining fat, until delicately browned and add to sauce with the onion. Beat egg yolks and mix with a sm all am ount of the hot m ixture to blend and add to the sauce, stirring thoroughly. Cook 4 or 5 m inutes more. Add turkey m eat. Season to >aste (with paprika and pepper mixed into salt). Add peppers and pimiento, if used. Serve on hot biscuits. The sim plest way to prepare the chickens is to cook them in sea­ soned w ater, to which a small on­ ion, 2 carrots and a sm all bunch of celery are added. Chickens are han­ dled best if dis­ jointed and the breast and back sections cut into convenient-sized pieces. Baking Powder Biscuits. (Serves 50) 4 pounds flour % cup double-acting baking powder 2 tablespoons salt 1 pound shortening (2*4 cups) 5 cups milk Sift the dry ingredients together, add fat and mix lightly. Make a well in the center and add the milk. LYNN SAYS: A ttractive salads pep up m eals besides adding nourishm ent plus to menus. Salads in w inter are a little hard to plan because of the scarcity of fresh fruits and vege­ tables, so 1 suggest you try these for solving your salad problem : Prunes stuffed with cream cheese and nuts, served with or­ ange sections and lettuce. Cooked beets and cooked c a r­ rots diced with celery, mixed with mayonnaise. Orange sections served with tiny cream cheese balls. Mari­ nate oranges in french dressing first. Canned pineapple and fresh or­ anges served in alternate sections on lettuce. Alternating orange and grapefruit sections are a good idea, too. Chunks of lettuce with crum ­ bled hard-cooked egg and a few leftover peas, tossed together with salad oil, salt, pepper, vinegar. THIS WEEK’S MENU 'Chicken a la King •Scalloped Potatoes •Sunset Salad Bread and Butter Assorted Cakes •Coffee •Recipe given Mix just until the dough holds to­ gether. Divide dough into fourths and make V« at a time. Roll on a floured board, pat to *4 inch thick­ ness, cut and place on baking sheet. Bake 12 to 15 m inutes in a hot (450 degree) oven until golden brown. •Scalloped Potatoes. (Serves 50) 10 pounds (6 quarts) sliced potatoes 2 quarts hot milk Mi cup flour 1*4 cups butter 3 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon pepper Peel potatoes before weighing. Be­ fore m easuring, peel and slice. If large, cut in two lengthwise before slicing. Into six baking dishes put a layer of potato, then a slight layer of flour, and repeat until all potatoes are used. Dissolve salt, pepper and butter in hot milk. Pour over pota­ toes, cover and cook in slow oven for lW hours or Best idea for a salad is this one th a t’s made in ad­ vance and needs only to be sliced and placed on lettuce leaves for serving. It's as gay and colorful as the get-togeth­ er itself. •Sunset Salad. 18 ounces lemon gelatin 2*4 quarts hot w ater and canned pineapple juice 1*4 quarts grated raw carrots 114 pints canned crushed pine­ apple, drained 2 teaspoons salt Dissolve gelatin in hot w ater and pineapple juice which has been heat­ ed to 130 degrees F. Chill. Combine carrots, pineapple and salt. When m ixture is slightly thickened, fold in carrot and pineapple m ixture. Turn into individual molds. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce. G ar­ nish with mayonnaise and grated carrots. Makes 32 portions. Just in case you want to m ake up a church supper menu of your own, I’m listing additional recipes: Meat Loaf. 10 pounds ground round steak 2 pounds ground pork or salt pork 4 eggs 14 pound bread crumbs 2 onions 2 tablespoons salt 2 teaspoons pepper 1 quart cold m ashed potatoes 1 quart milk or canned tomatoes Mix thoroughly, mold into five loaves, and bake in a m oderate oven 350 degrees F., until done. Makes 50 servings. •Boiled Coffee. (Serves 50) 114 pounds coffee (614 cups) 2*4 gallons w ater 2 eggs Mix shells, whole eggs and 1 addi­ tional cup of cold w ater with coffee. When the w ater comes to a boil, add the coffee egg m ixture which has been tied in a bag, to the boil­ ing w ater, and boil for 3 to 5 min­ utes. Test for strength. When ready, remove bag, let coffee stand 10 to 15 minutes before serving. • • • The wife of one of our famous football coaches, Mrs. Lou Little, likes to serve a simple but hearty qieal after the game. Jot this one down as an idea for an after the game supper or church supper idea: Hot mulled cider, casserole of pork and beans, buttered hot date-nut bread, celery, pickles, and chili sauce; jellied cole slaw; doughnuts and coffee. For the casserole, used canned pork and beans with tomato sauce; heat in the oven about 20 minutes. As a decoration use half slices of date-nut bread. Put them around the top of the beans for 5 minutes be­ fore the casserole comes out from the oven. (Released by Western Newspaper Union I Influence of Church The churches are the greatest influence in this world of ours to overcome the present tendency toward greed.—P resident F ran k ­ lin D. Roosevelt. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be­ cause It goes right to the seat of the p E W outfits can serve with great- trouble to help loosen and expel * e r usefulness in fall and w inter germ laden phlegm, and aid nature soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ w ardrobes than the jerkin, skirt to flamed bronchial m ucous m em ­ and blouse and you can m ake branes. Tell your druggist to sell you these for yourself with P a tte rn No. a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ you must like the way It 1477-B at very slight expense. You derstanding quickly allays the cough or you are can w ear this costume day after to have your money back. day to the office or to school, al­ ways with a fresh blouse or inter­ for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis esting sw eater. I t will be ideal I for sports events or travel. Mostly Sniffles In appearance it is youthfulness Life is m ade up of sobs, sniffles personified. The dart-fitted jerkin m akes the m ost of a slim waistline. and sm iles, with sniffles predom­ inating.—O. Henry. The sk irt is of plain gored con­ struction, flaring to a wide hem. P attern includes a classic blouse DON'T LET C R E O M U L S IO N CONSTIPATION A house-full of smoking pleas­ SLOW YOU UP ure is the gay, new C hristm as gift • When bowel« are sluggish and yon feel package of Camel Cigarettes now irritable, headachy and everything you being featured by local dealers. do is an effort, do as million* do — chaw Designed in the shape of a house, FEEN-A-M INT, the modern chewing I trim m ed even to the snow on the gum laxative. Sim ply chew FEEN-A- roof, this colorful package con­ M INT before you go to bed—sleep with­ tains four “ flat fifties"—200 Cam el out being diiturbed—next morning gentle, relief, helping you feel awell I C igarettes, A m erica’s favorite. No thorough again, full of your normal pep. Try I wrapping is needed. There is even FEEN-A-M INT. T a ites good, ia handy a gift card printed right on the a ad economical. A generous family supply package. F or those sm okers on your Christm as list, give Camels and be sure your gift is appreci­ ated. Camels are also available in the regular carton of ten pack­ Imagination’s Poetry ages of "20’s” —200 cigarettes. The Sentiment is the poetry of the carton, too, is handsomely w rapped and ready to give.—Adv. im agination.—L am artine. FEEN-A-M INTioi Women say, “I bake more cakes on the same food budget.’’ More cakes, yes; but better cakes, too, for Clabber Girl’s formula, tested and proved for more than fifty y ean , is positive assurance of perfect baking results. Order a can of Clabber Girl from your grocer today. Y5u will be surprised when he tells you the price. And, your baking successes will delight you. Clabber Girl means Bigger value •when you buy. Better results when you bake. CLABBER GIRL B A K IN G PO W D ER Unnatural Affectation Affectation is an awkward and forced im itation of w hat should be genuine and easy, wanting the beauty th a t accompanies w hat is natural.—Locke. ACHING-STIFF SORE MUSCLES For P R O M P T relief—rub on Mus- terole! Massage with this wonderful “ counter - irritant " actually brings fresh warm blood to aching muscles to help break up painful local con­ gestion. B e tte r th a n a m u sta r d p la ste r ! Made in 3 strengths. Full Hope and Trust Confidence is that feeling by which the m ind em barks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and tru st in itself.—Cicero. INDIGESTION G a a m a y e x c ite t h e H e a r t a c t io n A t the firs t sign o f distress sm art men and women depend on Bell-ana Tablets to set gaa free. N o laxa­ tive b a t made o f the fastest-acting medicines known fo r symptomatic r e lie f o f gastric hyperacidity. I f the F IR S T T R IA L doesn't prove Bell-ana better, re tu rn bottle to on and receive D O U B L E Money Bask. B e . Country in Heart The accent of one’s country dwells in the mind and in the h eart as much a s in the language.—La Rochefoucauld. OF COLDS quickty u h L IQ U ID TABLETS S A LV E N o s e D s o rs C O U C H DROSS Daring to Do No one reaches a high position without daring.—Syrus. Watch Your Kidneys./ Help Them Cleanse th e Blood of Harmful Body Waste THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 2 % LESS NICOTINE « » the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested— less than any of them — according to Independent scientific tests th a n o f the smoke itself! THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TORACCOS Your kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not act as Nature intended—fail to re­ move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system and upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of diuineas, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes—a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ order are sometimes burning, scanty er too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doon's Fills. Doon's have been winning new friends for mors than forty years. They havs a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask your neighbor! D oans P ills WNU—13 47—41