Th» OaU H U New«, OeM HW, Ow^Nj raVMBAT. NOVMOM W. INI moned and required to appear in ’ Stratolincr pilot on the Los Angel- | es - Albuquerque division, had the above entitled court and cause and answer plaintiff's complaint on sighted the 38 craters. He discuss­ file herein w ithin ten weeks from Established 1897 ed his theory that the huge pits the date of the first publication of this summons which is October 9, P U B L IS H E D BY IVERSON PRINTING COM PANY were coanected w ith Meteor Crater 1941. You are further notified that w ith Edsei Ford last summer when in case you fail to appear and an­ WaJIace G. Iverson, Editor and Owner swer said complaint w ithin said the Ford Motor Company president time p la in tiff w ill apply to the An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of was flying us a pussenger to De­ court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, a succinct state­ Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity troit. ment of which is as follow s: For a At first it was thought the cra­ ters were caused by fragments from PU B L ISH E D EV ER Y T H U R SD A Y the large meteorite us it struck the w ith te rrific impact. Many Entered ab the Fostpffice at Gold Hill, Oregon, for trans­ earth believed the craters were ‘solution’ mission through the mails as second-class m atter. pits or sink hole* caused by sub­ terranean rivers. Scientific Party Finds Huge New Mexico is stirring considerable After viewing the terrain from interest umong tourists as well us the air and then making extensive Caves E xist in Arizona scientists. ground surveys, Dr. Nininger re­ The discovery, which promises vealed to newspapermen the exis­ Newly (Uncovered evidence thut northern Arisnnu I im » subterranean to be the Southwest's most im­ tence of Underground caverns. My theory is that a m ajority of | cavern* (hut rival In size the world portant ‘find’ of the century, was famous Mammoth Caves of Ken­ made recently by u scientific ex­ the caverns still exist, and tliat op­ tucky and the Carlsbad Cavern* of pedition sponsored by Edsei Ford enings to them probably w ill he and TWA Airline. found in deep canyons on both Existence of the enormous csv- sides of the 18 square mile crater rrn* wus confirmed as the expedi­ area we investigated, Dr. Nininger WATCH REPAIRING tion investigated 38 craters situated said. LARRY SCHADE on u hooked delta in u desolate When the 10,000,000 ton meteorite ureu 20 miles south of Winslow, smashed to earth, forming Meteor S. P. Watch Inspector Since 191K Arizona. Crater, a terrible earthquake was 21 S. Central—Next to Craterian Dr. Harvey II. Nininger, curator set in motion. This collapsed the Medford, Oregon of Denver Museum and a world- euvern roofs a t their weakest renowned meteorite authority, who points, producing the jagged pits. headed the exploration, said a 10.- Had the cities of W inslow and 000,000 Ion meteorite which crash­ Elugstuff been standing at the time, ed to earth in northern Arizona 25,- every building would have been August W . Glutsch 000 years ago created the craters demolished by the impact. Even DOCTOR O F O PTO M ETRY by collapsing rock roofs of large I Phoenix. 100 airline miles to the Successor to Dr. Jud Rickert underground caverns. The craters ■ south, would have been damaged Specialist in all problem* of arc located between C.hevalon and severely. If the region was inhab't- eye comfort and vision W ild Cal Canyons 42 miles south­ ed at the time, every living thing 308 Pluhrer Bids,-Phone 4001 east of giant Meteor (’ rater. w ithin at least 50 miles would have Medford, Oregon The expedition was organized perished. '13ie meteorite material in the ufter Capt. H. II. Holloway, TWA ;giant Meteor Crater has been assay- I ed as 90 per cent iron 7 per cent . nickel and 3 per cent precious met- als. Engineers, how evir, have nev- ( cr been able to find a method to I mine it. The nickel alone is esti- | mated to be w orth $300,000,000. The Gold Hill News decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be­ tween p la in tiff and defendant, and divorcing p la in tiff from the defend­ ant absolutely; restoring to plain­ tiff her maiden name, to-w it: Agnes C. Leith; for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication once each week for ten consecutive weeks in Gold H ill News, a newspaper of general elr, culation published in Jackson County, Oregon, by order of Hon. H. K. Hanna, judge of the above named court, which order is dated October 9, 1941. NEFF AND FROHNMAYER Attorneys for p la in tiff 200-4 Cooley Theatre Bldg. Medford, Oregon O9-D1I S IS L tC T lS | Y t IT SAIS . CASSI* , V IS U A L t lS T S Z S * YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS w ill be compounded w ith tbs highest quality drugs obtain­ able and as exactly as your Doctor orders at the depend­ able— OW L DRUG STORE G R A N TS PASS. ORB. The Seal of Approval Awarded by the American In ­ stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests Green Fir Slabs OUR LARGE H EA PIN G 300 CU. FT. LOAD IN 12 OR 16 INCH LENG TH S. $6.75 D ELIV ER ED IN GOLD HILL Fill your car or trailer at our fuel yard at corner o f North Central Ave. and McAndrew* Road Timber Products Company Medford, Oregon Phone 2123 Collect GRANTS PA SS STEAM LA UN D R Y “ Since 1900” Togs for Little Misses ARE JU ST AS SM ART AS M O T H ER S . . . . AN D COST SO LITTLE A T T H E GOLDEN R U LE! N E W SK IR TS FOR SCHOOL W EA R Suspendered spun rayon dirndl skirts in navy or red w ith rows of b rig h t peasant stripes around the hem. WANTED $1.98 We want wool, mohair, hides and pelts. Also scrap iron and all kinds of metal, junk batteries and radia­ tors. GRANTS PASS BARGAIN HOUSE 026 S. 6th SL Grant* Pass, Ore. W ool Plaid or Corduroy Skirt* Pleated and flared styles. $1.98 GIRLS’ D R E SSE S SUMMONS N anette D resses Styles fo r toddlers, 6 months to 3 ye a rs_ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. JACKSON COUNTY AGNES C. LOVE ) P la in tiff ) ) ROY MILAN LOVE Defendant ) TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- PENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE . OF OREGON, you are hereby sum -, CNrtlST'Jw SQiENCE CHURCHES BOURBON $1.10 P IN T W HISKEY $2.1$ QUART Jns. Barclay A Co., Ltd. Peoria, 111. T he W orld’* News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily News [taper b Truthful— Constructive— Unbiased— Free from Sensetional- ieoi — Editorisi» Are Timely and Instructive, and It» Daily PSaturee, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Homo. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month, Saturday Issue, including Section, $2.60 a Year. ng Magazine M _ ' Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Name— Addrese. «P'FOF.TALS and Immortals" I I I was the subject of the Les­ son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, No­ vember 16. The Golden Text was, “As is the earthy, such arc they also that are earthy: and os is the heaven­ ly, such are they also that are heavenly” (I Cor. 15:48). Among the citations which comprised the Lcsscn-Scrmon was the following from the Bible: "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that folioweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above; ye are of this world; I am not of this world” (John 8:12,23). The Lesson-Sermon also In­ cluded the following correlative passages from the C -is tian Science textbook, "Science and Health w ith Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Eakcr Eddy: "Im ­ mortals, or God’s children in di­ vine Science, are one harmonious family; but mortals, or the ‘chil­ dren of men’ in material sense, are discordant and oftimes false brethren” (p.444). to Girl*’ D resses Better dresses fo r girls 3 to 16 years, featuring Shirlev Temple frocks. > STRAIGHT OUR DRIVER PICKS UP AND DELIVERS ON TUES. A FRL Leave Tour i.aun ary at The “A ce of Spades” ! OREGON LICENSE COLORS EXCLUSIVE DURING 1942 Oregon w ill have the exclusive white on dark blue license color fo r 1942 according to the Oregon State Motor association which has I just received a compilation of col­ ors to be seen on new automobile ' plates. The only competition w ill ' come from the providences of Hrit- I ish Columbia and Alberta in Can-1 t ad and the Canal Zone which also 1 have decided to use white letters on blue backgrounds. Washington w ill reverse its pres- j cut combination in 1942 using green letters on a white plate; California I w ill have orange on black; Idaho, ; royal blue on light grey; and Montana, white on black. Orr.O! l O pfease