H T h e G o ld Thursday. Nov. 20. 1941 H i l l N e w s , G o ld H ill. O re g o n 'oil C L A S S IF IE D DEPARTMENT NURSERY TO MAKE STOCK wood und painted, and two pun- holders hung from u hook at the waist to form her skirts. AT EA ST ! RO C K H IL L BVK RB BAR­ ING S T R A W B E R R Y p lu m s reason ­ a b ly priced. W on d erful berry. 100% p erfect. P lan t 100 new , harvent b erries w orth SIS.00 n ext sum m er. 2 |c each postpaid, a n y quantity. O raaa M ountain B erry Orowi C a stle B ock, W ash. Start with thia tranalar on panholdna (or klfta, b ataart and your own uas. Tranalrr PU.MI4 la 19 centa. Sand your order to: TR U C K PARTS H eavy-d uty M otor* a x e ls p a rts bodies, tires, h o ists and used truck*. T R U C K W R E C K IN G C O M P A N Y 10th A S K . H aw th orn * Portland. O ra A l’NT MAKTIIA Boa 1M-W Kamaa City, Ma. Cncloaa 19 centa (or each patlern R A B B IT S A N D S K IN S daalrad. P aitani No.......................... DANHOLDEH time is here—us 1 transfer Z93Ü4 illustrates Two cute kittens with perky bows, a sunbonnet girl and her straw hat playmate, two cages holding ap­ plique birds, and a demure maid­ en with full panholder skirts— these are for kitchen decoration and your protection. The old- fashioned girl holder is cut from D E V E L O P IN G P IC T U R E S frevn kodak film s on B e a u tifu l C h ristm as G reetin g cards w ith en velop es to m atch . I l 00 per d oten. Send n eg a tiv e, or w rite for sam p le. Superior P ic tu re Co., P . O. B o x *89, P ortlan d . Oregon. SCHOOLS P B B P A B B BO W F O B P U T U B B b a b b w b u l b tou lba bb E a r n in g s m ore than pay tu ttlo a H O L E R B A R B E R COLLEGE 1M F irs* So. S eattle. W a Bear’p l’an Dance Free, & Grand Cook-Book Standard Brands, Inc., Dept. W, 691 Washington Street, New York City, have prepared a cook-book containing dozens of delicious recipes for those who bake at home. It may be had absolutely free by dropping a post card to Standard Brands at the above ad­ dress, requesting that it be mailed to you.—Adv. Jugoslavian peasants sometimes teach a performing bear to dance by chaining it on a heated pan, says Collier’s. Arabian camel drivers sometimes appease their animal’s anger toward themselves by allowing it to bite and shake one of their discarded garments for several minutes. African natives sometimes And a Weaken by Exaggeration hippopotamus so sluggish that it We always weaken whatever we will allow them to flsh from its exaggerate.—Laliarpe. back in the middle of a stream. FO R SALE Now Hatching Weekly D u b l-D ollar N ew H a m p sh ires— U. S. C ertified L eghorns. V ashon Islan d C o-op erative H atch ery, B ox 3, Va­ shon. W ash in gton . R E P A IR P A R T S FO R R A N G E S H E A T E R S. F U R N A C E S Ornat- B141S M onroe. Spokane. 15 0> Namo ................................................ . . . . Addroaa .................................................... POULTRY A N D R A B B IT S WANTED. Good w h ite fry er rabbit sk in s 11.10 per lb W rits p ostcard for prices and Inform ation. B nby * O o. 935 S W. F ro n t P ortlan d . O ra F IL M 0) Y ou n g H ounds. W ell-train ed on a ll g a m * N one better. S ta lf broke. N o bad h a b it* l i H cund Pupa from trained p aren ts. W illard Bnrn- slde. Oleuom a, W a sh . A T T E N T IO N . A R T H R IT IC S. I F A LL O TH E R S have fa iled , w rite for our free bockleL B u tter B a y Clinic, Y a­ co lt. W ash. f DOVT BARK LAR G E portable sa w m ill w ith tep ar­ bor cheap. H arry J . V eld w yk Mach. C o . 1743 F ir st So. S e a ttls, W ash. EX. 5103. W E L L IM PRO VED STOCK RANCH. HAY A N D R A N G E fo r 200 c a t ti* T erm s. B ox 33. D orkaa. Oregon. , . . don't couch! Gat pleaiant relief from a couch due to a cold with Smith Brother» Couch Drop»—Black or M enthol—54. P. P. JO H NSO N. C O UER D’A L E N E. IDAHO. SE L L S farm s. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are .the only drops containing VITAMIN A YOUR CH ANCE TO ST A R T PR O F­ IT A B L E M INK farm in g. W ill se ll ct let on sh a res m y herd fin e q u al­ it y Yukon m ink n ow in Spokane v a lley . W rite B. T. M iller, 430 K ern S treet, T a ft, C aliforn ia. TSAO I CO M PLETE m odern m ilk h o u se equip­ m ent, in fir s t -c la s s con d ition . In­ clu d es 100 gal. C h erry-B u rrell sta in ­ le s s a teel p asteu rizer, large cooler w ith covers, M ilw au k ie rotary 4- b c ttle fille r . D eL aval aeperator w ith cream cooler and covers, S- h orse tubular steam boiler, all In ru n n in g order: d em on stration If nec­ essa ry . E. 3. M ahy, T routdale, Or. ( B e x t to aehool h o u se.) Vitamin A (Carotene) rai»e» the reaiuance o f mucoui membrane» o f note and throat to cold infection», when lack o f re»t»t- ance u due to Vitamin A deficiency. First Virtue 1 Customs Change I think the first virtue is to re- The customs and fashions of strain the tongue; he approaches j men change like leaves on ths nearest to the gods who knows how i bough, some of which go and oth- to be silent.—Cato. I ers come.—Dante. 0 R E T A IL b u sin ess In P rin ev ille, Or., c o n sis tin g p rin cip ally c f read y-to- wear, d rygood s and sh oes. W ill sell m erchandise, fix tu r e s and su b let b u ild in g in th is boom tow n. W rite P . O. B ox 1676, B olsa, Idaho. P O IN T E R S A N D E N G L ISH SET­ T E R S. from s ix m onth s to fou r y ea rs 120 to 1100. o w in g to age and tra in in g H a fers Included. K en­ n e ls i m l north o f L ake Serene on U. S. H igh w ay 99. M ilitary train ­ in g fo r c e s sale. Three m onth s in Canada tills sum m er w ith 8 o f th e se dogs. H ow ard B ates, B t. 1, A lderw ood Manor. W a sh - P R O F IT A B L E HOBBY. R aise K ara­ k u l sh eep. F in e reg istered flo ck • fo r sa le a t sa crifice. B. B. BRA DY, 330 D nm berm eoa B u ild in g, Portland. B E acon 7131. The demure-looking little man ap­ proached the haughty clerk in a gro­ cer's shop and meekly asked if he had any coffee to sell. “We have ground coffee," said the man. “No other kind?” “None. This is the best ground coffee on the market.” “But I don’t want it,” the little man braced up. ”1 got some sugar here the other day with sand in it, and I don’t want coffee with ground in it. You must think X want the earth.” KIND MEN NEVER SAYI T he d ea rs — Yet w e go on te s tin g t h e i r good n atu res w ith n eed less t e ll-ta le age lin e s . Don't d elay— g et the D E -L U X -C E S S today — the 4- W ay Chin L lf- tie. S leep a w ay -------- — double ch in s, frow n lin es, crepey th rea t and neck. L et Its m yrald tin y v acu u m s m a ssa g e aw ay the drooping m ask o f yea rs and reveal a N ew YOU o f Youth and B eauty, Sent p cetp ald on ly *1.00. p o p ¿.Y O U t?EMEM&EE? tw at DUD ffOMB THAT PELL O N THE- BASEBALL Pl ELD AND YO U O RDERED IT TO O O O F P - can wreck you-your car-your pocketbook ■I HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY GADGET CO. LET |T O PP WITH A W A R N IN G 1157 W . 37th Bt. L os A ngelas, CaL A g en ts W anted W right's Health Underwear Men's w ool union su its and a lso w ool sh ir ts and d raw ers g i v e g r ea test sa tisfa c tio n to wearer. We uee w estern w ool. A lso n e w p a ten ted rein ­ forced supporter dou­ ble crotch g iv es lo n g ­ er w ear and m o r e me u e set ors-com fort. T ry ou t th e se g a rm en ts and enjoy their body co m fo rt. A sk a t you r reta il sto res. Do It now. h B U T W R IG H T 'S U N D E R W E A R F O R CHRISTM AS WRIGHT'S UNDERWEAR CO. 34S B road w ay H ew York DENTAL PLATES A N D ALL BRANCHES OP DENTISTRY on CREDIT TERMS Toko 9,10,19 Month» to Pay D r . H arry S emier , De+disi «LISKÏ BLDG/ 3ro 4 MORRISON - PORTI AND, ORE By J. M illa r W a tt HOW NICE Experienced The strong man at the fair had just finished squeezing the juice out of a lemon. Hciuing it up before the crowd he shouted: "I’ll give $5 to anyone who can squeeze another drop of juice out of this lemon!” Up stepped a little man. He gripped the lemon and, to the sur­ prise of the crowd, squeezed several “1 suppose that millionaire spent ‘So you don ( believe man i3 more drops from it. ail kinds of money on his mansion?” “ It’s easy,” he murmured, “I’m a woman's superior?” "Oh, no; merely other people’s . I was married to one once.” tax collector!” money.” KNOWLEDGE Your problem this winter is not whether you can afford W eed C hains —b u t—can you afford a skid smash-up? The best skid accident insurance is the kind that prevents them- That’s W eed A merican B ar -R einforced T ire C hains which give you these four important advantages: (1) Bar-Reinforced Cross Links. (2) Weedalloy—a tougher metal. (3) Patented Lever- Lock End H ooks—posi-* tiv e fastening. (4) Side Chains welded and hard­ ened to resist wear. Ask for W eed A merican B ar - R einforced T ire C hains . They give more than dou­ ble the mileage, save cars — save steel for Defense. AM HICAN CHAIN * CABU COMFANY, INC. York • Pennsylvania In Buùness for Your Safety r nr EVEN IE THEY SAVE YOU» t/EE BUT ONCE/ V l/C C f t W C C American Bar-R einforced TIRE CHAINS € I