*4 The Gold Hill News The M oat Thoroughly Read W eekly in Southern Qragon, Published in the Bigyeat GOLD HILL, OREGON Fire Destroys Cabins A t Beaver A u to C ourt F O O T S C R E E K IT E M S (By Mrs. Marion z-suica) C ity O fficiala Invited To A ttend Regional M eeting T hursday . N ovember to, i n i Gold H ill M erchants to Close Thanksgiving D ay Tlie member* ol m e C ivic Ini- City o fficia ls of Gold Hill have R esidents of Gobi Hill are urg­ Three of the four cabin* at the pi o tviiicu i t.iuo ol Hogue River been invited to attend a regional ed to do all of their shopping by w ere eiueriutoeu r n u u y w iin u con feren ce of m ayors, councilm an Beaver Auto Court near the cement W ednesday evening of this w eek as plant w ere com pletely destroyed one o ciocm ueskert luneiieou ui und department lieuds to be held at most of the Gold Hill business Die Hotel Jackson in Medford on m e Home ol airs. i.loyu w ica on and the fourth wus badly damaged bouses are to be closed all day by fire w hich started ut 3:10 Tues­ ma uigiiWuy w iui uuriy memoer* W ednesday, Novem ber 26 starting Thursday, T hanksgiving Day. This ut noon. Tbe m eetings are being uuu guekik prekeui. A lter m e riUM t- day afternoon. The blase hud a is the first tim e the business men Hood start Hiid one cubin w us' u uekk m eeting plans w ere uiuue lor presented through tbe cooperation o t Gobi Hill have cooperated to o f tbe League ot Oregon C ities und m e buzaur a n o eu icaeu pie kupper inass of flum es before the ulurin close on a legul holiday and shop- the bureuu o t M unicipal research ut lu be licitl Decem ber U ut m e mgii wus turned in. Soon after the fire pers are also urged to cooperate by truck and many volunteer fighters kciiool in Bogue lilv er. I be nexl the U niversity of Oregon, it wus an­ doing all of their trading on Wed­ nounced by Herman Keitrli, d irect­ m eeting w ill be ut m e gruue urrived the fire wus brougiit under nesday. keuuul building N ovem ber 2ti wtien or of tbe bureau. control. Stores to d o s e are Gold Hill Speukcrs at the m eetings w ill in ­ un ull uuy m eeting w ill be neiu The ulurm wus phoned in from Auto Park, Associated Service Sta­ clude Mayor hurl B iley of Portland, uuu tbe ludies pluu to sew . Airs. the cem ent plant by Mrs. Lius Dor­ tion, Barber Shop, W alker’s T exa­ man w ho hud seen the blusc from Reed Carter buu charge ot tbe pro- Mayor W. W. Chadwick of Salem, co Service, Gail’s Gold Hill Mark­ J. W. McArthur of the Eugene w a t­ gruin uuu introduced Mrs. J. I.. S. the office w indow . et, Drug Store, John Chisholm, er board, Orval Etter, Legal co n ­ W eills of Meoiord, Juckson Coun­ Second hund furniture and stoves ty tieu ltb president w ho gave u sultant for tbe 1-eugue, and Virgil Gold Hill Supply Company, Seth w hich hud been stored in the cub- Coy's Station, H. B. E llis, City Re­ very interesting tuik on bow tbe Langtry, League representative. ins w ere destroyed but many urti- Tbe conference w ill provide an corder’s office and the N ew s office. m oney from tbe seul (a les is spent cles w ere suved by people w ho ur­ opportunity for city officials to ex ­ rived before the fire spread. The und tlie number of people w ho are change experiences und ideas on a Edith Howes and James reached through the work. Mrs. cabins belong to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. variety of m unicipal problem s and Roy H ollister, eliulk urtist from Taylor. ' . Cummings Married Friday R ogue River, m ade u large size- make suggestions for needed re- The fire started in u cubin ; picture of tlie- 1941 se-uik soon to be search through the bureuu. Speak­ w hich wus occupied ut the tim e by Miss Edith H owes, daughter ot olle-red lor suie. It wus u light ers ut tbe m eeting w ill also discuss Mr. und Mrs. C. B. Jones, it is be­ house on blue- background und wus state legislation of interest to cities Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H ow es of lieved the bluze wus cuused by de- i presented to Mrs. W eills. Tlie ar­ und give consideration to proposals Gold Hill, and James Herbert Cum­ fective w iring. There wus no in- ] tist selected to druw tbe design w hich have been made tor 1.eague mings of Medford, w ere married in surunec on the cabins. Grunts Pass Friday evening at eight for Die 1942 seals wus u form er ■ action. T ow n s included for the regional o'clock by Bev. Norton of the E pis­ tuberculosis patient. Tbe first seals Boy Scouts Loyalty w ere offered tor suie- in Jackon m eeting ut Medford are Grunts copalian church. The bride’s par­ County in 1917 although this is the Puss, Ashland, Phoenix, Talent, ents. Mr. and Mrs. H ow es, attended Dedication Held Thursday thirty-fifth year fur the Christmas Jacksonville. Central Point, Gobi the cerem ony. The bride w ore a dressm aker w » » H ill, Bogue Biver ami Eagle Point. l.ust Thursduy evening the Boy Seul Sules. T h ose present suit of pastel green w ith dark Mrs. Hiehurd Hurgett, Mrs. Allen Scouts met in the I.O.O.F. bull for brown accessories. After the cere­ Students Practice School their m eeting. '1 be Court ol Honor McGregory, Mrs. J. C. S. W eills, mony tbe young couple took a Miss Helen Parish, Medford, Mrs. Play, “Listen to Leon” opened w ith presen tation of colors short trip north returning to Med­ H ow ard H ill, Mrs. C lifford Crosby, uud pledge to tbe (lug. Bob Leo- "Listen to Leon”, a com edy in ford Sunday night. zo lte, liuving gruduuied, from tbe Mrs. Mortimer, Mrs. Clara H. Luc­ as, Mrs. Flora Perry, Mrs. Robert three acts, has been selected us the The young couple w i l t make Cub Scouts w as accepted by tbe Buy Scouts und wus then presen t­ Grimmett, Mr« W. F. Boye, Mrs- student body play to be presented their hom e in Medford w here Mr. ed w itb Ills Tenderfoot pin. Boland Arthur Boye, Mrs. A. Meunier, < in Gold Hill about the m iddle ot Cummings is em ployed at the Med­ Mrs. Burkett, Mrs. Stockm an, Mrs. ' Decem ber. Miss D orothy Burket is ford Corporation. Mrs. Cummings Eskew wus presented w ith his sec­ F. Vreeland, Mrs. C larence Lair, 1 direction tlie production and stu­ graduated from Gold Hill high ond class pin. Special uwurds were Mrs. Vinton Snyder, Mrs. Toner, dents taking part are: Leon Bryan, school last year and since that tim e aw arded tw o boys, scribe uwurd to Earl Bennett und quurtcrinuster to Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Ernest Alvis W inn; C olonel Bryan, Buddy has been em ployed at the Medford B einkens, Mrs. Hurry H ill, Mrs. 1 Blair; Babe, Marianne Casper; N el- Corporation. Bolund Eskew. Boll cull and troop inspection Elizabeth F ow ler, Mrs. Runs Frei, ' lie. Myrtle W inn; Archie Darby, Mrs. Boy H ollister, Mrs. Reed Cur­ Stanley Bobbins; Carolyn Jam ison. PAST NOBLE GRAND MEMBERS follow ed . Scout com m issioner, Paul ler, Mrs. Sum Sundry, Mrs. Albert 1 Virginia Centers; Anne Cushman, MEET AT LEM IS HOME Peterson, ussisted by Scoutm uster, E. A. Ueiuiatl aud assistant Svout- , McHvuin, Mrs. Marion Lance und Marjory Smith und Guiseppe, Ben Mrs. Dick, hostess. Beanies. muster, N onnun Gail, inspected the 1 Tbe Past Noble Grand club met troop. Teams signalled m essages to ! Mrs. Pearl Jones from Seattle, last Thursday afternoon at the W ashington culled ut the hom e of RADIATOR CAP AND EMBLEM each other und euch team hud to > hom e of Mrs. Joe L ew is on the TAKEN FROM PETERSON CAR decipher the m essage sent to it. ' Mrs. Effie B irdseye W ednesday I Sam s Valley road. Mrs. Jew el Kouth w h ile spending a w eeks vacation First aid dem onstrations w ere put Last Thursday evening the Boy and Mrs. Evelyn Thom pson w ere at the McAllister hom es on Apple- on by the boys and knot tying was gate. Her tw o sons, Bobert and i Scout rudiutor cup and emblem was in charge of the program for the done in tbe dark w ith ull lights 1 taken from the cur belonging to afternoon. The next m eeting w ill out. Mr. Peterson uskcd u number Harold, are both m arried, Bobert Paul P eterson, w hich w as parked be at the home of Mrs. Charles Kell being em ployed by the city of Sc­ o f questions about the flag w hich uttle und Hurold ut the American in front of the Scout hull. It is re­ N ovem ber 27. w ere answ ered by the different Those present w ere Mrs. Delia ported that the person w ho took b oys. Mr. Petersen feels the boys Can Company w here Mrs. Jones has w orked since the death of her the em blem w as seen and if he re­ Kell, Ruth L ew is, Madge Dorman, have w orked hard and have made turns it to the Justice of the Peace Etta Carter, Alta Clem ent, W illie progress in their work and a grand husbund about tw enty years ago. Mrs. Ernest Beinkens und Mrs. the case w ill be dropped. Other­ McLean, Pearl Gray, E lsie Camer­ record in their cam porec und at W. L. Budley from this com m unity w ise the case w ill be turned over on, Mabel ilittle , Evelyn Thom p­ Boy Scout camp at Luke O’ The uttended the nil day m eeting of the to the N ational Council, the em ­ son, Elinor Force, Emma Haff, Ed­ W oods. It w ould be very much H.E.C. o f Live Oak Grange at the blem w ill he traced dow n, and the na Gorham, Jew el Routh, Pearl F er­ m ore encouruging to the boys if hom e of Mrs. Jam es W hipple in guilty party w ill be subject to a guson and a guest, Mrs. Jeanette m ore friends and parents w ould W heeler, sister of Mrs. Emma Haff. Rogue R iver Thursday w hen a pot penitentiary sentence. turn out to these Court of Honor luck dinner w as served at noon. m eetings. The afternoon w as spent sew ing and plans w ere made for their ba­ FORMER STUDENT HERE zaar and pie sociul to be held D ec­ MARRIED AT MEDFORD em ber 4 at the Girl Scout hull in Bogue Biver. Election of officers F riends of V iolubelle Morrow, a w as also held and Mrs. Ernest form er student of the Gold Hill B einkens w as elected chairm an. high sch ool, w ill be in terested to Friends of Mrs. Angie W ilcox of know of her recent m arriage to M arshfield, Oregon have received Jam es Thom as Bush of Central w ord of the death of her son in P oin t lust Suturduy nt the purson- law , Ted H olstead, nt M arshfield, age of the First Christian CJiurch N ovem ber 3. His w ife, C larice W il­ ut 1:30 p.ni. Bev. H, W. Coleman cox, w as w ell known in Bogue perform ed the cerem ony. The cou­ Biver w here they form erly lived. ple wus attended by VerH Richman Mrs. Eugene Burton and ch ild ­ and Mrs. Huzcl P eninger, both of ren Mary, Bob and T aylor left Central Point. Tuesday m orning for Vullejo, Cal­ The young couple w ill make ifornia to spend the Thanksgiving their home in Central Point w here vacation at the home of Mr. and Mr. Bush is em ployed. Mrs. J. E. Barthelm es and w ill also visit Mr. Burton w ho is em ployed Mr. und Mrs. Buy Moore ano at San F rancisco. Mrs. Cloyd Dick fam ily of Marshfield spent the and children, Eileen and Donald, w eek end w ith Mr. Moore's m oth­ spent the week end w ith Mr. Dick er, Mrs. Dol Moore. and friends at Klamuth Fulls. Mr. and Mrs. C larence H arrison and daughter Sandra w ho have spent the past sum m er on Evans Creek w h ile he w as em ployed at the Murphy Brothers dredge w hich DON STEINMETZ asking som e­ wus moved to Alaska have return­ one, "Why does u goose duck?” ed to Foots Creek and are building a house on tlie left fork near ALV1E WAIJsEB com ing along w here the Bates house burned. He just ut the right tim e to push tbe 1 plans t o , mine near the Black Enaian Wayne Morri» Seeks Winaa lire truck to the fire Tuesday. Channel Mine. Claire Stunibo has Wayne Morris, recent star of “1 etruction from Navy pilots who intro­ hauled several louds of hydrolic Wanted Wings,” became a member of duced dive bombing, aircraft carries» NONA CENTERS carrying a pipe from h is place to the Ed K os­ Uncle Sam’s Navy in May, 1941, and catapult take-offs to the rest of large shopping bug to the carnival ter property w here they plan to when he was appointed to the rank the world. Also, there are opportuni­ to carry hom e the ch ild ren ’s prizes m ine this w in ter. L ance Brothers of Ensign. ties in Naval Aviation for men who and finding a large h ole in the bot­ are getting their m ine In order for When asked what he thought of don’t want to fly. They can be trained tom of the sack w h ich let them the w in ters work, the United States Navy, Morris said, as aviation machinists, metalsmiths, “I think every man who is consider­ photographers, observers, or they can drop to the floor. ing joining a military service should receive instruction in many other Leona H oldorncss and Lionel look into the ‘chance of a lifetime’ trades. I t’s a great life in the Navy.” PAUL HOLDERNESS declaring Mooter w ent to Eagle Point lust which the Navy and Naval Reserve of­ Ensign Wayne Morris is pictured there w us frost on top of his head Thursday evening to play In the fer to get into the big-pay field of the here in his lino of duty as a member ull night Monday and upon rising school band during their program. future—aviation. In the Navy you of the Naval Aviation Cadet Selec­ the next m orning not finding any Steve W hipple teaches band at can attend the finest flight training tion Board at the Long Beach Naval frost outside, Eagle Point this year. fi-boob eed kssyj ia- Air flaw. MOVIE STAR JOINS U.S. NAVY The Spy-Glass NUMBER 27 P atriotic Program s Discuss­ ed a t Recreation M eeting Ladies A id Dinner N e x t Thursday Tuesday evening there w as a fair representation at tbe recreation m eeting with Miss Jensen, tbe rec­ reation specialist from C orvallis. When the m eeting w as turned over to her she gave a num ber of reas­ ons why people should have recre­ ation. Among som e of the things sh e touched upon w as tbe fact ttiat there are Ik,000 sold iers, sailors, and m arines in the service repre­ senting Oregon. H ow m any are from the vicinity of Gold H ill? In many places com m unities are giv­ ing program s dedicated to these service men, also sending them gifts or rem em brances from these com m unities in appreciation of that service for them. f lo w many patriotic songs do you know, w ords, author, w hy and w here w ritten? She stressed giving, not receiving, not taking too much for granted, thriftiness. She stressed citizenship and what som e com ­ m unities are doing w hen their young men and w om en becom e cit­ izens at 21 years of age. There w as a w ealth o f m aterial for patriotic occasions that may be borrow ed and looked over before purchasing. Flag codes may be obtained from the American Legion through the Medford Post or perhaps the WRC pf this com m unity. The “Star Span­ gled Banner” should be used at the first or last of a program, never in the middle o f a program. There should be flag com m ittees to have the flag in the proper position in the room, to lead in the correct form of pledging, and to see that it is respected in every w a y . Com­ m unity singing of patriotic songs w as held w ith w ords flashed on a screen. Plans w ere made for the square dance class to be held W ednesday evening w ith Miss Jensen. At least four sets w ere assured. The Decem ber m eeting is in the hands of the local people and com ­ m ittees w ere appointed for the eve­ ning. R efreshm ent com m ittee, Mrs. Irene Johnson, John Gray and D or­ othy McGuire. D ecoration com m it­ tee, L ow ell Meunier and Mildred N'ewnJiam. Entertainm ent com m it­ tee, Marie C hristensen, Mr. Train, Bogue R iver people. Clean-up com ­ m ittee, Mr. McGuire and Mr. Christ­ ensen. Twenty-two Members Join Gold Hill Ski Club Attending the first m eeting of the Gold H ill Ski Club held last Satur­ day night at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. L insley Dorm an w ere Mr. and Mrs. D ennis McGuire and daughter Jo Ann, Mr. and Mrs. C leo Gil­ christ and son Charles W illiam, Myrtle W inn, V irginia Centers, Mary Lou Tygart, W allace Iverson, David Steinm etz, Loren DeMers, Buddy Blair, A lvis W inn, all of Gold H ill, and the M isses Irene Steadm en of P hoenix and Mary R ussell o f Medford. T w enty-tw o m em bers joined the club at this time. D uring the course of the evening, an election o f officers w as held, and the m eeting w as on ly tem por­ a rily disrupted w hen Jo Ann Mc­ Guire flashed her beauteous sm ile ut the new president, L insley D or­ man. V arious other duties w ill be l>erformed by W allace Iverson as vice president, Mary Lou Tygart as secretary, Myrtle Winn as treasur­ er, Buddy Blair as sergeant at arms and L ucille Dorman as scribe. T hose joining the club at this time but w h o w ere unable to attend w ere Bay Blair, Ruth Lance, Buster Mullin and Creighton Thom pson. The president held inform al dis­ cussion on a future recreational program, and from the ranks of ex ­ pert doughnut dunkers (cid er and doughnuts being the main course of the evening) w ere selected rep­ resentatives to attend the square dance session to be held here W ed­ nesday evening. N on-suspecting m em bers, after paying their dues, w ere advised by Lins Dorman that such funds w ould be su fficien t to buy a sm all first aid kit — not, the president added, that it w ould ever be used. The only black and blue member at large during the evening w as Mary Loa Tygart, w h o boasted a bruise on h er right knee as a result of som e fancy ice-skating. Announcem ent of the date of the next meeting w ill (>c made shortly. The annual Ladies Aid dinner w ill be held this year on the old T hanksgiving day, November 27. A bazaar w ill also be held at this tim e and fancy w ork sold. Mrs. C harles Gray tells very w ell of the dinner in the follow in g poem: Come our friends, com e if you w ill To the little w hite church, at the foot of the hill. A turkey dinner w ill be served to you. On Thanksgiving day, the old, not new —• By the very best cooks that can be found A nyw here for m iles around. You w ill be expected w hat ere the ' w eather, To eat hot biscuits as light as a feather. The potatoes w ill be piping hot — With brown gravy all over the top. T he dressing w ill be seasoned ex ­ actly right, The home made p ies w ill be out o f sight. Ther^ w ill be salad, pickles and jell And other things too num erous to tell. The one w ho surely know s her biz- Is the coffee maker, she's a w hiz. W ith all this food you should not holler, When you are charged just h a lf a dollar. If you are just about half pint size You need caugh up but thirty-five. On Nov. 27 w e shall look for you To help eat up all this stew . Any tim e tw ixt five and eight You can be served this tem pting plate. STUDENTS HOLD OPENING BASKETBALL PRACTICE The first basketball practice o f the 1941-42 season w as held by th e students of Gold Hill high sch o o l Monday evening. T hose turning out to receive their first basketball instructions from Coach Buhler w ere Jerald Lew is, Buddy Blair, A lvis W inn, H arlow Banry, D oc Bosecrans, Charley R osecrans, Morgan Jones, Victor Frost, Ben Reames, Dave Steinm etz and H arry Smith. More boys are expected to turn out w hen regular practice gets un­ derw ay. . ---------------------- ! PUREBRED GOAT RANCH LOCATES ON SARDINE Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Humrick, for­ m erly of near Grants Pass, have purchased the form er Earl Croft place on Sardine Creek w here they have m oved their herd of 235 pure­ bred Egyptian Nubian goats. T h is is the only herd of these goats w hich is found in the U nited States, they being the sacred goat of Egypt, and very hard to sm ug­ gle out o f that country. The Humricks plan to make many im provem ents on the proper­ ty they recently purchased and w ill raise fryers along w ith their other duties. They like the lo ca ­ tion as it is centrally located for their business in sellin g m ilk and cream. V isitors are alw ays w e l­ come at the ranch. SCHOOL CARNIVAL BRINGS OUT LARGE CROWD FRIDAY The annual school carnival in the gym nasium last Friday n ight w as a decided success, both finan ­ cially and from the standpoint of a lot of fun. Those w in n in g the turkeys w ere Mrs. D erw in Mapel and Mrs. Dave W inn. Don Stein­ metz und Junior Shoemaker w on the tw o geese. Mrs. Louise Robinson has been hired by the school board to cook the hot lunches for the school ch il­ dren this w in ter. She began h er duties Novem ber 12. SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER THANKSGIVING DAY 75c At the OAKS LUNCH Mrs. Alpha Colvin Serving from 12:30 to 4:00