«h r, Wnowbor It INI Mr. a < Mr«. 9, f t W m 4 If W h C CsUfsrali *UH«< tart Irm LOCAL ITIM I English Walnuts u%« ik Filberts S mile* from Gold H ill on Sams Valley road BRNKST .LYMAN feu Ow iw NM «1 Mirrlll, far the paM two w««ln rtlurnitl la Mr Wr«i Hlihbjs prMlrient of I Nr homo hara Monday. publlblh tlub Of that city, was a Mr. and Mn. W. C. Strahan visit* rkcknt visitor In tha horns of Mrs. M«. and M r t ttlchabl Gray of Prospect visited in Gold H ill with their parents Iasi Weak end. Sergeant Joseph I.. Shoemaker and wife arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shoemaker on Kanes Creek November 7. They re­ turned to Campo. California Nov­ ember 12. Mrs. Dale Norton and daughters Irene and Ilene of Grants Pass vis­ ited Saturday and Sunday wtoi Mr. and Mrs. A. Meunier and family. • Thanteg'R trips are V E A S IE R V N IF T IE R V T H R IF T IE R by Greyhound Ride de luxe at low cost — by Greyhound. Service everywhere. See more, save more, enjoy more. L O W FARES one way round trip g 5.40 g 9.75 San Francisco 10.25 18.65 Los Angeles 4.20 7.60 Salem 4.85 8.75 Portland Depot: Becker’s Drug Store Phone 121 PU R E M ILK A N D CREAM Sold By J. H. S u tliff o f the Gold Hill Deivery Daily deliveries in Gold H ill Sold at the local stores JU S T ARRIVED RAYON SA TIN NIG HT GOW NS $1.98 s GREYHOUND Pastel color Embroidery as dainty as we have seen COTTON CH EN ILLE ROBES $5.98 White, Rose, Aqua. Blue Pre Shrunk, Full Cut The Seal of Approval D R E SSE S FOR B U SIN E SS $4.98 Tailored Styles, Bark Colors SH ARK SK IN V ESTS Awarded by the American In ­ stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Testa OUR DRIVER PICKS UP AND DELIVERS ON TUBS. A PRL Leave T oot Laundry at The “Ace of Spades'* All $1.00 white, “V ” GAIL’S sslU H«gar will» Mr* ssi FMur waofi Motbar« Mn. Mary Mara» wi»fc laoM . Fri­ Min Ruth buaa wba IM Ella Patrick. ,15c lb. • Mr. sag Mr«. Irs< labsr tuailr s( HsaavtUs M«its< M M im i I w i l r fra« th? hb T i ! S«M« v Mwalai (M i Neck Mdeal for Suits SCOTTY DOGS $3.50 *nd *“ Life Size, Real Fur For your convenience open a Sassy Shop charge account GRANTS PA SS STEAM L A U N D R Y SASSY SHOP "Since 1900" 120 E Main St., Medford, Ore. Safeguard Your Car Get It Ready For W inter Now $1.00 GaUon P U R M -G U A R D ........ $2,65 G alIon ZERONE ..................... COY’S SERVICE STATION Seth Coy, Prop. ed front Tuesday until Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Shoe­ maker on Kanes Creek. Stanley Bobbins spent several days in a Medford hospital because of hurts he received at the foot1 ball rally last week before the Rogue River-Gold Hill game. Leona Holderness and Mrs. P. R. Holderness attended the Senior Girl Scout investiture in Medford Sunday evening. The older scouts held the lighted candles while ttw new girls signed the roll, gave the promts« and laws, aftei which they lit their candles and took their places in the line with the other girls. Several songs were sung and a violin solo was played while Ihe girls signed the roll. Troop No. 2 were hostesses and and all present were served tea and Rookies following the pro-1 gram.- Mr«. Georgia May Towner is em­ ployed in Medford at the Commuq-, ity hospital. M r/a n d Mrs. H arry Parkhurst and family of Pendleton were vls- itor% in Gold H ill and Medford ’ronl Mondav until Wednesday ql this week. I.aVerne and Douglas visited friends in Gold H ill while the rest of the family were in Med­ ford. . JU The ladies of the Women’s Relief corps met Wednesday of this week , in regular session. All members ar.e urged to be present at the ncjU meeting November 26- Election of new officers w ill be held the first meeting in December. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thorsen ffl Central Point have moved into t),e Curtis Parker house. Jerauldine Smith visited in Ash­ land Monday and Tuesday with her sister Mrs. Harold Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. -Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of Medford were callers at their parents’ home Sunday. Mrs. Howard Kell and baby sop have returned to Gold H ill from Applegate where they have spent several weeks with Mrs. Kell’s mo­ ther, Mrs. Jack Bonney. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Force and Jack visited with Mr. and Mrs. XL R. Bucks and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bucks on Applegate last Sunday af­ ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Lowns nave returned to Gold H ill and ^re livipg in the cottage at the mouth of Sar­ dine creek. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson viut- ed with relatives here from Satur­ day until Wednesday morning af­ ter a vacation of two weeks at Crescent City. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGuire drove to Glendale to attend^ the football game Tuesday and to visit friends there. ., Indian boys playing with 22 rif­ les and shooting in the direction of children on their way to school, struck Paula Alberts of Chiloquin, Oregon, in the side and the bullet lodged in her spine. The doctor there rushed her to a hospital in Klamath Falls where she is under­ going,treatment. Paula is niece of Mrs. Earl Moore and her family lived in Gold H ill several years ago. > — 5------------------------------------------ < N ew Line of BOYER COSMETICS A t Popular Prices Becker’s Drug Store r GOLD HILL MARKET Groceries — M eat M arket — Hardware — Feed — School Supplies Hunting and Fishing Supplies CALL 321 W E DELIVER --- ----- ---------- -......- ..M R OPEN FOR B U SIN E SS W E EK DAYS SU N D A Y S 7:30 a.in. till 7:30 p.m. 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. a a -------------------- ------------ — For your convenience we will stay open Thanksgiving morning but noon in order that we may enjoy Thanksgiving C ra te ria n R ia lto Roxy Ends Saturday Nite I Ends Saturday Night I Ends Saturday Nite I Richard Arlen, Andy Devine A ll Prices Good till Thanksgiving » 8> Plan Your M eal Around Tha M eat You Choose. For TH A N K SG IV IN G W e S u ggest PORK ROAST, Lb.............. •• » 0 ’Grain fed pig pork shoulder Alice Faye, C. Miranda, John Payne “Raiders o f the D esert” “SINGING H IL L S” Plus Roy Rogers in Plus Cesar Romera in “W eek End in Havana” “Sh eriff o f Tom bstone” “Ride on Vaquero” Sunday and Monday FRANK BUCK'S Sunday, Monday, Tuesday GENE AUTRY IN » ». FEA ST SUGGESTIONS IN OUR GROCERY DEPT. PU M PK IN , 3 pie s i z e ............ J Del Rogue 2)4 can. Not squash £Qg M ERISCHINO CHERRIES, 3 02. They add so much for so little HAM , Swifts Prfcmium, L b ... £5^ C RANBERRY SAUCE, lb. tin x/ 2 or whole Royal Club - So Economical B EE F ROAST, Lb................... P E A N U T S, Cut from fancy steer beef LAM B ROAST, Lb.................... £5^ Fancy shoulder cuts M INCE M EAT, Lb....................£ ( ) £ 8 oz.......................... £ Q e * Fresh Roasted O Y STERS, double size, can .. 100 Battle Rock, Fancy for Dressing M INCE M EAT, 2 l b . .............. Buy it bulk B est, o f course, would be a prime Turkey,Chicken,Duck W e can fill all orders w ith prime fa t birds at local market prices Fancy Indiana Brand in Jars SH O RTEN IN G , 3 lb................. COFFEE Gold HiU Special, Lb............. £ $ £ M iner’s Special, Lb. ... W e have a choice assortm ent o f candies to top o ff the meal ¿30 Use Fcrmay, the best quality P E A N U T B U TTER , 24 w 210 . .... 27 g Royal Club Jar T H IS Y EAR INCLUDE PL E N T Y OF FR ESH , C R ISP PRODUCE IN YO UR M EAL. Lettuce, 2 heads Sweet Potatoes, 3 pounds 9c 10c Fancy choice tubers This departm ent w ill be filled w ith the very finest, t; dinner with our fam ilies. CRANBERRIES, quart Southern Oregon’s Finest Entertainm ent! Your M edford Theatres! will close at 19c freshest produce available Notice Feedmen -»J I am in the market for 5,000 used burlap, grain and In Technicolor “Jungle Cavalcade” One Big Week Starting Sunday, November 16 Tyrone Power, Betty Grable “Yank in the R.A.F.” Tuesday, Wednesday Ralph Bellamy, Margaret Lindsay in - “Ellery Queen P e r fe ct- Crime” Myrna Loy, W illiam Powell feed sacks. H ighest cash prices paid. See me, Norman “LOVE CRAZY” ir Wednesday, Thursday Carole Lombard, Robert .... Montgomery in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” Remember H e IS)ill Meet any S h e lf Price In Southern Oregon