'* -;7 , H m Odd HIB Niwi, field Mil, Omaa Navy Expansion Program Speeding Forward Rapidly T he Navy exp an sion program is speeding forw ard at an almost in* credible rate. Figures recently re­ leased from W ashington indicate that keels are being laid at the rate of over one a day, w h ile launch­ ings are but slightly behind this pace. A stounding as are the reports for the month of Septem ber, it is ex­ pected that an even sw ifter accel­ eration w ill be seen in the figures for October. Here is the tabulation from Septem ber 1 to October 3: Keels Laid. 33. One aircraft car­ rier, 3 cruisers, 3 subm arines, 11 destroyers, 2 coastal m inesw eep­ ers, 1 transport, 3 subm arine res­ cue vessels, 3 tugs, 7 sub chasers and 5 district craft. Launchings, 26. One battleship, 2 cruisers, one subm arine, 6 destroy­ ers, 10 coastal m inesw eepers, 4 sub chasers, 2 district craft. The battleship that slid down the w a y s and w ill soon augment the ever grow ing battle line w as the M assachusetts. She w as launched late in September at the yards of the Bethlehem Shipping Corp, in Quincy, Mass. The new cruisers are the San Juan and the Atlanta. The M assachusetts w ill soon be joined by the Indiana, w hich is ov­ er 60 per cent cogipleted. Her launching is scheduled for Novem­ ber 19. at the N ew port N ew s Ship­ building and Dry Dock Company. ■ IB E B a W B i e K ■ U The Indiana which w ill displace for the brand cam e to the depart­ devils, not to God} to gods whom Wizards, Io be defined by thenii — approxim ately 35,000 tons, w ill carry a main battery of nine 16 inch guns, 20 five-in ch crs and o th ­ er w eapons of a sm aller caliber. Her engines have been designed to develop in excess o f 115,000 h orse­ power, w hich w ill drive her more than 27 knots. The Navy Department reiterates that the fact that a ship's keel has been laid does not mean that the ture after August 23“. He continued: begun. In reality, m onths, perhaps years, have been spent in assem bl­ ing plans and all the thousands of com plex parts that are necessary to the construction, so that as the hull and superstructure take shape, in stallations can be carried for­ w ard in the shortest p ossib le time in order to facilitate com pletion a- head of schedule. Another Film Star Applies for Brand The second H ollyw ood film star to ask the state departm ent of ag­ riculture for a livestock brand is Ginger Rogers, w ho w ants to use it for her Golden Guernsey cattle on her Rogers Rogue River ranch near Gold H ill. The Rogers brand w ill be a 4R, after the ranch name. The request ment in the nam e of Lela and Gin­ ger Rogers, the form er being the star’s mother. Eugene P allette, w ho has a ranch near Enterprise on w hich he hus stocked sheep, cattle ami horses, is the other m ovie actor to have a brand registered in this state. Pal- lette's brand is the Xi.. Incidentally it w as P allette w h o facetiou sly re­ marked som e m onths ago that he thought the only livestock Ginger w ould have on her southern Ore­ gon ranch w ould be bees. Rut the Rogers application cam e in w ith tlie declaration the brand they had chosen w as too large for bees so they had to buy cattle! they knew not. 2 Kings 21:1-3, 6: Manasseh . . . did that w hich wus evil in the sight of the Laird, after the abom inations of the heathen . . He reared up altars for Baal, , . , and w orshipped all the h ost of heaven. He . . . observed tim es, and used enchantm ents, and ddelt with fam iliar sp irits uml w izards. (2t As heathen abom inations, Deut. 18:9-12: W hen thou art com e into the land . , . thou sh a ll not learn to dp after the abom inations of those nations; , . . dinination . . . co n su lter with fam iliar spirits . . . necrom ancer; for all that do these things are an abom ination unto the Lord; and because of these abom ­ in ations the laird thy God doth LAYMEN'S HOME MISSIONARY drive them outfrom before thee. ,3) As p ollu tin g practises, Lev. movement 19:31: Regard not them that have How must w e Scripturally consul fam iliar spirits, n either seek after er Spiritism and Occultism w ith all th eir m ethods, like tran ces, v is­ ions, m enial telepathy, psyco-ther- August W . Glutsch npy, m aterialization , ta b le rapping DOCTOR O F O P T O M E TR Y and tippings, seances, planchettes, ouija boards, bells, slate and co n ­ Successor to Dr. Jud Rickert trol w riting, m essages by card Specialist in all problem s of shuffling, opening the Bible at ran­ eye com fort and vision dom for an sw ers to q u estio n s. etc. 308 Fluhrer Bldg.-Phone 4001 (11 As m ethods through w hich Medford, Oregon d evils — n o, dead people— operate Deut. 32:17: T h ey sacrificed unto ♦%»***»♦**♦**♦*******»********♦**» only when OPTOMETRIST Grants Pass 519 H. St. Phone 256.1 B MM ■ GRANTS PASS BARGAIN HOUSE 626 S. 6th St. Grants Pass, Ore. PIANO—Small new piano stored near Gold llill. Also used piano. Rolli must he sold nt once. Term s if desired. W rite Tallman P lano Store, Salem, Oregon. NI3 For Sale: D elicious A|>plrs, Cbas. E. Gray. WATCH REPAIRING LARRY SCHADE S. I*. Watch Inspector Since 191« 21 S. Central—Next lu Cralerian M edford, Oregon The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S c ience M onitor A n InlrmahiiHjI Daily Nrwipafifr ■■ T ru th fu l— Conztruttive— l,nbi»»»d— Free from SenMtional- i«m — Eiditoriala A re Tim ely ami Instructive, and Its D aily Features, Together with the Weekly M sganne Section, Make the M onitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. T he Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price 612 00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including M .igarine Section, 62 60 a Year. Introductory O ffer, 6 Issues 2J Cent*. N a m e ------------------------ ------_______------------- ----------------- Address. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST SERVICE? required Dr. Herbert W Hermann K WANTED We w ant w ool, m ohair, hides and pelts. Also scrap iron and all kinds of m etal, junk batteries und radia­ tors. GASH paid for bid hl fit Hu re, »lovea, old batterie», nr anything of value. See Geo. Taylor at the Iteuver Gubins. Are you considering joining a You can know vour EYES Lenses "The Herald of the Eplplluny." NQVAwbw li, 1H1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Why not choose the NAVAL RESERVE! YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS w ill be com pounded with the highest quality drugs obtain­ able and as exactly as your Doctor orders at the depend- 1 > able— OWL DRUG STORE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT by the Secretary of the Navy GRANTS PASS, ORE. “ All men now enlisting in the Naval Reserve will be retained on active Navy duty throughout the period of the national emergency, but they will be released to inactive duty as soon after the emer­ ^TM »M D F| PROCESS gency as their services can be spared, regardless of the length o f time remaining in their enlistment." All w oolen garments cleaned by us are moth proofed at no extra cost. M C R C T A M Y O F TMC N A V T FRENCH DRY LAUNDRY CLEANERS AND Pick up and dekver tw ice week. a HERE IS THE OPPORTUNITY THAT THOUSANDS OF MEN HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THERE’S MONEY IN OLD TIRÉS Worth Here is your opportunity to have all the ad­ vantages and privileges of N avy life but with a shorter enlistment. Many men do not realize— but it is a fact— that your pay, your training', and your chances for advancement in the Naval Reserve are exactly the same as in the N avy itself. FREE TRAINING WORTH $1500 *0* BOY NEW TIRES FROM OS $5.41 Depending en size B R IN G IN Y O U R O LD TIRES TODAY If th e fr« good enough to driw on they’re worth real inane, b us. Sgeef I SMOOTH TIRES ARE DANGEROUS t U T H MFCTV-CIKCX YOUR TIRU TOOAY * Duckworth Take your own case. Let’s assume that you have had no special training. In that case here is your opportunity to learn one of the N avy’s 45 big-pay trades, from aviation engineering to radio. You may receive training worth $1500 the first year alone. In addition you get all the advantages listed in the second column of this announcement. HIGHER PAY OPPORTUNITIES But perhaps you have had special training or know a trade. In that case the Naval Reserve offers you the opportunity to use your knowl­ edge. If you qualify (high school or college not necessary), you can join as a petty officer right away— with higher pay and allowances. Also, if you have two or more years of college credits, there are special opportunities to be­ come a Naval aviator or a commissioned officer. In any case, it is your chance of a lifetime to lead a healthy, exciting life . . . your chance to travel. . . and at the same time build a solid foundation for your future. There is nothing better than modern N avy Training for a suc­ cessful career in civil life. LOOK WHAT THE U. S. NAVAL RESERVE OFFERS YOU Get this FREE booklet FREE TRAINING worth $1500. Nearly 60 trades and vocations to choose from. GOOD PAY with regular increases. You may earn up to $126 a month. EACH YEAR you are entitled to • generous vacation period, with full pay. GOOD FOOD and plenty of it. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit o f cloth­ ing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.) FREE MEDICAL CARE, including regular den­ tal attention. FINEST SPORTS and entertainment any man could ask for. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS —You can’t beat the N avy for them ! BECOME AN OFFICER. Many can work for an appointment to the Naval Academy or the Annapolis of the Air at Pensacola. FUTURE SUCCESS. It’s easy for N avy trained men to get good-paying jobs in civil life. Mail coupon for your free copy of "Life in the U. S. N avy.” 24 pages, fully illustrated. It an­ swers all your questions. Tells what your pay will b e . . . pro­ motions and vacations you can expect. . . how you can retire on a life income. Describes how you 4 can learn any one of 46 big-pay trades from aviation to radio. . . how many may become officers. 27 scenes from Navy life showing sports and games you may play, ships you may be assigned to, exciting ports you may visit. Tells enlistment requirements and where to apply. If you are between 17 and 31 (no high school required), get this free book now. N o obligation. Ask the Navy editor o f this paper for a copy. Or telephone him. Or mail him the coupon. You can pasts it on a penny postal card. * SERVE YOUR COUNTRY * BUILD YOUR FUTURE * GET IN THE NAVY NOW WEAR T H IS BADGE OF HONOR! I f after reading the free booklet you decide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will receive thia smart lapel-emblem. It is a badge of honor you will be proud to wear. Tear out and take or send this coupon to the Navy Editor of this newspaper Without obligation on my part whatsoever, please send me freebooklet,’’L ifeinthe N avy," giving full details about the opportunities for men in the Navy or Naval Reserve. Name- TIRE SHOP 6th and M. St Grant! Paw Ce -A ge_ -State- mHBenMMOMWMMs