The Gold HUI Newa, GoM HUI, Orogoa Thursday, November The Gold Hill News Established 1897 PUBLISHED BY IVERSON PRINTING COMPANY Red Cross, OCD Look to Volunteers For Civil Defense W allace G. Iverson, Editor and Owner An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests of Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES M A D A M and Fallen Man” was A the aubject of the Leazon- Scrmon In all Churchca of Chrlat, Sciontiat, on Sunday, November 9. The Golden Text waz, “Put off concerning the former conversa­ tion the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind1’ (Eph. 4:22,23). Among the citations which com­ prised the Lesron-Sermon was the following from the Bible: “But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord Cod formed man of the dust of the eround, ar.d breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Gen. 2:6,7). The Lesson-Sermon also in­ cluded the following correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “The history of error is a dream-narra­ tive. The dream has no reality, no intelligence, no mind; th:re- fore the dreamer and d m m are one, for neither is true nor real. First, this narrative supposes that something springs from nothing, that matter precedes mind. Sec­ ond, it supposes that mind erf era, and matter becomes liv­ ing, substantial, and intelligent. The order of thia allegory—the belief that eve.-yt-htng springs from dust ins-ccd of from Deity —has been mair.'.alned in all the subsequent forms of belief” (p. 530). Washington, D. C. — To tha ques­ tion, “W hat can I do for America?“ the Red Cross Is providing an answar for hundreds of thousands of men and woman who want to do their part on the civilian defense front. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY For women, the Red Croat Is pro­ viding an EO-hour training course to recruit a corps of 100,000 N urse's E n tere d a t the P osto ffice at Gold H ill, O regon, for tr a n s ­ Aides. It la the Ue problems which has heightened tho manufacture of this type of lire, ac- tit these w ill save around 13 m il-1 need for civilian nursing. Red Cross N u n o ’s Aides will serve lion pounds of crude rubber each as assistants to registered nurses, per­ year. Other savings w ill be effect­ forming scores of lm poitant duties . . , --- ------ - - - ed in valuable stores of zinc anil ■ which will enable nurses to care for more canes. The Red Cross stresses oxide used in coloring the side- that Nurse's Aides will not take the walls. place of the registered nurse, but will “Trade-ins of regular stock tires serve In an auxiliary capacity. On the moro dram atic side of civilian on new ears for the swanky white- Ik —** wulls has been responsible for u defense, the Red Cross Is geaihig Its far-flung disaster fighting machine to G KA N T H l ’ A tta . O R O G O N steady increase in use of this type handle mass feeding, housing and of tire,” said Dr. McDaniel, "al­ clothing of exacuces under wartime though the principal advantage is conditions. In cooperation with the Now Showing — In the looks. Such tires have white Office of Civilian Defense, chapters SONJA H E N IE side-wulls only on one side. Sales are atrengtheulng d U a.lcr rt'.iof com­ “ S u n V a lle y S e re n a d e ” from existing storks w ill continue m ittees to cope with wau-rnada disas­ until they are exhausted as the o r­ ter much on lint same scale as relief der issued by the Director of Prior­ operations following natural catastro­ Preview Saturday 11 P.M. ities simply hailed their manufuc- phe. Organization alon~ thsso lines “ T h r e e Sons O ’ G u n s ” include preparedn ~3 moasuren for .ii'tunl work on the erase: lias just (Ires, explosions und epiJemlcs which WAYNE MORRIS As the government seeks to con­ may bo expected to from accel­ serve rubber for national defense erated Industrial activity incident to Sun., Mon., Tue*.. Nov. lit, 17, 18 purposes, due to the transportation nations! defense or cabotage. Strictly as a precautionary m easure, situation in connection with ship­ SUMMONS “OUR WIFE” ments from rrude-producing areas, the Red Crocs is deviling means of Melvyn Douglus, Itulh Hussey! confronting emergency relief in the motorists everywhere are being event of sporadic i-lr o? sea attacks, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE urged to practice tire eare and considered conceivable hazards In STATE OF OREGON, JACKSON thereby aid national defense with some coastal and boundary arecs. Coming Soon— COUNTY substantial savings for themselves. The need for Tlrst Aid in civilian AGNES C. LOVE ) “BELLE STAR” Plaintiff 1 Failure to maintain proper air defense has not been neglected by the In Technicolor! vs. ) pressure and careless driving prac­ Red Cross. Last year nearly 600.000 were trained in emergency treatm ent ROY MILAN LOVE ) tices have prevented motorists from of the Injured. This year the figure Defendant ) getting the maximum mileage built Is expected to go much higher with into new tires. Drugging brakes special emphasis being placed on the und striking curbs are particularly formation of detachments which would hard on tires, causing more than serve as units In factories, office build­ ings, schools and other places where ordinary wear." GOLD B IL L LODGE NO. 1 » “Cheek your tires and check tire persons are concentrated. Red Cross courses in Home Nursing Meets Every Tuaadax Night costs,“ is offered b y th e AAA club ind In N utrition also are being ex- GRANTS PARS, OREGON YOU ARE WELCOME officials as a slogan for all motor­ landed a t a feature of the civilian H. D. Force, Noble Grand ists. ea Now Showing lefepae program, It was pointed out. Harry Newnham, Vice Grand Counting health hazards and the short- “Harmon of Michigan” Paul Thompson, Secretary ige of civilian nurses may at any time Also ibltgate the housewife—or even the Art Gorham — Treasurer. >nan of the house—to assist In caring “In Old Cheyenne” BI6UCTI» for the sick. Likewise, the Red Cross ROY ROGERS IT I STIA* is placing greater emphasis on Nutri­ And the first chapter of . CAitU , tion courses designed to teach house­ VISUAL “The Adventures of Cap­ holders the a rt of purchasing and pre a ttra tta paring well-balanced meals within th» tain Marvel” range of the family pocketbook. Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 16, 17, 18 Htocvii “The Lady From Louisiana” Wed. and Thurs., Nov. 19, 20 “Brigham Young” TYRONE POWER Also “Mail Train” Conger Funeral Parlors MEDFORD, OREGON RELIABLE REASONABLE TO T H E ABOVE NAMED DE­ FENDANT: IN TH E NAME OF T H E STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby sum­ moned and required to appear in the above entitled court and cause and answer plaintiff’s complaint on file herein within ten weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons which is October 9, 1941. You are further notified that in case you fail to appear and an­ swer said complaint within said time plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, a succinct state­ ment of which is as follows: For a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be­ tween plaintiff and defendant, and V oû ta n ^E asíithrough [nlifamia^ynshine' BXTÉA RAH. PARK! POR NOT F BXTI M W / / J M TIE T M IS A N K who go East through sunny C a H fo c n o - through romantic San Francisco and glamorous Los Angelas. O n roundtrip tickets to N e w Y o rk , Chicago and most other eastern cities, you can go this way for not tc extra rail fare. Southern California All-Winter Sun Festival! WREN YOU EO EAJT through California, you can see some of the 300 events of Southern California’s A ll-W inter Sun Festi­ val. From oow until March, there'll be something doing every H .y in the land of palm trees and movie stars. For free list of Sun Festival events, see your S. P. agent or write Ormandy, 622 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. $6.75 J. A S-P Tha Friendly Southern Pacific • A ORMANDY, Portland, Ora See your local S.P. agent or write Gea. Pair, zig/., 622 Pacific “ A R TC R A FT PRESENTS Christmas Photographs SPECIAL $3.35 Green Fir Slabs OUR LARGE HEAPING 300 CU. FT. LOAD IN 12 OR 16 INCH LENGTHS. divorcing plaintiff from the defend­ ant absolutely; restoring to plain­ tiff her maiden name, to-wtt: Agnes C. Leith; for such other and further relief as the court may deem Just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication once each week for ten consecutive weeks in Gold H ill News, a newspaper of general cir­ culation published in Jackson County, Oregon, by order of Hon. H. K. Hanna, judge of the above named court, which order is dated October 9, 1941. N EFF AND FROHNMAYER Attorneys for plaintiff 200-4 Coolev Theatre Bldg. Medford, Oregon O9-D11 Y our P o rtra it T ak en . . . T h ree L a rg e P h o to g ra p h s M ade. One of the th re e in a new , m o d ern silver and black fram e. ALL FOR O N L Y .................................................$3.35 — CHOICE OF 4 PROOFS! delivered in gold hill R e-sittin g s if d esired at sm all additional cost. — ACT NOW! FBI you» car or trailer at our fuel yard at corner of North Central Ave. and McAndrews Road GOLD LABEL Timber Products Company Phone 2123 Collect Medford, Oregon Due to th e e x tra value o f th is o ffe r the num ber, aJthough g en ero u sly larg e, is lim ited. — NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED! DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED — ACT NOW Artcrait Camera Shop 113 N o rth S ix th St G ra n ts P ass, O regon Straight BOURBON Whiskey • N ext time you call for a bottle, make it Gold Label. It’s got what it takes when it comes to t®ste. a. _ , 86 Proof CER, HAS FO O D FO R THOUGHT! n Your pay in the Navy is gravy N o rent to pay. N o food to buy. N o doctor's or dentist's bills. Even movies and other entertain­ ment are free. And when you first enlist, the Navy gives you $118.00 worth of uniformsl $1.10 And if you want to learn a trade, the Navy is itw place to do it. There are forty-five-odd trades you can learn . . . training that's worth hundreds PINT of dollars the first year. The Navy offers the chance of a lifetime to young men. If you are 17 or over, get a free copy of the illustrated booklet. "LIFE IN THE U. S. NAVY," from the Novy Editor of this newspaper. Simply $2.15 QUART Jas. Barclay A Co., Ltd. Peoria, 111. *