The Gold Hill News Jküüsälb School Carnival This Friday GOLDHU x T o REGON FOOTS CREEK ITEMS (By Mrs. Martoa 1 aaao) NUMBER «6. Ten Ways To Kill a Good Town Meb«kah> A tU h d Annual CMiventiott at Glendale Wm. Howes Again Elected M aster of Mrs. A. A. Dixon from thia com­ The annual Rebekah district con­ munity is on a committee for the vention was held this year at Glen­ G o ld Hill G range 6, If asked by the chairman of 1. Don’t attend any civic meet­ art display to be Held in Medford dale last Thursday, November 0. a business men’s club to give your on South Central Avenue, Novem­ ings und if you go, arrive late. Rebekah members from Medford, W illiam Howes was elected Mas­ opihion on some matter, tell him ber 17-23. She usks anyone having Jacksonville, Central Point, Grants ter of the Gold H ill Grange for his 2. Never accept an office. It is you have nothing to say. After the Student* of the Gold llill hitfli a hobby to get in touch with her easier to criticize than do things. meetings tell everyone how things Pass, Gold H ill, and Glendale at­ fifth term in this office at the reg­ tended. Different lodges put on ular meeting of the Grange last 3. Do nothing more than abso­ should have been done. school w ill give their utinuul carni­ or Mrs. F. W. Vrecland. Mrs. Dix­ work during the sessions through­ Thursday evening. Other officers val in the »chool gymnasium thia on w ill have a display from the lutely necessary, hut when others 7, Get good and mud at some Gem 'Cottage and show how the out the day. Gold H ill lodge gave elected at this time were Overseer, use their ability to help matters Friday evening. November 14. start­ members of the organization and the tribute to Past Assembly o ffi­ Frank Pinkerton; Lecturer, John along, howl Hint the town is being quit attending any meetings. ing Mt 7:30. Plans have been com­ ugutes are cut and polished. cers. Members of Gold H ill who at­ Gray; Chaplain, Lillian Aulenrieth; G. L. Drummond of Grunts Pass run by u clique. pleted which w ill provide fun and 8, Re pessimistic about every entertainment for everyone attend­ who owns several acres of land be­ 4. If you have a suggestion to of­ proposal to expand trade and pro­ tended the convention were Eve­ secretary, William Autenrieth; trea­ lyn Thompson, Elinor Force, Madge surer, Soren Christensen; door­ tween the Foots Creek store and fer, do not think of going to the mote the interests of the town. ing. Dorman. Virginia Kellogg, W illie keeper, Garland Lance; steward, A program Including musical Cliulkers Motel, recently sold a uulhoritits in (barge, just tell to t). Watch the proceedings of the McLean. Elsie Cameron, Bessie Fer­ Roy Cameron; assistant steward, number« and »kit» will be present­ Irucl joining Cliulkers to Harry W. the world at large. local school board and town coun­ guson, Etta Carter, Ruth lewis and Sammy Jones; lady assistant stew­ ed during the evening. There will Albright, who pluns to build an 5. Get ‘‘sore’’ if you are not ap­ cil, and point out the errors of Bessie Henderson. ard, Evalyn Christensen; ceres, be lots of games of skill such as auto court. pointed on a committee, such as their ways to everyone who w ill Lyndal Cameron; pomona, Joyce base-ball throw, bean guessing con­ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reinkens, Mrs Hie park hourd, cemetery hoard, or stop long enough to listen. Cldrice; flora, Dorothy McGuire. test, dart games, hoop throwing at Tom Knox, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dix­ public relations committee; but if 10. Encourage your wife and rel­ Cub Dedication Held The executive committee is com­ live geese (with the geese as the on and son Donald, Mis. Cloyd you ure upjioinied do not attend atives to do their shopping out of Tuesday Evening posed of R. G. Wigle, Minnie Fiene prize) and many other interesting Dick, Eileen and Donald und Mal­ committee meetings. town.— Exchange. contests with prizes for the w in­ colm Preston from here attended Tuesday night was a full night and E. C. Fiene. The appointive officers w ill be ners. There w ill also be conces­ the parent-student supper Thurs­ for the Cubs when a complete ded­ Récréation M eeting Here sions for selling refreshments. day evening at the Rogue River I Ski Club to be Organized ication program was carried out at selected at the next meeting of the A charge of ten cents with a one High School prepared by the Jun­ T his Saturday Evening N ext Tuesday Evening the Grange hall. The Cub exhibit Grange. At this meeting Mr. Morris of rent tax will be made for admis­ ior High Girls under the supervi­ was interesting with scrap books, Medford gave an interesting talk sion to the building. A turkey will sion of Mrs Lowell Berg, home ec- Since the activities of the Gold The monthly recreation meeting handicraft, knot tying, soap carv­ be given Io the i>er»on holding the ononiic teacher from Medford. The H ill Ski club arc not limited to ski- will he next Tuesday evening. No­ ing and maps. Mrs. Fannie Kies, of concerning the good work the Red lucky admission number. Hurt of teachers und »chool board mem- ing, but will follow' the seasons and vember IK at 7:3(1 at the Grange the Women’s Relief corps present­ Cross is doing. Martin Johnson, a the proceeds from the carnival will hers were guests. Ttie supper was . the inclinations of its members, a hall. Word has not been received ed the Cubs a United States flag. cub Scout invited Grangers to the be used to outfit the girl’s drill followed by a program und five ' most cordial invitation is extended whether Miss Jensen will be able to The U. S. flag and the pack flag Cub meeting November 11. Refresh­ team. minute class periods. | to everyone interested to attend the remain until Wednesday evening were brought, to the front and ev­ ments were served by the commit­ Each class has nominated a can­ Mrs. Mildred Sargent from Saw- , first meeting, to be held at the for square dancing. eryone gave the flag salute and tee, Mrs. Ray Shunterman and Mrs. W illiam Puhi. didate for queen of the carnival. yers Bar, California who visited1 Linsley Dorman residence. The Ralph Train and Miss Ailene In- sang the Star Spangled Banner. Sunday evening, November 9, Mr. The queen will be chosen during friends here recently and John F. time has been changed to Saturday low attended the meeting called Since there were new boys to the evening by the vote of those at­ Gibson, also of Sawyers Bar, were evening at 7 o'clock instead of F ri- last Thursday evening at Miss Far­ enter the tropp, an initiatory ser­ and Mrs. Charles Long, Henry Per­ tending us there are KM) votes giv­ married November 3 in Medford day night as previously announced. rell’s office concerning the square vice was held. The Den Mother, ry, Mrs. Janie Marsden and Miss en with each admission ticket. Can­ by Justice of the Peace W illiam R ., Among the foremost athletic dancing training groups. It was Mrs. Johnson, Den Chief, Earl Ben­ Dagmar Christensen were obligat­ didates from the vurioua classes Coleman. Those attending were authorities in Gold Hill is I). R. suggested that some organized nett and new Cubs, Walter Bates, ed in the first and second degrees are: Yvonne Moore, freshmen; Dag- Mrs. Augusta Secfield of Eagle Hendrickson who states that a gold group in the community be a spon­ Jerry Eskew, Billy Davis, Gale by Past Master, E. C. Fiene. mar Christensen, sophomores; Ev- Point, mother of the bride, and pun can be the means of more than sor to the set. November 24 has Davis, Lionel Mooter and Eldon Monday evening twelve candi­ alyn Christensen. Juniors and Mar­ Mr. and Mrs. George Stidham of a little fun, provided there is a nice been set for the evening to have Hix were asked to leave the room. dates took the third and fourth de­ ianne Casper, senior«. Grants Pass, uncle and aunt. The long hill nearby covered with pine one set and caller go into Medford When the group were permitted to grees at a special meeting here. couple left Grants Pass Monday needles. ‘The Hot Seat” in other for the training course, the place enter a beautiful tableau was pre­ Those taking the degrees were Mr. Cheering for Gold Hill sented. As each boy entered one and Mrs. David Blair, Mrs. Susie evening by trtuin for Seattle, Wash­ wor(|s — (or those members who to be announced later. could hear him catch his breath Evensizer, Samuel Evenzizer and R - . - S ington to visit Mr. Gibson’s moth­ can’t stand the cold. Suggestions Lucille Miller of Enterprize and and then say, ‘Isn’t that pretty'. er and other relatives. On their re- ; along these lines are welcomed by PAPER EARLY NEXT WEEK When the initiation was com­ Mr. and Mrs. Lofler, Mr. and Mrs. For her size, she has many features turn they will make their home at the club, since, as stated above, ac­ tivities are not limited to skiing. Gold H ill, Jackson county, Oregon, Weaverville. California. Due to Thanksgiving coming on plete, each of the new Cubs was Charles Long, Henry Perry, Mrs. Rev. C. N. Stutson of the Rreth- i but rather ------------- include everything from next "Thursday, November 20, the presented his Bob Cat pin. Then Janie Marsden and Dagmar Christ­ Is our Home-town ol which we're ---- ---------- - w in published the Bear badge was awarded to ensen of the Gold H ill Grange. ern Church at Grunts Pass w ill bragging about the fish you caught: Go)d very proud. W e’re cheering always for Gold H ill hold preaching services at the (J. R. Ritter, please note) to swat- on Wednesday, November 19, a day Martin Johnson. Martin also re- Welcome visitors from Enterprise were Mrs. Miller, Master. Mrs. Mary enpy and Foots Creek Sunday School fol­ Gag HHuujuiUes ia the sum m «Um e.)M rtv AW Cheers that are long a n * loud. Don’t forget the cider and dough- newj mus, be fa the office Thompson and Robert Leozotte Moore, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hargitt, lowing the class hour next Sunday Tho she’s not classed as a city, Tbesday evening. were inducted into the Boy Scouts. I Neva, Geneva, and Mel Moore. There's room enough, and to spare. All in the community are invited nuts which the Dormans are serv- ing. and which are free, even if Robert Leozotte received his ten- j About fifty attended this meeting With which, none others compare to attend. derfoot badge and Armin w ill re­ The Lecturer’s program was taken Mrs. Clara B. Lucas has as her club membership isn’t. Fifty cents Gold H ill nestles in the bend LOCAL ITEMS will pay your dues for a full year, ceive Ms on November 27 at which care of by John Gray and Jack guest her mother, Mrs. Flora Per­ Of Itogue river’s mighty elbow, Pinkerton in the absence of Mrs. Where the steelhead risbing lends ry, from Alder Point. California, so bring it with you as well as a Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sutton, Mrs. time he w ill be 12 years old. Dennis McGuire. Numbers in the wife, son, daughter, husband, grand A certificate of appreciation Are better than above, or yet below. who arrived Sunday for a visit. Carl Anderson and daughter Nina, Mrs. Vencil Cerveny from the ma, grandpa, boy friend or gal all of Medford were Sunday visitors was presented to each Den Moth­ program were several selections by U.S. highway ‘99’ leads from here to the Christensen sisters trio, har­ Benton Mine near Glendale, Ore­ friend! So. California at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H ar­ er, Josephine Loeffler and ire -,e monica numbers and singing by Johnson and D tn Chiefs, Bruce gon spent several days at their And northward to Pudget Sound. lan Belcher. Garland Lance, singing by Jim Es- EVENING OF CARDS ENJOYED Bennett and Vaughn Whitroo-e. State highway 234 saves northern place on the left fork of Foots Mr. and Mrs. Asil W alker left tremado with Mary at the accor­ AT DENNIS McGUIRE HOME The Grange Master, W illiam Creek near the Leslie C arr home tourists Gold H ill Wednesday for Lindsay, dion. Square dancing, Virginia Many miles, if to Crater Lake, last week and also attended to California, to work in the oranges. Howes, gave a short talk. Reel and round dances were then The members of the Pinochle. business in Medford. She was a they’re bound. club enjoyed an evenipg of cards at They expect to be gone several cake, Harlow Banry, a student in the enjoyed. Refreshments of dinner guest Thursday at the home Gold H ill has a modern t'W'etst months. sandwiches, pickles and coffee the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gold H ill school, moved this week Camp grounds, cabins, store and of Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchins. The primary grades went to Med­ to North Bend where he w ill enter served. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lance made McGuire November 9. Norman Gail trailer space, ford Thursday to visit the library. The Gold H ill Grange annual won high prize for the men and school. Abundance of pure water, fresh air a trip Friday to the Dead Indian They were accompanied by Mrs. turkey dinner w ill be held Novem­ And service with a ’smiling face’I Sodu Spring above the I.ytke Creek Mrs. Budd Gail high for the ladies. Brown, Miss Werth, and Miss Bing­ ber 20 at 7 p.m. sharp before store and filled several cases of Following the playing of cards, Her shopping center tho small ham. On Friday the advanced Garden Club Christinaa Grange. Those who have not been delicious refreshments of fresh ber­ mineral water, and also called on Is complete from foods to drinks grades enjoyed the trip to the li­ Party December 19 contacted please bring butter, rolls, ry pie, punch and coffee were serv­ Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Lamb n«ar and meats, brary. After the trip there the 7th pie, cranberries, salad or cream. ed. Eagle Point on their return. A drug store, supplying medical The Garden Club met last Friday and 8th grades went through Fluh- Those enjoying the evening were H.E.C. of the Gold H ill Grange Word was received here last needs, rer’s Bakery and the 5th and 6th at the regular meeting place at the met November 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Boye, Am Boye, Service stations and several places week of the death of Fred Miller, grades went to the airport where W. I t C. room. There w ill be but Mrs. Soren Christensen with Mrs. age 84, of Missouri Flat at the Mr. and Mrs. Budd Gail, Mr. and serving eats. they were allowed to see a pursuit one meeting this month as the next William Autenrieth as co-hostess. General hospital al Mrs. Norman Gail, Miss Dorothy Gold H ill to the sad, weary stranger Josephine bomber, federal agents on watch meeting falls on Friday following Sixteen members and four visitors, Burket, Wallace Iverson, Miss Beth Extends hospitality’s cheery greet­ Gifants Pass following a long ill­ and some repair work going on. Thanksgiving and several mem­ Mrs. W illiam Ferguson, Mrs. Anna ness. He leaves his widow, former­ Paulsen of Medford and the hosts, ing, These trips were made to the li­ bers plan to be away at that time. Lance. Mrs. George Potter and ly Laura Savage, five daughters Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGuire. “Make yourself at home!" get Dues for six months are now brary because of National Book Mrs. Roy Centers attended. Plans and six sons. Funeral services were acquainted, due. This change has to be made week. Mr. Train, Misa Moore, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Troy Truelove of and menu were completed for the held Friday at Grants Pass. He had W ith our neighbors, you’ll be in accordance w ith the Federation. Savage Creek were visitors at the Inlow and Mrs. Mooter accompan­ Thanksgiving dinner to be served .a number of friends in this com­ meeting. The dues w ill have to be raised a home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Z. Smith ied the children Friday. at seven o’clock, November 29. The You’ll be stopping in on your return munity. few cents beginning now. Mr. and Mrs. John Breeding were following officers were elected for recently. Trip, because you'll have that to do Anyone wishing to visit Mrs. callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the coming year: Mrs. Florence The friendships you’ll have formed ROBERTA MULLIN AND Davis’ chrysanthemum gardens is Ed Shoemaker November 11. Lance, chairman and Mrs. Irene MRS. ASIL WALKER HONORED MILFORD LYONS MARRIED here, asked to come on Sundays if pos­ Johnson, secretary-trea»urer. AT SHOWER TUESDAY The following students went to W ill cause you "Cheer for Gold sible as that is the only day she is I Eagle Point Armistice afternoon Miss Roberta Mullin of Medford H ill, too!” not busy w ith her sales projects. The students of the high school Mrs. A. A. • W alker, Mrs. Hugh , and played in the band during the and Milford Lyons of Los Angeles, There w ill not be a field trip all w ill start basketball practice Mon­ Hayes and Mrs. Delos Walker were | Eagle Point-Rogue River game: Le­ California were married Saturday, DINNER AND BAZAAR AT together this year of Garden club day of next week. November 1, at Los Angeles, ac­ hostesses Tuesday afternoon at a roy Carter, Clayton Adams, W a r­ CHURCH DECEMBER 5 members. cording to word received here this shower honoring Mrs. Asil Walker ren Albright, Leona and Gene Hold- The members talked about the Armin The Ladles Aid of the Methodist week. Mrs. Lyons is well known at the A. A. W alker home. Games erness, Marvin Throne. Christinas meeting to be held Dec­ Bud Blair and Alvi» were played in the early part of Thompson and Lionel Mooter. church will serve another of their here having lived in Gold H ill ember 19, It w ill be at the hall W in n Receive Eagle Badge« delicious turkey dinners at the until about a year ago when she the ufternoon. Many lovely gifts with a pot luck luncheon and ex­ fhurch the evening of December 5 moved lo Medford. The young from those present and also from The district Court of Honor was change of weedy gifts. Further de­ A n oth er Service w ith serving from 7 o’clock on.— couple w ill make Iheir home In Los ladies who could not attend were tails w ill be taken up at the meet­ held in Medford last Monday eve­ opened and admired. At the close Angeles where Mr. Lyons is em­ Keep the date open. ning at the Court House auditor­ This time it’s MAGAZINES. While ing on December 5. ployed with an aircraft company. of the afternoon delicious refresh­ The Grants Pass Garden Club ex­ ium. It was the best court held in it’s not such a startling addition to ments of ice cream, cake and tea our various lines, it’s what many of tends an invitation to anyone in­ several years and eight boys of W ilbur Martin is in a Medford were served. were terested to attend a lecture to be Medford and Gold H ill Those present were Mesdames our customers wish we would do. hospital where he underwent an awarded the Eagle Scout badge, tho given in the Library Auditorium in Nona Centers, Jewel Roulh, Louise We might say that the number con­ operation. Grants Pass December 5 at 8 p.m. highest rank attainable in Roy sists of most popular magazines ed­ Robinson, Ella Patrick, Elinor RAY B IA IR putting on two ex The lecturer is J. G. Bacher, of Scout work. Bud Blair and Alvis MONEY WELL SPENT Force, Nora Bailey, Margie Dungey, ited at the present time including: tra pairs of underwear for his first Swiss Floral Company, Portland, Winn were awarded the Eagle Life, Look, etc. It might be of interest to parents Marguerite Riles, Mildred Newn- trip lo the ice skating rink. We might suggest that If you wish Oregon, and his lecture w ill be en­ badges of Gold H ill district. Among to know what the dues of a Cub ham, Ethel Bailey, Leah Governor, MARY LOU TYGART ice skating to have any numbers set aside for titled, "Shrubs and Perrenials" the numerous merit badges award­ Effie W yalt, W illie McLean, Laura for the first time as If she was a Scout are used for during the first you as they appear we w ill be glad w ith glides to illustrate his talk. ed, Bruce and Earl Bennett were year of cubbing. The following list Dungey, Maxene Dungey, Georgine veteran at the sport. to do so. Just to be sure. So come In Admission to Garden Club mem­ awarded cook merit badges and FRENCHY MEUN1ER cuttl n g is for one boy who was a member Hicks, Pearl Ferguson, Florence or when ever you are in look our bers w ill be fifteen cents. Pat Whitmore was awarded the capers on the Ice just like he did during Ihe past year. He paid in Cook, Allene Toile, Mae Wilson, large selection over and see If — Mrs. Elinor Force gave several pathfinder and first aid merit bad­ Dorothy Chisholm, Alta Clement dues of 11.25. Out of that Ihe regis 29 years ngo. pointers on moving roses and oth­ ges. Those attending from Gold Zen Clement. Nellie Davis, Dora And Thank You. NORMAN GAIL offering Io pay Iration fee of 59c was paid, par er shrubs. This Is the time of year H ill besides the boys were Mr. and To the boys and gals who like Marsden, Ethel Hancock, Georgia cash for gunny sacks (any number ents’ cub book, 15c, W olf eub hook, to move them. Hannah Routh won Mrs. Joe Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ those funny little Funny Books, we 29c, Bobcat pin, 5c, Bear Cub book. May Towner, Elsie Cameron, Knlh- from 1 to 5099). the attendance prize. The next nett, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn W hit­ have about 29 different numbers. criné Lance, Betly Walker, Icie RUT h IA N C E busier on her va­ 29c, W olf pin, 19c, one Gold Arrow, meeting is December 5 at the more, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winn and Your Favorite may be amongst! cation than while she was employ­ 5c. And the boy has had much plea Walker, Jessie Hayes end Pearl The Spy-Glass ed. •ure along with U»a expan««». Walker. THI GOLD HILL AUTO PARR w j t c halL ______ :_____ Paul Petarwa» - ■