Thuwdty, October XI, 1hl Hill New«, Gold Hill, Oregoa IVMM0N8 I T .T '- s laid decree it ba declarad and ad OP OREGON, you tra hiriby turn* Gold HUI. Oregoti, Routa No. 1. Judged that plaintiff it the ownar monad and required to appear In GEORGE FIN LEY, Register, of said premises, and that the da* 02-30 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE tcmlants, or any of them, have no the above entitled court and cauia and answer plaintiff’s complaint on E sta b lish ed 1897 E T A 1 E O i O H h G o .X , J a g KSUN estate or interest whatever in or to file herein within four weeks from g o l . y I'Y said land and premises, and also the date of the first publication of PUBLISHED BY IVERSON PRINTING COMPANY GRACE G. COVALT, Plaintiff that said defendants, and each and this summons which is October 9, va. one of them, he forever de­ 1941. You are further notified that W allace G. Iverson, E d ito r and O w n er GEORtiE A. SURFUS, ORVAL ) every SLUt-lh, Ei.I.v OUl.xN, J. R. ) barred from asserting any claim in ease you fail to appear and an­ An Independent N ew spaper Published in the In te re s ts of uit.-tY, La M a c O c E, E m M a L u - > whatever in or to said land and swer suid roinplaint within said premises adverse to the plaintiff, H a YNE, a I.UHA btGGb, WIG- ) amt for such other and further re­ time plaintiff will upply to the Gold Hill, O regon, and V icinity court for the relief prayed for In ..lA.U M 1.1, Y A.U.fc AI l.f , > lief as to equity shall seem meet. said roinplaint, ii succinct state­ CEAEEACE N l i .C, ELHJIE > The date of the order tor service ment of which is ns follows: For a ALt-r, DOHA a c c F Gt IE , t by publication of this summons is ___________ P U B L I S H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y decree of the court dissolving the ZOAA JO.\ES, PG a IIG UHEHA, ) September 3Ü, 1941, bonds of mutrimony existing be­ 3TEELA JUDAY. EG. u A KEF- ) NEFF AND FROHNMAYER, tween plaintiff and defendant, and E n tered at the P ostoffice at Gold Hill, O regon, for tra n s ­ 1'EHiAG, UGl.lL WAR.XElt, ) Attorneys for plaintiff divorcing plaintiff from the defend­ FLOYD GRAY. DEWEY GRAY, ) m ission th ro u g h the m ails as second-class m a tte r. 260-4 Cooley Theatre Building ant absolutely; tliut plaint if f’s BESSIE RUCH, HI TH HARRIS, ) .Medford, Oregon maiden name, to-wit: Zeta Chloe BESSIE HORAEK, CATHERINE J 09-30 Ellenhurg he restoreil to her; for F eb ru ary 1 D e a d lin e Ibe Federal Bureau of Internal Rev BEERS, NETTIE WILLARD, I such other and further relief us the E- 1 1 C T __ enue has dewde‘1 to collect the new BEATRICE McCEOUGHN. NOR- ) 'iiiirt mas deem just and equitable. t o r N e w U . a . C ar T a x Federal tax through their local of­ MAN M R 11S. EDWIN S I R - ) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION This summons is served upon you FUS, unknown heirs of Lincoln ) fice set up. Master lists of car own­ by publication once each week for Forest Exchange N o, 022648, four consecutive weeks in Gold Hill Beginning February 1, all motor­ ers will be set up for each district Gray, deceased; also all other ) or parties unknown ) United States Department of the News, a newspaper of general cir­ ists will be required to pay a fed­ and car owners will be notified persons claiming any right, title, estate, ) publislu'd ill Jurkson eral use tax of $5 per vehicle as a when the tax is payable. Revenue lien or interest in the real estate ) Interior, District Land Office, culation County, Oregon, by order of lion. Roseburg, Oregon, September 2 4 1 , result of inclusion of this new stickers will be attached to the car described in tbe complaint here- ) II. K. Hanna, Judge of the above- ) 1941. Notice is hereby given that named court, whirl) order is dated form of taxation in the Review Act when the tax is paid. As we under­ in, Defendants ) Roy H. Hawk and Jennie G. Hawk October 6, 1941. of 1941, according to Dr. E. B. Mc­ stand it, no post office or other out­ TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ of Everett, Washington, did, on NEFF AND FROHNMAYER Daniel, President of the Oregon side agency will be used in the col­ FENDANTS: September It, 1941, make applica­ Attorneys for plaintiff State Motor association. lection set up. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 200-4 Cooley Theatre Building Dr. McDaniel said that the U. S. He pointed out that penalties are OF OREGON, you and each of >ou tion under the act of March 20, Straight BOURBON W hlek.y Medford, Oregon Treasury and Bureau of Internal provided for owners of motor ve­ are hereby summoned and required 1922 (42 Stat. 465) as amended by 09-30 Revenue are now working out de­ hicles who, after the effective date to appear in the above entitled the act of February 28, 1925 (43 • N ext time you call for court and cause and answer the Stat. 1090), to select certain timber tails for collection of the new tax of the new tax, permit the use of complaint of plaintiff on file here­ from approximately 45 acres on NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION a bottle, m ake it Gold from owners of some 32,000,000 mo­ their vehicles before payment of in within four weeks from the date Label. I t’s got w hat it parts of sections 25 and 36, T. 31 tor vehicles. the tax. The A.A.A. club executive of the first publication of thia sum­ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER, S., R. 2 E., W. M„ Rogue River Na­ mons which is October 9, 1941. takes when it comes to "Our latest information is that 1 added: IOR, General Land Office ut Rose­ You arc further notified that in taste. "On the effective date of the tax, case you fail to appear and answer tional Forest, Jnckson County, burg. Oregon, September 27, 1941. 90 Proof February 1, 1942, all owners of ve­ plaintiff's complaint within said Oregon, in exchange for the SH- NOTICE is hereby given that Nt*. See. 25, SE'aNK',, NE*4SEH, Fred M. McFarlane, of Gold Hill. hicles well be required to pay the lime, plaintilf will apply to the tax for the period from February 1 court lor the relief prayed for in S'-jSF.1,. Sec. 27, N’W'.NEM, NE%- Oregon, who, on February 14, 1934, Original Homestead Entry un­ to July 1, or five-twelfths of $5.00, said con plaint, a succinct state­ N’Wtt, Sec. 35, T, 12 S.. It. 16 E„ made ment of wiiicli is as follows: W SSW ’,. Sec, 19, T. 12 S„ R. 17 E„ der Act .Inn. 9, 1916 (part) No. Then on July 1, they will pay the 021178, for t.ol I, SW '.N E 1», Sec­ For a decree oi toe court adjudg­ tax for a full year and will be due ing that each and every of the K '.N E ',, N F’, SE1,. S'j SE'i, tion 29, Township 35-Soutli, Range Sec. 26, T. 14 S„ R. 18 E„ W M , P IN T ,1-West, Willamette Meridian, lias on that date for a yearly period for above named dcleadants be requir­ ed to set forth the nature of Iheir Ochoco National Forest, Crook filed notice of intention to make rbeWorth such time as it is levied. several claims to the following des­ County, Oregon. Any and all per­ final Proof, to establish claim Io the “One theory of the sponsors of cribed tract of real estate situate in sons claiming the lands selected, land above described, before John the use lax was that it would make Jackson County, Oregon. Chisholm, Notary Public, at Gold or having bonia fide objections to A. Hill, Oregon, on the lUtli day of No­ people more lax conscious. It was North half of southeast quarter, the exchange should file their pro­ vember, 1941. frnnkh conceded that the new levy lots 1, 2 and 3, Section 3, Town­ tests on or before Nov. 6. *941. ship 39 South Range 3 West, W. Claimant names as witnesses: I.. ■BY NEW was imposed in lieu of an increase M., Oregon, excepting the follow­ GEORGE FINLEY, Register. R. Van de Bogart, of Gold Hill, Ore­ $ 5 .4 1 QUART TIRES in the gasoline tax.” ing described property, to-wit: meara 09-30 gon; W. L. Van lloulen. of Gold Hill, Leginning at a post 21) chains east Oregon; J. U. Smith, of Gold Hill, of the corner common to Sections Oregon, Route No. I; D.Mnrtole, of Jus. Barclay A Co., Lid. Peoria, III. A n g le r s M ay S till F ish SUMMONS 3, 4, 9 and It), said Township and For T r o u t o v e r 10 In ch es Range; running thence east 12 B R IN G IN to a post on the left bank IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the general trout sea­ chains Y O U R O LD son Although of Applegate River; thence north STATE OF OREGON. JACKSON closed on October 15, anglers 11 degrees west 20.80 chains COUNTY OVERSTOCKED TIRES TODAY may fish for trout ten inches or over down said river to a post; thence AGNES C. LOVE ) MUST in coastal streams. From now until west 8.18 chains to a post; thence Plaintiff ) If tbefra pad south 20.30 chains to the place of U N LOAD va. ) December 31, 1941, the daily bag beginning, containing 20.48 acres. aneafk is M s ) limit for trout in tidewater will be Alsq: the northeast quarter of the ROY MILAN LOVE No reasonable o ffe r refused Defendant ) aa tkefra aarft 15 fish or fifteen pounds. After southwest quarter of Section 3, TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ m la w tb x January 1, 1942, the bag limit on said Township and Range, except­ FENDANT: trout 10 inches or over will be 3 ing therefrom all that portion of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the following described tract, to- OF OREGON, you are hereby sum­ fish a day. N. B a rtle tt M edford Phone 3747 wit: Beginning at the northeast Above tidewater, the bag limit corner of said 40-acre tract, and moned and required to appear in " > the above entitled court and cause for trout 10 inches or over will be running thence due east 3.75 and answer plaintiff’s complaint on three trout a day. This limit is pro­ chains; thence south 30 degrees file herein within ten weeks from vided in order that fishermen ang­ east 3.57 chains; thence south 30 the date of the first publication of west 4.50 chains; thence this summons which is October 9, ling for steelhead or salmon will degrees north 18 degrees west 5.54 chains 1941. You are further notified tliut be protected if they should acci­ to the place of beginning, contain­ in ease you fail to appear and an­ dentally land a trout above tide­ ing 1.86 acres which lies north of swer said complaint within said tMOnVTWESMK the following described tract: IT O M T ★ water. time plaintiff will apply to the Beginning at a point, a hole in an court for the relief prayed for in Steelhead and salmon, fifteen in­ iron pin at the southeast corner said complaint, a succinct state­ ches or over, may be taken at all of a shop on the land of William times of the year, below and above Cameron on the west line of the ment of which is as follows: For a decree of the court dissolving the O U R L A R G E H E A P IN G 300 C U . F T . L O A D tidewater. County Boad along the Applegate bonds of matrimony existing be­ River, and described in a deed These regulations, of course, do tween plaintiff and defendant, and T IR E S H O P IN 12 O R 16 IN C H L E N G T H S . not apply to any stream that Is from Zachary Cameron to William divorcing plaintiff from the defend­ Cameron as east 3.75 chains; ant absolutely; restoring to plain­ 6th and M. St Grants Pass closed entirely to fishing. thence south 30 degrees east 3.57 tiff her maiden name, to-wit: Agnes chains from the northwest corn­ C. Leith; for such other and further er of the northeast quarter of the relief as the court may deem just D E L I V E R E D IN G O L D H IL L southwest quarter of Section 3; and equitable. Mert H i m . try the train running thence on a line at an in­ This summons is served upon you terior angle of 90 degrees 51' to by publication once each week for I the west from the west line of the ten consecutive weeks in Gold Hill County Road 408.2 feet to an iron News, a newspaper of general cir­ F ill y o u r car or tra iler a t our fu e l y a rd a t corn er pin from which a nail in the base culation published in Jackson of a 12 in. yellow pine tree bears County, Oregon, by order of Hon, o f N o r th C en tra l A v e. and M c A n d r e w s R oad south 21 degrees east 18.4 feet, H. K. Hanna, judge of the above and nail in the base of a 14 inch named court, which order is dated black oak bears north 46 degrees October 9, 1941. west 88.8 feet; thence at an inter­ NEFF AND FROHNMAYER ior angle of 57 degrees 50' to the Attorneys for plaintfff north 335.6 feet to an iron pin 200-4 Cooley Theatre Bldg. set as the quarter-quarter corner Medford, Oregon P h o n e 2123 C o llect M ed fo rd , O reg o n west of the center of Section 3; O9-D11 thence at an interior angle to the east 89 degrees 52' 272.5 feet to SUMMONS the west line of the County road; thence along said west line of county road at an interior angle IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR JACK- of 120 degrees 29’ to the south SON COUNTY 140.3 feet to the place of begin­ ning. ZETA CHLOE BIGLER . ) Plaintiff ) Also beginning at a point 32.4 feet north of the center of Sec­ ) tion 3 as set by H. D. Powell, sur­ JOSEPH' BIGLER MEDFORD, R E L IA B L E Defendant ) veyor; thence south 32.4 feet to TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ OREGON the center of the section; thence R E A SO N A BLE west along the center line of said FENDANT: I f you’re planning a trip Feet IN THE NAME OF THE STATE section to the west line of the F« * . air-conditioned train* all and back this year, just remem­ County Road; thence northerly a- the way including streamliners ber that Southern Pacific round- long the west line of the County and coach-tourist economy trains. trip tickets take you Eatl through Road 71.0 feet; thence to the place California for not lc extra rail of beginning containing 2.3 acres of land. fare to most destinations. Add S o u th e r n O reg o n ’s F in e s t E n te r ta in m e n t! Y ou r M ed fo rd T h e a tr e s! San Francisco, Los Angelea and Also: l-l|4,12tTis of a certain wat­ rrimtUly Southern toMe er ditch and water right taken many other cities to your trip out of the Little Applegate Creek at no additional ticket coat. S m local 8 P agent or w rite I . A. ° R > *A N D Y . Can P t u . A f a t . *SS and passing through the Cameron, Pacific B uilding, Portland, Oregon Buckley and Chappel farms and known as The Farmers Ditch of --- the Chappel and Buckley Ditch, Ends Saturday Night I Ends Saturday Nite I Ends Saturday Nite I as the said premises arc describ­ Randolph Scott - Gene Tierney Eddie Foy Jr. In ed in that certain deed shown of James Cagney — Pat O’Brien record in Vol. 25 at page 200 of “C o u n try F a ir ” “B E L L E S T A R R ’’ Deed Records of Jackson County, “D e v il D o g s o f th e A ir ” T h e W o r ld ’s N ew s S een T h ro u g h Oregon. Prevue Saturday Nite I Plus the 3 Mesquiteqrs in and that all adverse claims of said Plus Boy Rogers in he hristian cience onitor “P r a ir ie P io n e e r s ” defendants, or any of them, therein An International Daily Newtpafter “Old C h ey e n n e ” or thereto, may be determined by a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday decree of this court, and that by ia T ru th fu l—-Constructive— Unbiased— Free from Senaational- Charles Boyer, Olivia dc- **m — Editorials A re T im ely and Instructive, and Its D aily Sunday and Monday Features, Together with th - Weakly M ag azin* Section M a k * Havilland, Pauhlette Goddard Joan Davis and large cast of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday th * M o n ito r an Ideal Newspaper for the Hom e. * e « 'ia n B W W n |r * l|r a n K | funsters in “ H o ld B a ck th e D a w n ” T h * Christian Science Publishing Society Kay Kyser in You can know your EYES “T w o L a tin s fro m O ne, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Lenses only when required “Y o u ’ll F in d O u t” Price i t 2.00 Yearly, or g 1.00 a M onth. M a n h a tta n ” Starts Wednesday, 4 Days I Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, 2.60 a Year. Introductory O ffer, 6 Issues 25 Cent*. D r. H er b e r t W H erm an n Sonja Henie - John Payne N a m e _____. . . . ______________ Wednesday, Thursday Tuesday, Wednesday OPTOMETRIST “S u n V a lle y S e r e n a d e ” Address—. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ Lloyd Nolan In With Gene Miller and his Granu Pass James Stewart in SAM PLE COPY O N REQUEST orchestra l i t H. St. Phone U8J “B u y M e T h a t T o w n ” “P O T O ’ G O L D ” The Gold H ill News GOLD LABEL MONEY ^ Í N OLD T IR É S $ 1 .1 0 $ 2 .1 $ U SED BARGAINS CARS SHULTS BROTHERS Green Pine Slabs Duckworth $6.2$ You can go EAST through Timber Products Company CALIFORNIA for Conger Funeral Parlors S'P C ra te ria n T C S M f >^«--> ^ ,’r66i>WMO««OOO«66O60OO« R ia lto Roxy