The Gold Hill News The Moit Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Published in thn Biggeat Little Tews in the State GOLD HILL, OREGON School Opens Here Monday FOOTS CREEK ITEMS (I4y Mr«. Mariwa School slurts ill Gold H ill this Moodily, September H, w ith regis­ tratio n to he held ut nine o’clock ill the m orning. The school busses w ill muke tlie ir regular runs und school w ill he dismissed us soon us the reg islrulion is completed. The floors throughout the school b uilding have been revurnislieil und the b uilding lius been completely cleaned fo r Hie opening of school. Tlie gym flo o r bus been revurnish­ ed uud tlie bleachers have receiv­ ed a new tout o f puint. W ork wus slurled this week on the lights for the tennis court unit the court w ill be reudy fo r night pluying in ubout ten more days. Grade school teachers this year ure us fo llo w s: Mrs. Adu Brown, firs t grade Miss Beatrice W erth, second Miss (¡race Biglintn, th ird Miss Elsie Montgomery, fourth und rending Miss Mabel Moore, fifth Miss Ailene Inlow , sixth Mrs. Opal Wheeler Mooter, sev­ enth Ralph T ra in , eighth High school teachers are: Kernul Buhler, science (except physics), in d u slriu l urts, athle'ics Mrs. G laire Palmer, commerce uud home economics Miss Betti Paulsen, mathematics and English Miss D orothy Burket, English, Spanish, social sciences Dennis McGuire, superintendent, sociology und economics and phy­ sics TEXT RENTAL SYSTEM T his year a beginning w ill be made tow ard establishing a rental system fo r high school text book«. This system w ill save money for students. Since this is tin? begin­ ning o f the rental plun the coopera­ tion of all students is needed to muke the plan successful. Those students w ho own books w hich w ill be used this year but w ho w ill not use the books themselves ure asked to tu rn these books in at the high school office the firs t day of school. In return fo r each hook turned in the student w ill he given a text to use fo r this year. At the end o f the year all books w ill be­ come the property of the School D is trict to lie rented the fo llo w in g year. New students. Freshmen und students w ith no books to tu rn in w ill pay rental fees fo r hooks this year. These fees w ill be 35c per book, per semester on a ll books ex­ cept ju n io r and senior Literatures anil ju n io r and senior Social Science texts. Since w orkbooks con be used o nly one year the rental plan w ill not include workbooks. Students are responsible fo r all books used. Books damaged or lost must be paid fo r. SCHOOL BELLS W ell Boys and Guls you’ll be res- Iionding rig h t soon, So—o f course the usual supplies muy he found down at the Old Auter Park. We hope we have everything you need this year to s im p lify your shopping tour. Just fo r fun, a treat you w ill en­ joy, w ill be given to anyone who purchuses school supplies to the amount of One D ollar o r plus und sure, Green Stamps lo-lm ol. Then when you’re ready, so arc we. AND THANKING YOU THE AUTO PARK Mr. and Mrs. George Dorman were luncheon guests o f their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Duscnberry, in Ashland on Labor Day. The Spy-Glass JEAN BOYE re a listica lly pla ining how d ry it gets in m iddle west. ex­ the H. G. W ILSON observing his 49tli wedding anniversary by play- ing fo ur sets o f tennis. JIM BLEVINS arranging fo r an early Sunday m orning alarm clock, everyone else getting the benefit of it. u u m .« j Derell I’onlz, eldest son of Mr. und Mrs. A lb ert Pontz, left Thurs­ day fo r Lus Angeles, C u lifo ru iu uud w ill enter u naval trade school ut l-oiig Beucti, C uliforuiu. He accom­ panied Mr. uud Mrs. Guy Butes us fa r us Snelling, C a lifo rn ia . The Butes hud spent several duys here visiting Mrs. Buies’ m other, Mrs. John Dole uud brother, Ted Dole, on tlie left fo rk uf Fools Creek und Mr. Butes' sister, Mrs. Tom Griggs. Mr. uud Mrs. Buy Brennan of H ollyw ood, C alifo rn ia were over­ night guests reeently o f tie r m other, Mrs. Haymond Lucus, uud sister, Charlotte W hite, w hile on th e ir wuy to Canada on a vucation trip . Mr. Brennan is connected w ith the d istrict a ttorney’s office in I-os kngeles. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beinken went to Crescent C ity Tuesday in the interest of enterting the Live )uk Grunge Booth in (he Del Norte County F a ir .September 17. Mr. und Mrs. W. L. Dudley hud us th eir «tinner guest. Wednesday eve­ ning Mrs. Hadley's cousins, Mrs. Frank Laws und Mrs. Leonu Gray, from Gardena, C a lifo rn ia und Tom Horsely from B ritish Columbia. David Birdseye urrived Saturday m orning from Seattle, Washington where lie is assistant in s tru c to r in Ihc naval trade school to spend the Labor Day vucation w ill) his m oth­ er, Mrs. E ffie Birdseye, ami bro th ­ er, Glenn, lie was accompanied as fu r as («runts Pass by Buy McFar­ land who is visiting his parents. * h ^ sd a y , S cptcinter 4, 1941 Fair Board Say* Thank You To All Helper* NUMBER 1; Jackson County Teacher* Pre-School Meeting John Gray, chairm an of the A meeting bus been called by N orthw est Jucksou county fa ir County Superintendent C. H. Bow­ hoard, w ould like Io (hunk every­ man to r Suturduy, September 6, at one w ho helped in any wuy, to 10:00 A.M. in the auditorium of the muke tlie fu ir lust Saturday u grand (Souri House. This meeting is fo r success. The chairmen of thy var­ a ll teachers who ure to teach in the ious committees also jo in Mr. Gray public schools o f Jackson County in extending these thunks. except those of Ashland and Med­ The many signs w hich directed ford. Tile purpose ut the meeting is fa ir visitors Saturday were made to distribute m aterial, to give in ­ by Abe Becker. Mr. Becker has form ation regarding plans fo r 1941- generously made the signs fo r Hie 42 term of school und such other fu ir fo r several years now, donat­ items as ure im portant. There w ill be two sesions, the firs t from 10:00 ing the tim e and m aterial. The (io ltl H ill cub scouts were A.M. to 11:00 A.M., w ill he devoted on hand Io help in every way pos­ to tlie adm inistrative side o f the sible durin g the fa ir und ure school program and the second thanked especially fo r the fine job session from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 I they did in cleaning up the city Noon w ill he given over to class­ hull grounds fo llo w in g the barbe­ room procedure. cue. The Arts and Hobbies depart­ LLOYD MILLER HONORED ment o f the fu ir wishes to thunk AT SURPRISE DINNER a ll w ho brought articles fo r that A surprise dinner was held Wed­ department. E verything brought wus interesting and w ell done. We j nesday night fo r L lo yd M ille r in hope another year thul there w ill I honor of his b irthday. He was tak­ he more curios und antiques as en for a ride up on the Siskiyous and on his return was surprised w ell us articles fo r com petition. The G irl Scouts wish to thank by friends. Those who attended the th e ir friends fo r th e ir support in duck dinner were Mr. and Mrs. th e ir selling project Saturday a n d ' Cleo G ilchrist and Charles W il­ liam , Mrs. M illie W alker, B oltin Sunday. Mrs. Minnie I. Fiene, chairm an of Sfiehl and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M il­ the H.E.C. would like to take this ler. means of thanking all who so kind- j PAST NOBLE GRAND CLUB ly co«>|H'rate«l w ith her during fa ir , week and before, to make the part The Past Noble Grand Club w ill taken by the Gold H ill H.E.C. such resume regular meetings after hav­ a huge success. ing disbanded fo r the summer. The firs t meeting w ill 1 m - at the home FAIR BILLS TO BE o f Mrs. Charles Gray, Thursday, PAID THIS FRIDAY September l l . LOCAL ITEMS Joe Pankey is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dan Shearer, at Forks, Wash­ ington. Miss Beth Paulsen returned to Gold H ill Sunday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A lfred Dixon of Ber­ keley, C alifornia and her brother, E a rl Paulsen o f Portland. They all went on to C rater Lake and Klam ­ ath Falls and then returned to th eir respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Aurele B la ir of Bed­ ding, (California were guests at the home ut Mr. and Mrs. Lins D o r­ man Saturday and Sunday. W hile here they visited the Oregon Caves. M r. and Mrs. H. G. W ilson of Medford were week end guests in the home of the Norman Gails. Mrs. Emmett Sutton visited w ith Mrs. May Forbes in Jacksonville from last Sunday u n til F riday. Bobby Lance underwent a ton- silectomy at Grants Pass last F r i­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Woods of Weed, C alifornia, visited w ith Mrs. Mary Morelock this week end. Jim Boen is at borne after w o rk ­ ing several months in Portland. Mrs. Leo W illiam s and son Hugh and daughter G loria o f Medford, were visitors at the home of Mrs. A rt Gorham last Wednesday. Jim Martin and Ben Perkins Injured in Head-on Collision Jim M artin and Benjamin Per­ kins, were both seriously injured and th e ir cars were completely de­ molished in a head-on collision on the Pacific highway just west o f Gold H ill last Thursday. Wednesday afternoon o f this week Mr. and Mrs. W ilb u r M artin reported that Jim had regained consciousness and was talking al­ most norm a lly again. He had been unconscious and delirious fo r five days. Tuesday evening his arm was set and put in braces and 25 stitches had been taken out o f d if­ ferent wounds around his face and arms. His eye is reported to be all rig h t and he was able to open it fa r enough to see some w ith it. One r ide o f his face s till seems to be p a rtia lly paralyzed but is expected to im prove rapidly. Mr. Perkins was taken to P o rt­ land w here he has entered the Veterans hospital fo r fu rth e r treat­ ment fo r his arm. It was thought at firs t that the arm might have to be amputated but it is believed now that that w ill not be neces­ sary. He has been conscious most of the time since the wreck. He was accompanied north by Mrs. F rank Pinkerton. The accident occurred at 12:10 Thursday a mile from tow n when M artin was d rivin g towards Gold H ill and Perkins was going in the opposite direction. The cars h it head on on a short straight stretch between tw o curves. The collision completely demolished the cars. M r. Vivien Bailey of Enumclaw, Washington, cousin o f Mrs. A. A. W alker and Mrs. Hugh Hayes, has been visiting in Gold H ill. C lar­ ence Spangler o f W ashington and O. Hatton o f Medford are staying AJL h ills fo r the 1941 fa ir should A home made, heavy com fort was in the W alker home fo r aw hile. he in before this F riday as they MOTHER OF MRS. R ITTER left at the pavilion fa ir day and has Mr. and Mrs. B o llin Lindsay of w ill he paid this Friday night at PASSES FOLLOWING STROKE Mrs. Jeannette Wheeler, sister of not been found since. Please return Ashland, who have spent tile past the fa ir hoard meeting. Bills can to Mrs. Alpha C olvin i f found. Mrs. George H aff, is visiting w ith -ummer at a lookout near Luke of be turned in to Norman Gail, treas­ Mrs. Esther Mae Borough of Decent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H aff. the Woods called on her aunt, Mrs. urer of the fu ir board. Grants Pass, mother of Mrs. Ray­ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore and dau­ Mrs. M arjorie Putman of Grants mond R itte r of Gold H ill, passed Lloyd Dick, Saturday w hile on ghters were Mr. and Mrs. W illia m W .i.U . MEETING Pass v ijjte d w ith her grandmother, away at six o’clock Wednesday th eir way lo Gold Bcuch w jie ru M r^ ! Rooth o f Chicago, IHinois. Mrs. Mrs. W alter Dungey and Mrs. morning following a stroke at the Lindsay w ill teach again this year, The W.R.C. w ill resume meet­ Booth and Mrs. Moore were g ir l­ Daisy G ilchrist this week end. She home o f her daughter, Mrs. George die was form erly Miss Marieee Mc­ hood chums and have not seen plans to leave Sunday fo r San MeCollough, near Malin. Laren, daughter o f Mr. und Mrs. ings next Wednesday afternoon at each other since being m arried un­ the W.R.C. rooms in the c ity hall, Francisco where her husband has David McLaren of Bogue Biver. Funeral services w ill be held at September 10, ut 2 p.m. A ll mem­ til this visit. Sunday visitors were been transferred. the L. B. H all Funeral Home in Mrs. Bert Stevenson of Grants Grants Pass F riday at tw o o’clock A lbert Pontz, who bought the I bers arc asked to be present. Pass, m other o f Mrs. Earl Moore, Mr. and Mrs Dennis McGuire Nelson Hosmer uud John Short Mr. Shirley Hall of F o rt Lewis, celebrated th e ir seventh wedding and burial w ill be in the I.O.O.F. Mrs. Helen Dorman Duscnberry ranches located on Hie rig h t fo rk brother of Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs anniversary Wednesday by having cemetery there. Mrs. Borough was w ell know n of Pools Greek from D. It. F e rry I was a v is ito r in Gold ( till Wednes­ George P hillip s and son Bob of dinner in Medford. Part o f the eve­ about a year ago, is teuring down day evening and w hile here at­ C hiloquin and Mrs. Ray H all and ning was spent in inte rvie w in g in this section having lived in southern Oregon most o f her life. tlie Hosmer house w hich wus b u ilt tended lodge. son Wayne of Klamath Falls. candidates fo r a teaching position She was born October 2, 1865 at ubout 1883, being the oldest b u ild ­ Mrs. F loyd Lance and Bobby re­ ‘Estey’ Pianos, orchestra in s tru ­ in the local school. Savage Creek. She is survived by ing on Foots Creek. turned to T rin ity Center Thursday ments, radios, records, popular and Mr. E. Hicks and fa m ily have ten sons and daughters. after an extended visit in Gold classic sheet music a, P ru itt’s Mus­ moved into the Bozy Tepovac Boh Cameron, sun o f Boy Cam­ H ill. ic Store. Grants Pass. house next to the T. A. Robinson SCHOOL BUDGET PRINTED IN eron ol Delta M otor Lodge, left home. The fa m ily fo rm e rly lived TH IS ISSUE OF T H E NEWS Wednesday evening to r P ortland to on Birdseye Creek. T lie oldest boy, take lus physical exam ination fo r Eldin, cut his middle fin ge r o f the The proposed budget fo r the by Mat entering tlie navy. If lie pusses, he rig ht hand so badly w ith the law n Gold H ill school d is tric t No. 57 is 1- w ill go to Sun Diego, C a lifo rn ia fo r m ower Monday that he had to be printed in this issue of the Gold (ruining. taken to the hospital fo r tre a t­ H ill News. The budget is the one ment and was there Monday night. w hich was accepted by the budget j j Mrs. Eugene Burton lias hud as The fin ge r was amputated at the committee at a recent meeting and her guests over tlie Labor Day va­ firs t jo in t and is now being treated is fo r the year July 1, 1941 to June cation Mr. und Mrs. J. E. B arlhei- T he dean o r fo r infection. 30, 1942. It is interesting to note ines of Vallejo, C alifornia. AMERICAN WRITERS, that the d is tric t has no indebted­ Mr. and Mrs. George I-arge and ness, the same as the pkst tw o BOOTH TARKINGTON, Dellu Prefountuin, who has spent small son and Mrs. W. C. Strahan, SAYS THAT OUT HIS WAY, years. tlie past m onth at tlie home of Mr. all of Canby, C alifo rn ia, have been IN INDIANA, PEOPLE and Mrs. Gus SutliertiiT near Ban­ v isitin g w ith th e ir parents, Mr. and don, Oregon returned Wednesday LICKED THE HARD TIMES Mrs. Ed Shoemaker on Kanes SCHOOL BOUNDARY CHANGED to the home of tier parents, Mr. und OF '73 BY 'THR IFT Creek. They have a ll returned to The boundary line between the Mrs. Edw ard Prefountuin. Mr. th e ir homes. AND ENDURANCE. • Gold H ill and Hogue R iver school S utherlin brought B illie and Betty Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hayes have d istricts has been changed, fo llo w ­ Uangert w ho have also been v is it­ been vis itin g w ith th e ir son and ing a petition by residents o f the ing them to Bogue B iver to v is it w ife, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hayes, in section. Tlie line was changed tlie ir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O roville, C alifornia, and w ith their from Birdseye creek to the L lo yd Garfield Laws. daughter and fa m ily, the Fred M ille r property line w hich gives Baker fa m ily at Susanville, C a lif­ the Rogue River d is tric t a $25,000 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knox, who B y the same self - discipline , ornia. They brought Katherine tract of land fo r taxes and several have spent the past ten days at HABITUAL TO AMERICANS WHEN home w ith them after a v is it of more students. Fresno, C alifornia on business and several weeks. NEEDED, THE PEOPLE OF THE also enjoyed a tr ip to Los Angeles, GARDEN CLUB COUNTRY ARE MEETING THE returned home F riday. Mr. and Mrs. K em al Buhler are PROBLEMS OF OUR The Garden Club w ill meet this moving in to the tenant house ow n­ GRANGE NEWS NATIONAL EMERGENCY. ed by Mrs. Celia Wise, fo rm e rly oc­ F riday afternoon at the W.R.C. cupied by the W . F. Sturgis fam ily. rooms at 2 p.m. Everyone is in v it­ Gold H ill Grange met in regular Mr. Buhler is the new coach in the ed to attend tnis meeting as Mr. E. session Thursday evening, August J. H am ilton of Medford may be local high school. 21. Several names were voted on to present to give a ta lk on dahlias. Mr. B ill Black w ho has been If he cannot be there, there w ill become members and firs t and sec- staying in the A. A. W alker home be some other program that w ill and degree w ill he exem plified in B uy 0£F£N5 e enNhü has gone to Salem after several be interesting to see and hear. the near future. Most of the session weeks w o rk here. was held by candle ligh t as the power was o ff. No program and no Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman o f Oak­ WATCH DRIVING TO CUT refreshments due to the fa ir rush. land, C alifornia were in Gold H ill GASOLINE CONSUMPTION H.E.C. met at the Grunge hall Sunday and Monday o f this week. August 2ft and a short business D r E. B. McDaniel, president of They ra ile d on old friends of Mrs. meeting wus held. No program, the Oregon State M otor association, C ryderm an and fished the Rogue dutch meal after the meeting. Irene Biver. Monday they left by way of told Oregon m otorists that they Johnson won the prize and Ethel Diamond Lake and the W illam ette should help to conserve gasoline M artin was remembered by her highw ay to go' to points n orth and stocks w ith a three point personal i Flora friend. to v is it w ith Mrs. C ryderm an’s son program : 1. Avoid ’ja c k ra b b it’ starts and and fa m ily o f H illsboro, Mr. and Norma Lee Ward and Mary Rose excessive speeds. Mrs. C harlie Ross and small daugh­ Railey w ho have been employed in 2. Have the mechanical condition ter. Mrs. Cryderman w ill be re­ Medford during the summer re tu rn ­ of Ih e ir car checked fo r e fficie n t membered by friends as Mrs. Linda ed to fheir homes here Saturday operation. OU£ DEMOCRACY 1 BREO IN THE BONE w fo r the school year, Kraus*. 3. Avoid unecfsaary driving.