! ¡v Hie Gold Hill N#w>, ftqjj Oragofl Ykursday, May 21, l>4l are confronted with a serious na­ gum* supervisor. LAYMEN’S HOME MISSIONARY urlly do to those who enter it? tional emergency and that burdens Heretofore this type of Neense MOVEMENT Job. 24:19: Drought and hcul con­ must be shouldered by all to fulfill was considered to have no expira­ Established 1897 sume the snow wutera; so doth the obligations we have and are as­ tion date, hut under a ruling of the suming. Wt recognise tbut individ­ attorney general tlw alien gun li­ With what is the first Hell Scrip- Sheol those thut have ginned. Prov, PUBLISHED BY IVERSON PRINTING COMPANY uals, 1:12: Let us swallow them up alive organisations must be ready censes come under the general law turaily associated? Wallace G. Iverson, Editor and Owner ua Sheol, and whole, ua those thut to make sacrifices in the common requiring renewal of all licenses Job 26.6: Sheol is naked before go down Into the pit. Is. 3:14: There We stand four-square on at'tlie end of each calendar year. An Independent Newspaper Published in the Interests cf interest. God. und Destruction hull) no cov­ fore Sheol hath enlarged Ila desire, this premise . . . The alien gun license fee is 923 Gold Hill, Oregon, and Vicinity “We want the committee to un­ and is in addition to the regulur ering. Prov. 15:11: Sheol and Des and opened its mouth without Iruction ure before Jehovah. Prov. measure; and their glory, und their derstand clearly and definitely that hunting or trapping license. 27:26; Sheol and Destruction ure multitude, and their |»Ottip. and he our policy of out and out opposition PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY never sutisfied. that rcjoieetli among them, descend to federal automotive excise taxes What does Ihe first Hell tempor Into it. — "The Herald of the Ep­ as a means of raising revenue in Ashland Makes Plans For Entered at the Postoffice at Gold Hill, Oregon, for tran s­ normal times still stands. We look iphany.” Fourth of July Celebration mission through the mails as second-class m atter. to Congress to see to it, when the CMRiSTrAN S’JI JiCE C.^VRCHCS proper time comes, that the federal Ashlund, May 28 (Spl)_This city AflftOUL AND BODY" was the fense program on a “pay as you go" government retires altogether from is again preparing to pluy host to AAA Okehs Federal to subject of the L s^on-Sermon basis, the American Automobile as­ this taxing field." an estimated 15,666 io 26,666 resi­ In nil Church of Christ, g-tenttst. Auto Tax for Defense M ltL C C T ie President Henry pointed on, to dents of southern Oregon and north on Sundry, May 24. sociation has temporarily relaxed I T I IT tA ia lO p/ome/H* / the Ways amt Means committee that The Golden T - : t was. " I pray c a u ti» cm California during its unnuul Because of the pressing demand its opposition to Federal Automo­ V IS U A L the automobile is no longer a lux­ God your wholo tp t i t end soul and Fourth of July celebration. for funds to keep the national de- tive'levies in any form, according • lir a it» |40eta"MST body b? p -e rre d blar-.eleas unto Selection of sub-committees lo ! to Dr, E, B. MeDaniel, president of ury or even semi-luxury item (hut the com inj of out Lord Janis would justify excise levies. He pro­ am aM M M M sm handle the various phases of the | the Oregon State Motor association. C hrist’’ <1 Thesi. 5 23». duced figures that showed that 6-1 affair are being completed this The position of the American per cent of all registered motor ve­ "long the c ltr .» wht’h octn- prC.-d th - L ’l ” ?” - ■ ::ro n T/|g the Automobile association was summed hicles are used by wage earners go­ week, according to John P. Duugli- erly who has been named general up by its president, Thomas Heiiry, followlnc f ern th • 3 b’e: “ The Lord ing to and from work. Figures pre­ chairman. Emphasis will be placed Is ihe portion of mine Inheritance I When the latter appeared recently sented ulso showed that 65 per cent snd of my cup: t!:cu malnt.'.inest ■ before the Ways and Means cdm- of the total mileage driven by all on a morning parade, a two per­ YOUR tny lot. i have set tha Lcrd always ‘ mittee of the House of Bepresenta- ears is either for business use or formance rodeo and horse show, before me; be.- i o he is at my swimming and bathing contests, a GRANTS PASS, OREGON 1 fives. ’ ' 411 right hand. I rhall not b- moved for going to und from work. He also dance and other events, Lithia park i “Wc are still strongly of the pointed out that more than half of Therefore my heart h glad, and my is to he thrown open to old fash­ will be compounded with Ike Now Showing — «lory rejolcoth: my fl ,»h also shall I opinion that the field of motor ve­ the nation's automobile owners ioned picnic lunches; a bund con­ highest quality drugs obtain­ Cary Grant and Irene Dunne rest In hope" tPs. I6:5.8jt». hicle taxation should be reserved earn less than 930.00 a week. cert is being arranged for those able ami as exactly as your The Lesson-Seram al o Included exclusively to state governments. President Henry urged the com- 1 “Penny Serenade” Doctor orders at the depend« the follow.ng cor. dative p.u.>ages We are still thoroughly committed ! mittee not to adopt tuxes that would who stay in the park during the j day. able— from the Carla.I n Scl.-nc? text­ to the position we have always tak­ prohibit the use of automobiles lo book. “ Science and H caltli w.th Key This year’s rodeo and horse Preview Saturday 11 P.M. en. namely that federal taxes on the extent that they would he un-1 to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker show is being staged by the Ash­ OWI. DRUG STORE highway transportation are dis- 1 available for the average person land Trail Riders, on an amateur “THE PENALTY” Eddy: " I t Is object d to Christ an criminatory, inequitable and consti­ ind thus cripple defense and irulus- GRANTS I*ABB. ORE. bclc.nce that i t claims God os the With Edward Arnold basis. All riders und performers tute an unjustifiable en.-roachment rial progress. The ratio of taxation only absolute J.lfe ar.d Soul, end will he non-professionals; homes into a field of taxation which is al­ fo valuation is now more than 25 me i to be Hie Idea.— th a t is. His used, will he wild range horses lma:,e. I t should be adu:d that Sun, Mon, Tues; June 1, 2, 3 ready over-exploited. We feel that >er cent. In other words, the aver- . from southern Oregon and north­ this is claimed to repres-nt the 'The Devil and Miss Jones’ federal automotive excise taxes have ige car pays an annual tax of more ' ern California. normal, healthful, and sinlcst con­ no place whatever in normal peace­ than 25 per cent of its value. With Jean Arthur A delegation of Trail Riders re­ dition oi naan in divine Science, ana time tax structure. This is the posi­ cently completed a trip to northern that this claim is made because tion we have taken, it is the P<«i- Cattlemen Urged California and returned with a i the Scriptures say th a t Cod has Coming Soon— ISTAlMMDFl e and pursue- as s - . r- * . created m n In His ov.n Image and number of un-ridden und un brok­ soon as the country- y has returned to A « a ,n 8 t Expansion alter His likeness" ip344). PROCESS “SIS HOPKINS” en horses to be used during the normal times. show. W ar profits are misleading and "We recognize, however, that we New corrals, to be known us the false and for that reason livestock H H H B- ■ men should he very careful about "Diamond Circle Corrals" have All woolen garments cloacul been constructed on Willow street expansion now. That was tin bur­ You can know your EYES by us uie moth proofed at uo den Oi several of the many fi ic ad- in the northeastern section of the Lenses only when required extra cost. city by Frank Reck, und have been ’resses presented at the 28th annual convention of the Oregon Cuttle and leased to the Trail Riders for a 3 FRENCH LAUNDRY AND Dr. Herbert W Hermann Hprse Raisers’ association at On­ year period. DRY CLEANERS OPTOMETRIST tario recently. Pick up und deliver twice i Grants Pass For instance. Dr. Orlo Maughun FAWNS SHOULD NOT BE GRANTS PASS, ORBGON week. •10 H. St. Phone 26SJ Spokane economist, said that the HANDLED SAY OFFICIALS AND peak of the price of cattle, on basis of purchasing power, was reached Saturday and Sunday At this time of Ihe year, when January 1, this year, or will be does are dropping their fawns, the I reached January 1, 1942. Studies -State Game Commission officials “ROADSHOW” i have shown price peaks about ev­ and state police are flooded with Is now located at Adolphe Menjou and Charles OVERSTOCKED IT K m ery 15 years. A four-point program inquiries concerning deserted Butterworfh MUST V J O IL U suggested to keep livestock produc- fawns. 510 H. STREET | ers on an even keel: 1. Do (not ex­ UNLOAD If you’re trumping through (leer Grants Pass pand; 2. Get out of debt; 3. Use country and run into a fuwn, seem Also Charles Starrett in No reasonable offer refused credit only for production purpos­ ingly deserted, don’t molest it, be­ Across from Montgomery ‘Beyond the Sacramento” es; 4. Put part of the surplus into cause in all probability its mother Ward government bonds. is out foraging for food and will We still have a number of George Aiken, Ontario, member of be back in due time to give matern­ N. B artlett Medford Phone J7-|7 electrical appliances at special the state game commission, discuss­ al attention to the young one. Every Thursday and Friday are prices, including Norge ranges ed game problems of importance to The best rule, game officials say, Pal nites at the Rivoli Theatre a n d refrigerators, Washers, stockmen, and named as the three is to just keep hands off the fawns Electric irons, radios and sew­ major problems the increasing herds Admission, Adults 20c or two for i and let the mother handle the sit­ ing machines. of elk and antelope and also beaver. uation. 35c Kiddies are always 10c Other outstanding speakers were F. E. Mollin, Denver, who spoke on national legislative affecting cuttle- men; Mac Hoke, Pendleton, on taxa- MEDFORD, RELIABLE tion and ranch financing; J. I). GOLD HILL LOD g Î T n o . 1M O regon » easonablf Mickle, director of agriculture. -by M t! Meets Every Taestdae Night s amaa aw; 'vj.-itis.vrta YOU ARE WELCOME FOR AMERICA, I WILL! Frank Carter, Noble Grand H. D. Force, Vice Grand This is my Country 1 Paul Thompson, Secretary Here I have received tny educa­ Act Gorham — Treasurer, Th* Wqr'd's News Seen Throo^h tion and training. Here 1 have built my home. AMETHYST REBEKAH LODGE 97 he hristian cience onitor Here I have reared my family. Meets the first and third Wednes­ A » In ttrn u lm n iil D a ily N iW i/y jiH -' Here I have earned my liveli­ days of each month at the I O. O. F to T ru th fu l— Constructive— U n biaM d — Free from Sen,.nonet hood. Hail, Gold Hill, Oregon tom — E d ito rial, Ar» Tim ely and Inttriirriv» and I t , Daily Paalut«,. Together with the Weekly M a Ra inr Section, Make Here I have invested my money. Helen Dorman, Noble Grand the M onitor an Ideal Newspaper for thr Home. Here I have made my friends. Jewel Routb, Vice Grand Here I — and those I love _ Belie Smith — Bee. Sec’y. The ChrtKipn Science Puhli,hinp ’’ncieiy One. Norw ay Street Bo,ton. M a „ a rh u M tt, will live and work and play and Hazel Holderncss — Fin. Sec’y. die. Price I I I 00 Yearly oi I I 00 . Month. Delia Keil — Treasurer Saturday luu e, including Magazine Section, f l 60 a Year. Because this is my country, 1 Introductory O ffe r 6 lu u e , 21 Cent», GOLD HILL GRANGE NO. 3S4 mean to stand by it. I mean to sup­ Meets first and third Thursdays port it in thought, in word, and in A d d re u ___ ___________________ _______ deed. I mean to give it the best that at 8 p. m., at their ball next lo tele­ is in me. Its strength is my phone office. H. E. club meets sec­ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST strength; its prosperity is my pros­ ond and fourth Tuesdays at 1:30 p. perity; its future is my future. My Country and I are one. Our interests are inseparable. We rise and fall together. Therefore, this is Southern Oregon*« Finest Entertainment! Your Medford Theatre«! my pledge: I Will be loyal (o America and to American institutions. I will uphold its Constitution and its Government. I will be proud of its traditions Ends Saturday Nite I Ends Saturday Nite! Ends Saturday Nite I and its ideals. James Stewart, Judy Garland, Bichard Arlen in Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur in I will defend its flag — wherever Hedy Lamarr in it may fly. “Power Dive” Mr. Deeds Goes to Town “Ziegfeld Girl” I will conduct my business hon­ Plus Gene Autry in Prevue Saturday Nite I estly and fairly. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday I will respect the rights of other “Singing Hills” Rosalind Russell and men. Melvyn Douglas in Sunday, Monday, Tuesday I will be patriotic, courageous, Errol Flynn, Brenda Marshall Sunday, Monday ‘This Thing Called Love’ optimistic. (single billed) Frank Morgan, Ann Ruther­ “Footsteps in the Dark” For America, I Willi ford in —Author Unknown Wednesday, Thursday “Keeping Company” Starts Wednesday - 4 day« Cary Grant, Martha Scott in ALIEN GUN LICENSES Alice Faye, Jack Qakie, John MUST BE RENEWED “Howards of Virginia” Payne and Ink Spots in Tue., Wed., Thun». Plus “The Great American All alien gun licenses issued prior James Cagney, Pat O’Brien in “Case of the Black to December 31, 1946, must be re- Broadcast” “Devil Dogs of the Air” Parrot” newed, according to an announce- nient made by Frank B. Wire, state The Gold Hill News PRESCRIPTIONS W a lt ’s E lec tric Radio Shop CARA' BARGAINS SHULTS BROTHERS Conger Funeral Parlors OUR DEMOCRACY T C ra te ria n C R ia lto S M Roxy