Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, May 29, 1941, Image 1

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The Gold Hill
The M o s t T h o ro u g h ly R e a d W e e k ly in S outhern O rego n. Published in the Bigyeat Little Town m the State
14 Graduates
Given Diplomas
The fourteen senior* graduating
from Gold Hill high school receiv­
ed their dipt) loss nt impressive
tiriniujtioii exercises held Wednes­
day evening. May 28 in tlu- school
uuditorium. The students und the
large crowd which hud usscmhled
to honor tnem, beard Hr. J. It.
Jewell of the t'niversity of Oregon
give u very interesting address. The
theme of his talk was built on the
subject tliel each senior should 1*0
his own individual thinking.
As sulututoriun of the class Val­
entine Cook welcomed the guest*
und Winona Dungey, valedictorian,
hid them farewell for the class
I). II. McGuire presented the
uwarils us follows: outstanding
senior hoy in scholarship, Helmur
Chapman; outstanding senior girl
in scholarship. Winona Dungey:
outs.uuding hoy in activities, Hill
Force; outstanding girl in activi­
ties, Edith llowes; senior outstand­
ing in athletics, Kelly ('lenient;
outstanding freshman student, l.e-
ona Holderness und the outstanding
class during the past year in scho­
larship, attendance und activities,
the senior class. In winning the
scholarship Miss Hungry has made
struight I's during her four years
of high school work.
Wm. Autenrieth. chairman ol the
hoard of directors presented the
seniors their diplomas.
The auditorium had been attrac­
tively decorated with greenery and
spring flowers by the members of
the junior class.
The members of the Past Noble
Grands club enjoyed their regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. It. I).
Force, Thursday, May 22. Mrs. Wal-
trr McLean hud charge of the en­
tertainment and delicious refresh­
ments were served by the hostess.
Those attending the meeting
were Deliu Kell, Ruth Lewis, Madge
Dorman, Mabel Hittle. Etta Carter,
Elinor Force, Viola Moore, Alta
Clement Willie McLean and Vir­
ginia Kellogg.
The nex. meeting will be June 12
ut the home of Mrs. Art Gorham
with Mrs. Frank Carter and Mrs.
Charles Kell in churge of the en­
Federation of Garden °
Clubs Has Session
Eighth Graders Receive
Diplomas Thursday
Twelve eighth grade graduates
their diploma for graduat­
(Hy Fannie Kies, Delegate)
Fuir premium hooks for the
ing from Hie Gold Hill grade school
The Federation of Garden clubs
Northwest Jackson County
at Ashland this Thursday morning.
of Oregon met in Grunts Puss Muy
fuir Io he held in Gobi Hill
The 'lipiomts were presente 1 in a
14 and 15 witli Grants Puss as hos­
August 23 have been complet­
combined exercise for nN of the
tess und ussisiunt hostess clubs ot
ed und are now being distrib­
eighth grade students in the county,
Medford, Jacksonville,
uted. The hooks ure given out
starting at ten o’clock Dean Jewell
(■old Hill, Redwood, Illinois Val­
free und anyone can get their
gave the address and music was
ley uud Klumulh Fulls.
copy by culling at the News
furnished by Edward Hoot.
After registration in the cily 11-
The Gold Hill students spent the
The hooks will also be dis­
nrury, Hie business meeting sturte*'
dajf in Ashland with a picnic in the
tributed from the grocery
promptly ut nine o’clock witli sing­
par) and lunch at noon following
stores in Gold Hill.
ing "America'', Hie old inspiring
the exercises. They were accom­
>ong. Invocation wus by Rev. H. N
There ure a great many
panied by their teacher Ralph
Heicbard. Addresses followed by
changes in the books this year
Train and several parents.
and exhibitors ure asked to
Ally. W. T. Miller, representing the
Those graduating from the eighth
read them carefully.
mayor, Mrs. (). J Millard, vice pres­
were Albert Pontz, Yvonne
ident of the Oregon Federation ol
-id Moore, Roh Burton, Wallace Davla,
Garden Clubs, und president of tin .
Smith, Donald Edder.
Grants Puss club. Response by Mrs ' Rowland Miller and Jean
Katherine Hayes, Elizabeth Anurus,
Her, Baylor.
W all Married Sunday
Harry Smith, Raymond Kile, Ered
I,eport of the Constitution ano
Hancock and Eileen Frost.
Howland L. Miller, son of Mr,
ny-luws wus presented by Mrs. E.
G. Dulion, Several changes were anil Mrs. Lloyd Miller of Foots
made in Hie Constitution because Creek and Miss Jean Wall of Jer­ STUDENTS PATRIOTIC IN
i, Hie growth und expansion of the ome, Idaho were married at the PRESENTING THEIR ANNUAL
.-'eileruiion. The annual dues of the home of Rev. Joseph Knotts in
Students of the Gold Hill high
iffiiiate clubs were raised from I5r Medford Sunday evening, May
per capita Io 25c, determined upon 25. Tlic young couple was attended school have completed work on
In- membership ns of July 1 of each hy Raymond Blair. Miss Wall has their annual for the year 1940-41
been visiting here for some time at and the books were distributed this
owing to Hie cooler weather Hit the home of her sister, Mrs. R. W. week. The books have received
many favorable comments. They
.dunned picnic in the purk wus not Hagen at the Riviera Store.
The young couple left Sunday on are attractively bound with the
ild but all adjoined to the Eater-
ul Hull and Hie tables were filled a trip to Idaho and on their return colors of red, white and blue being
.. ilh “eats’* furnished by pot luck will live at the Renton mine near carried out throughout the book.
Glendale where Mr. Miller is em­ An addition this year are very in­
if all hostess clubs.
teresting introductory pages for
Hack to the library ut 1:3t) ployed.
each section.
i dock promptly. Business meeting
All of the work on the books
darted with secretary’s report of Gold Hid having attended and
done by students of the high
lie meeting ut Junction City. It
>vus stated there ure 106 clubs to ilso attended southern Oregon col­ school under the direction of Miss
Beth Paulsen. Bill Force was editor
Jute with 3049 members. In the re­ lege of education at Ashland.
of the annual this year.
port of the officers many interest­
ing facts of the various clubs were “Happy Is The Bride
W.R.C. Enjoys Visit From
jrought out.
The Sun Shines On”—
A, three o’clock those attending
Grants Pass Members
idjoincil to visit the gardens of
And Hie sun surely shone Satur­
Mancouski on the banks of the day, May 24, when Miss Alyce Me
At their regular meeting May 21,
Hogue river, Mrs. Amos Smith. Kurtliy Lyman of Sams Valley and the Gold Hill Women’s Belief corps
Marvin Clarke and then to the .ceil J. Re'll, formerly of Lumber, enjoyed a visit from eleven mem­
home of Hr. and Mrs. D. J. Gilliland Mississippi were married in Med­ bers of the Grants Pass corps.
whose hospitality was warm uud ford. The ceremony was performed Those visiting here were Mesdames
'homey”. Their home is ulso on ■ I R':30 in the morning by Judge Fern, Harmon, Spaulding, Wilkins,
'.he hanks of Hogue river und they Coleman, an old friend of the Ly­ Moore, ltuth, Stinebaugh, Hunt,
.erved punch and cookies.
man family. The bride is the daugh- Tetherrow, Fox and Wickman. The
Dinner in the evening ut the Red- ,er of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyuian. ladies came to return the traveling
unds Hotel, with harp music and
The ring ceremony was used. The flag and make a report on the state
the invasion of the Orgeon cave­ bride wus becomingly gowned in convention.
men, trying to scare the president. pale yellow sharkskin, bridesmaid
The state convention at Portland
Favors were given to those attend­ was Miss Marian Logan.
was attended by the national presi­
ing, Gold Hill, baskets of mints;
Those attending the wedding dent. She stated that there are now
tshlund, potted pentstemon; Med­ were Mr. and Mrs. Ernes, Lyman ,860 living civil war veterans. Al­
ford, pears.
and Polly and the two grandmoth­ so that the corps in the United
Back to the library at eight where ers, Mrs. Kate Lyman and Mrs. States has collected $11,000 to build
entertainment was by the Cappelln Alice Brown.
a perpetual memorial in honor of
choir directed by J. Clyde Riffle,
Mr. Bell is now employed in Med­ Abraham Lincoln.
also a trio of three boys which was ford and the young couple will be
Mrs. W. W. Wisser who has been
it home to their friends at 310
Mrs. Charles McCullough of Al­ Maple street in Medford,
with Mrs. Glen Spurlin for the pas,
tadena, California gave a very in-
three months is now being ca r d
teresling and instructive lecture on
Ellsworth Greer and Buster Mul­ for by Miss Florence Trueax of
flower arrangements.
lin spent the week end in Portland Jacksonville. Her friends are verv
It was eleven o’clock when the where they visited relatives and happy in the wonderful recovery
Gold Hill members arrived home. friends.
she has made.
(Continued next week)
Delmar Chapman, a member of
the graduating class here this year
has received a scholarship to Ore­
gon Slate College. The state schol­
arship is equivalent to $66.00 in
All girls who wish to go to Day
tuition. Chapman plans to inter
Camp in Medford nex, Thursday,
Oregon State this full.
please see Mrs. P. E. Holderness be­
fore then. The cost will he 5c per ,
day at camp and 10c for transpor­
tation. Each girl provides her own
An unusuul incident happened lunch. A regular camp blank
during the past week nt the Wil
houhl be filled out and signed by
liam Autenreith home.
tic girls parents. The camp days
It seems (but Hill has an old fam a ill be each Thursday anil Friday
ily clock that has been handed luring all the month of June. Much
down for years. Recently the clock fun, craft work, singing, dramatics,
has been bothering some and BIT badge work nnd other enjoyable
has had to work on it to keep it events nre enjoyed each day under
running. He fixed it about tw< efficient supervision. Any girl be­
weeks ago am) it had not stoppei tween Hie ages of R! and 18 is elig­
during that time. One day las, week ible Io go, whether a Seoul or not.
the family was eating dinner an«'
The second graders held their
Hill looked up a, the dock and •ltenic Tuesday noon on the» lawn
said "You know the old clock i* •it the home of Mrs. Leon Wise with
ticking it off pretty regular”. Tin heir teacher Miss Madge Mitchell.
clock stopped just that instant,
77ie S py-G lass
Fair Premium Books
Are Published
Thursday, May 29, 1941
Alvis Winn by obtaining 26 new
uhscrihers for the Oregonian has
won an Educational Excursion with
A. A. WALKER setting n mouse from 400 to 500 other boys in Can­
trap and catching JoAnn McGuire. ada. He will leave here June 23
and will be gone ubout ten days.
ELINOR FORCE eating so much
Mrs. P. E. Holderness went to
at the picnic that her car had to be
Bybee bridge last Thursday where
pushed to get it started.
she attended a picnic of Girl Scout
VALENTINE COOK borrowing leaders. The lunch was given hy
KELLY CLEMENT’S large hand­ the council members as a treat ,o
kerchief during the Baccalaureate the leaders. After lunch some of the
leaders went Swimming in the riv­
er and were also guests of Mrs.
CARL ROUTH driving home in a Edith Braley to swim in her tank
new enr and Ihen walking to work nt her home. This meeting is the
when his wife wanted to borrow Inst of lenders meetings until Sep­
the car.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1941; 8 p. m.
The Graduate .................... School Orchestra
Invocation ...................................................... Rev. D. E. Millard
When Children Pray .............................. Girls’ Odette
Salutatory .......................................................... Valentine Cook
Orchestra Selection,
Gems from the Operas,
Presentation of Awards .............................. Mr. I). H. McGuire
Orchestra Selection,
By The Fireside ................ Orchestra
Valedictory ........................................................ Winona Dungey
Vocol Solo ............................................. .*....... Mrs. Norman Gail
Address ................................................................ Dr. J. R. Jewell
Presentation of Diplomas ................ Mr. William Autenrieth
Chairman of Board of Directors
Song, Dear Land of Home .......................... Girls Glee Club
Benediction ................................................... Rev. D. E. Millard
The Prcm ......................................... Orchestra
Delmar Chapman, Kelly Clement, Valentine Cook, Winona
Dungey, Donald Ferguson, Bill Force, Tom Henderson,
Edith Howes, Vera Jones, June Robbins, Betty
Shoemaker, Creighton Thompson, Shannon
Thornton and Helen Wilson
Class Motto: “As We Rise, The Horizon Riaea”
Class Color»: Pink and White
Class Flower: Atalea
Beavers Defeat Rogue
River in Final Game
In their final game of the base­
ball season, und for four of the
boys their final high school con­
test, the Gold Hifl baseball team
defeated Hogue River by a decisive
score of 6 to 0 on the Rogues dia­
mond Friday afternoon. Scoop
Essman’s nine showed very good
form while holding their ancient
rivals scoreless.
The Beaver* were really slugging
that day. Kelly Clement got four
hits in that many trips to the plat­
ter and brought home three of them
to score. Jim Martin also got 4 for 4
and came in with one run. The
Hogues got only two hits from Hen­
derson in five innings of the game
and no hits from Clement in the fi­
nal two innings.
In the league standing this year
Gold HilJ won three games anu los*
two giving them a percentage of
600. The score of afl games played
was as follows:
Grants Pass. 5; Gold Hill, 2.
Rogue River, 8; Gold Hill, 4
Central Point, 6; Gold Hill, 7
Rogue River, 6; Gold Hill, 9
Grants Pass, 15; Gold Hill, 2
Central Point, 8; Gold Hill, 5
Rogue River, 0; Gold Hill, 6
17 •
23 10
21 6
D. Rosecrans
14 S
20 4
Martin i
22 8
18 7
15 3
C. Rosecrans
11 2
16 2
Total <
188 56
SCOUTS and cubs to
On June 7 the Gold Hill Boy ano
Cub Scout members will enjoy a
joint outing when a baked bean
dinner will be served.
This Friday, Memorial Day, sev­
eral boy Scouts from Gold Hill will
be color bearers and march in the
parade in Medford. The national
and troop colors will be presented
at this time.
Gold H ill Boy* Attend
bcout Camporee
(Earl Bennett, Scribe)
Members of the Gold Hill Boy
Scout troop attended the Scout
camporee held at the Elks* picnic
grounds Saturday and Sunday when
145 scouts and their leaders from
this county gathered (or the outing.
Those making the trip from here
were Buddy Blair, Vaughn Whit­
more, Earl Bennett,, Nophie Mars­
den, Bruce Bennett, Roland Eskew,
Duane Eskew, Victor Frost, Harold
Colvin and Virgil Baldwin. The
boys were accompanied by Scout­
master Clarence Thompson.
The Gold Hill boys picked a spot
with some trees and level ground
near the river and pitched their
four tents in a straight row. In
front they had a campfire, a fire
for dish washing and a fire to set
the skillet on. A table was made out
of little logs and the food was hung
in a kree.
The local troop was inspected
when they entered camp, again at
two o’clock, in the evening at sup­
per time, in the morning ut seven
o’clock and again on breaking
When the boys arrived they had
hamburgers and kool aid, for sup­
per they had hunters’ stew, kool
aid, bread and butter and for break­
fast pancakes, bacon and eggs.
Troop 17 entered many of the
events during the camporee. Satur­
day night a court of honor was
held with many of the boys win­
ning their awards. Following this
the Scouts sang songs and Mr.
Wells talked, followed by a quii
When ¡he Gold Hill boys were
ready to go home they were given
an award for having a standard
nass in general in camping. This is
the same ns second place. The boys
got 100 per cent in cooking a id
First Aid Class
Starts Thursday
Starting this Thursday evening.
May 29, a 3O-hour fits! aid course
for both women and men is to be
given in Gold Hill under tbe d 'l'c-
Don of the American Red Cross,
and sponsored by the local union at
the cement plant. J. H. Meehan is
doss instructor.
A great ileal of interest is using
si own in the course with many al­
ready signing up for the instruc­
tion. It is pointed out that anyone
in Gold Hill, whether a member of
the union or not, is eligible to take
this course. The only charge is that
each member of the class is asked
to buy a 60c text book, which in it­
self is very instructive.
Meetings will be held every Mon-
day and Thursday evening from 8
until 10. Anyone desiring to take
the course is asked to be at the city
hall on the first evening.
Those signing up Monday were
Abe Becker, Esther Gilchrist, Cleo
Gilchrist, Lins Dorman, Lucille
Dorman, Lawrence Smith, Wallace
Iverson, Don Steinmetz, Wilmer
Bailey, Earl Cook, Joe Pankey, J.
E. Chism, Vaughn Whitmore, Frank
N. Tygaft and Mr. and Mrs. Ray­
mond Ritter.
School Board Here Ha*
Made Good Record
At this time of the year when in­
terest is centered in school activi­
ties it is well to pause and think of
the guiding force behind the stu­
dents and faculty that helps keep
the school up to its standard. This
is the board of directors which is
composed this year of William Aut­
enreith, chairman, Mrs.
Throne, W.
Ross and clerk Letsy
The board has seen to it that
Gold Hill has an excellent staff of
teachers and has made various im­
provements in the school system
without raising the tax levy one
cent. All members of the board
seem to be continually on the alert
to make improvements for the
school that are possible.
In recent years the new tennis
court was completed, the gymnas­
ium has been improved a great deal
new rooms have been completed to
take care of the over-crowded con­
dition and many improvements
have been made in school equip­
Sometime when you don’t exactly
agree with a decision of the direct­
ors just pause and think how you
would like to be in their place.
Donating many hours to the school
and trying to please the many tax
payers and non-taxpayers in the
district. Also stop and think if you
were among the thirty that showed
up to vote at the last school elec­
Family Reunion Enjoyed
Sunday at Ricter Home
A most pleasant day was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Ricter Sunday when they entertain­
ed at a one o’clock dinner honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ricter of Casper,
Wyoming, Mr. and Mrk. E. R.
Hawks of Craig, Colorado, Mr and
Mrs. J. R. Hawks of Casper, Wyo­
ming, who have been guests tbe
past week of the Ricters und Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Osborne of Rogue
Kiver, Oregon. Other guests were
Mrs. Anna Anderson of Eugene,
Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Moore, Mr and
Mrs. William White of Evans Val­
ley, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Osborne and
daughter Avis, Mr. and Mrs. D E
Ge'lvin and daughters Shirley and
Carolyn and Billy Moore of Rogue
River, Mr and Mrs. James Stewart
of Medford. Mr. Ricter returned to
San Francisco Sunday evening after
spending the week end at his home
here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ricter and
Mr. and Mrs. E. R Hawks left Mon­
day for Casper, Wyoming. Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Hawks will spend two
weeks in Oregon before returning
to Casper.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Moore
and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moore were
Thursday evening dinner guests of
Miss Marguarita Moore of Evans