C L A SS IF IE D DEPARTMENT RABBITS A N D SKINS murely close to the throat, ahe’a dressed for runabout. And of course she can wear the jumper alone, as a sun-frock, when sum­ mertime comes. Both halves of this very gener­ ous pattern are easy for the in­ experienced mothers to make, and by repeating It in different materi­ als you can equip your sports- loving daughter with a whole sea­ son of fun clothes. Choose sturdy, sunfast cottons like seersucker, gingham, gabardine or denim. Pattern No. 1351-B Is designed for states ( , 10. 12, 1«. and 16 years. Size 10 re­ quires. (or play suit. 2Vj yards of 35-lnch m aterial without nap: tor lum per, 21» yards. Send order to: “ 'T'JIK world will little note, nor * long remember whet we euy here , , Those were modest words Lin­ coln spoke at Gettysburg—and they proved wrong. For Ameri­ cans do remember, still live for the ideal he expressed that day: "That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." • • • The Gettysburg addrees, In Lincoln's handwriting. Is one ot our new sat, "Three G reat AmeriMn Documents," others are the lu ll of Bights and tha original Star gnaagled l l i i n n r r . In Francis Scott Key's handwriting. All are handsomely printed, full size. In sepia on cream an­ tique paper. Includes a Spage leaflet giv­ ing the historian of the documents. Fer the set. send your order to: COMMENCEMENT TIME FEEN-A-MINT T o « ' female ' COMPLAINTS LYNN SAYS: BEACONS o f — SAFETY— • Like a beacon light on the height— the advertise­ ments in newspapers direct you to newer, better and easier ways of providing the th in g s n e e d e d or desired. It sh in es, this b ea co n o f n e w sp a p e r advertising—and it will be to your advantage to fol­ low it w h e n e v e r you make a purchase. 149 New Montgomery Ave. San Francisco Calif. Enclose 19 cents In coins for Pattern N o . . . . ................. Size.............. Nam e ............. .......................................... Address .................................................... TO THE CLASS OF '41 ! (See Recipes Below) DON’T BE BOSSED soo OPPORTUNITY W A SBI3V O TO N B I A U T Y C O L I S M Katabltahed 1918 — M A ln 302». Free tools and un ifo rm s Included la our new special low rates on tu itio n . W h y not have n life tim e profe»slon? 19ae s e c o n d A v e. B e a ttie , W a sh . ALW AYS Games may or may not be the type of entertainment your crowd will enjoy. Just in case—here are a few suggestions: As soon as guests arrive, they receive a card with the name of a food printed on it. Each player must then find someone with the card with the name that combines with the name on his own card. Suggested names are liver and bacon; apple pie and cheese; sauerkraut and wieners; brown bread and baked beans; ham and eggs; bread and but­ ter; doughnuts and coffee; steak and onions; hot dogs and mus­ tard. This game may be used in choosing supper partners. e s * Sardine—Some guest is chosen to be "It,” and Is given five min­ utes to hide in a spot large enough to hold several people. At the end of five minutes everyone else goes in search of "It." When one guest finds “ It” he hides in the same spot and before long the hiding place is packed. The first person unable to squeeze in is “It.” Graduation Party All-American Appetizers •Americana Salad Clover Leaf Rolls •Veal on Skewers •Good Fortune Cake Ice Cream •Spiced Coffee •Recipes given. » s » Now that I've made suggestions for dessert. I’ll go back to the real beginning of your party. While placing the supper foods on the table, Susie can pass a tray of appetizers, which are, after all, just a reminder of the good things yet to come. A tiny American flag placed in the center of the tray will add to the party theme. Potato Chips au Gratin. Spread crisp potato chips with pimiento cheese. Serve plain or with a thick slice of pickle in the center of each. Chips may also be sprinkled with grated American or Parmesan cheese. Before serving, ■ put under broiler to melt cheese and | heat chips. Stuffed Celery. Scrape deep stalks of celery. Cut into 3-inch lengths. Place in ice wa- I ter to which lemon juice has been added. The celery may be placed in a covered jar in a refrigerator until crisp. Several types of filling | may be used to add variety. Bacon Snacks. Wrap W slice bacon around a sweet pickle or stuffed olive and ; fasten with a toothpick. Broil un- 1 til bacon is crisp and serve immedi­ ately. One first glance at the salad will : bring an enthusiastic response from the crowd. Illustrated in the picture at the top of the column, it is called •Americana Salad. 1 envelope unflavored gelatin % cup cold water 2 cups tomatoes 3 whole cloves 1 small bay leaf 1 small onion, chopped % teaspoon thyme 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar Ve teaspoon pepper or paprika 3 tablespoons vinegar Stir gelatin and cold water togeth­ er. Let stand at least 3 to 5 ~ utes. Meanwhile simmer tomatoes with seasonings in a covered con­ tainer for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and add vinegar. Dissolve the soft­ ened gelatin in this mixture, and pour into one large mold, and chill until firm, ready When it has set and ___ _ is _.. _ to serve, it is divided into two squares with layers which are joined togeth­ er with a filling of cream cheese. A cream cheese star decorates the top. This recipe makes 6 portions. Now for something truly different in the way of a hot dish— ♦Veal on Skewers. Cut boneless veal in pieces Vk inches square by about % inch thick. Stick on 8-inch metal skew­ ers, alternating meat with slightly smaller peeled potato halves or cubes, chunks of carrot, and whole small white onions. Lay skewers in roasting pan, add 1 cup hot water, and salt. Cover and bake in hot oven (450 degrees F.) for 1 hour, reduce heat to 350 degrees F., add more water if needed. Bake about 30 minutes longer, or until tender. Garnish with broiled bacon. (R eleased bv W estern N ewauauer t'sfaa.) FO R M O L E S BARBER CO LLEG E 127 S. W . T h ird A ys. P o rtlan d , Ora. N E E D E X T R A CA SH ? G row m ush­ rooms In ce llar ahed: m a il to ua: w kly. pay. W rite W n t a r a Mnahroona Co., P o rtla n d , Ore. _____ TRUCK PARTS H e a v y -d u ty Motors, axels p a rts , hodlea. tires, hoists and used trucks, T R U C K W R E C K IN G C O M P A N Y 10th 4 8. E H aw thorne. P ortlan d. Ore. FILMS e P R IN T S A N D T W O E N L A R G E ­ M E N T S 15o— Made by P o rtlan d '» la r g ­ est r e ta il kodak fin is h e r S atis fac­ tion guaranteed. Q u a lity P ic tu re Co. Box W 3673, P o rtlan d , Oregon. FO R SALE 40 A C R E S R IV E R B O T T O M , I M ­ P R O V E D L A N D . E x c e lle n t fo r d a iry , tru c k garden. 4 m tle to highw ay. (8000, term ». J. F. V o ka l, B I . B ed­ ______ ding, C a lifo rn ia . THIS WEEK’S MENU •Spiced Coffee. 6 cups decaffeinated coffee W cup whipping cream, whipped Vs teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon nutmeg Top each cup of coffee with a spoonful of whipped cream into which the spices have been folded. Sugar may be served with the cof­ fee, if desired. You can use your favorite method of making the cof­ fee, with regular grind for percolat­ ed or boiled coffee and drip grind for drip or glass maker. Allow a heap­ ing tablespoon for each cup. And if you “perk” it, give it a few min­ utes extra brewing to bring out its full flavor. P L E N T IF U L J V J B O I m O L L R -T R A IN K H B A R B K K 8 SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEFT. You can't believe it, can you? Susie is graduating from high school! In between putting the final stitches on her organdy dress and entertaining visiting friends and rel­ atives, are you going to try to find RKAOKK IIO M K SKKVICK time to give her a party? 4 IS Slatta Ave. New York City Please do. To her, it’s a very im­ Enclose 10 cents In coin for your portant time, and she'll undoubted­ set of T H H E E G R E A T A M E R IC A N ly remember the DOCUMENTS. gang's "last real get-together" for the rest of her A m erica’s ‘Safety B e lt’ life. Why not a buf­ fet supper? What Off New York city the Western with wars raging hemisphere "safety belt” or neu­ e ls e w h e r e , you trality zone, established at the might play up the inter-American conference in p a tr io t ic theme Panama in the fall of 1939, was in decorations, re­ set at the 60th degree of longitude, freshments and entertainment. or about 750 miles out, says Puth- Use a white tablecloth, dotted with flnder. red and blue stars, and matching In generul, however, the zone's napkins — they're inexpensive and width is irregular, varying any­ colorful. To top this off, use a trio where from several hundred of star-shaped red, white and blue miles from the mainland ut the candles for a centerpiece. California coast to about 1,200 It won't be necessary for you to miles east of Florida. do much, except, of course, prepare the food. Games and chatter will fill up the evening. But remember that you have as guests youngsters with appetites. They like second BY YOUR LA X A TIV E -R C U C V K helpings. C O N S TIP A TIO N T H IS M O D ER N W A V Serve an appetizer, one hot dish, • When you feel CMMjr, headachy, lo. W . r r o a t, P o rtla n d , Ora. When cleaning ceilings or doing any other dusty jobs, put a cello­ phane paper bag over your head. It makes a good window and saves your eyes and hair from dust and grit. e pattern, but O NE fashions—that’s two distinct what you'll receive when you send for design No. 1351-B. And what attractive new sports fashions they are, too! One is a well-tailored play suit, with becomingly flared shorts, dart-fitted, easy waistline and con­ vertible neckline finished with a notched collar, like a shirtwaist. The other is a princess pinafore with sunback and buckled shoul­ der straps. When little Miss 8-to- 16 dons the jumper over her play- suits, with the collar fastened de- e » Wash silk underwear in luke­ warm water but never in hot. Do not rub hard or twist fabric. Re­ move the water by patting the silk between towels. • • • To protect the fine edge of the blades, keep kitchen knives in a wall rack or a drawer rack. • • • To poach an egg, cover it with boiling water. Cover the pan in : which it is to be cooked and let stand for six minutes. Cooked in this way the egg may be easily digested. S E R V IC E S T A T IO N . G R O C ER Y S T O R E , camp ground w ith 8 cabin»; 25-ncrn Irrig a te d ranch; located on C olu m b ia R iv e r h ig h w a y a t Irrig o n , Ore. N o trad e-in . M m . P ra n k Laten t, Ir rig o n . Ore. __________ _ 7 2 0-A C R E W H E A T a n d S T O C K RANCH. Bobt. Bobde, M oro, Ore. BABY CHICKS H A N S O N w h ite Leghorn U . S. c e r ti­ fie d chicks, p u lle t chick», started p u l­ let». now d u rin g M a y a t the price o f o rd in a ry stock. T w in O ak F a rm , St. P anL Oregon. WAY! PRINTING THROUGH THE • • » USÍ OF HOMME Type was When painting the basement floor it is a good idea to paint the side walls six or eight inches above the floor the same color as the floor. piscove & v m JOHA/M bUTfUfO» IN I454. « The THE BETTER. WAY 10 TREAT awsnmnotf puetoiaxof PROPER’0UK’ IN THE PET B TO CORRECT THE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE WITH A PELICIOUS CEREAL, KEUOCO'S: ALL-BRAN. . . EAT / OF WATER. helps keep me feeling brisk and efficient.” True Instinct A good man, through obscurest aspirations has still ah instinct of the one true way.—Goethe. says BERNICE MERRICK, Registered Nurse B R IA K F A S T " /¿ggRcJ A big bowlful of Kellogg's Corn Flakes with some fruit and lots of milk and sugar. FOOD ENERGY! VITAMINS! MINERALS! 1 PROTEINS! jr 415° p lu s th e fa m o u s f l a v o r of Kellogg's Corn Flakes that tastes so good it sharpens your appetite, makes you wa/if to eat. Coer ?» I»,. than sensible people possess is a Loud Voices Why fools are endowed by Na­ mystery. It is a fact emphasized ture with voices so much louder throughout history.—Hertzler. Speed*1- — hVl BIG 11-OUNCE BOTTLE OF Passenger Pigeons E x tin c t Although there w ere billions of passenger pigeons in the U nited States a hundred years ago. these birds a re now extin ct. According to an a rtic le in N a tu ra l H isto ry m a g a ­ zine the last passenger pigeon died in C in cin nati zoo in 1914. Miserable with backache? H IN H E N kidneys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache, with diitiness, burning, scanty or too frequent urihation and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous, all upset. . . use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask yout neighbor! ______ W HONEY & ALMOND CREAM R e g u la r $1 s iz e lim ite d t im e o n ly — C lassified A dvertising AVE Y O U a n y th in g aro u n d th e h o u se you w ou ld lik e to trad e o r se ll ? T ry a c la ssi­ fie d a d . T h e c o st is on ly a few c e n ts a n d th ere are probably a lo t o f folk s lo o k in g for j u s t w h a t­ ever i t is y o u n o lo n ger h a v e u se for « « 41 H DOANS PILLS WNU—13 20—41 G ood M erchandise Can Be CONSISTENTLY Advertised C la s s ifie d Ads Get Results • B U Y A D V E R T IS E D C O O P S »