T he Gold Hill N ew s Th« Moet Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, PubHebed in the B ig g -t Little T«wn fa GOLD HILL, OREGON Commercial Club Formed by Business Men At un ciitliusiiistic inerting Fri­ day evening in (ha city iiull (lie business men and indie» of Gold llill formed u Commercial club to uol u» n booster orgunizution for lid» city mid surrounding terri­ tory. It was pointed oirt tliut the local club would cooperute with other organizations in Gold Hill as well ns organizations in southern Oregon in nil progressive move­ ments. A. A. Walker was elected chair­ man of the group mid John Chish­ olm secrelury. lue club will lie couiined strictly to business men and Indies ol tile Gold Hill urea, mid will meet the second .Monduy evening of eucli month. The next meeting will lie Monday, May 12, ut Hie city hall starling at eight o'clock. .Mr. Walker appointed a commit­ tee to tuke care of any matters arising between meetings. This committee is composed of Seth Coy, Wullare Iverson and Curtis Parker. An interesting discussion was held concerning the projects the group will be able to take up anil an active year is ahead of the members. Harry Newnhuni, presi­ dent of the local union, was pre­ sent and talked to the group. Those Joining the club at this time were Mrs. Lucy Snyder, Norman Gail, Jack Chism, Delos Walker, Wal­ lace Iverson, Seth Coy, Curtis Par­ ker, Hay Spencer, Alva Walker, L. Avery, John Chisholm and Abe Becker, Seniors Honored at Annual W.R.C. Dinner The fourteen member* of the ! high school graduating class were honor guests of the Women's Re­ lief eoips ut the tenth anuuul din­ ner given in the corps rooms in the eily hull Wednesday noon. The high school fuculty and faculty wives were also guests ut the din­ ner. The table was attractively dec­ orated in the class color* of pink ami white and each guest received a corsage of "pinks”. The place cards curried out the patriotic mo­ tif. Graduating seniors enjoying the dinner were Edith Howes, Vera Jones, Valentine Cook, June Rob­ bins, Hetty Shoemaker, Helen Wil­ son, Winona Dungey, Shannon Thornton, Kelly Clement, Creighton Thompson, Tom Henderson, Kill Force, Delmar Chapman and Don Ferguson. Ollier guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. John Essnian, anil the Misses Relh Paulsen. Dorothy Bur­ kett and lieu Evans. CREIGHTON THOMPSON HON- JRED ON BIRTHDAY Word from England Telia Of Ability to “Take It” Buddy liluir received u rard this week direct from u friend in Can­ terbury, Eiiglund. The text of tiie card follows: Dear Bud, I received your letter OK bul I’ve been very busy lately, so I forgot all about it. I was in Lon­ don ut tiie time but 1 kept your ad­ dress. I bud a pretty hot time up there. They get plenty of raids here (hough. 'Hie bombs seemed like an earthquake ut first, but we got used to them. A lot of the stained glass windows of the Cath­ edral have been blown out by blast and from bombs but the building is still intact, although some heavy ones landed near the Calhedrul. 1 saw some of 'he windows were broken. If it wasn’t for the bombs and planes all day long, and guns firing across from France, etc., etc., you wouldn’t think there was 1 war on. Still bombs are OK pro­ viding you don’t get in the way. I went up for the Navy last week. If I can't get in I shall go in the B.A.F. They say the navy is full up.-Jaek Creighton Thompson was pleas- . GRANGE NEWS unity surprised lust .Monday eve­ ning when iiis mother Mrs. Paul There was a good attendance ai 1 liompsou entertained ul a sur-1 Gold llill Grunge on May Day. All prise oirtliduy party at their home committee chairmen gave interest­ Here. Dinner wus served ut 6:45 ing reports. Brother Ashford was lollowing which Bud Force told obligated in the 3rd and 4th de­ i'orlune*. Other games and dancing grees. Due to Live Oak Grunge car­ were enjoyed witli music furnished rying the agate to Tulent Grange oy tiie Senior Swingslers. May 15 Gold Hill Grange meeting Guests for the evening were will start at 7:30 and be short sc June Bobbins, Edith Howes, Valen­ the members who wish to may go tine Cook, Winona Dungey, Myrtle to Talent. Three Gold Hill mem­ A inn, Virginia Centers, Bill Force, bers, Win. Howes and Mr. and Mrs I'om Henderson, Delmar Chapman, John Gray haven’t missed an agate, Kelly Clement, Siiannon Thornton, meeting so far. Grange voted to Don Ferguson, Miss Belli Paulsen, ut in a bootli at the fair. Edith Howes being the only Gold Miss Rea Evans, Miss Dorothy Bur- sett, Mr. and Mrs« John Essnian, ¡ill Grange graduate, she was es- .Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGuire, Mr. H-eiully honored with a lovely and Mrs. Bud Force, Mr. and Mrs. ¡ecoFafed cake baked by Jean ray, a large box of stationery and Thompson, hosts and the honor juesi Creighton Thompson. ard from H.E.C. and cards and Drake's Grocery Closes MHiquets from members. The Lec­ Tuesday of this Week .MISS ZELMA THOMPSON turers program consisted of games, Hints and singing. HONORED AT BRIDAL SHOWER The fourth Saturday in May, at Drake's Grocery of Gold Hill .Miss Zelmu Thompson wus hon­ 3:00 p.m. the 5th degree will be closed Tuesday of this week after Point 14 years of business here. The store ored Tuesday evening at a bridal exemplified in Central was owned and operated by Mr. and shower given by 11 group of high 1 range hall. At this time all mem- Mrs. Howard Drukc until the death I seiiooi girls ul her home. The room iers who have not taken it should of Mr. Drake, February 6, 1940, was decorated witli spring flow­ < they are paying Pomona dues. Ladies asked to bring cake. Fish, when Mrs. Drake had charge of the ers. roft, and McGuire families serv- iicfrcslinicnts of jello, punch and business. 1 at the pie social that followed Mrs. Drake has moved to Grants cookies were served to Mudge Pass where she will make her home Mitchell, Kathryn Denzer, Sarah the meeting and a nice .ittle sum with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beck at lane Thompson, Betty Shoemaker, was collected. The ladies brought ■ alentine Cook, Luurene Kell, Mary extra pies. There will be no serv­ «57 N. 6th St. Mrs. Drake would like to take lose Bailey, Bae Clement, Ruth ing next meeting, May 15. this means of thanking her many l.anee, Winona Dungey, Myrtle friends here for their patronage Winn, Mary l.ou T.vgart, Virginia DORMANS BUY BURROUGHS during the many years they were ¿enters and the honoree Zelma PLACE IN COLONY Thompson. in business in Gobi Hill. Mr. und Mrs. Lins Dorman com­ .’INKERTONS ENTERTAIN GROUP pleted a deal this week for the Health Unit Holds Last \T SUNDAY DINNER purchase of the Burroughs place Meeting of This Year 111 the Colony, about three miles Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pinkerton from Gold Hill on the highway. Members of the Gold Hill unit oi were hosts to a group of friends The property which was purchased the Jackson county health asso­ this Sunday, at their home in the from Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Varnum is ciation met ut the home of Mrs. tiverside Colony, west of Gold Hill. I across the highway from the Ev­ Lloyd Miller Tuesday afternoon The group assembled for a one ergreen Auto Court. The five room for their final meeting of the pre­ i'clork dinner in honor of Mrs. Ed house on the property was com­ sent year. The unit will meet again Fiene and Boy Cameron, who were pleted just two years ago. The deal in September. A pot luck dinner •elehrating their birthdays. Mrs. was handled through the W. F, was enjoyed at noon. During the Fiene and Mr. Cameron were pre­ .!oye Beal Estate Agency. The Dormans plan to move to afternoon the present officers of sented witli gifts at the close of din­ the unit were re-elected for the ner. Mrs. Fiene cut the birthday their new home in several weeks and Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kellogg and coming year, president, Mrs. A. cake. All of the guests joined in wishing .hinny will move into their home Meunier; sec.-treaz., Mrs Hoy Cam­ eron and seal sales chairman, Mrs them both many happy returns of which is now occupied by the the ila.v. The following guests were Dormans. Arthur Itoye. Those enjoying the meeting were present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fiene, Mr. Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. A. Meuniei and Mrs. Boy Cameron, Mr and Mrs. GOLD HILL SCHOOL GETS Mrs George Tulare, Mrs. Paul William Howes, Mr. and Mrs. John SHARE OF COUNTY FUNDS Throne, Mrs. Roy Cameron, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Mary Mattson, and Mr. The semi-annual distribution of Frank Owens, (Mrs. Ralph Lovell. Ben Perkins, all of the Colony, Mr. Mrs. Hill, Miss Helen Parish, Miss and Mrs. Harry Ellis of Beagle. Mr. the county and elementary school Thomas, Mrs. Arthur Boye, Mrs. W. and Mrs John Peffley of Sams Val- funds amounting to $104,292.04 is 'ey, Miss Elma Gardner of Palo AI- under way by the county school F. Boye and Mrs Lloyd Miller. o, California, a guest of Mrs. Matt- superintendent’s office. All the on, and the host and hostess, Mr. funds expended are raised in Jack- son county. ind Mrs. Frank Pinkerton. In the distribution the Medford ’AIR BOARD MEETING school district receives $32,710.88, THIS FRIDAY NIGHT Ashland, $13,598.56 and Gold Hill RALPH G. WIGLE very enthus­ ranks third with $3,941.46. Central iastic over his first hnnd of 15041 The Northwest Jackson county Point is next with an allotment of trumps after playing his favorite fair board will hold an important $3,903.52, There are sixty-four card game (pinochle) for 20 years. meeting nt the city hall in Gold schools in the county sharing in Hill this Friday evening May 9. the funds. DOROTHY BURKETT worried All members of the board are urged over transportation problems. Io be present. Aftcrnon visitors at the Fiene home on Sardine Creek Monday, SETH COY receiving his ques­ Mr and Mrs. Tom Rickman and May 5 were Mrs Jean Gray and tionnaire for llnele Sam’s draft family, Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Moore Mrs. Mary Mattson of Riverside Thursday morning — hut probably and family all of Medford visited and Miss Alma Gardner of Palo not thinking it a, very good subject Mr. and Mrs. C B Moore and family Alto, California, house guest of Mrs for this colum n. Tuesday evening, Mattson, The Spy-Glass SU U T h u rsd a y , M ay 8, 1941 Bateball Team May Enter League Finals NUMBER FOOTS U<£EK ITEMS (by Mrs. Martwa iMutvai sa Cement Plant And Union Agree Marie Jones, Charlotte White, Eileen Dick und Edward Martin from thi* community uttended the 6:30 covered dish supper held Fri­ day evening in the community hall ut Bogue River when the Christian The recently organized union of Endeavor was hostess for thi: Ash­ the United cement, lime, gypsuin land, Central Point, Grants Pass and workers of the cement plant here Jerome Prairie groups for the Post and the Pacific Portland Cement Conference Bally of the Crater company last week signed an agree­ Lake Union. Report* from the state The seniors and faculty were ment which became effective May convention held the previous week honored by a banquet given by the 1. The agreement is very satisfac­ in Klamath Falls were given. There Women’s Belief Corps Wednesday tory to the members of the local was an attendance of about fifty. noon. Short talks were given by union and includes a general raise the faculty, ladies of the organiza­ James F. Fitzgibbon who passed in wages. The minimum wage at tion and the seniors. away at hi* home in Medford last the plant is 62’Ac an hour. week following a prolonged illness The company has also agreed to Tiie student body of the high lived on the left fork of Foots erect and maintain shower rooms school will go on their annual pic­ Creek several year* ago with hi* and lockers for the use of the nic ut Ashland Park this Friday. father. They were engaged in min­ workers. All workers with a year’s The morning will be spent seeing ing. Funeral service* were held service or more will also receive a the sights or playing tennis. In the Tuesday at Peris Funeral Home at week’s vacation with pay. afteroon a show or swimming will Medford, Father Black officiating. Negotiations for the agreement entertain the students. Interment was at the Jacksonville were between Mr. Colton and W. cemetery. H. Muirhead of the cement plant, Open house, held last Friday, Melvin Ferron of the international Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heinken, Mr. proved to be quite a success in headquarters and the five .ocai spite of the bad weather. A pro­ and Mrs. John Gray, Mr and Mrs. A. committeemen. There are now 112 gram was given in the gym and A. Dixon and Mrs. Mary Mattson members in the union. then tiie rooms were open for in­ were among those from here who This agreement does not affect attended the play ‘‘Goldie, Inc”, giv­ the truck drivers who are members spection. en at Gold Hill last Wednesday of t h e teamsters union. This The grade school will hold a evening to raise funds for the union was formed under the direc­ play day this Friday when the Northwest Jackson County fair. The tion of Jack Long. According to iigh seiiooi goes on its picnic. Play play will be given at the school comment by the members they hav­ lay will included entertainment gym in Rogue River, Friday night en’t fared as well as the members in the form of games, races and May 16, starting at 8 o’clock. of the other union. ither performances. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harrison who have been living at Riviera PLAY CAST AND GUESTS ENJOY A movie will be held in the Auto Park moved Monday to the DINNER - THEATRE PARTY school gym Thursday afternoon Jim Scudding place on Evans creek for all those unable to go to the to be near his work at the Murphy The members of the high school baseball game. dredge on the Williams Brothers play cast of "A Beady Made Fam­ property. Harold C. Young, dredge ily” and other guests were enter­ The high school baseball team master had his house moved during tained at an “indoor picnic” by lost a game to Grants Pass last the past week. Mary Bose Bailey at the C. R. Thursday afternon by a score of Rev. B. C. Flory and wife of the Moore borne Friday evening. Fol­ 16 to 2. This loss does no< count in lowing the 5:30 dinner the group at­ the league standings as it was only Brethern church at Grants Pass vis­ tended the show “Lady Eve.” Those ited the Fools Creek Sunday school i practice game. Sunday. He was formerly a mis­ enjoying the evening were Lucille sionary in China and gave a very Rosecrans, Edith Howes, Mary Lou SCHOOL BOARD HIRES HUS T.vgart, MaVy Lou Burton, Mary inspiring sermon. DRIVER, JANITOR, TEACHER Rose Bailey, Rae Clement, Norma Jack Fortin of the, State Forest Lee Ward, Myrtle Winn, Virginia At a special meeting of the Patrol headquarters at Medford Centers, Weegie and Winona Dun­ school board Sunday evening l i s ­ met with an accident Tuesday of gey, Dagmar Christensen, Laurene ter Thompson was hired as janitor last week while working on a for­ Kell, Miss Dorothy Burkett, Shan­ of the school for one year at a sal­ est road on the right fork of Foots non Thornton, Bill Force, Buddy ary of $90 a month. Ernest Lin- Creek. The blade crank of the ser­ Blair, David Steinmetz, Creighton gren, present janitor, had resigned vice grader struck a rock and shot Thompson and Vaughn Whitmore. at the last board meeting. around striking him on the jaw Paul Throne was selected as the causing a compound fracture. BRIDAL SHOWER HONORS new bus driver at this time to re­ MRS. KATHRYN DENZER Ted Jones from here Elizabeth place Clinton Walker. Other bus drivers for the coming year are Burdett, Bette Jean Burkhart and The Clement home was the scene Veltie Biles and «Carl Bouth. Bouth Lawrence Wills from the members of a bridal shower honoring Kath­ will also service the busses and of the senior class it Rogue River ryn Denzer Tuesday evening, Ap­ were invited to spend the week end ril 29. The room was decorated in help with the janitor work. Steve Whipple of Medford has at Willamette University at Salem. pink and white with a small bride been offered a contract to teach They were accompanied by Miss and groom standing in front of the hand music in the Gold Hill school Vivian Widmer and Miss Nell Per­ altar as a centerpiece. The evening was spent playing games and music for the coming year. He will re­ rine teachers. place D. E. Millard who did not Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Tompkins of was furished by June Robbins and apply for the position. Mr. Whipple near Medford are the parents of a Edith Howes. Mrs. Denzer received w'ill be here three half days of each four pound, four ounce daughter many lovely gifts. week. Refreshments of jello, punch and born April 27 at the Sacred Heart hospital at Medford. Thev formerly cookies were served to Madge Mitchell, Zelma Thompson, Sara “GOLDIE, INC.” TO BE lived at Riviera Plantation. Jane Thompson, Althea Betts, June PRESENTED AT ROGUE RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hutchins Robbins, Edith Howes, Myrtle The Northwest Jackson county and daughter of Cameron, Mon­ Winn, Mary Lou Tygart, Virginia fair board will present their play tana visited Thursday with his Centers, Lucille Rosecrans, Winona “Goldie, Inc.” at the Rogue River cousin George Hutchins and fam­ Dungey, Kathryn Denzer and Rae high school auditorium Friday eve­ ily while returning from a business Clement. ning, May 16. The play is being trip to Medford where he owns sponsored there by the Live Oak property. Parker Damage Suit Grange and the school is cooperat­ Mrs. Mamie Patterson returned Hearing Set for May 19 ing wjjth the publicity. All money to the home of her daughter Mrs. 1 raised will be used for the fair Tom Knox after spending the past The damage suit of Curtis Park­ 1ère this fall. two months with her son Harold er and the Associated Indemnity and family at Hornbrook, Cal­ company against the Southern Pac­ MOTHERS’ DAY SERVICES ifornia while Mrs. Patterson was ific railroad and Steve Wall and AT CHURCH SUNDAY recuperating from a major opera­ Dot Eddington, for $1150 and tion. $77.40 costs has been set in circuit Special Mothers’ Day services court for Monday, May 19. The Mr. and Mrs. Al I.unbeck of Los will be held at ¡the Methodist suit is based on a collision at the church here next Sunday. The old­ Angeles, California, arrived Tues­ depot crossing here January 12, est and youngest mothers at both day and spent part of last week al 1939, between an auto driven by church and Sunday school will be their place near Riviera Auto Park. Parker and insured by ■the Indem- presented flowers. Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen from Eureka, ity company, and a locomotive is at ten o’clock, church at 11 and California are living in the house owned by the railroad and operat­ at Picketts Auto Camp formerly ed by Wall and Eddington. the men’ forum at 12. occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack The complaint sets forth that the Garrison. R. G. WIGLE RAISES auto was worth $1150 before the RECORD LENGTH FLOWER Tom Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. crash and valueless afterwards, and John B. Short who formerly lived besides it cost $10 to haul It away. In his garden here this spring R. here, is recovering from an attact It is alleged that Engineer Wall G. Wigle has raised a narcissus of pneumonia and has been on a and Fireman Eddington carelessly which has a 27 inch stem. Earlier hospital ship in Hawaii since and recklessly backed the tender of in'the year there were several It­ March 5. He is in the navy. the engine into the Parker auto ems in other papers in the valley Blaine Biles who has lived at resulting in wrecking the car, and concerning flowers with long Hilton Hop yard west of Grants causing injuries. stems. The longest mentioned in Pass for some time is now living these articles were 23 inches and at the home of his parents Mr. and SEEK IT NOT, HERE1 » 25 1-2 inches. Mrs. Daniel Biles and began work Monday at the cement plant at (By R - . - S) George Lavelle of Phoenix, Ariz- Gold Hill. Dream ye not, to find perfection one arrived here Iasi Friday to Floyd Lance and son Bobby vis­ That, Died upon the cross! visit his sister, Mrs. A. Meunier and ited Wednesday evening at the Ere the second Resurrection, family, He U on his way to Alaska. G«or|e and Marion kaaco homes. Your tun« will be * total I om J (By Don Ferguson) The high school baseball team will travel Io Central Point Thurs­ day to play a baseball game. If Gold Hill wins this game they will enter the finals witli tiie other two division leaders. Gold Hill defeat­ ed Central Point in a previous en­ gagement 7 to 6.