, ^•ce m b sr^’ 1 141 The Gold Hill News Established 1897 PUBLISHED BY IVERSON PRINTING COMPANY W a lla c e G . I v e r s o n , E d ito r a n d O w n e r A n In d e p e n d e n t N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e d in th e I n t e r e s t s o f G old H ill, O r e g o n , a n d V ic in ity PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY E n t e r e d a t th e P o s to ff ic e a t G o ld H ill, O r e g o n , f o r t r a n s ­ m is s io n th r o u g h th e m a ils a s s e c o n d -c la s s m a t te r . that nearly encircles Camp Sitkum there is a delightful pool almost surrounded by rocky walls. The out let is a swift channel through which the salmon delight in pass­ ing. Night guard Sarge Williams, of the camp, knew of this pool and tried his luck there recently as an angler. This is his story: H r tried a couple of casts. No luck. Then a glistening monster broke the surfuce of the water in i splendid leap. No sooner had his third cast hit the water thun he felt a jerk that whipped his rod into a bow. Frantically Sarge reeled in Ihe line. He gave a tremendous '»cave on his rod. At the same In­ dent the salmon leaped into the air. It slipped from* the hook but be combined force of Sarge's heave ind the salmon’s leap sent the fish lying over the nimrod’s head. He turned just in time to see it lescribe a beautiful arc to land in he open maw of a small bear and lisnppear at one gulp. The little ellow then made a precise military :bout face and disappeared into the irush, leaving Sarge staring at the place with open mouth. And that’s Sarge's story. of health »how that In the first ten months of this year there were only 40» deuths of infants under one year of age, a rate of 34.0 per 1000 live births. The rate for Oregon In 1939 was 36.0, the fourth lowest in the coun­ try. The national infunt mortality rate for the year 1939 was 4$ per 1000 live births, in 1930 it was 51.0 and in 19,37 it was 54.4. New Mexi­ co hud the highest infant mortality o f all the stutes, reporting 109.3 for 1939, compared w ith Minnesota's rate of 35.4 for the year, Ihe lowest in the country. Oregon figures for the first ten months of this year indicate a big decline in infunt mortality. If the remaining two months of 1940 con­ tinue as favorably, Oregon will probably have the lowest Infant mortality rate in the nation for the current yeur. In October of this year there were 1305 births reported to the stute board of health, and 52 deaths of infants under one year of uge giving the state an infant mortality rate for the month of 30.1, one of the highest of the year. growing Industry, was made by Victor lluird, a resident of Oak­ land, who had u most ultruiiive display of uuniied turkey ill the windows of Ihe room occupied by Ihe dressed show. Mr. lluird started cunning turkey meal three yeur» ago in ii plant set STATB AU BOARD up at his Ixmie. The deiuund de­ veloped ruplilly und he put in a URGES CONTINUATION commercial cunning outfit und now OF GRADING MONIES is producing about 40 cases dully. During Ihe past summer, he re­ The state bourd of agriculture, ports, lie canned and sidil more meeting December 21 in Salem, than 19,000 pounds of turkey meat unanimously adopted u resolution und Ihe business Is still growing. asking for legislative appropriation for ronlinuallon of Ihe stale cream ,»»»♦» w * w w s w w w n s w w s M » » * « grading program; and also turned August W . Glutsch down a request to conduct grey­ DOCTOR OF OPTOMBTBY hound racing at the 1941 Oregon state fair. Six cessor To Dr. Jud Rickert Ed Geary, Klamath Falls, Is Specialist Io sll problems of chairman of the board, other mem- eye comfort and vision bers being George Fiillenwider, 308 Fluhrsr Bldg. - Phone 114« Carlton; Fred Cockell, Milwaukie; Medford. Oregon E. A. Rowell, Scholls; Armand W Perkins, Haines; G A Brown, Port­ ♦ % ♦ ♦ * * * ♦ * * ♦ * * * * * * ♦ * ♦ * * * * * * ♦ * * * ♦ ♦ * • land; and Rory Collins, Hood Riv­ » ♦ a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the newer developments in Bang's disease control, including calf vac- clnation. The annual bunquet w ill he held Ihe evening of January 9. Details of Ihe educational progrum will be announced soon, says Morse. I iest moment the following supplies: $140,000 worth of clothing, $100,000 Aid Greek Needy worth of dehydrated ittilk, $100,000 worth of blankets, $100,000 worth Washington, D. C.—Purchase of of cereals, cocoa, fruit Juices, sy­ an additional $500.000 worth of rup and margerine, and medical war relief supplies for Greece was supplies valued at $60,000. announced here by the American If the Bed Cross can obtain the Bed Cross. Bed Cross relief to supplies in time, they w ill leave Greece now totals $725,000. er. New York for Athens in December The announcement followed re­ aboard a Greek vessel. Other sup­ The legislature has appropriated ceipt of cable advices from Charles plies previously obtained and vat- money for the ereuui grading work House, newly appointed American ucd a, gi25,0OO — consisting most- in the last fwo bienniums, hut the DAIRYMEN SCHEDULE BIG Bed Cross representative at Athens. ,y of surgicai dressings and gar- request ter $25,000 for Ihe next bi­ SESSION AT GRANTS PASS Government in Banking His cable described growing needs ¿ enls produced by Red Cross chap- ennium was dropped from the state for food, clothing and medical sup­ ters — cleared New York last week budget due to lurk of funds. The "We must keep constantly in Dairymen of Oregon are plan­ program applies Io ull sections of plies among the civil and military the Red Cross said. population. Meanwhile, drugs and surgical mind that the threat to the Ameri­ ning on holding one of Iheir most Ihe state and to Ihe largest single All woolen garnirnts cleaned On a basis of House’s reports, the instruments valued at $50,000 were can system of banking is growing important state meetings in Grants source of rush farm income in Ore­ by us are moth proofed al no Bed Cross plans to send at the earl- en route to Greece from a British both in scope and Intensity,” said Puss early in the yeur, when the gon, the dairy industry. extra cost. Red Cross depot in the middle east. ! C. E. Reardon, president of the forty-eighth annual convention of | In turning down the request pre- | Illinois Rankers Association, re- the Oregon Dairymen** association sented by greyhound owners of FRKNCH LAUNDRY AND Arrangements for the shipment w ill be held on January 8, 9, and Portland, for dog racing ul Ihe fair. DRY CLEANRRM the American Red cen,‘y’ were made by | Ihe board declurrd such a move on ‘ watch repairing the 10. Cross, which w ill replace the Brit- i Anyone who has watched Pick up and deliver twice a governmental trend in late years L a r r y Schade As is becoming the rule quite top of the present horse races ish supplies. week. S. P. Watch Inspector To assist in the distribution of j must agree with that. Government generally among state-wide agri­ would tuke the stale fair out of Ihe has gone into banking to a far agrirulturul eluss, which Ihe man­ Since IN I cultural groups, Ihe first day of the American Red Cross supplies in i SI S. Central—Next to Cratertaa Greece, Raymond T. Schaeffer, for- j greater degree than most of us rea­ convention will be devoted to com- i agement is anxious to maintain. Medford. Oregon merly of the Red Cross staff in lise. There are literally scores of mittee meetings, with the main The proposal was ter dog races a; igpsariansr»ar»arsariaric’Mri«4 minutes). beginning God created the heaven Department of Geology and Mineral and the earth. And Ood said. Let A Bear of a Fish Story B ut y o u r o p e ra to r Awarded by the American In ­ there be light: and there was light. Industries and the United States And Ood saw everything that he stitute of Laundering after w ill alw ays have tim e A couple of miles up the creek Bureau of Mines can be applied on nad made, and. behold, It was Passing Rigid Tests a commercial scale. to say " P ie a s e " a n d very good” (Oen. 1:1. 2, 31). An advance report on the series The Lesson-Sermon also Included O U R D R IV E R P IC K S U P A N D M HSM SSSSHM SM SSSSSSSSSSSW M of limestone studies being made by “ T h a n k y o u ." the following correlative passages D E L IV E R S O N T U B S . A F R I. these agencies has jus*t been pub­ from the Christian Science text­ Leave Your Laundry at The DR. O. H. SCHEETZ lished as G.M.I. Short Paper No. 4, book, "Science and Health with "Ace of Spades” Optom etrist "Beiieficiation by Flotation of Key to the Scriptures” by Mary I Willamette Valley Limestone of Baker Eddy: "<3od creates and gov­ RTKSIGHT graeiAURT GRANTS PASS T H I PACIFIC TELEPHONS Oregon”, by J. B. Clemmer and B. erns the universe, Including man. ANO TELEGRAPH COMPANY STEAM LAUNDRY The universe Is filled with spirit­ «06 Bast H St, H. Clemmons of the United States ual Ideas, which He evolves, and “Since 1900” Bureau of Mines in cooperation Golden Rala H I t they are obedient to the Mind with this Department. •*%****%**%**»•»%*»**•***♦♦**%«*» that makes them” (p. 295). Three series of tests with vary­ < .-i..„i, „ ing factors were made on lime­ stones from Marquam and Dallas, with the result that the calcium carbonate content of the rock was raised from around 40 to over 85 Southern Oregon’s Finest Enterta inment! Your Medford Theatres! percent. The tests involved grind­ ing the limestone Io varying de­ grees of fineness, and mixing por­ tions with soaps and chemicals so that the lime content is lifted by the bubbles of the froth and car­ Ends Saturday Nitel Friday and Saturday ried off from the other constitu­ Ends Suturday Nitel Hopalong Cassidy in “TIN PAN ALLEY” ents. If this process, called "flota­ “Black Diamonds” Prevuc Saturday Nitel “Doomed Caravans” tion”, can be applied on an econo­ Plus Gene Autry in The World’s News Seen Through Plus Charles Starreit in mic scale, Willamette Valley far­ Sun., Mon., Tues “Gaucho Serenade” “Thundering Frontier” mers may be able to use local rock W. C. FIE LD 8 IN An International D aily Newspaper for their fertilizer. “THE BANK DICK” Sunday and Mohday Only Sun., Mon., Tues fa T ru th fu l— Constructive— Unbiased— Fra« from Sensational- Gals and Gags! fam — Editorial! A ra Tim ely and Instructive and Its D a ily Feature Plus State Infant Death Starts Wed. — 4 days Statures, Together with the Weekly M agazine Section, M ake Ken Murray in Wayne Morris in Henry Fonda. Dorothy I-a- tha M onitor an Ideal Newspaper fo r the Horna. Rate Remains Low A Night at Earl Carrolls mour, Linda Darnell “Gambling on High $500,000 M ore Goes To Its courteous. PRESCRIPTIONS (• Ö C ra te ria n R ia lto Roxy T he C hristian S cience M onitor T h e Christian Science Publishing Society Ona, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, o r $1.00 a M oqth. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Yaaz. Introductory O ffer, 6 Issuar 25 Cant*. SAMPLE COPY O N REQUEST isaaaaaoi eaaassooeaesoso Children born in Oregon stand a better chance of living through the fir.ft year of life than ohildren born in almost any other state in Amer­ ica, according to data released to­ day by the public health research department of the Oregon Mutuar Life Insurance company. Offical records of the state board “CHAD HANNA” Special New Year’s Eve Show “Phantom Submarine” Seas” “BANK DICK” Tues. and Wed. (New Years) “Dead End” Kids in Wed. (New Years) and Thurs. Lew Ayres in Plus “GIVE US WINGS” “Dr. Kildare’s Strange Case” “Angel From Texas” “The Villain Still Pur­ sued Her” Plus Ralph Bellamy as Ellery Queen, Detective