* '/• - Z; ' 4, «» r The Gold News T h . M o .. Thoroughly R . « l W r r k l , u, Southern O r ^ o o . Pu bl,.h »J m ( h . !Ç ^ ^ ^ 5J ^ j j > t_ O R E G O N _ _ H iu ^rsd.'iy, School Carnival This Friday FOOTS CREEK ITEMS (By Mrs. Marloa Laoea) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn DeJanvier und son Geruld arrived Saturday from their home ut Bend, Oregon to u|*crule their placer mine on the left fork of 'Foots Creek near the Leslie Carr home, formerlw owned by Fred Drahum of Bogue River. Their eldest son, Ifomer, came in September to enter the Gold Hill school und bus been staying with Mr. und Mrs. Vencil Cervcny. L i l l i . To w n in W . S t . , . H» ====a = = ^ = = = NUMBER 29 G irl Scout C ourt of A w a rd * November 28 1 he Girl Scouts will hold u Court of Awurds November 20 after the Boy Scout Court of Honor is held. At this time, two girls will become I enderfoots. 1 he rest of the troop will be present to assist in the cere­ monies. it is hoped every mother and father of Girl and Boy Scouts will attend. The troop committee members ure asked to be present und the chairman, Miss Mabel Moore, will present the budges. Each of Hie patrols has adopted some one to remember once in urwlule. Next Tuesday evening the girls will be instructed in knitting und will start their eight squures for an urgliun. Miss Paulsen, Miss Mab­ el Moore, Miss Allene Inlow and Mrs. Thomas McClarnon will In­ struct the girls. HARD TIME PARTY HONORS T eachers this T hursday Teachers of the Gold Hill schools Will be guests of honor ut a hard­ time masquerade purty at the LO.O.F. lodge hall this Thursday evening, November 14, starting at 8:00 o’clock. Plans for the enter­ tainment include an interesting pro­ gram und games for everyone dur­ ing the evening. Tlie Gobi Hill -Garden club. Wo­ men’s Belief corps, Grunge, Rebe­ kah and I.O.O.F’. lodges are spon­ soring the event. Anyone who is interested in the local schools, Whether a member of these organi­ zations or not, is invited to take part in the party. Everyone is to come dressed in “hard-time" clothes and ait ladies attending are Io bring a pie. Sm all Blaze B rin g * O ut F ire T ruck M onday N ig h t John G ray Elected Chairm an o f F a ir Board A small blaze at Harry’s OK Pas time brought out the Gold Hill fire truck Monday night, November 11. The fire did very little damage and was extinguished with the use of chemicals. The fire was first discovered at 11:20 and the fire alarm was sound­ ed immediately. First arrivals at the fire broke in the front door and the blaze was soon under control. The back of the front counter was damaged and other articles in the store were scorched. It is believed the fire started from a smoldering cigarette. First arrivals at the fire were Bed Pratt, Fred Lewis and Roy Kil­ gore. John Gray of Gray-home, an ac­ tive member of the Northwest Jackson county fair board for Ihe past several years, was elected Students of the Gold Hill high chairman of the board at their reg­ school will provide fun und enter­ ular meeting last Friday evening. tainment for residents of Gold Hill Other officers selected at this time and vicinity ut the school carnival were Wm. Howes, vice chairman; to he held in the gymnasium here Esther Gilchrist, secretary and Nor­ man Gail, treasurer. Committee this Friday evening November 15. members will be appointed at a lat­ Toe carnival is scheduled to sturt Mrs. Huns Frei und Mrs. Cloyd er date. at 7:30. Dick attended the leaders training Work will start on the premium Plans have been completed which conference nt the court house at book at the next regular meeting will insure an rntertuining evening | Medford Thursday when a lesson of the board which will be held for everyone present. Games of on iiimily relations was given by Friday, December 13. All commit­ skill, such us u popgun shoot, Mrs. Buena M. Maris, Extension tees for the 1940 fair are especially buseball throw, penny loss, beano, president, with twenty five present. urged to attend the meeting to of­ darlo-halloon, hoopla, bean bug, The lesson will be given Wednes­ fer suggestions for any improve­ bucko, rollo. fortune telling und fish day ufternoon nt the home of Mrs. ments that could be made in the pond will be on bund to test the. Frei. Tlie meeting to be held Nov­ Mr. and Mrs. Bay Chamberlin and new list. It is hoped the books will L O C A L IT E M S ability of those -who wish to take ember 19 ut the home of Mrs. A. A. family drove to Hilt, California be ready for distribution by the lat­ part. Dixon by Miss Doris Brier, countv Mr. and Mrs. John Hays spent Sunday where they were joined by ter part of Ferbuary next year. Tnere. are also concessions for agent, on deserts will be an all das Grange Makes P lan* the week end in Portland visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don Bosecrans and tlie sale of pop corn, pie, candy and meeting beginning at 10:0« u.m. relatives. They returned here Tues­ family and the group motored on B eaver* D efeat Glendale F o r Several E vent* cider. to Susanville where they visited day evening. An interesting program including relatives. They report there is a lot In F in al Football Game Mrs Duniel Biles visited her dau­ Special meeting of the Gold Hill John Scott of Klamath Falls vis­ the following numbers will be pre­ of snow on the Siskiyous. ghter, .Mrs. Bryan Ward of Gold Grunge was held November 8. Sev­ ited here Tuesday evening with sented: The Gold Hill high school six- Hill Friday who is a patient ut the eral good committee reports were Gilbert Lentz. Miss Lucille Smith spent the week man football squad played their Song by Jerald Lewis und Gerry Sacred Heart hospital at Medford given. Plans were made to join Cecil Johnson left the first of end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurst where she was taken the middle of with the Garden Club and other or­ Ihe week for Klamath Falls where Torn Smith and family. She is final game of the 1940 season on Song by Gerry Parkhurst the home diamond last Monday last week for a major operation. ganizations to give a hard times he will visit for some time. spending tLvx winter with her bro­ morning -when they defeated the Piano skit, Miss lieu Evans party honoring Hie school faculty Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kellogg and ther in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. visiting Glendale team 38 to 12. The Skit from junior-senior play Mrs. W. L. Budley, Mrs. Mary Thursday, November 14 at the Odd son Jimmy returned here Tuesday Paul Johnston in Medford. Accordion band selections Beavers took an early lead which Muttson und Mrs John Gray from Fellows hall. Ladies are* to bring a to spend several weeks. They are School band selections Many local football fans attended they held throughout the game. Ev­ pie. Grange voted to support the this community attended the Crowning of the queen living in a cabin in the Gold Hill ery player and all the subs saw ac­ Grunge Slate Conference and cov­ Garden club in their effort to get a Auto Park. Mr. Kellogg has been the Armistice Day game between Heading by Betty Shoemaker tion during the contest. During the Medford and Ashland at the Med­ park on the railroad property. Numbers by boys and girls glee ered dish luncheon held at the Cen­ employed at Lake. O’ the Woods by ford senior high field. first half the Beavers completed 3 tral Point .Grange hall Thursday Grunge also voted to let church the government. clubs out of four passes. The score at young folks use hull for pie social Each class has nominated a can­ when an afternoon und evening Mr and Mrs. Janies Stewart of half time was Gold Hill 25, Glendale Charles and Clarence Kell, who November 29. didate for queen. The queen will be meeting was held. The Central Medford and Miss Margery Stewart 6. Next meeting, November 21, will are employed at Chemult, Oregon of Grants Pass were Sunday guests chosen during the evening by the Point ladies served the evening This was the last high school came Tuesday evening tu spend be election of officers. A good turn vote of the people present. There meal. football game for Delmar Chapman, several days visiting with their of Mrs. F. W. Bicter. out of Grunge members is hoped are 100 votes with the admission family here. . ___ . _ Creighton Thompson. Kelly Clem­ Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Anderson for. The drill team practiced for ticket and .>IM) votes for everyone Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tepovac moved L u " * V“ ,U*° “ P chuW,ed d° W" ent, Buzz Shoemaker and Tom Hen­ carrying agate to Eagle Point who donates pie and 34M> votes for owners of the Shell Service Station Saturday into ‘op, without derson. Saturduy into then their ho..,«. house „„ on ,h.. the ,he ruad- everyone who donates candy. Those at the end of the Bogue Bivcr (■range November 19. Another prac­ headlight, without windshield or cement plant road. They have lived representing the various classes are oridge operated by Mr. and Mrs. tice will be held Sunday evening, the past several weeks in the Crott lenuers or bumpers, it cost tha W .R .C . T o Collect Clothes freshmen. Joyce Cota; sophomores, ¡funs Frei have sold their Barbur November 17. A debate for lecture residence on Sardine Creek. driver 30 cents per mite to own LaVerne Parkhurst; junior, Doro­ Blvd. Auto Court three miles from hour, “Tlie (iold in the United and operate. Today the average is T o Be Sent T o B rita in Mrs Henry recently moved to down to less than three cents. thy Quaintrnce and senior, June Portland on the west side and are States is a liability rather than an now living in Tacoma, Washington asset". This was ably debated by Medford. She has been living in a The WJl.C. met Wednesday for Bobbins. where they took property on the John Gray, affirmative, and Jack cabin on the Clarence Thompson an alt day meeting at their club FINED IN LOCAL COURT Deal. They returned recently from Pinkerton, negative and was very property. rooms. They enjoyed a pot luck din­ Disabled V e t* T o Be ner at noon. a very enjoyable trip to South Da­ interesting. Bert Ethel of North Bend, Ore­ Wm. Leonard Thompson of Bogue Honored Thanksgiving D ay kota where they visited relatives. As the lecturer will be gone for gon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Inspector Mrs. Anna Harmon of some time, she has asked the Dorman one day last week. Mr. Eth­ River, Oregon appeared in the local Grants Pass accompanied by Mrs. The Disabled American World Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker and legislative committee to put on u el and the Dormans are childhood court on November 4 and entered Dean, Mrs. Viola Wilkins, Mrs, a plea of guilty to driving a motor War Veterans are giving a Thanks­ friends left Friday evening for program November, the ex-commit­ friends. Louisa Reed, Mrs. Anna Stinebaugh vehicle with improper lights. He giving Day dinner nt the Armory Klamath Fulls on a duck hunting tee December 5, and music commit- and Mrs. Mary Fern, all of Grants Mrs. Bertha Hedgpeth entertain was fined *2.50 and costs. Grover Pass. In Medford for all dlsubled veterans trip returning Sunday evening. Mr. ee December 19. Refreshments of ed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedgpeth and Valkman of Grants Pass, Oregon and their families at twelve o’clock Baker is employed at the Murray- coffee and cookies were served. Initiation was held with Mrs. Phyllis, of Medford, Sunday at din­ also entered a plea of guilty to op­ sharp on November 21. The dinner Murphy dredge on the left fork of Pauline Tygart joining the corps. ner. She returned to Medford with is absolutely free. Foota Creek. H.E.C. met Tuesday, November them to spend several days attend erating a motor vehicle with in­ A <>all has been made for used adequate brakes, and was fined Tlie DA.V. wishes to thank all 12, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Auten- ing to business matters. clothing to be given for BritishRe- $2.50 and costs. Officers were W who hnve participated in the flow­ Betty Boling who was a member reith with pot luck dinner at noon. lief. Anyone having any garments Mr. and Mrs. Art Boye entertain M. Ruch and A. E. Stoehr. er sale in Gold Hill and vicinity. of the senior class of the Grunts E. C. Fiene was a welcome guest. which they wish to give for this ed Tuesday evening at a delicious The D.A.V. chapter 8 of Medford Pass high school last spring is at­ Mrs Martin, H. E. chairman, and cause, please leave at the News of­ is sponsoring a Boy Scout troop— tending the Southern Oregon Col­ Mrs. Johnson, secretary, being ab­ duck dinner. Guests of the evening DUDE CHICK TASTES DEFEAT fice as soon as possible. They will were Miss Beth Paulsen, Miss Bea und going to town. AT HANDS OF ERNIE PILUSO lege of Education ut Ashland this sent, Mrs. Shuntennan, vice, chair­ be sent to England by the Salva­ Tlie D.A.V. ip helping Comrade year. She is tlie. eldest daughter or man, acted as chairman and Mrs. Evans, Miss Dorothy Burket, Wal­ tion Army very soon. lace Iverson, Creighton Thompson Moore of the Sams Valley section Mr. und Mrs. Lester Boling an I Kenyon as secretary. Plans were Before a w ell-filled house ot The next meeting will be held In fixing his home so it will be spent her early days in the Foots made to have the Go to Church and Arn Boye. hilarious holiday celebrants, Cow­ November 20 at the hall to quilt. Mrs. Ida Snyder moved last week warmer for the winter. boy Dude Chick of Cheyenne, Wy­ Creek und Gold Hill schools. Sunday and turkey dinner for Gran­ Everyone is also reminded that into the Curtis Parker house re­ oming wws defeated two out of gers and families Sunday, Novem­ November 16 is the 15th »Anniver­ cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy INITIATORY DEGREE FOR three falls "by Ernie Piluso, in the sary at Ashland. Anyone wishing Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Heinkens ber 24 and invite Mr. Messenger Eskew and family. REBEKAHS DECEMBER 4 Medford Armory Monday night. It to attend please contact Mrs. Tom enjoyed a business und pleasure and family to dinner. Next meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Betts are living was a very clean and scientific trip to Hornbrook, California the ing, November 26, will be held at in the Jim Chisholm house. Mr. and bout and both wrestlers seemed to Henderson. It was decided nt the meeting first of last week. Mrs. Ray Shunterman’s with a pot Mrs. Chisholm recently moved to take thè laurels at about an even November 6 Io put on the initiatory luck dinner at noon. the Meadows. degree December 4. The birthday tempo throughout the match. Pilu­ Mrs. Cloyd Dick and Mrs. Mamie Artie Walker of Medford spent so took the first fall after some sev­ night for November will be held Patterson attended the meeting of BOY SCOUT NEW S the week end here with his father, enteen minutes of wrestling, with a jointly with the December birthdny he Civic club at the home of Mrs. S o ft Shelled English (Buddy Blair) Asil Wallter night, as th^s month it is too close Hay Moore in Rogue River Friday press, following several sonnen- Miss Helen Dorman visited from burgs. Chick evened the score i to Thanksgiving. ifternoon. The Indies took in over Last Thursday the troop went The members of the local lodge 524 serving the lunch on election through the process ofl re-registra­ Saturday until Tuesday at the home short time later with a body scis heard many complimentary re day for the library building fund. tion A inspection of uniforms. The otf her sister, Mrs. A. M. RAins and sors. In the last heat Chick had family of near Central Point. marks in regard to the recent con Piluso hoisted to his shoulders for 9c to 12% c lb. Scout troop expects to have the for­ Mrs. Phil Griggs and baby daugh­ vention held here. Gracious chair­ FOURSQUARE STORE mer Scout hall next to the News Of­ ter of Medford are spending several his famous lariat spin but Piluso men, hostesses, and the unique grabbed the ropes and when lie was 3 miles from Gold Hill on the fice for a meeting place. This has luncheon and the beauty and grace Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. been occupied until recently by a days visiting with her parents, Mr. forced to releuse them by Referee Sams Valley highway at Ly­ and Mrs. Tom Henderson and fam­ of the degree team each brought ’reaching at 11:00, Earl Yoakley, both grapplers went mans mining company. November 28 was ily. remarks of praise from many who down in a pile, and it so happened Evangelistic meetings Sunday and the dutc set for Ihe next Court of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Bailey and attended. Fuesday evenings. Honor. Alva Walker is now the Dale Smith spent the week end in that Piluso was on top and the Cowboy was counted out. Bible Study, Monday and Fri- chairman of the troop committee in Klamath Falls where they enjoyed Ernie Lingren is driving a new lay evenings. The middle event was a hair-rais­ place of F. H. Pinkerton who re- several days of duck hunting. ’39 Chevrolet Sedan. ing affair, seeing Jesse James pit­ Visiting speakers at Various ged recently. Mrs. Hazel D’avies and daughte ted against Bulldog Jackson with mes. All invited to come. of Susanville, California and Miss James winning two out of three U S E D CARS GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS Hagenia Dusenberry of Medford falls. In the opener Billie Rayburn HEALTH UNIT MEMBERS VISIT “MUM” GARDENS 31 Dodge Cpe. $95. visited with relatives and friend» of Atlanta, Georgia took two out of 1EBT AT BOYE HOME here Sunday. 29 Chev. Cpe........... $65. three, falls from Wildcat George Garden club members enjoved a Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newton of San 29 M odel A , 4 door MARY LOU TYGART getting The members of the Gold Hill un- field trip last Friday to the horn- Francisco visited several days this Wilson to win the match. quite a kick out of acting as flag­ t of the Jackson county health is- of Mrs. Maude Davis to see her Promoter Mark Lillurd announc­ S e d a n ...................... $85. with his « sisters, Mrs. ----------- Perry man on Ihe bus In the absence of oeinlton met at the Bo.ve home in chrj snnthemums which were beau- U week that next i Monday will T It • i -w * I ed U U H U H J l night llg lll W ill 31 Ford Sport Cpe $95. Walt and Mrs. Lulu Dusenberry on 1 again be "Ladies Night”, with one the regular flagman. the Colony. Monday afternoon, Nov- tiful. She presented each garden Sardine Creek. TI.ey were on their lady being admitted free on every 34 Chev. Sedan .... $285. ■mber 4. Present were Mrs. Weills club member who attended with a 35 Dodge Coupe .... $345. way to Portland. paid admission. DOROTHY BURKET receiving of Medford, Miss Helen Parish, large “mum”, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Dusenberry a n d ______________ -congratulations on becoming a •minty health nurse, and Mesdames These car* are priced to b e i'n S ' " i T . ? ' ■ W rl,hl < * « • • " » "’«eh.nic, „„d brnch proud new aunt. ieorge Smith, Wm. Howes. Hill, R. her 15. this I riday and will start Monday evening dinner guests of hands who puttered away in barns Sell Quickly ’ Miller,'Roy Cameron, Jean and with a pot luck dinner at one Mr. and Mrs. George Smith on Sar- making a handful of cars it the tun’ CREIGHTON THOMPSON and W. F Roye. Aurele Meunler, George o’clock. P IE R C E - A L L E N KELLY CLEMENT calling on their Tulare and Mrs. Millie Walker of ______________ I , of ,he « n tu ry , present-day auto- M O T O R CO. Mr« n ,„ ri, k n i J ngren ,rovr ,he «'hoot mobile manufacturing makes pos- girl friends and spending Ihe great­ .orvnllis. Mr. and ? „.wR 4 bUS Tu” d“y niornin8 in the ab- sible, directly and indirectly, an 112 So. Riverside er part of the evening playing with The next meeting w ill be at the purchased a new 1935 Nash this sence of the regular driver, Clint- annual employment of «¿00,000 Medford paper doll*. Meunier horn« in Garden Row, week. ,on Walker, people. WALNUTS The SpvG lo»^