•or * » Thursday, October 31, 1940 M“' .w •t The Relief Needs In Britain Are Mounting Rapdly hull of Incendiary bomb» with 30,- warm t’Tothlug from this country. 000 volunteer firemen, clearing her Healed houses w ill be virtually non his letter of appointment to com­ mittee members that the food stamp debris-strewn streets — 1» carrying existent. plan has acquainted grocers and her chin high in the face of her Bomb luirnsscd London — livinn He declared there isn’t enougli other food retailers and wholesal greatest challenge in history. In (lump nir-riild shelters, fighting a glass in ull of tlie British isles to One thing that helps a lot is the replace the broken windows in the ers w i.li Lie problem of surpluses,' tireless battle iigulnst the nightly flow of American Bed Cross relief London area alone. More canteens said Carat. “ Their mutual interest supplies, From poorest families on are needed Io insure an adequate in tlie successful operation of the the East Side to the fashionable distribution of food. Medical sup­ stamp plan has banded them togeth homes of the West Side, grateful plies w ill be an imperative item in er and they have evinced a w illin g ­ ness, through their state A county eyes are turning toward America taking precautionary steps nguinst committees, to call the attention of for gifts of clothing, medical sup­ the outbreak of epidemic disease both cash and stamp customers to plies, ambulunces and mobile can­ which threatens because of crowd­ wholesome surplus foods which teen units. ed living conditions. are better values due to abundance." This wus the gist of a report bro, Getting advance information to here by David K. E. Bruce upon his International Road food retailers as to surplus crops return after serving three months w ithin the state w ill he one of the Project is Endorsed w illi Hie Americuu Bed Cross in functions of the committee. It is es­ London. Endorsement of the liitcrnidion.it timated that current surplus remov­ American Bed Cross headquarters Pacific Highway propect and u call al programs have increased farm icated near Waterloo Bridge has fo r coordination of the endeavors income in the state «1,500.000 to «2,- been in the center of the Intensely of all interested organizations to 000,000 hut it is expected that suc­ bombed urea since the beginning of advance this enterprise to complet­ cessful, cooperative merchandising the blitzkrieg in August. Bruce ion wus voted at the recent annual drives may m ultiply this. said. meeting of the Western Conference "As in ull of London,” he said, of Automobile Clubs in Reno, Ne­ Copy of First Version of ‘your Bed Cross committee oper­ vada, it was announced today by National Song Acquired ates part of the time from air-raid Bay Conway, manager of the Ore­ shelters. Because of ureas where gon Slate Motor association, who I lie library of congress announc­ lime ombs have fallen and disloca­ was chosen Conference Chairman ed recently Hint it had just acquir­ tion of Iraffie many of the volun­ for this yeur. ed a real patriotic ra rity — a copy of teers in (lie office spend four and I he forty motor club executives Hie first published version of five hours commuting each way. at the conference were unanimous America's national anthem _ The RECTANGULAR ROASTERS Bui like every Londoner, they have in zupfjorting this international Slur Spangled Banner. 1 SUH Mow an «, withstood the «train and none has lighway project which contemplut- The small broadside, or handbill, ?3#.® * *493 * *5” suffered any physical in ju ry,” s connecting north-south routes in * by 6 ‘ j inches and containing the Hoot ovonly, assuring boautilull^ Bruce pruised the manner in western United States w ith Alaska full text of the song, together with btownod juicy low! and roast which coordinating agencies are ef­ mil with Central and South Aineri- a short account of how it came to moata. boU-baatiag covers Uao alao lor r . ni t Winci. etc. ficiently distributing American Bed Io provide a continuous motor be written, is one of the only two Cross supplies. The British Bed oud linking the Americas, gups w ill known to exist. Cross handles the medical and hos­ lave to he closed beyond Hazelton, The library obtained it from Jes­ pital relief supplies and clothing Iritish Columbia northward t o se E. Cassard, of Baltimore, who and other relief h handled by the Alaska and southerly beyond Mex- found it in an old scrapbook in his Womens Voluntary Service Corps, co City through the Latin-Am er­ attic. The only other known copy an organization of 800,000 women ican republics. Tlie resolution of is in the Walters art gallery in Bal­ headed by Lady Stella Beading. ■ndorsement reads: timore. lie described how the W.V.S. had Because of its economic value, The first printing of Francis taken over the 90 mobile canteens Is contribution to national defense, Scott Keys famous poem happened Iven by the American Bed Cross md its social significance, we, the lo be a broadside because at the O VAL RO A STERS md were tirelessly rushing food to Western Conference of Automobile time of its production in 1814 ail 2 ( U H - M o w 0*1, •efugee concentration points, and lubs, endorse the International newspapers in Baltimore had sus­ O firemen, police and air raid pre- ’acific Higliway, and urge the pended publication . »3»» •s r while every 'uution workers. American Automobile association, able bodied man in the city shoul­ Tit smalt ovods . Ideal tor chickona, ducks, small turkeys, and moat B ritain’s greatest needs of the md other interested organizations dered a gun against the British. roosts. Host last, brows ovonly. •our involve the approach of win- o continue their efforts to procure The library of congress now has er. Hundreds of thousands of evne- ongressional help in advancing virtually a complete collection of ctiildren w.omen and aged w ill liis enterprise.” early editions of the Star Spangled in desperate need of additional Banner, including the first printing Oregon Surplus Marketing w ith music, engraved by Thomas Carr of Baltimore. About the only Committee Heads Named thing it lacks is the first full manu­ WATCH BEPAW (NG A|*pointinent of Bay W. G ill, stale script draft, of which the Walters I.-s rrv S ch a d e grange master, as chairman of a art gallery also is the proud posses­ « P Watch Inspector .•ommittee to more closely coordi­ sor. Since 101« nate Oregon agriculture w ith the ( ‘entrai -Next in Cratertan GOLD HILL GRANGE NO. 534 administration's farm surplus Medford, Oregon Meets first and th ird Thursdays moval programs was announced in Washington D.C., today by Seer.- it 8 p. m.. at their hall next to tele- uirt of Agriculture Claude S. >hone office. H. E. club meets see- >nd and fourth Tuesdays at 1:30 p Wickard. Ollier leading farm and food in- n., usually at Orange Hall. The Seal of Approval luslry leaders named to serve a •ne year tenure are Harley Libby CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES of Jefferson, head of the Farmers’ WfJROBATlCN AFTER DEATH" Union; G. A. Brown, Portland dairy I was the subjict of the Les­ cooperative manager; G. J. McPher- son-Sermon In all Churches of on, secretary-treasure- of the Ore­ Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Octo­ gon Betail Grocers association; ber 27. »sins OPEN ROASTERS Harry Meyer, chain store president Tlie Golden Text was, "Let us Us* with rack lor opon not be weary m well doing; for In •nd J. F. Stort, prominent grain roasting or broiling. Use l a i n due seasen we shell reap, If we md iced dealer of Redmond. Awarded by the American In ­ pan alone for baking. , *2 . faint not" (Gal. 6:9). ‘The Oregon committee is the stitute of Laundering after Among the citations which com­ first among many such state ad­ Passing Bigid Tests prised the Lesson-Sermon was the visory groups we hope to see de­ following from the Bible: "Blessed OUR DRIVER PICKS UP AND veloped as our surplus marketing be the God and Father of our DELIVERS ON TUES. & FR1. efforts become more extensive,” Lord Jesus Chiist. which accord­ I.eave Your I-aundry at The said Jonathan Garst, regional direc ing to his abundant mercy hath “ Ace of Spades" tor of the Surplus Marketing Ad­ begotten us again unto a lively ministration who is in Portland to hope by the resurrection of Jesus GRANTS PASS Christ from the dead. To an In­ confer w ith Mr. Gill and other heritance Incorruptible, end unde- ommittee members. STEAM LAUNDRY “ Where Most People Trade" flled, and that fadeth not away, "Objective of the committee w ill “ Since 1900” reserved In heaven for you" (1 Pet­ '»e to seek increased sales of Ore­ GRANTS PASS, OREGON er 1:3, 4). gon surplus products particularly The Lesson-Sermon also included dairy, poultry, perishable fruits, the following correlative passages vegetables and other diversified from the Christian 8clence text­ farm products through aggressive book, "Science and Health with ooperative merchandising methods, Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mortals need not he expanded food stamp plan and fancy that belief in the experience lie purchase of commodities for the of death will awaken them to chool lunch program.” glorified being . . . As death flnd- Garst pointed out that the eoni- SHOP THE GOLDEN RULE FOR ALL YOUR eth mortal man, so shall hs be af­ nittee w ill establish a closer w ork- ter death, until probation and ng partnership between farmers, WET WEATHER MEEDS. NEW FALL growth shall effect the needed food distributers and government change" (p. 291), with a mutual understanding of each MERCHANDISE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS other’s problems. ‘The Secretary has indicated in ^Ve-itr-Ever ROASTBR3 August W. Glutach GOLD HILL LODGE n o . 129 Maeta Every Taaadasr Night YOU ARE WELCOME DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY Successor To Dr. Jud Rlckarl Darrell Hendrickson, Noble Grand Frank Carter — Vice Grand Paul Thompson, weoretary Art Gorham —- Treasurer. Specialist tn all problem* of eye comfort and vision 308 Fluhrsr Bldg. - Phone 114g Medford, Oregon M****>*>* '“ “ '***“ i n n n n m i Save Money Now! VOTE 27-X FOR I. B. “Blin” Coleman REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR C O UNTY JUDGE Elect a native of Jackson County who is acquainted with the County’s needs and is 1C.d by e*Perience in County affairs to fulfill the duties of the office. J. B. Blin’ Coleman fo r Counly Judge Committee, Norris, Sec’y. Aubry •^■.’24’ Rogue River Hardware Co. Vote 32 (X) For C. A . Myers Republican Nominee for COUNTY ASSESSOR Jackson County, Oregon Qualified by 15 years of Experience as Deputy Assessor If elected I w ill give efficient, Courteous and Economical Service POYER Democratic Nominee for COUNTY COMMISSIONER Jackson County Four years satisfactory office experience before coming to Ashland. Nineteen years success­ ful dairyman in Ashland ELECT I. E. Schuler Democratic Candidate for WET WEATHER NEEDS M EN ’S 20 years a tax-payer in Jackson County Southern Oregons Finest Entertainment! Your Medford Theatres! WATER PROOFED WORK CLOTHING RAIN JACKETS RAIN SLICKER COATS FOR STATS TREASURER WATER PROOFED PANTS RUBBER SHOES AND BOOTS C ra te ria n R ia lto Roxy Cary Grant, Martha Scott Ends Saturday Nite Sir Cedric Hardwicke Ends Saturday Nite LUM and ABINER Frances Langford in Ends Saturday Nile WEAVER BROS and ELVIRY “Howards of Virginia” “Dreaming Out Loud I» Plus Hopalong Cassidy in Prevue Saturday N itel ALSO — LADIES RAIN COATS Sunday, Monday, Tuesday CHILDRENS RAIN COATS AND CAPES RUBBERS County Judge AND DEANNA DURBIN IN GALOSHES T h e G o ld e n R u le Grants Pass, Oregon “SPRING PARADE” LBSLIB M. SCOTT Chairman State Highway Commission, 1532*1931 A4 «14 by koa for Trsww Starts Wednesday • 4 days IN TECHNICOLOR Don Amerhe, Betty Grable and Carmen Miranda in “Down Argentine W ay” Plus 3 Mesquiteers “Rocky Mt. Rangers »» “In Old Missouri” “Hidden Gold” Sunday and Monday Elsa Maxwell’s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Bing Crosby, Gloria Jean and Mischa Auer in ‘Public Debutante No. 1’ “If I Had My W ay” Mischa Auer, Brenda Marshall Charlie Ruggles “GIRLS UNDER 21” Plus Ronald Reagan in “Murder in the Air” Tuesday and Wednesday Wednesday and Thursday Blondie and Dagwood “Haunted Honeymoon” “Blondie on a Budget” — plus — “Meet the Wildcat” Plus Beulah Bondi in “Captain is a Lady”