Jr T h u rtd ay , October 17, 194C Th fl«B HRJtwrs HB. f t r w N avy Day to be Observed Sunday, October 27 States and its observance is sport* fense. Tills program is of such na­ sored annually by the league. ture that it cannot possibly be com October 27th wua »elected be­ pit-led immediately, it uppeurs that cause it is Hie unniversary of the le a rn in g , under duress, the Aguln II i U year, Hie birthday of birth of President Theodore Hooae- necessity of maintaining our armedi Theodore Ruoseve.lt, October 27,b, veJl, so much of whose life was de­ forces in a stale of readiness and lias been selected by the Navy voted to establishing a sound naval strenglli adequate at ull times foi League of the United Stutes (or the policy fo r Hie United Slates. It w ill our national security. uiinuul observance of Nuvy Day. be remembered that President Ro­ Tile Navy League of Hie United Judge W illiam A. Eh w all, of osevelt first achieved u national Stales has. since its inception, en Portland, ba* been appointed ax reputation by w riting a navul his­ at ill- chairman of Hie Nuvy Day eel- tory of Hu- War of 1812. Later us deavored Io keep this basic neces­ e lre llo n for tin- state of Oregon. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, sity uppermost in the minds of the Working with Judge Ekwell, lieu* and finully as President, Roosevelt nation, w ith specific reference to tenunl Communder I.. II, Stuart. bent Ids tremendous energies to our Navy. I inter the present world Navy Hecrultilig officer for Hie impress upon the American people conditions there can lie no reason «tale of Oregon, eaatern Washing­ Hu- necessity for an tdcipiate Na­ whatsoever. Io change this policy. ton unit northern Idaho, togelhen vy, ami endeavored through his Therefore, on Navy Day 1940, the attention of Hie public is invited to with hia staff, are preparing for leadership to realise this ideal Hie fundamental piupuMiion proposition uiai that we i.. i mt . »bite wide observation of the oc­ • i. “ ' ,M e rve d I »hould 'Keep the Navy Strong’ A casion. ribule to the sea heroes of Hie Na- strong navy, it is bellevTd U our Navy Day was inaugurated in 1922 Hon and recalling the ap.end.d par, ............ilIIllry insurance ¿V’ n a H . Z by the Navy League of the United Hi» navy lias played in making and security. ke.pi..g us a nation, the Navy Day I The Navy has played no small observance has prove.! a valuable I par, in the progress of the United means of fostering a heller under­ States to its present state of in flu ­ standing of Hie Nuvy and ils work. ence and it is good for the people to Such information, in a country stop a moment and re fle t on who, where government is by publie Hie Navy lias done toward the na­ ALWAYS TWO FEATURES pinion, is essential Io Hie formation tion s prosperity and greatness — of correct judgments affecting Na­ and to realize that the Navy carries Ends Saturday Night val policy, and in this work of in ­ no threat, bu, lends authority to Jane Withers - Gene Autry in formation the Navy Duy observance America’s voice speaking for law has played a considerable part. nnd justice. “Shooting H ig h ” The fad that world uffairs change Plus ('.buries Sturrett in ami dangerous situations develop in 1940 Call for Red Cross Recruits Mayor S. S. Barnes, Wrangell, Alaska, who was clawed l y a grizzly bear in the Alaska wilderness Sun­ day, died at Seattle Saturday in a hospital. Barnes, a salmon packer, was mauled and mangled by a female grizzly which attacked him while he was hunting i n the Stikine river country, near Wrangell. His com­ panions, among them L. J. Skaggs and F. M. Stokes, Portland, Ore business men, said the animal charged him from the rear and he was able to fire only once appar­ ently without effect. Farmers had enough grain on band at Ihe end of ihe 1940 har­ vest to raise 74 pounds of pork for • v»ry person ip the U. S. ROXY Read the advertisements fn _ paper for reliable places to trade. N o rth Portland Livestock a very short time has been brought forcibly Io public attention in Ihe M a rk e t News |Mis, year. As a result of present Sunday, Monday, Tuesday world conditions, Hits country has Tin- livestock market at the Port Tyrone Power, Dorothy l.umoi-.r embarked on an expansion program land Union Stock Yards, North Edward Arnold in in all departments of national .00. Feeder pigs were mainly 85.00 drogen sulphide gas into the blood amounting to over nine billion dol­ to 5.50. lars. Government borrowing has in­ Prices in the sheep alleys ruled stream, which was the probable creased over 150 per cent. Here is cause of death. a real political boom. Here is one steady to strong, w ith the extreme Studies are being continued to lop on fat lambs 25c higher. Good to choice lambs bulked a, 88.25 to reveal, if possible, methods of 8.50, with two loads of good weight preventing or curing bloat, based quality lambs nt 88.75. Medium to on these hitherto unknown facts concerning it. good lambs made 87.50 ,o 8.00. Shorn lambs moved from 87.75 ALASKA SOON TO GET downward, w ith medium grades n- round 87.00 to 7.25. Good slaughter SQUADRON OF ARMY FLIERS •wes sold up ,o 83.50 w ith a few The firs, army air corps tactical odd lots of outstanding kinds at 83.75 to 4.00. squadron ever assigned to Alaska w ill leave on November 1 for Fait- Overloaded! banks. Bloat Deaths Caused by It w ill lx. »Li. i s n „ „ „ J activity in which the enterpriser has b» tin 18th pursuit squad-j become both rich and powerful. But Poison Gas, N o t Pressure ron, equipped nt-the outset w ith all this has been accomplished at eight or ten planes. About 150 en­ the expense of the people, who have lis -.......... t« ! men and officers w ill cont- paid for it not only in taxes but in l l al death from cattle bloat is i — the losses which their enterprises caused by the ixiisonous nature o f , Pr *s‘‘ Hie personnel Hie gases concerned rather than by ™ '!" squadron ------‘ This is being sent to have suffered as a result of this gov­ ernment activity.” the pressure of those gases, is the the Alaskan base to give fliers conclusion of B. W. Dougherty, as­ training in cold weather and sub- H id d e n T a x e s sistant professor of veterinary me­ Arctic ojx'rations as well as to lay More than 22 per cent of the total national income is taken by Fed­ dicine, after extensive research into the ground w ork fo r far north de eral, State and local tax collectors. ihis ancient malady conducted a, the fense. RUN PROOF j-------oaoca roast-------- Even tho a person does not pay taxes Oregon experiment station. D r. directly, taxes nevertheless are I PkaM wnd ( ) ponti«» Dougherty recently reported his OREGON LEGHORN WINS 2nd ! CHARGE □ M O N O ORDER □ passed on to him hidden in higher findings to the American Veterinary AT NATIONAL EXHIBITION prices for the things he has to buy. Styl« Site in regular and extra tizei. Beau­ Medical association at its national A person with an income of $80 a 6-wl tifully tailored for extra wear. month pays indirect taxes of $9.67 a convention in Washington, D. C. Starti» Atlantic City, N. J., ‘Miss Oregon,’ month, or ¡2 per cent of his income. L oom L«p 1, was found that carbon monox­ a White Leghorn owned by J. A. One with an income of $150 a month BRIIFS LOOSI LIO ide, which is the poisonous exhaust Hansen of Corvallis, can strut when pays $19.10 monthly in hidden taxes, SHORTII STIF-IN gas of automobiles, and hydrogen she gets home. or 12.7 per cent of his income. This Blush O n ly sulphide, .sometimes called ‘rotten- She was named the second best is in addition to taxes paid directly. egg gas because of a sim ilar odor, hen in the United States after cal­ CHy- were generated in abnormal quan- culation by 13 judges at the fifth tities under bloat conditions. northeastern poultry convention. Expérimenta were carried on with ‘Miss Oregon’ laid 343 eggs in 51 an animal which had been provided weeks, three more titan ‘Miss Mas­ with an a rtificial aliening from the sachusetts.’ who w a s crowned side into the stomach through champion. The. New England hen which the nature of the gasses gen­ was deemed better looking. G rants Pass “Stranger from AMSKA mayor clawed BY GRIZZLY BEAR DIES Texas” Come in and look over our New Trade-in Department WENDEU W ILLKIE MANCHEL’S TRICOT PAVTIES The Golden Rule GRANTS PASS. OREGON Now Showing — TYRONE POWER IN “Bringham Young tiersm an” Brian Donlevy, John Carradine Preview Saturday 11 P.M. The Higgins Family in “The E a rl of Puddlestone” Sun, Mon, Tues; Oc4. 20-21-22 “BOOMTOWN” Clark Bable & Spencer Tracy Matinee 40c, Evenings 55c Kiddies always 10c Coming Soon— George Raft & Ann Sheriden in “They D riv e by N ig h t” SJ GRANTS PASS, OREGON Now Showing — “The Quarterback” W ith Wayne Morris Also “Three Men from Texas” W ith Hopalong Cassidy Sunday, Monday; Oct. 20-21 Hugh Herbert - Boland Young “Private Affairs” Plus Ann Shirley in “Anne of Windy Poplars” Tues, and Weds., Pal Nites! “The Old Dark House” — Plus — “Son of the Navy” WATCH REPAIRING S. hfs’SÍSor Since 1918 21 S. Centra]—Next to Craterlan Medford, Oregon The Seal of Approval Awarded by the American In ­ stitute of Laundering after Passing Rigid Tests OUR DRIVER PICKS UP AND DELIVERS ON TUES. & FRI. Leave Your I-aundry at The “Ace of Spades” GRANTS PASS STEAM LAUNDRY “Since 1900’’ Conger Funeral Parlors erated could be studied. If these Third place among the 12 rog- F ro n ­ RELIABLE REASONABLE