A* & 7 «f The Gold Hill News _ £ h f M o t T h o ro u g h ly R ead W e e k ly in S o u th e r n O rt volume xm l City Officials Must File GOLD HILL, OREGON hOOTS CREEK ITEMS toy Mr». Marion Gaoc«/ -Publbh^ B ig g -t Little T» wb fa 1 hursday, O cto b e r 17. i< Cement Plant Truck Stance Beavers Receive First On End in Unusual Accident Defeat From Tough While dumping lime-rock in the Jacksonville Team NUMBER Lowell Meunier Chosen Chairman of Health Unit Galls Creek Dredge Starts This Week A group of young people from the Federated Cnurch at Central Point At the first meeting of the fall will meet with the Foots Creek rock crasher at the cement plant season the. members of the Gold Hill lust Sunday afternoon the com­ ITie Gold Hill high school six- Sunday School Sunday, October 20 und liuve charge of the services fol­ pany s Ford V-8 truck was pulled man football team suffered its first uni, of Ihe Jackson county health Willi just one more week for lowing Hi« class hour. AB iuiervsl- up on end in un unusual accident. detent of the season lust Friday at association elected Mrs. Aurele candidates to file, t-Rlsens of Gold eu in the work ure invited Io ul- Three large boulders caught in Hie liie hands of the heavy Jacksonville Meunier, chairman of the club for buck end of tile truck, slowly pull­ high squad. The final score was -to the coming year. Mrs. Hoy Cameron Hill ure »bowing very little inter­ leud. was chosen secretary-treasurer and ing tin- front of the truck up into to 8. est in the selection of city offtciiils Mrs. Raymond Lucus and duugh (he uir. Joe Blair who was standing Jacksonville took un early lead Mrs. Arthur Boye has been named ui Hie election Io be held here Tues­ day, November 5. All caiidiiiates for ter i„im-lottc \\ bite look Mrs. Lucas nearby tried Io hold lb- '-out eml | which they held throughout the chairman of the Christmas seal sale. Dredging operations, which will office must file their petitions with mother, Mis. Flora Perry, who nus of tin- truck down hut he was un- 8a,nc with Gold Hill able to get but The club met with Mrs. Hill at the continue for several years will home of her mother Mrs. Runyan! able Io help much. Boy Centers, 3n* ' touchdown, Athough the game been her guest for Ihe pusl month, Ihe city recorder by Friday, Octo­ start this week on Galls Greek, fol­ ber 25, III days before Ihe etection. to Crescent Lily, California Sunday driver of the truck, jumped when was rough it v, as fairly clean. Jack­ in Riverside Colony. Mrs. Dr. Green ami MA. J. C. Weills of Medford lowing several weeks of ground the truck started up in the air. sonville dei idedly out-weighed and where they were met by Mis. Per­ At this lime, in addition to Hie were present und gave short talks testing and preliminary runs of the ih e front end of the truck was out-numbered the local team. county, slate mid national election, ry s sou wiio took her to her home during the meeting. machinery. Most of the gold-bear­ f Ihe fair board did a rushing bus­ deal while here. years Marshfield were honored Wednes­ Pcout is any Poy from 9 to INTERESTING ALL DAY MEETINt ear John Day, Oregon in the in­ iness at the News office last Fri a who, along with his motner, KNJG3KD B ï RELIEF CORI'S Mrs. Bud Snyder is spending day when their only son, Ed Bolt, terest of their farm they own there. day when she puhj $800.00 of 'he "»me time in San Francisco, Calif- held a reception for them at the nas registereu wim tne local Cub 882.30 to be paid — *- where ‘ ■ is visiting her Homestead on the Rogue. The occa­ Scout committee. Five boys thus The members of the Gold Hill ornia she Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. Bariley hav, sion was the Golden Wedding Anni­ registered, who live in the same Women s Belief corps enjoyed un in­ mother and sister. versary of .he couple. A large group neignporliood then form a Den. BUILDS NEW WOOD SHED teresting uii day meeting ut their had as their guest Mr. Badlev’s nephew, Victor Builley, from Wash Henry Tygart, son of Mr. and Mrs. of friends from the valley enjoyed tacn Den meets ooce a week under meeting rooms in liie city n u ll, Earl Pankcy is finishing work Frank Tygart of Sardine Creek, an afternoon of visiting and lovely tiie guidance and leadership of a Wednesday, Uctuber 9. A delicious ington who has spent the past sum this week cn a new 16 x 18 foot suffered a painful injury of his refreshments of coffee, tea and cake Den Mother and Den Adviser. Each pot-lqck dinner was served ut noou :ner in Iduho for his health. Poy has certain tests and qualifica­ wood shed which he is having built hand when a 22-caliber rifle acci­ were served, all outdoors. und Hie rest of Hie day was spent Dr. and .Mrs. E. It. Seely from >n his property here. The work is dently went off while he was hang­ Those enjoying the delightful af­ tions he must make to receive a transacting Ihe regular business and Portlund and daughter, Mrs How ing it up Sunday. icing done by J. W. Bryan. fair were Mrs. Allie Hamlin of Den Award. These tests are not sewing on the quill. The next meet­ nrd Grover and daughter Maridel o( Murphy, Mrs. Lulu Colwell of San hard, but are devised with the idea ing will be ut the hull on Wednes­ Hardy Cook of Portland came Grants Pass were Saturday after- MISTER X REVEALS day, October 23. Thursday to spend a week here vis­ Francisco, California, Mrs. W. H. of making Hie hoy think for himself .. ,• noon callers ut the home of Mr nn-l hose attending the meeting were Mrs. M„rJon l4, Mr- IDENTITY IN MEDFORD RING iting his brother, R. E. Cook and Elannagan of Grants Pass, Reverend and teach him self-reliance. There E.ia P aV ic; f Z , ; ; k L ; ;:;sr IVMi; ionu * 7 7 - Joseph Knotts of Medford, Miss are three stages of ‘Cubbing* each family. Minnie Tuffs of Grants Pass, Mrs. requiring a year’s service to ful­ The local wrestling fans found Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of J. L. Woolridge of Ashland, Mr. and fill. At the end of the third stage or Keil, Irene Johnson and Mrs. Ton, ite<( ho,ne out Monday evening that Cyclone Henderson. Mackey of Wuko, Texas is the grap- Medford spent the week end here as Mrs. William Nah, of Crescent City, third year your boy will be eligible Saturday to visit their brother Les­ pler who has been appearing under guests of Mrs. Johnston’s parents, California, Mrs. Lou Dixon of to join the Boy Scouts. lie and wife a». Klamath Falls, also Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and family. Grants Pass, Mrs. E. W. Brainard of Several of your local mothers Mr. and Mrs. Dots Eddings of on a hunting trip near Lakeview. a mask the last two weeks in Med­ Central Point, Mrs. Day and Mrs. have been selected as ‘Den Mothers’ Eugene! spent several day here last ford, when he was defeated by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wise spent Kittie Gray, both of Grants Pass. and are anxious to get going. week visiting old friends and rela­ Cowboy Dude Chick in the main Tuesday and Wednesday duck hunt­ Mrs. Ed Bolt will return here from The members of the Extension The ‘Den Advisers’ have been se­ tives. unit enjoyed a turkey dinner at the event of this week's card. Cyclone ing in eastern Oregon. Portland Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs. lected from your local scout troop. itlempled to hull and rough his Shuler home Tuesday, October 13. Mrs. R. E. Cook and Mrs. Kathryn Bolt will accompany Mr. Bolt's par­ These boys are outstanding in the way through the match with the Lance spent Tuesday in Grants Pass ents to their home in Marshfield, troop for their advancement and Cheyenne Cowboy, but found he LAURAINE FORCE AND was no match for Dude. Several visiting Mrs. Pearl Norton and fam­ where they will be honored by the leadership ability. ARTY LAWS MARRIED Methodist Church next week. The local Grange has selected the times during the bout Chick nearly ily. men from its roster who are to completed his task of removing the JESS (ill,CHRIST taking |„ Hie Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Richardson left PAST NOBLE GRANDS MAKE A surprise Io their many friends serve as Hie committee. ililch when a truck loaded with five here this week was the marriage mask, und finally did succeed at the Tuesday for the coast where they PLANS FOR CONVENTION There are forty boys in this local­ end of the session, with the help of tons of rock started skidding side­ Tuesday o f A rtv Law s o f Bourn. ■> , ......... ...... " " ‘ ■'•‘ i ’ ” ■ will visit relatives in Crescent City, ity who are willing and anxious to ’ , gl 1 Referee Garrison, after Mackey had Gold Bench and Eureka. ways toward him. Hiver and Miss Lauraine Force of The members of the Past Noble be Cub Scouts. fallen victim to one of Chick’s Air- Gold Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Now—everything is ready! The ine spins. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whitsett. Grands club of Gold Hill met at the IXM1AN GABDNE.lt Ihe firs', ar­ Wm. Force. They were married at I.O.O^F. hall again on Thursday. stage is set! It’s up to you, mothers, Jess Gilchrist, Mrs. Daisy Gilchrist, In Ihe middle event Wildcat Geo. rival id Ihe selective service head­ and Miss Maud Sutton spent the October 10 to make plans for the to act! quarters anxious to gel his name M . . Force I,,1 Ior.1 „ v,.rv “ ' " ' Rebekah convention Io be held here This coming Monday, October 21, very fine wrestling week end in North Bonneville, on the dotted line. schools and Mr. Laws attended exhibition. On a couple of occa­ Washington. Miss Sutton went oil November 2. Mrs. Frank Carter, act­ at 7:30 p.m. in the. Grange building, school in Bogue River. The young ed as hostess in the absence of the a meeting will be held to start the CLARENCE KELL requiring three couple will make their home in sions the boys tossed aside their to Bremerton, Washington where regular hostess, Mrs, Win. Hittle. ball rolling. So, mothers, bring your orthodox Indies for a few minutes, she will visit friends for some time. appearances before the draft hoard Bogue River. hut on the whole it was a very Mr. and Mrs. Whitsett will return to Those attending were Mesdames boy or boys and register into one before they could get correct in­ clean and clever match. Wilson Bonneville soon where Mr. Whit­ Chas. Gray, Chas. Kell, Geo. Dor­ of the largest organizations in the formation concerning him. man, L. Whitsett, Paul Thompson, world. It’s absolutely necessary for FORMER RESIDENT MARRIED look the first fall in the first round sett has employment. H. D. Force, Frank Carter, Earl the boy to be accompanied by his Friend? will be Interested to hear with a press following some long EARL MOORE hunting all over of Ihe marriage of Harold Vicars Bill Wright of Sardine Creek is im­ Moore, Tom Henderson, Wilbur mother. Now, mothers, if you have town for Ihe rock crew, only to and Frances Ross, in Reno. Nevada sonnenburgs, and the second in the proving rapidly at the Sacred Martin, Geo. Haff, Tom Smith, Joe younger members of the family and fourth with a hammerloek. return Io the plant and find them Tuesday. Roth of then, are from Heart hospital in Medford follow­ Lewis, Art Gorham, Darrell Hen­ there is no one to leave them with The opening event saw Otis industriously at work there. Ashland, but Mias Ross formerly re- Clingman matched will, Tiro Ito ing a major operation last Sunday drickson, Walter McLean and one at home, bring them along. In fact guest Mrs. Cecil Johnson. sh ed here and is quite well known, will, the laurels going to the form- morning. the whole family is welcome to LUCILLE SMITH, surprising her­ Mrs. Chas. Kell will be hostess for come to the meeting. She was a daughter of Mr. and er wilt, a piledriver in the second Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wolters of self a,id everyone else when she Mrs. Itert Ross, who moved to Ash- the next meeting which will be Don’t forget the day, Monday— round, rendering Ito unfit for fur­ Medford were Sunday dinner guests passed her driving test. held at the hall Thursday, October the time, 7:30 p.m.— the place, your and a nuiubcr of years ngo, ther wrestling. of Mrs. Minuh Byerty. local Grange h alt , i . I The Spy-G lass /