Thursday, October 3, 1140 The Gold Hill News American Boy la Companion to Thousands 11 Is estim ated (hut tourist camps und courts have intuitili custom ers daily, according lu the Oregon stala Motor association. E s ta b lis h e d 1897 Hundreds of thousands of boys and young men read The American FINAL NOTICE Boy m agatine every month and co n ­ W a lla c e G. Iv e r s o n , E d ito r a n d O w n e r sider it m ore as u living com panion IN THE COUNTY U.tlUItT OF THE A n In d e p e n d e n t N e w s p a p e r P u b lis h e d in th e I n t e r e s t s o f than as a mugusinc. STATE OF OIIEOON FOB JACK- “It's as much a buddy to ma as SON COUNTY. G old H ill, O re g o n , a n d V ic in ity my neighborhood chum,** w rites one In the Matter of the Estate high school senior. "The American of JOHN C. INGLING, som etim es Boy seem s to understand a boy's known as John Ingling, Deceased. problem s and considers them in PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY NOTICE IS HEItEBY GIVEN that such a sym pathetic and helpful w ay. the undersigned has filet) his Final It gives advice and entertaining Keport and Account in the ubove E n t e r e d a t th e P o s to f f ic e a t G o ld H ill, O r e g o n , f o r t r a n s ­ reading on every subject in w hich entitled mutter, and the above en­ titled Court lias fixed the 14th day a young fellow is interested. It Is m is s io n t h r o u g h th e m a ils a s s e c o n d -c la s s m a t te r . o f October, 1940, ut the hour of 10 particularly helpful in sports. 1 o ’clock a. m., in the County Court made our school basketball team Hoorn, in the Court House In Med­ rod, guayule and a variety o f trans­ because o f playing tips I read in S y n th e tic R u b b e r ford. Jackson County, Oregon, os planted natural rubber trees. But The American Boy.” the time and place for hearing ob­ last year only 1,700 tons of native jections to suid Final Account and Many fam ous athletes in all N inety-seven per cent o f all the the settlem ent thereof. and synthetic rubber w as used in sports credit much of their success rubber consum ed in the United FRANK J. NEWMAN, this country, as against 592.000 tons to helpful suggestions received from Adm inistrator. States conies from half-way around of natural rubber brought 10,000 spiorts articles carried in The SI2-O3 the globe, from the Dutch East In­ m iles from islands in the Orient. American Boy m agazine. Virtually dies and British Malaya. And this tonnage w as 60 per cent every issue offers advice from a With this supply in constant dan­ of the entire w orld’s supply. famous coach or player. Football, ger of being cut off by w ar it is no ■ ■ ■ I It is the synthetic product on basketball, track, tennis, in fact w onder that American industrial­ w hich the United States w ould have every major sport is covered in You can know your EYES ists as w ell as m ilitary leaders have to depend mainly if w ar or other fiction and fact articles. { P jL G R IM FATHERS been w orried about how to meet a L am es only whrn required catastrophe w ere to cut off our Teachers, librarians, parents and sudden rubber fam ine should it supply o f natural crude rubber from leaders of b oys’ clubs also recom ­ HAO LITTLE CASH — (WJ hen great grandpa set out D r. H e rb e rt W H e rm a n n com e. the ¡para tree. T hree m anufacturers mend The American Boy enthusias­ THEIR WEALTH WAS OPTOMBTRINT IN 4 9 FOR CALIFORNIA , ^ 5 0 0 The U. S. Department of Agri­ are pioneering in m aking the syn tically. -They have found that as a LARGELY GUN.AXE.CABIN culture has carried on experim ents thetics. The Goodrich Company of general rule regular readers of The WAS GOOD ANNUAL IN C O M E . Grants Pass for several years w ith rubber beat­ Akron, O., w ill soon have a plant American Boy advance more rap- S19 H. St. Phone 2561 ing native plants such as golden- in operation making several tons idly and develop m ore w orth w h ile N FREE,DEMOCRATIC U S ., daily of ‘Ameripol,’ Standard Oil is characteristics than do boys w ho HALF OF ALL MEN OWN building a plant at Baton Bogue, L a .1 do not read it. HOMES ; 6 4 . 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 LIFE to make ‘buna,’ and has a sm aller Trained w riters and artists, fam ­ INSURANCE POLICY-HOLDERS testing plant at Bayw ay. N. J., m ak­ ous coaches and athletes, explorers, HAVE PROVIDED AVERAGE ing ‘butyl.’ The F irestone Tire com ­ scientists and men successful in YOUR OF $ 3 7 0 0 FOR FAMILY pany also is turning out sm all quan­ business and industry join w ith an D R . O. H . S C H E E T Z PROTECTION — tities o f Ihe substitute, ’buna.* experienced staff to produce in The O p to m e tris t 4 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 HAVE SAVINGS All these synthetics have a com ­ American Boy, the sort of reading ACCOUNTS AVERAGING ? 5 5 O . w ill be com pounded w ith the E Y E S IG H T S P E C IA L IS T mon base, a byproduct or petro­ matter boys lik e best. highest quality drugs obtain­ leum made by long distillation. The The American Boy sells on most THERE ARE ENOUGH AUTOS TO 606 East H St, across from able and as exactly as your finished product contains several new sstands at 25c a copy. Subscrip­ SEAT EVERY MAN .WOMAN.CHILD. Golden Bule II St. entrance Doctor orders at the depend­ chem icals prepared from such pro­ tion prices are $2.00 for one year able— fusely available m aterials as air. or $3.50 for three years. Foreign and natural gas and soap. It is of in ter­ Canadian rates 50c a year extra. T o est to note that w ith tires on it subscribe sim ply send your name, GOOD ADVICE ind conditions of American citi­ OWL DRUG STORE made of one of these substitutes, a address and rem ittance direct to zens. All they ask is that the draft G R A N TS PASS, O RE. car could utilize as products o f the The American Boy, 7430 Second W illiam Green, president of thi itself be fairly and im partially cur­ sam e oil w ell, fuel, lubricating oil Blvrl., Detroit, Yfichignn. American Federation of Labor, ha- ried out, that neither imi II nor po­ and the rubber on w hich it travels. objected strongly to the passage pi sition shull he perm itted to inter­ Main problem of getting m ore of F ir s t F e w S tep s o f f C u rb the draft bill. But now that it is ap­ fere w ith its operations; thul every 5WMÄRDF the synthetic rubber into use is. its _ v , , parent conscription is the law ol claim for exem ption shall In- heard. PROCESS excessive cost over the natural p r o -. U A n g e r o u s t o r r e d e s tn a n s the land, after having been fully duct. At present the syn th etics cost and thoroughly debated in congress, GOLDEN GATE FAIR PASSES \\Sth the man afoot the ch ief around 65 cents a pound w h ile the Green told a gathering of unionists SIX MILLION GATE MARK natural rubber is about 20 cents. victim of traffic accidents in cities, in W ashington on Monday: All w oolen garments cleaned The form er cost could be cut down Dr. E. B. McDaniel, president of W hatever form conscription by us ate moth proofed at no Paid attendance ut the 1940 Gold­ very m aterially by increased pro­ the Oregon State Motor associatim ., extra cost. finally takes, w e w ill support it duction but there w ould be no out­ declared today that the pedestrian en Gale International exposition und carry it out. let for any increase at present. If must be particularly w ary when reached the 6,000,000 mark on Sep­ FRENCH LAUNDRY AND That is not only the reasonable, im portation of natural rubber were taking the first few steps o ff the tember 26 as Mrs. Em ily Nordstrand DRY CLEANERS but also the patriotic p osition to to be stopped it w-ould be com fort­ curb. of San F rancisco went through a Pick up and deliver tw ice a “A survey of accidents involving take. Indeed, “w e w ill support it turnstile. Mrs. Nordstrand, a house­ ing to know that w e could get along and carry it out” might w ell be­ week. without it by substituting the syn pedestrians in a large Eastern city, w ife, w on a 30 day cruise Io New IF THETRE 6000 come ihe sentim ent of all classes thetic product of this h ighly strg cited in the A.A.A.’s manueJ, P edes­ York anjj return, w ith all expenses EN0U6H TO DRIVE trian Protection show ed that first tegic material. paid, and several other sm all prizes. ************wvwwwwwwwwbb*wwwwwb%wa 01 THETRE VALV­ steps o ff the curb are m ost danger­ U LE TO U l CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ous,’’ Dr. McDaniel said. “Visual R E P R E S E N T A T IV E O F U N E M ­ reasons for such accidents are lack P L O Y M E N T C O M P E N S A T IO N WJJEALITY'' was the subject of of attention on the part of the per­ the Les'on - Sermon in all W IL L B E h ERE T H IS M O N T H Churches of Christ, Scientist, on son afoot, and obstruction to v is­ cash «• can Sunday. September 29. W ith the ending of the base year ion due to parked cars so that the giva yoa far The Golden Text was, "Pear not, on w hich 1941 benefits are to be pedestrian doe« not see the ap­ little flock; for it Is your Father’s them on tbs proaching veh icle, and the driver paid, field representatives o f the good pleasure to give you the king­ Unemploym ent Compensation Com­ has only a few secon d s’ tim e in parchase af dom” (Luke 12:32). m ission are making every effort w hich to see the w alker after he Among the citations which com­ this month to secure from more leaves the curb. prised the Lesson-Sermon was the E x c ite m e n t — T h r ill» “No( o n ly are the first steps dan­ than 10,000 covered em ployers com­ following from the Bible; "O Lord, how manifold are thy worksl In plete w age records for the. past four gerous, but the middle of Ihe street 8 :3 0 p. m . wisdom hast thou made them all; quarters. Based on pay received be­ has a high pedestrian accident rate. the earth Is full of thy riches" tw een 'October 1, 1939 and Septem­ An analysis o f pedestrian fatalities M e d fo r d A r m o r y IPs. 104:24). ber 30, 1940, claim s for 1941 jobless in a city on the. Great Lakes in 1939 The Lesson-Sermon also Included insurance in the state m ay be filed show ed that three out ol four oc­ S e a ts on sa le a t B r o w n ’s the following correlative passages beginning Decem ber 11, 1940. Field curred in the m iddle o f the street, from the Christian Science text­ Auditor James E. Keys w ill be in or. in the traffic lanes im m ediately book, “Science and Health with Key the southern Oregon territory for adjacent to the center. C onclusions to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker a m as asesTT-t m ost of October to contact em ploy­ reached in the study w ere, (1) that Eddy; “All reality is In Ood and ers of four or m ore w orkers cover­ the pedestrian expected the m otor­ His creation, harmonious and etern­ al. That which he creates Is good, ist to stop or slo w dow n and p er­ ed by the act. and He makes all that is made . . . mit him to cross safely, (2) that the Let us learn of the real and eternal, pedestrian expected to be seen ev ­ and prepare for the reign of Spirit, en though visibility w as poor and the kingdom of heaven,—the reign THE TIRE MAN he w as w earing dark clothing at and rule of universal harmony, U . 8. T IR E S night, and (3) that pedestrians which cannot be lost nor remain T h e S e a l o f A p p ro v a l mai^y times underestim ated the forever unseen”