The New 1941 Chevrolet EVROLET Will be on Display Saturday September 21st BE T 0 SEE T i 'E MOST SURPRISING VALUE WE HAVE EVER OFFERED innrviiiEO WAiXI MORE RECRUITS ------ ... u.iiie super« uni«« uregon turkey breedarc visor, shows that up to September Wbrk together td protect the pur ~ is .-------- i v w v i i rau*« I wore than 14,000,000 fish h-ive chasers of breeding stock, as well on all periodicals, domestic and been planted and .-everal m illion as their own interests, they w ill foreign. Hepresent the oldest mage The recent drive to enlist men in line agency in the United States I the I ni.ed Slide* Marine Corps is . gained, warned H. E. Cosby, head Start a growing and permanent bus- ■ iilm o s l id a close, d was announced Liberation crew* are now work- o ' the 0. S. C. poultry department, mess in whole or spare time. Ad­ I by Major James It. Tlurdie, in charge dress Moore-Cottrell, Inc.. Naples of marine recruitling activities w ith ing out of the Klumuth and Wit-1 * he broad field of service which Boad, North Cohocton. New York. lumette hatcheries releasing fall (• ,he a'w of Oregon State college in the district of Portland. By the end nl September, the Marine corp* spawn rainbow trout, averaging in I *n rei aHonship to ail industries in I this state, was outlined by F. I. expect* Io liave reached it* author- length from 3Mi to 4V, inches. Approximately J ,500,OOP of these 11 B a,,arrt' new P ^ i'le n t of the cob ixed strength of 34,WM) enlisted men. W atch repairing an “ ddres» to the poultry- However, about a thousand va­ large fish are being released from I L a rry Schade cancies atilt exist, (lie major went tlie Klamath hqtehery, being plant-1 n,eM' He showed how the agricul- F. Watch Inspector on to explain, for young men who ed principully in the large lakes ol fUral po,‘cy in th‘s date fo r a num- Since 1018 Cenfral and South Central Oregon. ber Year* has h*«” that of gear- are found qualified fo r enlistment. 21 3. Centra}—Next to C rst.H r ^ From (he Willamette hatchery ,7 * pro