Thunday, The Gold Hill News lie at the root of most of our huo’» ing tragedies.** A few rules for Hunters E stablish ed 1897 Undoubtedly, declare the National Conservation Bureau experts, if all P U B L I S H E D B Y IV E R S O N P R IN T I N G C O M P A N Y those who go on hunting trips this fall would observe the following W allace G. Iverson. E d ito r and O w n er few simple precautions, our 1940 An Independent N ew spaper Published in the In te re s ts of hunting accident carnage would he greatly minimised: Gold Hill, O regon, and V icinity 1. Wear clothing whose color eon Irasts as much as possible with the foliage. Bed has been proven the P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y best color. A red tap, jacket, or shirt may save your life. 2. Don't drink while you are in E n tere d a t the P ostoffice at Gold H ill, O regon, fo r tra n s the woods. Liquor and fire-arms m ission th ro u g h the m ails as second-class m a tte r. don’t mix. 3. When climbing fences or other Portland also ranked ninth for obstructions either unload your CAR O W N E R S H IP cities of 100,009 in total street mile­ gun or be sure the safely catch is H IG H IN O R E G O N age. There are 1,001 miles of streets on. Always unload a shotgun. 4. Keep your gun pointed away within the city while the average There is a passenger car register­ for cities within this population from your partner or companions at ed in Portland for every 3.7 resi­ group was 70« miles of streets. all times. When walking with a dents according to information ' The material revealed that mo­ group, carry your gun over your reaching Dr. E. B. McDaniel, presi­ torists and the motoring industry shoulder, niusxle upward, instead of dent of the Oregon State Motor paid eleven per cent of all the tax­ slung in the crook of your arm. association, from the Automobile es collected in 1939. Taxes per mo­ 5. Protect your general i hvdcal Manufacturers association. Portland tor vehicle in the United States now health while outdoors. Don’t over ranked eleventh for all cities over average $58.15 — a jump of 4« oer exert yourself, change wet cloth- ro m p tly ,,n'l 8»‘t plenty 100,060 population in per capita pas­ rent over the average of $35.88 perl , p ProlnP,l> of I sleep at night. senger car ownership. vehicle :« in min 1929. Oregon ranked thin! in states in 6. Don't snap-shoot on the spur Gasoline consumption per vehieh point of ownership, the motor as­ during 1939 was 724 gallons at a of the moment. Every time you sociation president said. There is a cost t ................. of $13o.75. —..w. ..... Mr. .»ni/utitc, McDaniel suit said fire your gun. know beyond a doubt car for every 3.3 persons in Oregon, that federal, state and local gasolin, what you are shooting at. It is bet­ tne national average for stales is a taxes accounted for *39.39 or 40.9 ter to come back to camp minus a car for every 5.5 persons. deer than carrying a wounded man per cent of the gasoline cost. over your shoulder. YOUR 1100 S L A I N IN 1939 B Y N IM R O D S ’ G U N S tfr, 1840 to ing question will he submitted Io PROCESS Ihoosands leave the wood, severely, known » John Ingting Deceas^’ required that such levy be author said legal voters of said City: wounded, dying, or dead. In Octob- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ¡hut ized and approved by the legul vot­ 'Shull the City of Gold llill make er, November and December of last 'hc «adersigned has filed his Final ers of the City of Gold Hill, now. a special levy of taxes for the Therefore, year 1941 upon the tuxuhle pro­ year there were In this country an- un<1 Accou-‘t in the above ----- — . . . . J inc people of Ihe City of Gold All woolen garments cleaned ..... ...................... - accidental deaths y ' '" “ ‘J « ! matter, and the above, en­ perty in the City <»f Gold filll, proximately 1,100 titled Court has fixed the 14th day Did do resolve as follows: by us are moth proofed at no Oregon, us shown by the assess due to firearms, 40 per cent of the °f Section i . i n u i u special election October, 1940, at the hour of 10 Went roll of 1940 for general extra cost. total for the entire year. Scores of octock a. ni., in the County Court oe ami is Hereby called to be held fund purposes, including all de­ thousands were luckier—they were Room, in the Court House in Med­ between the Hours ,,f 8:oo o clock partments of municipal govern­ FRENCH LAUNDRY AND ford, Jackson County, Oregon, as a. m. and 6:00 o clock p. in. on the merely maimed. ment, in the amount of $5,672.50 DRY CLEANERS JOth day of September, 1940, and the time and place for hearing ob­ aJ(. J,r<,vb<«'<> by Ordinance No.' Game Not Worth Human Life jections to said Final Account and that ttiere shall be submitted to the Pick up and deliver twice a “This needless destruction of hu­ the settlement thereof. IF THEY’RE 6000 legal voters of said city for adop­ This notice is given by d ire c tio n of week. the — tux ">•* levy «»■ for ««e the the Council of the City of Gold H it ’ man life during the hunting months FRANK J. NEW .ALAN, i .. tion _ or rejection -----••“ EM0U6H TO DRIVE Administrator. Æ U h 4 , Rvretofore made by the can and must be stopped." say ex­ •m i. Nellie Reed, Recorder.” OR THEY’RE VALU­ S12-O3 ,e {-By ° of ‘ '« Gold Hill for r S12-O 3 I l“° untll 7 11,1 » Id H i l l fo perts of the National Conservation rt.e Recorder is hereby directed I general fund purposes, including all ARLE TO I» . Bureau, accident prevention divis­ departinents of municipal govern- RESOLUTION NO. 30 ion of the Association of Casualty ment in the sum of $5,672.50 as p ro See how much A H P S iit i « n o v n- I V1“ed b> Ordinance No. 216. and Surety Executives. "Our hunt­ calling a special Section 2. For the purpose o f said cash we can ers must decide whether or not „i. fi»hlL°n r he Cl.,y io i Gol special election has been called by the Council of the City of Gold Hill pursuant to its Resolution No. 30 adopted and passed on the 10th dav of September, 1940, to be held be- I tween the hours 8:00 o’clock a. m. and 8:00 o’clock p. m. on the 86th day of September, 1940, at which election there shall be submitted to the legal voters of Ihe City of Gold Hill for adoption or rejection the I tax levy for the year 1941, hereto- ...............................................................................‘M M w m n n n t m Build Now • No Money Down SEE US AND AVOID PAYING RENT • BOYSEN’S 100% PURE PAINTS Copeland Lumber Yards G ran t« P a t s , O regon .............................................................. ................................ J T h e W o r ld ’s N ew s Seen T h rou gh T he C hristian S cience M onitor Att In te rn a tio n a l D a ily N ew s fia/ter is T ru th fu l— Constructive— Unbiased__Free c «m - E ditorial, A re Tim ely and In.truc.iv« featu re,, Together with the Weekly M e o a rin . « N e io p a p « . for the H o m . . ^ i ' M' U The C h ri.tian Science Publishing Societ? One. Norway Street, Bo,ton. M anachuiert, Pnce 412.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month Saturday l..u e , m cludina M agaein. Section, »2 60 . Year Introductory O ffer. 6 taiue, 25 Cent. Y N-m*..................................................................................... Address_. . . . ____. . . _________ SAM PLE CO PY O N REQUEST