Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 19, 1940, Image 2

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    T h e G old H ill N e w s . G old H ill. Orearon
WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS___________ By Roger Shaw
Heads Lawyers
Nazis Send Air Armadas Over London
On Biggest Bombing Raids in History;
Michael Returns to Rumanian Throne;
Critics Discuss Arms Sale to England
L IN E S :
Over London
U. S. A.
Washington, D. C.
The late M. Maginot built himself
a line. It was of steel and concrete.
Now, we have a so-called Roosevelt
line in the East, and w ill doubtless
get a so-called Knox line in the
West. Secretary Knox was said to
be a special proponent of the west­
ern setup.
The Roosevelt line ran from Lab­
Here is Jacob Mark Lashley,
rador to Brazil. It took in New­
foundland, Bermuda, the Bahamas,
St. Louis attorney, just elected
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, some
president of the American Bar
little islands, Trinidad, and British
association, pictured as he ad­
Guiana. It was to consist of naval
dressed his colleag'tes after tak­
and aerial’ bases par excellence. The
ing office in Philadelphia, Pa.,
Knox line, if any, was to start with
where the lawyers held their
the islands off Alaska, then Hawaii,
annual convention.
then the Galapagos and Cocoa is­
land, north and south of the Panama
canal. One group belonged to Cos- P R O -C O N SC R IP T :
England, and more particularly
London, felt the full fury of total
aerial warfare as Nazi bombers
swarmed over the English channel
in what seemed like one never-end­
ing bombing mission.
Some U. S. war correspondents
(writing under British censorship)
declared that the Germans had giv­
en up any attempt to aim at m ilitary
objectives before dropping their tons
of high explosives, but merely found
their way over the city and dropped
the bombs without regard for what
they might strike below. Germany
denied these charges, saying that
their airmen were aiming at points
of m ilitary advantage to England
and if civilians were killed or hurt
it was "not on purpose.” Just how
many persons were killed in these
terrific raids could not accurately
be determined.
One thing was sure however. Ger­
many had worked out a definite plan
of bombing attack. First, planes
carrying incendiary bombs circled
over the city dropping their loads
to start fires which served as flares
to light the target of those to fol­
low. Defending planes of the royal
air force and anti-aircraft fire at
first held the invaders away from
the interior of the city. But the con­
tinuous attacks, coupled with such
a large numerical advantage in Ger­
man planes and pilots made it im­
possible for the British to keep the
enemy from doing a great deal of
real damage.
Some 1,500 anti-conscript youths
planned to sit on the Capitol steps,
at Washington, all night—for a
“ spell of devotion.”
The Washingtonian police nabbed
the bunch, with a hoot and a holler.
The Rev. Owen Knox of Detroit,
chairman of the civil rights federa­
tion, was taken off to the Capitol
police housery. So was a rabbi. At
least 10 of the peaceful demonstra­
tors were likewise nabbed by the
bluecoats, and hauled away from the
Capitol grounds.
Previously, Senator Pepper of
Florida had proved an excellent,
good sport, when he was hanged
and heckled by a mob of female
draft objectors, who swooped down
on the Washingtonian scene. Poor
rustic Pepper is not everybody’s pet,
but he is to be congratulated for
his American laughability, in the
face of female petticoats, embat­
tled. The Pepper hanging, please
U'ould he get a “fin« in the U etl" ?
note, was only in effigy. The ladies
ta Rica, the other to Ecuador, two were in the flesh.
of the so-called Latin American re­
publics. The Costa Ricans offered JIM M IE :
to play ball.
In the last war, the Germans had
Jimmie Walker was New York’s
the Hindenburg line. Then came the best-dressed and most likeable citi­
ill-fated Maginot line. It was faced zen. He always looked as if he were
by the German Siegfried line. Italy sweet 18. He had a marvelous per­
has a Lictor line. Finland had a sonality-m uch better than that of
Mannerheim line. Rumania pos­ the slightly rancid A1 Smith. Jimmie
sessed a Carol line. England still was mayor of the modern Babylon,
holds the 20-mile Channel line. The 1 and thoroughly enjoyed the post, as
Czechs once boasted a Sudeten line. ' he enjoyed everything else. But he
Some of them worked, and'some of resigned, under fire, in 1932, and
them didn't. The Roosevelt-Knox went to France for a while. He was
lines looked almost airtight, and just as popular after he resigned,
some., m ilitary critics said that less­ under fire, as he was when he was
ened the need for peace-time Yankee elected. That was his personality,
conscriptioneering. Others said: No. i again.
Mayor LaGuardia is a very differ­
M O RE & M O R E :
ent type: brusque, anti-suave, not a
Without End
sport, but a positive reformer. Just
Oliver Twist asked for “ more.” the same, LaGuardia has always
So did extreme anglophiles, and sen­ had a wea!: spet for Jim m ie Walker,
timental Tories. We gave England like everybody else. Jimmie was
the 50 destroyers, with part of the startled and overjoyed when La­
American people protesting vigor­ Guardia appointed him to a good,
ously. That was not enough. The $20,000-per-year job. This was boss
anglophiles just mentioned, demand­ —impartial chairman—of the cloak
ed “ more" in stentorian tones. These and suit industry. LaGuardia said
people wanted to give Mr. Churchill: he had decided the matter, mental­
1. At least 20 motor torpedo-boats, ly, when he was 7,000 feet up in the
for channel work.
air—aviating from Washington to
2. A large number (half) of our New York. Did Mr. Roosevelt have
crack flying fortresses, to bomb East a hand in it, as part of the 1940
Prussia and Poland.
campaign racket, wondered the rail-
3. A large number of seaplanes, birds?
Anyway, everybody was
for submarine spotting, etc.
4. A ll our tanks, for use in the C O U R T E S Y :
Mediterranean region.
King Carol and his red-headed
sweetheart, Magda Wolff-Lupescu,
fled away from their ex-Rumania.
Carol’s 18-year-old son, Michael, in­
herited the Rumanian throne. Mich­
ael has been king before—from 1927
to 1930, when Carol was in exile.
In 1930, Carol came back from his
Paris hideaway, and ousted his lit­
tle son by an army coup. Now, the
army had kicked Carol out, and
“A big
red-baiter from way back.”
brought back the boy again. Michael
had pretty well grown up, since his
first infantile venture in the king-
Gen. John Antonescu, a really
tough general, assumed an Iron
Guard dictatorship: in other words,
a Rumanian Nazi dictatorship. John
is violently anti-Russian, and a big
red-baiter from way back. He want­
ed to fight Russia, when Stalin
grabbed Rumanian Bessarabia and
the Bukovina. But Carol shut him
up in a monastery, where he fright­
ened the monks half to death by his
man-eating ways. He is, roughly,
the same type as the Italian gen­
eral, so-tough Rudi Graziani, who
took Italo Baiba’s place as governor
of Italo-Nocth Africa.
It was announced that we had al­
ready given the British 80,000 ma­
chine guns, 500,000 rifles, and 750
field guns, with “ huge stocks of am­
munition.” One out of every four
armed Britishers, said the same
source, is carrying an American
weapon of some sort. Some people
felt those 50 over-age destroyers
were merely meant for a legal or
illegal precedent, to break the ice,
and enmesh Uncle Sam still deeper
in the European mess. As for the
British islands, said these critics,
America could have had them free,
by holding up airplane shipments,
and waving the banner of the still
unpaid war debt, from World war
Losing Ways
Rumania was losing territory all
along the line. The Russians had
taken Bessarabia and the Bukovina.
The Hungarians had northern Tran­
sylvania, after some rough-housing.
The little Bulgarians took southern
Dobrudja, which they were eminent­
ly entitled to, as Churchill, Hitler
and Stalin all admitted, for once in
agreement. The red-baiters and Fas­
cists in Rumania were willing to
yield land to Hungary, but wanted
to fight Russia. The pinks and left­
ists in Rumania were willing to yield
land to Russia, but wanted to fight
C H O IC E :
When it came to a choice between
Stalin and H itler—and it looked as if
many Americans might be faced
with a choice before very long—
some conservative Americans pre­
ferred H itler, while many liberal
Americans preferred Stalin. All
commentators were coming to real­
ize that the Russo-German pact of
August, 1939, was basically unsound,
politically, economically, and ideo­
No. 1.
. . .
in f/jt’
John Cripps is the son of Sir Staf­
ford Cripps, England’s radical am­
bassador to Russia. Son John is
a conscientious objector, who thinks
the war is totally un-Christian. The
British draft board sentenced young
Cripps to work in the garden, two
days per week.
The U. S. navy was considering
the purchase of H. Edward Man­
ville’s private yacht, the Hi-Esmaro.
It is a 267-foot affair, worth a m il­
lion and a quarter, in anybody’s good
mazuma. It has an excellent steel
hull, and could be used for a naval
training ship. It was launched in
1929, the year of the depression. J.
P. Morgan, of Morgan’s, turned over
his super-yacht to the British navy
some time back, it seems.
Ex-King Carol of Rumania was
shrinking with his ex-kingdom. Carol
was pudgy and fattish. But he lost
33 pound« in hardly any time at all
T ric k o f Reclaim ing
The Discarded Chair
’T 'H E R E were two of thege old
* bent-wood chairs both with
cane seats gone and a badly
scarred varnish finish. “ Get them
out of my sight)" their owner
said, “ I can’t stand the thought of
wood bent und forced into unnat­
ural curves." In the end she did
get them out of sight und used
them too. The trick wus done
with slip covers made, as shown.
The one you see in the sketch
became a side chair fur the living
(EDITOR'S NOTE—When optnlooi era ex p rex ed In A m c o lu m n , they
arc 1*0»« ot the oew t analyst and not necessarily ot this newspaper.)
by Western N.wap.,par Union.'
T h u r sd a y , S o p i. 19. 1940
A young German pilot was shot
down by a British Spitfire, over Eng­
land. They put him in a prisoner’s
train, en route for the hoosegow.
When the train stopped at a siding,
an English lady was collecting vol­
unteer funds for more Spitfires. As
a joke, she pushed her collection box
in to the young German flyer. With
a courteous gesture, the Goering fly­
ing-circus man smiled, and contrib­
uted the German equivalent of $2.
The same day, another German
aviator was shot down over Eng­
land. The British victor, so the yarn
goes, flew low, circled lower, and
tossed him a package of cigarettes.
The German waved his thanks. The
age of chivalry is not dead. To
make this statement letter-perfect,
it might be remembered that in the
true age of chivalry, the knights
were very chivalrous to each oth­
er, but were pretty hard on women,
children, and commoners.
The Spitfire collection fund, men­
tioned above, is called the “ David
and Goliath” fund. On account of
this name, every Briton named Da­
vid, Davies, or Davidson has been
asked to contribute to it, in order
to promote the “ heroic onslaught
against the Philistine of Naziism.”
R U S S IA :
Its Entry
More and more people were count­
ing on Russia entering the war
against Hitler. They were leaning
on it heavily in England, and would
tell you so. The Chamberlain big-
business faction was against this al­
liance, but the Churchill militarists-
plus-British Labor (the present cab­
inet set-up) had no such scruples.
Meanwhile, Russia called up more
and more men, and Germany sent
IVi of her 3 million soldiers “ east.”
BNV fcnfce
WASHINGTON. — You certainly
Cabled reaction from Tokyo indi­ have to hand it to the old master in
cated that the Japanese were suspi­ the White House for his ability to
cious that something more than ap­ keep the show going ull by himself
peared on the surface was behind and to conduct a brilliant political
Cordell H ull’s warning ugainst the campaign without even seeming to
invasion of French Indo-China.
know that one is going on.
In this, they were right. There
He is doing it in scintillating fash­
ion. He is getting away with it.
Nobody in the navy department is He isn't even being seriously chal­
shouting it from the housetops, but lenged by what should be his opposi­
the U. S. fleet—or at least most of tion, Maybe Mr. Willkie is just wind­
it—w ill now remain in the Pacific.
ing up, but he is taking a r>- infully
Previously it was considered nec­ long time about it.
essary to bring the fleet from Ha­
Public enthusiasm is a fickle Jude.
waii and California in order to sta­ Mr. Willkio's performance in taking
tion most of it around Panama und the nomination away from the pro­
the Caribbean. This would have fessionals at Philadelphia was as
made it impossible to keep a watch­ spectacular a show as Mr. Roose­
ful eye on Japanese operations in the velt’s getting the naval und air
direction of the Malays and the bases. It captivated the country,
Dutch East Indies—all-important but, as the President knows so well,
sources of American tin and rubber. > a popular figure has got to keep the
Probably it w ill still be necessary i glass balls dancing.
to bring a few ships to the Atlantic ' Mr. Willkie, himself, apparently
side of the canal. But the island ! relies more on Orrin Root's ama­
base deal with Great Britain has teur Willkie clubs than on the Re­
now made it possible to police most publican party organizations in the
of the Caribbean and the Atlantic several states. That is a mistake
seaboard by uir instead of by sea. that Mr. Roosevelt never mude. He
had all kinds of uinateur clubs, too,
• • •
Businessmen’s Roosevelt for Presi­
At first the chief improvement to dent clubs, the Good Neighbor
the new U. S. bases on British is­ league and as many others as could
lands w ill be airports. Not only are be thrown together.
These don’t have to putter around
they needed immediately, but also
are cheapest and quickest to ton- depending on emergency organiza­
struct. Naval bases, which mean tion and manufactured enthusiasm.
oil tanks and repair facilities, take They depend on dough and, Hatch
time to build and may never be act or no Hatch act, money still
constructed to any great extent. The talks. Mr. Roosevelt has 10 billions
spend. Yet, with all that in tri­
; U. S. navy w ill take advantage of to
pattern of decentralized region­
; British naval facilities for the time |
Mr. Roosevelt never
neglected the good old Democratic
Significant was the fact that many political organization. On the con­
of the over-age destroyers being trary, he relied on it, rewarded it,
sold to England were fitted out with reorganized it, and built it up to a
cables to neutralize magnetic mines I greater strength and on a wider
even before the deal was published range than any Democratic organi­
by the President. In other words, zation had ever known before. Mr.
there had been no real doubt for a Willkie may have been nominated in
week or so before the announce- | spite of the professionals, but he
ment that the deal would be closed. certainly cannot be elected without
Negotiations for naval bases by | them.
no means are terminated. What the | He can’t be elected without mak­
navy wants more than anything else ing election issues either. The am­
is a good base in Brazilian waters, munition is there by the ton—cais­
and if possible one in Uruguay. In- ' sons bursting with it. But no shell
formal conversations regarding a Is worth its cost without a ,gun to
Brazilian base have been going on shoot it. I always thought the Presi­
for some time.
dent was wrong in condemning
• • •
“ Yes-But" men in off-term debate
of issues but you can't get any­
The bottleneck of American re­ where in a political campaign if all
you have learned to say is “ Yes-
armament is factory expansion.
In order to produce more planes, j But.” You have got to learn to say
guns and tanks, new factories are “ No S ir!” and make it emphatic
; necessary. And part of the delay [ and convincing enough to be heard
has resulted from a wrangle over and carry conviction.
I didn’t expect that any candidate
how taxes shall be paid on these
or any party would ever ugain make
new plant expansions.
the terrific blunders of the A lf Lan­
In fairness to industry, it should don campaign, but so fa r this Re­
, be noted that many of its leaders publican campaign looks enough like
have gone ahead and financed their it to be its twin.
« own plant expansion without w ait­
• • •
ing to see what the tax picture would
The high command of both the po­
be. In fact some industrialists were litica l armies appear reasonably
far-sighted enough to begin more confident and tranquil, but the great
than a year ago. Companies which general staff of each is in a dither.
I did this include:
For the Democrats, the loss of
New York Shipbuilding, Newport Jim Farley on the eve of the battle
News Shipbuilding, Bethlehem Ship- of the third term was some such
. building, Bath Iron Works, Federal catastrophe as would be the loss of
Shipbuilding, Midvale Steel, Carne­ H itler to the Nazis before a decision
gie-Illinois Steel, Bethlehem Steel, in the Battle of Britain. Mr. Flynn,
Bausch and Lomb, General Elec­ make no mistake about it, is a very
tric, Ford Instrument company, Edo able man with a better basic brain,
Aircraft, Grumman A ircraft, Brew­ I think, than his great predecessor.
ster Aeronautical, Eclipse Aviation
But Mr. Flynn’s field command
and Walter Kidde.
has been restricted to the Battle of
Probably the list takes in many the Bronx and this great American
others. And because of their fa r­ terrain is a very different matter.
sightedness, these firms not only are Even on his own ground, Mr. Flynn
reaping good profits for themselves w ill have to wait until the great
but also doing a service for the gov­ boss - buster, Tom Dewey, gets
ernment. For instance, the Elco through with him.
Mr. Flynn’s Bronx empire was
company of Bayonne, N. J., put up
an $800,000 plant extension about a just a little imitation, competition
year ago in order to manufacture Tammany. I don’t know what bones
motor-torpedo ( “ mosquito” ) boats. are buried in that realm—but may­
As a result, it is now turning over be Mr. Dewey does.
On the Republican side, campaign
to the navy one new, and badly
manager Joe M artin is as active as
needed, mosquito boat each week.
However, among many other man­ a night prowling tom-cat on a tin
ufacturers there has been backing roof dodging missiles and talking
and filling over factory expansion back, but that is in congress—not
and how the new plants w ill be the campaign. The purely politi­
taxed and financed. There is no cal general staff is therefore, leader­
question but this dickering has defi­ less and accordingly disorganized.
There isn't even a speech-factory.
nitely slowed up the defense pro­
There is no strategy board of elder
statesmen—or rather, seasoned poli­
Powder Shortage Serious.
ticians. Mr. Willkie fascinates ev­
Powder is the bottleneck of na­ erybody who sees him or hears him
tional defense. Without it not a shot talk extemporaneously either on a
can be fired, not even a revolver. chair or platform, but tljere are 130,-
And today’s powder shortage is most 000,000 people in this country and
serious. '
he can’t see them all.
It is to avoid these shortages in
There is the radio, but he is not
the future, not only in regard to coached to click there and in spite
powder, but also other essentials of of the wailing of several such speech
modern warfare that the govern­ experts as Haines Falconer that he
ment is anxious to build some of its has a natural equipment with which
own plants, or at least obtain a lien he could promptly be made the
on them.
greatest radio orator of our time, a
This also would solve the tax prob­ combination of diffidence and rug­
lem, because industry would have ged individualism prevents that. A
no need to ask for early amortiza­ great opportunity seems to be trem ­
tion on its emergency expenditures. bling in the balance.
• • •
Government Arms Plants.
WASHINGTON.—Senator Pepper
There are three general plans:
One is the arsenal, completely wants the President to have the
owned and operated by the govern­ power to “ suspend all statutes” in
ment, such as the Frankford arsenal preparing for defense and, imagin­
in Philadelphia.
ing that he is Patrick Henry, shouts:
Two is the, factory completely “ I f this be dictatorship, make the
owned and operated by private in­ most of it.” It happens to be Pat­
dustry. This was the practice em­ rick Henry in reverse.
ployed during the World war.
Senator Josh Lee wants the Presi­
Three is a compromise system dent to have ppwer to take the news­
whereby the government buys the papers and radio for “ propaganda”
ground and erects the factory, then —in other words, to suppress truth
lets the private manufacturer step and tell lies to the American people.
in and operate the plant for a man­ In short, they say, we must be­
come Nazis to fight Hitler-
agement fee.
room dressed in richly colored
cretonne in soft red und blue-
green tones with deep wine bind­
ings. The legs of the chair were
sandpapered und stained mahoga­
ny to tone in with the cover. The
cane seat was inexpensively re­
paired with a ready made scat of
plywood reshaped to fit by first
cutting a paper pattern to lit the
seat of the chair and then using
the pattern us a guide as indi­
cated here.
• • •
N O T E : K t a service to our reactor«, IDO
ot these article* have been printed In live
•operate booklets. No. 5 contains 3U llluo-
traUons with direction«; also a demrlpilun
ot the other booklet«. To get your copy
ot Book 3, »end order to:
Drawer IS
Bedford 11111«
New York
Enclose 10 cents tor Book 3.
Nam e ........................................................
Address ....................................................
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