t » sw ? The Gold Hill News Tb* Moat Tkoroui -W* * d i ° S o M ltm . O rw o n , e u b H ,U d in I h , B I» September Large Increase At Local School FOOTS CREEK ITEMS (By Mrs. Marlon (macai The community was saddened Tuesday of last week when Walluce Galbreath, uged 71, pussed away Monday afternoon at 4:35 at his home across the highway from the Alaska Aulo Park. He had been in poor health for some time, suffer­ ing for several months with heurl trouble. He was highly respected by ail who knew him und hud a host of friends. Besides his wife, Mrs. Mary Johnson Galbreath, u sister of Mrs. Levi Stevens of Klamath Fulls, he leaves I wo children, Mrs. Berniece Neeley of Ashland and Clyde Gal hreulh at home, three grund child­ ren, Guy Neeley of Ashlund, llrucc (iulbreuth ul home and Douglas Gal- breutli of Fugle Point whose father wus the lute Alden Galbreuth. Fun­ eral services were held Wednesday u| 2 p.m. ul Pei l’s Funeral Home at Medford with interment in the Sis­ kiyou Memorial Park nt Medford. The B i f f i s i Fifty Cents in the W o rld SsTSn.Wasks Driving School S tart» H a ra 1940 N U M B ER ai L IV E OAK GRANGE ENTERS BOOTH AT COUNTY FAIR POSTMASTERS MEET HERE WHAT IT BUYS: Students of the Gold H ill high The Live Oak Grange members National membership in the Glr school are being offered the oppor entered a very attractive booth at Scouts means belonging (o an im­ tunitjf of learning Io drive an auto­ the Josephine county fair held in portant respected, nation wide or mobile in a modern safety driving Grants Pass the latter part of last gunizution with world wide affilia­ •chocfl with the starting of a seven- week. The booth included a fine Thirty-three more studr/its enter­ tions. ed (lie (iold H ill school during the weeks course here Wednesday, Sep­ display of grain in the background Postmaster H. D. Force of Gold Fifty cents buys each girl Scout tember 18, under auspices of Earl and w h centered with a large red past week bringing the total enroll­ Hilt was host to the postmasters of her right to he identified as an ac­ Snelh secretary of state. Mr. Snell star surrounded by a very well ar­ ment to 274, the. largest number of Jackson and Josephine counties at a tive member, for no one but a reg­ ranged display of fruits and vege­ students ever to uttend school here. sponsors these schools as a part of istered Girl Scout may buy official his «tale-wide traffic safety pro­ tables. The Grange received a »35.00 meeting of the bi-county postmast­ T ill* I k mi increase of 74 over Hie ers association Saturday evening, premium for their en« rv uniforms o r official equipment. No gram, number of students entered here at The Live Oak Grange also receiv­ September 14. The attending post­ one bul u registered Girl Scout may the end of the first week Iasi year. Students 15 years of age or older ed first prize for the parade float masters and their guests enjoyed a have the fun and advuntage of ex­ There are now 204 grade school are eligible to enroll, registrations perimenting with a wide variety of to he left at the high school. Each at the Gold H ill fair and also re­ roast chicken dinner, an entertain­ pupils und 70 high sclioo! students activities during her work for ranks pupil must furnish his own car, bul ceived a »40.00 premium for their ing program, and transacted busi­ A few more are expected to enter ness at their meeting in the I.O.O.F. and budges. Only registered Girl no driver’s license is required for booth at the fair here. in the next few days. lodge hall. Scouts may attend our established the Course. Cars must be driven to Enrollment by grudes is as fol­ The delicious roast chicken din­ rump. Only registered Girl Scouls and from the school by licensed op­ BROTHER OF JACK FROST lows: first grade. 35; second, 23; ner was served by the members of KILLED IN AUTO WRECK may have Ihe exciting opportunity erators, however. third. 17; fourth, 28; fifth, 2»; sixth, the Rebekah lodge in the dining of working for achievements — in M ; seventh, 2» and eighth 17. Instruction is given in the proper Scholarship —— Cumpxhips and spec­ method of starting a motor, use of Herbert Frost, brother of Jack room which was attractively decor­ The high school enrollment is as ial awards. Froet of Gold HUI. was killed early ated with the patriotic theme car­ follows, freshmen, 14; sophomores, Ihe clutch, shifting gears, turning These are the rights and privileg­ and backing, parallel parking, stop­ this week in an automobile acci­ ried out. The tables were arranged 22, juniors, 10; seniors, 10 and posi es of the Registered Girl Scout — ping and starting on hills and gen­ dent at Stockton, California. Full in a U shape with a large United graduates, 2. States flag in the center. The dec­ Mrs. Cloyd Dick and Mrs. Hans because she has bought and paid eral care of the car. At the first ses­ details of the wreck have not bee a orations »Iso included red, white for them with her own national learned but Mr. and Mrs. Frost left sion, the instructor outlines the Frei attended the first meeting of F irs t Football Gam e and blue streamers, small United the season of the Bogue Biver Civic membership dues. H’s the biggest work to be covered in the school Monday evening for Stockton. States flags and autumn leaves. W ith Talent, Sept. 27 Herb Frost was well known in und discusses rules and regulations club at the home of Mrs. Kute Mc- moneys worth in Ihe world. Place cards also had red. white and The troop in Gold H ill will meet pertaining to the operation of mot­ Gold H ill having visited here many Ilvain in Bogue Hiver Friday aft-r- blue stripes and an American eagle In the first six man football game times. noon. Plans were made for the an­ each Tuesday evening at the halt at or vehicle in Oregon. All subsequent on them. of the year the (iold Hill squad w ill Any girl III to 18 years is eligible. classes feature instruction with the nul dinner sponsored by the elul Those attending the dinner were clash with Talent on the home field BOY SCOUT COURT OF given for the teachers of Hie Hogue \n y girl 14 years or over may a! student at the wheel of his car. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Massie of Grants Friday afternoon, September 27. Hiver schools Io be. heid Friday eve lend the Senior Scouts under the "The operation of an automobile HONOR NBXT THURSDAY Pass, Mr. and Mrs Frank Heath of Other games in the schedule are as ning. September 27 at the Com leadership of Miss Bea Evans and in the complicated traffic of today Rogue River, Mrs Lillian Moore- follows: Eagle Point, there, October may see her for information as to The Gold H ill boy scout troop munity Hall. The dinner w ill be in involves more than the mere know­ head of Graves Creek, Mr. and Mrs. 4; Jacksonville, there, October 11; a the form of a community gathering neeting place and time. Miss Ailene ledge at shifting gears and steer­ w ill hold court of honor at the Tame of Talent, John H. Fuller of jamboree on October 18; Prospect, Inlow and Mrs. Paul Holderness at with a covered dish meal. The clut ing,” Snell declared. “ In order to he school gymnasium Thursday eve­ Ashland, Frank DeSouza of Med­ here, October 25 and Phoenix, there will furnish the meat loaf. All in­ present w ill be leaders for the in­ a safe driver, today's motorist must ning, September 26 starting at 7:30. ford, Mrs. Mary Grieves and daugh­ November 1. teracted in the school are invited termediate group of girls. Besides the regular scout work the thoroughly understand traffic regu­ ter in law of Prospect, Mr. and Mrs The Beavers are going through A Troop-o-Hall is being planned lations and the responsibilities at­ troop patrols w ilt put on skits, se­ T. E. Gilmore of Murphy and Mr, tough scrimmages this and week and The young peope of the Baptist for this month. Whal is that? Come tendant to using the public thor­ lections w ill be played by the Gold and Mrs. H D Force. are expected to be in top form church at Medford who were Io next time «.id find out. oughfares. Throughout the driving Hilt accordion band and Gerry C H. Maasie is president of the when they meet Talent here. Av have met with Ihe Fords Creek Sun- school sound practices of safe driv Parkhurst, Delmar Chapman and Oregon chapter of the national as­ erage weight of the team is 136 slay School September 22 had Io VOTERS MUST REGISTER ing are stressed and strict observ­ Tom Henderson w ill play and sing sociation of postmasters and acted pounds, average height is five feet change their date Io Ihe 15th due ance of traffic regulations are em several songs/ The public is cor­ as toastmaster during the dinner. nine and six tenths inches and mr- Voters of the Gold H ill section Rhasized. In addition, the many lit­ dially iavited'ta attend. to several at ttwiu leaving for The guests also enjoyed music by erage age is 16 years, 1 month and school the 16th. There were six in ire urged to register at un early tle points connected wtfh expert the Gold MM accordion band and »even days. date nt Ihe office of Mrs. Nellie the group all taking part. Two of SELLS REGISTERED CAUFEg driving are explained and demon­ several songs by Gerry Parkhurst Those turning out to play and the members are students at the Heed over the post office. Every­ strated so that the beginner learns and Delmar Chapman. Following their weights are us follows: H ar­ Multnomah College in Portland. one who did not vote last year, has the right way to drive instead of John Gray, of Grayhome, sold 2 the dinner a business meeting was low Hanry. 143; Bud Blair. 188; Le- moved since the last election, or is picking up bad habits which are registered Brown Swiss calves last | held, Hoy Carter. 135; Kelly Clement, 145; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Birdseye and 21 years old and has never voted, sometimes difficult to overcome.’’ week. Oae five day old bull calf Delmar Chapman, 143; Kenneth children Teddy and Mary Ann from should register at this time. Regis­ Classes are held each week dur­ went to Madison, California and the LOS ANGELES PEOPLE Cook. 87; Gerald Lewis, 135; Jim south of Phoenix were Sunday din- trations must be made at reasl 30 ing the course, one phase of driving other, a year old heifer, went to BUY HANNAM PROPERTY Martin, 130; Butt Shoemaker, 122; ler guests at the home of his mot», days before the election. being taken up at each session. Be­ Grenada. These fine calves and D a v e Steinmetz, 138; Creighton er, Mrs. Effie Birdseye and son tween classes, students are expect­ California. These fine calves and Mr. and Mrs. Canady of Los An­ Thompson. 130; Harold Wilson, 143 (ilenn. Last week Teddy jumped L O C A L IT E M S ed to practice in order to master the two others from a former sale, will geles have purchased the property Donald Wolff, 144 and George Kile, from a fence and broke his left arm various steps as they go along. A alt be shown at the state fair at of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hannam which 130. Don Ferguson is manager of uhove the wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gray and competent instructor is in charge Sacramento, California. is located across the river from the tenm and Tom Henderson is ex­ sons of Prospect called on relatives of the work at all times and par­ Gold H ill, just below the Wm. pected to turn out for practice some James Martin, eldest son of Mr. here Thursday. ents are invited to attend any FORMER RESIDENT MARRIED H ittle property. Mr. and Mrs. Oan- time next week. gnd Mrs. George P. Martin, left Sat­ Gilbert Lentz und Miss Eileen classes. aday moved onto the property last This is the last year of _w_ . for Lawrence, ___ __________ Kansas where Shorb visited Miss Shorb's father high urday Word was received here this week Friday and plan to make their home Arrangements have been made •chool athletics for Kelly Clement, he w ill begin his third yenr as in- Mac Shorb of LaGrande, in Klant- for the use of the Van Houten field. of the recent marriage of Otis O, here. Their son and daughter in r-C_nli*r Chapmen, Tom Henderson,' Iruclor in chemistry in Ihe state' hth Fulls Saturday. All students are required to have Olsen and Edith Walters of An­ law w ill also live here for the pres­ Creighton Thompson e n d Bass ! ccfJege. Jim Peters of Oakland, Californ­ their cars at that field at 1:00 p.m. chorage, Alaska. Mr. Olsen is the ent^ Mr. and Mrs. Hannam are vis­ Shoemaker. father of Mrs. Norman Bailey o* iting in Ashland ia is here visiting his sister Mrs. next Wednesday. Leroy Cameron who is employed Harry Parkhurst and family. Gold Hill. He w ill be remembered He The sale was made through John FANCY WORK SALE at the Gowing and Gamble Quartz came W ednesday and w ill be here Rebekah Lodge Observes by many here as he was born here Chisholm, local real estate broker. Mine at Knob, near Redding, Calif- about two weeks. and attended the local schools be­ 89th A nniversary The Ladies Aid of the Methodist nia spent the week end in the fore leaving about 20 years ago. Jim and Dale Clement made R G. Wigle caught a dandy fifteen church has a supply of fancy work community visiting relatives and business trip to Yreka, California pound salmon in the river last Sat­ The Rebekah lodge met in regular FAIR BOARD M EETING which they wish to sell. The fancy friends and also attended the Jose­ Tuesday. urday. work, which includes tea towels, phine County fair at Grants Pass. session Wednesday evening and TH IS FRIDAY EVEN IN G Members of the accordion band lunch cloths, pillow slips, aprons, immediately following the meeting, entertained at Wimer for the Several Cases T rie d in etc., is at the home of Mrs. George At Pontz, who bought the former Grange Thursday evening. They friends and members enjoyed a so­ The Northwest Jackson county L ocal Justice C o u rt cial time. Dorman. Anyone wishing to buv Nelson Hosmer and John Short fair board w ill meet at the city hall were accompanied there by Mrs. The lodge celebrated the 89th an­ this Friday evening, September 20, any of these articles is asked tn farms the last of August, plans to Earl Moore. Justice of the Peace John A. call at the Dorman home. return next week from El Monte, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Knox of Klam­ niversary o f Rebekahship. Mrs. at 8 p.m. All business for the 1940 California to reside in the smalt ath Falls were week end guests of Walter McLean gave a few remarks fair held August 31 w ill be complet­ Chisholm has tried several cases in the local Justice of the Peace court house on the Short property that Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Davis and about the lodge. The accordion band ed at this time. during the past two weeks. played several selections, Mrs. N or­ tas been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. family. On August 27 Roland Clinton man Gall whistled two solos, ac­ Clarence Harrison. Their son has Mrs. Bates of Glendale spent two SPECIAL ELECTION HERE Holmes of Grants Pass entered a recently put a new roof on the days this week visiting Mr and Mrs. companied by Mrs. Douglas Camer­ plea of guilty to driving w ith no N ELLY W IN N showing up every house and they plan other improve­ Lew Lingren and family. Mrs. Bates on. The members of the lodge put A special election w ill be held at P.U.C. permit. He was fined »10.00 day this week looking very attrac­ ments. is a former Gold H ill resident, on a tableau, the “Widow and Or­ the city hall in Gold Hilt, Monday, and costs. On the same day Norman tive in a pair of dark glasses. Rev. Ray, a worker in the Union whose husband was employed by phans.” The grand march led to the September 30, when voters w ill LeRoy Wilson of Gold H ill and table and delicious refreshments Sunday School, showed an entirely the section crew here. cast their ballots to accept or re- James Franklin F ry of Murphy NORMAN GAIL offering to cut n; new set of pictures Tuesday eve were served and clever games were Ray Kenaston of Grants Pass was ,ect the tax levy for general fund both entered pleas of guilty to driv­ free of charge any buck shot while ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a week end guest of his parents, Mr. led by Mrs. Tom Robinson. purposes for the year 1941. The ing with improper lights. They After refreshments Art Gorham the lucky hunter is using ammuni­ Frank Dailey on Home Missionary and Mr. R. L. Kenaston. Ray is now levy for the coming year is were fined »1 and costs each. nnd Darrell Hendrickson played the 15,672.50. tion or groceries from his store. work. harboring in Grants Pass. Ira Joseph Hooker of Bandon, mandolin and accordion. Mrs. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bates of Snell­ Oregon was charged with operating Johnson was chairman of the en­ NONA CENTERS explaining Io ing, California were guests last WHERE TO CALL IN The Misses DorotRy, Virginia and a motor vehicle without a license BUD FORCE that scones are eaten week at the home of Mrs. Bates CASE OF F IR E ! tertainment committee. Carol Ham of Medford visited on August 31. He entered a plea of with the fingers and not just with parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dole und friends here Saturday evening. guilty and was fined »1.00 and ten. SCHOOL BOARD M EETIN G brother, Ted Dole, and Mr. Bale.,' For some time residents of Gold costs. sister, Mrs. Torn Griggs, leaving lllll hnve been wondering whal RITBB WEDNESDAY FOR On September 9, Avel Wm. Raskl The regular meeling of the Gold LINS and LUCILLF, DORMAN, early Sunday morning for their RALPH A. BOTTS number they should call in case of a of Hogue River entered a plea of H ill school board w ill be held Sat­ IR EN E STEDMAN and BUSTER home. fire. Tlie number listed in the phone guilty to driving while under the urday evening, September 28, in­ M U LLIN motoring clear to Squaw Mr. W. L. Badlcy and Mr. and Mrs book is 101, which is the city hall. Funeral services were held in influence of intoxicating liquor. Lake to go boating, only to find _____ Ernest Reinkens and others from This would be a very poor place stead of Monday evening, Septem­ Medford, Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. He was fined »100 and costa and that the lake, which is part of an here attended the Grange meeting to call as the city hall is locked ber 30. for Ralph A. Botts, Medford rest his operators license was revoked irrigation project, had been drained at Wimer Thursday evening when dent. Mr Botts, who had been ill for a year. most of the time and there are GARDEN CLUB M EETING for the winter. ! the Goid H »l, Belleview and Live for several • months, passed away meetings there on the average of a- Gilbert Quincy Bannister of Oak Grange members were guests. bout once a week. Monday at the Veterans Administra­ Grants Pass also appeared on Sep­ The Gold H ill Garden club meets HAZEL HOLDERNESS and ESTH­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gunn and Since the fire engine and equip­ this Friday afternoon at the city tion hospital in Roseburg. He is tember 9 on the charge of driving ER GILCHRIST looking in a die- daughter Gall who live at the for- ment are located at the Gold H ill hall at 2 p.m. Members are urged survived by his wife, one son and a motor vehicle w ith no tail light. tionary following the Rebekah cele- ' mer John Biles place enjoyed a trin Garage it has been suggested that to bring flower specimens for piac- one daughter. He was fined 81 and costs. bration Io see what "Doggie” meant. t0 Crescent City Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Botts is well known in Gold anyone wanting to report a fire tice on flower judging points. On September 9 H arry James ^ , . „ ^ , . - . . - 7 ZZ— I Mrs. W illiam Johnson who are at should call their number 181. That H ill having been musical instructor Jenks of Glendale and on Septem­ PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT getting Mrs. Pauline W ald’s hotge, made a in the local schools for several ber 11 Marvin W illiam Betts of is during the day time — other Mr. and Mrs. R. E Cook accom­ the voles of three more Gold H ill trip Io Diamond Lake Sunday. Roth times you’d have to use your own panied Mrs Floyd Lance and son years. Mis» Phyllis Miller sang two Gold H ill each appeared and enter, Republicans when W ilkie failed to men are employed at the Murray- songs at jhe funeral services, "Lead judgment .v on .. what . to .. do — . bul don’t , t0 ,help home In Trin ity Center, Kindly Light" and "Abide With ed pleas of guilty to driving a mot­ realize he had already talked too Murphy dredge on the left fork of . phone the city hall and then wait i California Thursday where they or vehicle with improper lights, Wucht Foots Creek, Me". She played her own soosm« Jenks was fined »2.50 and costa and for an answer. 1 vUited unU1 panlmsgt, M t U w u (lQSd t t w ta d costs, , The Spy-Gia»»