Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 12, 1940, Image 1

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The Moat Thoroughly Read Weekly in Southern Oregon, Published in the Biggeet Little T«
Large Increase
In School
A RESOLUTION culling u special
election in the City of Goid H ill, and
Using a tune uuu place therefor tor
tiie purpose ot suomittmg to ihe le­
gal voters of suid City 01 Gold H ili
tor their acceptance or •'•••oction of
the levy to r general (unit purposes
lor me year iiMI us provided in Or­
dinance ao . 2lti.
\\ l i l jtf-wv.s upon und after the
adoption ot the otiilgei of the City
m <,inii lu ll tor the year 1941 Hie
Council ol said city did, by o rd i­
nance, levy a las upon tue tuxabie
properly 111 .!,«• city ol Gold H ill lot
the year lU-tl for general fund pm -
poses 111 (lie amount of $;>,(i72..>6, und
UtlEBEAS Hie L ily ol (.old flit,
has no lux base lo r general fund
purposes and it is necessary and
required that such levy be uutboi
izcil ami approved oy (lie legul vot
ccs ol Hie L ity of Gold In n , now.
1 lierefore,
1 ne people of the City of Gold
'i Inn
Greta Garbo Stops
In Gold Hill Monday
I i ,,
® the State
September 12, 1940
Expenses of Gold Hill
Fair Are Listed
It has been reliably reported that
Greta Garbo, film actress of H olly­
wood stopped in Gold H ill fo r ball
an hour lust Monday, while her auto
mobile received repairs.
According to the report the 1946
(.hrysler belonging to Miss Garbo,
stopped running directly in front
of inc Gold H ill Guruge, und she
und a companion, Mr. Peaslry, and
Ihe negro chauffeur, wailed ut the
guruge white the car was repaired.
When Lilas. I'ra tl, operator of the
garage, approached the car Miss
Garbo remarked, " It just pulled up
iere and slopped, and it won’t «0
my further.’’ A little later when
Delos Walker asked Miss Gurbo if
ie could check the tires she said,
Hu, Hu, — I'm laughing. * Miss
uurbo also siiowed keen interest in
•everal boys who were' matching
pennies dose by.
At least 2d local people saw Miss
Garbo and they state that she was
•ery attractively dressed in green
lacks, and had (in dark glasses.
I'liey also report that she was 11 div­
ided Swede Idond and was about
1 feet 0 inches tall. Everyone's
■pinion seemed to la- (hut Miss Gar-
10 was decidedly plain and that she
vas quite friendly.
As soon us the battery cable was
ixed Ihe party had the ear filled
v illi gus at the Texaco station and
Irove on south. They had been to
Grater Lake.
(By Mrs. Marion I one a)
Glenn Hamilton
Orchestra Here
Without counting the premium
The Foots Creek Sunday School
list which w ill amount io over $806 enjoyed a talk Sunday following
Ihe Northwest Jackson county fair Uie ctass hour given by George
cost $298 J4 according to informa­ Martin, Jr. of Bogue River who is
tion given out by the fa ir board. To studying for the m inistry at Seattle
puv these exjiensex the board has 1 ne 22 of September a group of
raised *293.75 which leaves a defi­ young people from the Baptist
Glenn Hamilton and his orches­
cit of just $4.59. It is hoped this a- Church in Medford w ill be in
motint w ill be cleared ul the dance ebarge of the services, and special tra of Grants Pass w ill furnish mus­
Ibis Saturday so that all bills can music w ill be given by them. Two ic for the dance here this Saturday
Registration ul the Gold H ill
evening in the Gold H ill pavilion.
be paid.
of the members are studying for
school look a decided jump ulieud
The money was raised from die Ihe m inistry. A Sunday School Hamilton’s orchestra is considered
Uns year w livii 41 more studenU
following sources: On bund from Board meeting was held on Wed­ the best dance, band in southern
. Iiuti signed up on Tuesday this
Oregon and they were enthusiasti­
pre-fair dances $39.30; donated by nesday
this week at the home cally received by patrons of the
week over the toiul registration ol
merchants, $11.00; Concessions ul of Mrs. of
Cerveny to discuss fa ir night dance here August 31.
tile first week of school lusl year.
fair. *6.56; City Council, $100.00 plans for Veneil
the improvement of the
The fa ir board is continuing their
This hringx ihe tolal number of
and fair dance $130.95.
Sunday School.
regular dances here every two
students to 211 us eompured to the
Expenses of (lie fair are listed as
Mr. and Airs. Leslie Carr and weeks. They have a few bills to
200 .students at the end of the first
follows: Lights, $2.53; Loudspeaker,
week lust year. On the second duy
.$«.tkl; oreliestru fa ir night, $39.00; sons, Alien and Terry made a busi­ clear up and the committee in
of school two years ago 209 ipupils
cooking barbecue, $15.00; 3 watch­ ness trip to San Erancisco Iasi charge would like to set up a re­
hud registered unit on the seeon.1
men. *22.00; soliciting, $3.00; Gold week and visited his brother, Har­ serve fund fo r the fair next year.
A large crowd is expected at the
duy lusl year 198 students hud en­
H ill Market, meat, $99.5«; Gold H ill ry Carr and wile, his sister, Mrs.
(till OO IIWOIVC us IOI.OW»!
tered the loeul school.
Hardware, $12.72; II. B. Ellis, .uaude Carle and family, and his dance here this Saturday and a
.•«-«non 1. 1 nui u »peciui election
There are now 02 pupils in Ihe
Electric, $2.00; Premium Stickers, mother, Mrs. Frances Lewi*. They good time is assured everyone who
high school mid 170 in the grades. oe uuu is o eieu y called Io tie lieln
*4.50; Paruile prizes, $35.60; Depart­ alsd attended the Fair ut Treasure attends.
According to Stipl. It. II. McGuire >««.««,, 1,,«. ,,«.u,a ,,, 0.0«, «>«,«,0.
ment expenses. $1.54; Printing, Island. They were accompanied
about III more high school students . 10. ,o,o ».00 0 cluck p. m. on Hl«
*; secretary’s expenses, $2.40; home by Mrs. Lewis, Harry Carr,
On Sunday evening, September 8
ure expected and Ihe grade school jo in iia, 01 .scpieiiioe,, 11H0, uni.
Drug Store. $1.25; Hauling. $4.00; Jack Clements and Jack Carle, a at the Gray home on the Rogue, a
enrollment is also expected Io in ­ aiui li,«.e suuo ui suoiiiiiicii 10 ui«
I.umber. $23.34; Judges. $«.50 and nephew. On their recent trip to delightful evening was spent hon­
Portland, their were accompanied oring the 26th wedding annivers­
crease. The sudden increase in the «gai v o id s 01 sum city lo r uoop
other dance expenses, $4.33.
home by Ms. E. C. Pomeray of Yar ary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Tay­
registration has made an over ..on 01 i «- j « i i i o i i io«- iu a levy lo r 111«
>cu, I»«, iiciciu .o ie luuue oy Hi«
crowded condition in the school.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Brown and colt, Washington, who has visited lor. A hamburger fry at the outdoor
Work was sturteif this week on a ■ uu.icii ul me Gliy ol Goto b u t loi
daughter Orina of Encinitas, Cali­ friends in the community. She is a g rill, w ith all the trimmings was
new door, leading into Ihe Home ..«in 1.0 ion,. pui|A>ses, including uli
fornia arrived Wednesday to visit sister of the late C. C. Carr. Guests the main attraction. A set of lovely
Economies room from the outside ..«-paitiii«...s 0« m uni,ipui govern­
heir daughter and sister Mrs. Paul at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie crockery dishes was presented to
Carr were her brother, Donald the honored guests by their friends
of the building. This w ill make it ment 11, llie sum 01 go,o,2.«>0 us pro
Holderness and family.
poaaible for stadenta to entei lids Video oy oroiuiiuee .so. zio.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and son, Drummond of San Francisco, and who were assembled to enjoy the
..« .iiu ii g, c u r uie purpose of said
class room without passing through
iceoinpanied by Mr. Brown's mo­ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Roberts, who occasion. Those attending were Mr.
.'■« 01 me Guy ol iiuld H ill
the third grade room.
Mrs. Juek Chilin o f the Gold H ill ther and sister, all of Medford, were were returning from a trip to and Mrs. L. Dike, Mr and Mrs. Jack
.iiaii constitute one voting precinct Hotel transacted business io Grants Sunday guests at the home of Mr. iritis h Columbia to their home in Pinkerton and Mrs. Pinkerton’s
Football Practice Sturts
aim me Guy uuu in me sum eiiy is
San Francisco.
tnd Mrs. Art Gorham.
brother, Mr. and Mrs. Win Howes
Fool bull practice started Tuesday ueaigiiaieu us a voting place und Pass Tuesday.
Mrs. Haymond Lucas, Mrs. George and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Fiene,
Mrs. George Binder of Elkton
evening with 12 high school boys me *oimvM..g persons are hereby
turning out for the first practice ippoinico as juoges all, I clerks 01 die (ä ly of Gold H ill is hereby d ir­ pent several days this week at the Martin, Mrs. Cloyd Dick and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. John Gray, Mrs. Mary
Some of her sister, Mrs. W ilbur Mary Mattson attended the meet­ Mattson and Mr and Mrs. Taylor.
At least 15 players arc expected to ■am
ejection, respectively, to-w it: ected lo post a copy 01 said notice Martin and fandly. She was accom- ing of the Ladies Aid of the Pres­
Kendal Dufur left Saturday fo r
reiairt when registration is com­
■igned by Ihe Recorder, ut three 'innied here by her niece, Miss Or- byterian church Friday afternoon Portland to assist in the search fo r
lii'Ui' M llitll, JUuge ot ejection,
pleted. Gold ||i|| w ill play six-man
puulle places w ithin the City ol oha Milspaugti of Portland, who at the home of Mrs. Charles Sams the
body Qf his brother, John, who
football again this year and the
mid H ill, one of which shall 0c at w ill attend school here.
t'u iiiiic Ivies, Clerk of Election.
near Bogue River. There was an was. drowned near Leadbettcr
schedule w ill be drawn up Thurs­
Ida Look. Lierk of Election,
Bay Kenaston of Grants Pass attendance of fifteen. Delicious re­ Point.
day evening nt Jacksonville. 'Hie said
judges und clerks of said elee-' said notices shall be so posted not qienl the week end here with his freshments of boysenberry
Guests from Monday to Wednes­
high school w ill use the old base­ lion shall for tlie ir .services ess titan ten days prior to the date Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kena­ cream and cookies were served by- day of this week at the home of Mr.
ball diamond next to the dance pa as such tb|- be sum
O said election.
of $2.50 each.
Mrs. Sams and Mrs. Frank Hall, as­ and Mrs. D. Desimini and fam ily
Section No. 0. The publication of
Section 3. the ballot title as sub
Mr and Mrs Bay Wyatt and son sistant hostess.
were Mrs. Desimini’s brother in
Boys turning out for practice are milled
the city attorney and the ibis resolution as hereinbefore pro­ and Mr fad Mrs. Harry Newnham
Mr. and Mrs. Don W ills of Port­ law and sister from Portland.
Creighton Thompson, Buzz Shoe­ form ol by millot
vided shall be deemed a compliance •ind sons were Sunday dinner land visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Julia Rucker Picanco and
maker, Gerald Lewis, Kelly Clem-1
w itli the provisions of Ihe Charter guests of Mr. and Mrs. F ritz Snid­ Mrs. Perry Ollom and other friends her daughter. Miss Florence Rur^-,
rnt, Kenny Cook. I.eroy Cnrter. Jiut election is as follows, to -w il:
er at their home In Sams Vattry over the week end. Mrs. W ills w ill w of Soerameuh, California, are
.Martin, lla ro ld Wilson, Bud Blair,
Passed by the City Council and in honor of the birthday o f liftie be remembered as Virginia Decious guests this week of Mrs. Picanca’s
(To be torn ofi
Pave Steinmetz and Donald Wolf. (To be lorn o ff
Stanley Newnham.
by first clerk)
whose father, Ben Decious, owned sister. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Shoe­
Next Monday Tom Henderson, Bob oy chairman)
iidbentiealion of its passage this
Mrs. M. I . Brady left Sunday for, the property now the Gem Cottage. maker of Galls Creek.
Cameron and Delmar Chapman are
Kith day o f September, 1940.
Eugene where she w ill visit Mrs. ' Mr. Wills is associated w ith Mr. De-
For The
expected to join the group.
B. G. Wigle, Mayor Oscar Hunnicutt for several days. | eious in Ihe restaurant business in
Miss Mary McClarnon returned Portland.
Comity of Jackson, State of Oregon
Nellie G. Heed, Becorder
to her home here Sundav after a
Eileen Dick and Ted Jones from
Approved by me this 10th day of week’s visit w ith Mr. and Mrs, here
Special City Election, Sept. 30, 1941) September,
and W illis Stiehl and Mabel
James Adamo at their home in Med­ ly r r e ll of Bogue River attended a
(mid H ill (¡range niei September
meeting of the Executive Board of
5 for tneir regular meeting. Thurs­ Mark a cross (X) between the num­
ber and answer voted for
Crater Lake Union of Christian
day evening, September 12, mem­
Endeavors, including Ashland, Med
bers of Bellview, Live Oak und 'Sliall Ilic Cttj o f ( m ill Hill 111,P i- 1
ford, Central Point and Rogue Riv­
Gold H ill Granges arc going to the special levy of taxes fo r the year
er held Saturday evening at the
Wimer Grange meeting and put on 1941 upon Ihe taxable property in
Federated church at Central Point.
the Lecturer’s program. The ludies tile (.ity of Gold H ill, Oregon ns
There, was an attendance of about
arc asked to bring calc to serve ihown by Hie assessment roll of
thirty-five. Sunday a Christian En­
w illi the ice eream. Lust Sunday, 1940, for general fund purposes. In­
deavor Rally was held at the
Gold H ill Grange hud another of cluding all d<'|Nirtuieiits of niunici-
Christian church at Ashland. Sev­
For Daytime or Datetime
their enjoyable picnics at Lymans, pul government. in the amount of
eral from Rogue River attended
This picnic was Io get in practice $5,672.50, ns provided by Ordinance
and Charlotte White, Eik*en Dick,
for ihe horse shoe finals lo he held No. 210."
and Esther Ollom from this com­
.Sunday the 15th.
The traveling agate w ill soon he 560
Mr. and ^ rs . Glenn Dc Janvier of
on i l l way. Lecture program con­
Bend, Oregon made a short visit
sisted of songs by all and talks by 561
Seth Coy, Prop.
on Foots Creek recently, bringing
Boy Seoul Leader.;, Mr. Wells, Field
Section 4. That the recrirder is
their son Homer over to stay w ith
Executive, Mr. Harrison, District hereby
directed to provide such
Mr. and Mrs. Veneil Cerveny while
Commissioner and Mr. Peterson, ballots, |M>II lists, voting booths anil
attending high school at Gold H ill.
Gold H ill Scout lender. Hamburg­ other neins necessary lo r the hold­
ers and coffee were served by the
Mrs. Mamie Patterson and her
ing of sueli election, and said elec­
Howes und Pinkerton families.
grand daughter, Marie Jones who
tion shall be conducted and returns
have spent the summer at Ashland,
thereof made to the recorder as may
returned to the home of , Mrs. Pat­
H. E. club met w ith a good at­ oe. provided by law.
terson’s daughter, Mrs. Tom Knox.
tendance and favorable re|Kirts on
Section 5. Notice of said election
Miss Jones w ill altend high school
tile la ir were niadg. Ladies voted shall be signed by the Recorder and
at Rogue River.
to buy lumber to fix the dining shall lie substantially in the follow ­
room ceiling and invite the men to ing form;
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Childers and
family of Twenty-nine Palms, Cal­
do Ihe work and w ill give them a
"Notice is hereby given that a
ifornia arrived Sunday to spend
good dinner. L illy MacKuy won the special election has been culled by
some time at their place on B ird­
gift. Refreshments of sandwiches ne Council of (lie City of Gold H ill
seye Creek, form erly known as
tomatoes and onions und cold drinks nirsuant to its Resolution No. 30
the Robinson property.
were served.
idopted und passed on the 10th day
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schuler
>f September, 1940, to be held be-
left Thursday fo r the coast where
ween the hours 8.00 o'clock a. m.
SEPTEMBER 9th to 22nd
ind 8:00 o’clock p. m. on the 30th
they w ill spend a weeks vacation.
lay of September, 1940, at which
Mr. and Mrs. Veneil Cerveny
The Navy Mothers club of Amer­ ■lection there shall be submitted to
have had as their guests, Mrs. Cer-
ica in Bogue River vulley No. 4(1 lie legul voters of the City of Gold
veny’s sister and family, Mrs. L.
w ill meet w ith Mrs. F. W. Ricter H ill fo r adoplion or rejection the
Large enough for 9 pr. of Shoes given absolutely
Freeman (torn Redmond, Oregon
Friday, September 20 ut 2 p. in. At, lax levy for tiie year 1941, heretn-
and Mr. Cervenv’s brother W illiam
mothers who have sons in the navy ‘ore made by the Council of the
Cerveny from Eastern Oregon.
or army ure cordially invited to City of Gold H ill for general fund
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison
attend. Come whether you are a mrposes for said year, and inelud-
who have lived in the house on the
member or not and hear where our ng all departments of municipal
former Short property, which was
boys are and what they arc doing. jovernment, in the amount of
recently sold to A1 Pontz of El
All are welcome.
5,072.51), as provided by Ordinance
Monte, California, have moved to
No. 210 of said City of Gold H ill,
a house owned by George Martin,
uni tliat at said election the follow-
back of the Gem Cottage.
ng ipiestion w ill he submitted to
in your closet
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE .aid legal voters of said ('ity :
Sliall the City of Gold H ill make
year 1941 upon the taxable pro­
In the Mutter of the Estate
perty in the L ily of Gold H ill,
Ernie Piluso, the popular wrest­
Oregon, as shown by the assess
ler from Klamath Falls, seemingly
JOHN C. INGLING, sometimes
ment ro ll of 1940 for general
lost all hopes of defeating Mike
known as John Ingling, Deceased.
"Clamour - maksr." This Uttlu
fund purposes, including all de­
Nazurian in the Medford Armory
dross knows which aids its
partments of municipal govern­
the undersigned lias filed his Final
brood Is buttorod — promptly
ment, in the amount of $5,672.50,1
falls. Nazariun opened un at the
Report and Account in the above
flatters any figure wearing ill
as provided by Ordinance No.
tt's such a prettifying business,
entitled mutter, and the above, en­
odox tactics and Piluso did his best
you’ll wear and cherish it lor
titled Court lias fixed the 14th day This nolire is given hv direction of
lo retaliate but was just simply not
the prize it is. Gay Paca rayon a
o f October, 194(1, at the hour of 10 the Council of the City of Gold H ill.
in B W - Red. Earth Brown-
tough enough for the Armenian.
o’clock a. in., in tiie County Court
Nellie Reed, Becorder."
Greeu. Sixes 9-17.
In the middle event Whitney
Boom, in the Court House in Med­
The Becorder is hereby ■ directed
Wahlberg defeated Jack Hagen two
ford, Jackson County, Oregon, us to give notice of said election by
fulls out of three in a very clean and
the time and place for hearing ob­ publication of the aforesaid notice
$3.95 to $10.95
scientific exhibition of good wrest­
jections to said Final Arcount and in two issues of tiie Gold H ill News
the settlement thereof.
We give Green Stamps
prior to Ihe date of said election.
Wagner won from Steve Nenoff via
Across the tracks from the Fire Department
Ihe first of which said publication
a foul. Nenoff w ill be remembered
Administrator. shall be not less than 15 dnys prior
Grants Pass
locally as Tiger Taskoff, an ex­
SW-03 thereto and the Chief of Police of
tremely dirty grappler.
Complete Service
Coy’s Service Station
Fullers Sensational
Medford Lumber Co.