n » GoM H « New», Gold HUU O™f — National Guard» Move To Camp at Fort Lewi* p ro b a b ly noticed n o th in g p a rtic u ­ bound. A nd p r io r Io th is largest la rly d iffe re n t fro m r a il (ra v e l on single d a y’s m ilita r y m ovem ent, six lin y o ilie r day. T h e ir Iruim» d e p a rt­ special tra in s o f men and equip menl w ere handled in toe present ed and a rriv e d on schedule, and Passengers tra v e lin g on Southern cek fro m Salinas, M o n le ie y and P a cific tra in » th ro u g h C a lifo rn ia , the business o f ra ilio s d in g wan go. Los Angeles. Nevada a nil Oregon Sunday, Mon m ti on in the re g u la r m anner. M o b iliz a tio n o f so ld ie rs and w in Hui ulniiM the same ra ils was m a te ria ls means also m o b iliz a tio n day u inl Tuesday of th is week traveJing one o f (he largest, most id ra ilro a d equipm ent, as the r a il­ cu n ce iiti tiled m ovem eiils of sol­ road gears in w ilti defense plans. diers, N a tio n a l guardsm en, fie ld It means, in th is instance, m aking equipm ent, tuuks, guns, tru cks and a v a ila b le about 525 fla t ears, box- horses in the ra ilro a d 's h is to ry , en ears, baggage ears and stock cars, For The Tai tie at route Io m aneuvers o f the FourU i 103 P ullm an sleepers and coaches, A rm y in the general v ic in ity of and m any extra locom otives, a ll at In Foods F u rl Lew is, W ashington. The m ove­ the exact lone and place as needed ment dem onstrates once m ore th * on S outhern P a cific lines. The extra TRACEY’S ro le o f (lie ra ilro a d s us a v ita l arm fre ig h t cars and locom otives are o f the n a tio n a l defense. being assembled fro m as fu r east as STEAK HOUSE On Sunday, August 4, 23 special Ogden and El Paso and the P u ll­ tra in s , averaging 30 to 35 cars mans fro m a ll o ver the c o u n try . GRANTS PASH, OREGON each, w ere on th e ir way s im u lta n ­ T h e ra ilro a d 's p ro b le m has to do eously fro m w id e ly scattered p oints w ith a rra n g in g to man th is e xtra in the three slides, a ll n o rth w a rd equipm ent and Io service it nt each d iv is io n p o in t along the w ay, q u ic k ­ ly and e ffic ie n tly so th a t schedules m ay be s c ru p u lo u sly adhered to. A nd the fin a l p ro b le m is to m i:p out o p e ra tin g schedules so tlia t the io n lin e o p e ra tio n o f dozens o f reg­ u la r scheduled passenger a n it fre ig h t tra in s w ill not la- d istu rb e d despite the heavy a nil ra p id A rm y N a tio n a l Guard movem ents. “Glad” Diiy Specials BROOMS STRING GLOVES Good Q iiu lity F o r H op P ic k in g 3 PAIR • 1 » WATER JUGS TUMBLERS tilt ounce Gay D ccn ru lio n s 100 50 ANKLETS SILK HOSE N ew T h e Oregon NY a school w o rk p ro g ra m , w h ic h assists a p p ro x i­ m ately 5UUU hoys am i g irls e n ro lle d in h igh schools and colleges, th is w eek was a llo tte d •'<254,727 fo r o p ­ e ra tio n d u rin g Ihe co in in g school year, a cco rd in g to announcem ent here by NYA headquarters. The a llo tm e n t, Io be allocated a- niong 24 Oregon colleges and 2(17 high schools, supplem ents 9482,(Nil received c u rlie r th is m onth fo r op (r a tio n o f the N YA out o f school w o rk e xiie rle n ce program . Ivan G. M unro, stale N YA a0 in c o l­ leges. A tid a l o f 3(137 Oregon h ig h .school students earned 900,754 w h ile college students earned 9101,. 000. M unro also announced that the program w ill be headed by B ritt N edry, fo rm e rly supe rin te n d e n t of schools in T ig a rd , O regon, w ho was last sum m er appointed N YA .slate d ire c to r o f student w o rk . T o be e lig ib le fo r assignment Io the school w o rk pro g ra m students must be between the ages o f 10 and 24, and must q u a lify on the basis o f "c itiz e n s h ip , sch o la rsh ip and nee/1.’’ In q u irie s should be d ire cte d , not Io N YA, but to school p rin c ip a ls o r school a u th o ritie s in co m m u n itie s w h e re a p p lica n ts reside. Golden Rule Ready-to-wear Department NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE (955) DRESSES in THIS the GREAT - EST SALE OF DRESSES EVER ATTEMPTED IN GRANTS PASS CR PERHAPS SOUTHERN OREGON Almort a thousand dress« » to be sold in the next two weeks at drastic reductions Many of them half price. Dresses for all occasions to Le worn now or any time. TWO HUNDRED DRESSES $3.95 values now $2.49 ONE HUNDRED BETTER DRESSES In litis gro u p of lovely dr s..es there are rayons, c ry stal slit rs, bent bergs. Alsi w ash d re sse ; in cham- hray, gingham and voiles. “ M arie D ressier”, and “ Lady Alice, all sizes New one half price F o r a decree o f the c o u rt d isso lv­ ing the bonds o f m a trim o n y e x is t­ in g between p la in tiff and defendant, •nd d iv o rc in g p la in tiff fro m defend­ ant absolutely. T h is summons is served upon yon by p u b lic a tio n once each week fo r j fo u r consecutive weeks in the Gobi H ill News, a new spaper o f g e n e ra l] c irc u la tio n published in .1 n kson C o u n ty, Oregon, by o rd e r o f lio n . H . II. N o r'o n , judge o f the above name« c o u rt, w h ic h o rd e r is dated Ju ly 15, 1940. N E F F AND F KO H N M A Y EK A tto rn e y s fo r P la in tiff, 200-4 Cooley T h e a tre Bldg., M edford, Oregon. A Cool Place to Stop For Best and R efreshm ent WHEN IN GRANTS PASS Harris Super Creamed Shop fa k e home Super Creamed Ice Cream in insulated bags Opp. F irs t N a t’l Bank Sr4*n*c a ° cust 1 o CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES i t I OVE ’ wax the subject of the f j Lesson - 8 rmon in all Chui lies of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, August 4. The Golden Text was, ”O Ood. thou a it my God . . . Because thy loviiigklndness Is better than life, my lips shall praise thee” (Ps 63:- 1.3). Among the citations which com­ prised the Lesson-Sermon wax the following from the Bible: “I will mention the lovingkindnesx of the Lord, and the pralxex of the Lord, according to all th a t the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesx'* (Isa. 63:7). The Lesson-S rmon also Included the following correlative passages from the Christian Science text­ book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy: ' People go into ecstasies over the sense of a corporeal Jehovah, though with scarcely a spark of love in their hearts; yet God is Love, Rnd without Love. God, im­ mortality cannot appear . . . The Christian Science God is universal, eternal, divine Love, which chang- eth not and causeth no evil, dis­ ease. nor death” (pp. 312, 140). SUMMONS In the C irc u it C o u rt o f the State of O regon, Jackson C ounty R U TH D AH LS TH O M P la in tiff vs. August Dress Sale which is as follows: AK.Y1D L. DAHLSTROM, D efendant To the above named defen d a n t: IN T H E N AM E OF T H E S TATE OH OREGON, you are hereby sum­ moned and re q u ire d to appear in ihe above entitled' co u rt and cause md a nsw er p la in t if f’» c o m p la in t on file h e re in w ith in fo u r weeks fro m ihe date o f the fir s t p u b lic a tio n o f ! ib is summ ons w h ic h is J u ly 18, 1940.1 You are fu r th e r n o tifie d that i n . use you fa il to appear and answ er [ a id co m p la in t w ith in said tim e d a in tiff w ill apply to the c o u rt fo r he re lie f prayed fo r in said com ­ p la in t, a succinct statem ent o fi SPSLASHES COACH FARES BETWEEN POINTS IN OREGON! Southern*Pacific is glad to announce sweeping reductions in one-way and roundtrip coach fares between many Oregon points. You can enjoy the speed, comfort and safety of train travel at lowest every-day cost in many years. Fine service in clean, comfortable coaches and chair cars. LOOK AT T H E S E N E W F A R E S : to " One- W’a j PORTLAND . . . $4.85 . . $3.15 EUGENE . . SALEM . . . . . . $4.20 ALBANY . . . . . $3.75 Roundtrip $8.75 $5.70 $7.60 $6.75 Southern Pacific See your local S.P. agent or write J. A. ORMANDY, Gen. Paa. Agl., 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore. Conger Funeral Parlors RELIABLE REASONABLE l i v ) Canses of Forest Fires T his g ro u p consists of s tre e t, sport, a ftern o o n and evening d resses $16.95 $14.75 $12.95 $10.95 E1CHTY THREE DRESSES $7.95 valuer now $4.49 T h is gro u p consists i f chi lin n s, panoram a nets, rayons, linens, K voiles and laces, all sizt s 12 to 4 j Eresres ............ Dresses Dresses ..............• Presses $8.48 $7.38 $6.48 $5.48 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY WASH DRESSES $1.95 values now $1.19 ONE HUNDRED ANL THREE DRESSES $6.50 and $5.95 vaL.et, tow $3.49 Ju n io r and w om en’s size s in ray, n ' ^ ,1= * ~ T h is g ro u p of sheer w ash dresses, d o tte d sw iss, voile and o rg an d y all sizes sheers, th tied swi. , voile French g in g h a n s . A ttm . ONE HUNDRED & FORTY-FOUR WASH DRESSES $1.00 values now 79 cents ONE HUNDRED A N ) FOUR DRESSES $2.95 value;, now $1.95 Dozens of w ash dresses, striped sh irtin g , eham hray, voiles. All sizes O rg an d y and voile w ash d resses 12 to 52 Be sure to attend tthe Glad Show in Grants Pass Fri. and Sat., Aug. 9 and 10 ll TH E GOLDEN RULE Grants Pass, Oregon -TJfie Oregonian