M The Gold Th. M o.t Thoroughl« Read Weekly m Sou.h.m Ore gon, PubH.hed fa the News Little Towo in U» S te t. GOLD HILL, OREGON „T hursday August 8,^<>40 Junior Hobbies Added at Fair Old Hi-Way Inn Being Torn Down Thia Week Local Happenings U **' NUMBER Grangers Enjoy Interesting Gold Hill Drop* Game Meeting Thursday August 1 To Grant« Pa«« 14 to 4 The old Hi Wuy inn, which is Io culed next to Drake'* Grocery stori On Thursday evening, August I, The Gold Hill town baseball team Kenneth Ward arrived here Tue» -Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Walker, Leo the («old Hit) Grange met with a 011 the highway, is being torn down traveled to Grants Pass Sunday, day to apend a three weeks vaca­ and Charlotte left Sunday tor Sun good attendance and a welcome this week following 35 years of ser August 5, where they lost a 14 to 4 tion with his parent* Mr. and Mrs. Francisco where they will spend a visitor, Mrs. Millie Walker of Cor vice u* u restaurant und bourding game to the Climate City players. Ail addiiion Io (lie exhibit* of the house. The building is being torn Bryan Ward und Norma Lee. Ken weeks vacation ut the Exposition on valli*. Committee reports were In ­ The game was close for the first Northwest Jackson county fair here neth is with the air corps technical Treasure Island. down by Clyde Walker und Hu teresting. Marie Christensen resign seven innings and then in the Salurday, August 31, will be junior work is being done by Dean Gur- school of Hie United State* army ed from Ways and Means committee I here wus a good attendance at eighth frame Grants Pass rushed hobble* which have been added in I I IU Il. and is taking operation ami engi the Methodist enurrh last Sunday and Irene Johnson was appointed across seven runs to cinch tt s Hie Ar.s und Hobbiex department. neering. He is on his way front to fill her place. The Granges of the The restaurant was built in uboui with Rev. Walker of Ashland, a for­ game. These exhibits will include urticiea Lowry field near Denver, Colorado 190« by the Newell brothers for W. mer evangelist, giving the sermon. county are seriously thinking of («old H ill used a couple of Grants made by children under IK year* of It. Walker and wus known of for lo McChord field near Tacoma, Attendance in the Sunday School is forming horseshoe teams, both Pass youths in their line-up, Dick uge. Article* Io be entered in thie Washington and got the three week years us the Wulker restaurant. also very good for tins time of the men anil women, and having con Krenek at third and Ivan Neatham department include bird houses, When the highway wus changed ti delay here. tests. year. mer at short. Each got a hit off soap curving. airplane*. burnt wood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore und the south side of the trarks 13 years Ethel Martin, H. E. chairman, an­ Special Price, for a short time on­ Pitcher Chuck Ostrom, who allow­ wood carving und laatherwork. ugo the name of the restaurant wus laughter* Yvonne and Nadra left ly, Regular $5. Duart or Mahaska nounced the next H. E. meeting ed the Beavers only seven hits, all Prize* will be $1,00 for first prize last Saturday for a vacation trip in changed to the Hi-Way Inn. solution permanent for $1.00, Med­ would be held at the home of Ber­ singles and fanned nine. und 50c for second prize. Mrs. Net laliforniu. They will visit Mr. The building slit) hud the old tha Hedgpelh, August 13th. Gold ford School of Beauty Culture. Grants Pass got five extra base lie Heed is chairman of the Arts and lime fire escape leading from each tloore’s mother al Santa Cruz and Hill («range is planning to start a Mrs. Millie Walker of Corvallis hits off Wilson, including a home Hobble* department und will huve will ulso attend the fair on Trea*- room, which consisted of a pieci traveling agate to go from Grange came last week to spend some time charge of these added exhibit*. run by Ostrom and a pair of three- of knotted rope which could b< ire Island. to Grange over the county like the visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. M iller baggers by Joe Gray. Gold H ill aver­ Plans are going forward for the hung out the window in the case ol Hurry Ellis, (iold H ill electrician, traveling gavel. Jack Pinkerton, aged an error an inning in the eight day* entertainment und the commit» u fire. returned to hi* work here Tuesday and family’. John Gray and Wm. Howes are on tee in charge promises many inter­ Mr. and Mrs. Gail Moulton and the committee. Belleview, Live Oak frames that the Merchants were at following a week's vacation spent esting events for the day. A iliscus- with tiis son Ralph. Mr. Ellis re­ daughters of Medford spent Sunday and Gold Hill Granges are planning bat. FISHERMAN FIN ED At the first of the eighth inning aion is being held concerning a pig ported very good fishing at Seven here calling on friends. * — ——— I to visit Enterprise Grange in Sep­ derby to be held during the after- Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith and son tember. Word was received from Grants Pass held a 7 to 3 lead, Black Robin Hurnett Phipps of Van lakes, located between Crater I.ake noon. Definite plans concerning Nuys, California was brought be­ ind Blue Canyon, northeast of und Miss Marjorie Cameron of the Fergusons that they were doing smith and Keith led off with singles Stout was safe on an error, two lliis derby w ill he announced luter. fore Hie (iold H ill Justice court m Butte Fails. He made several limit Grant* Pass and Miss Velma South fine and bad spent a couple of days more errors, Howerton’s double, Mrs. Walter MrLean is entertain- August 5 on a charge of angling catches. Mr. Ellis also stated that I of Hogue River were Sunday guest* at the Fair. Edith Howes acted as Gray ’s triple, and a walk to Ostrom taining the queen and her court at with all improper license. He cnlei hey were restocking the lake while; of Mr. und Mrs. Walter Dungey. pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walsh tallied the seven runs. the Mcl.ean home this Friday after­ ed u plea of guilty Io the charge he was there, with rainbow and | Mr. and Mrs A. Meunier and chi’- and Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Martin are This Sunday, August 18, the Gold noon. I he Gold H ill fair board real­ und was fined $25 und costs. Officer eastern brook trout. Most of the I dren were guests of friends tn on the serving committee for Aug­ H ill team travels to Roseburg where ly created news (hi* week when was (ieo. W. Albright. Grants Pass Sunday. troui being placed in the lake were ust 15th. Watermelon was served by they secured the queen of the 1039 Mrs. Kathryn Denser of Phoenix ! the John Gray and Fiene families. they w ill close the 1940 baseball about 3 inches long. season in a game with the Roseburg fair, Miss Ruth Lance, to drive the Mrs. O. Eaton Blackington of visited friends here Tuesday. Lecturers program of songs by all FOOTS CREEK ITEMS team. flout for this years queen and her Mis* Edith Hain of Medford is Redwood City and Mrs. Lillian (By Mrs. Marlon Lance) led by Irene Johnson. Oregon Suits eourt. Miss Huth l-ance and Jill Fletcher of Menlo Park, California spending this week visiting Mis* Me; Smile, Smile, Smile; A Smile; Martin will also assist Mrs, Earl Mrs. Mary Mattson was hostess were recent visitors in Gold Hill. Weegie Dungey. Old Black Joe; The Dear Old Farm; Local Boy Make« Good— Moore in decorating the queen’s Friday for the members of Hie Lad­ They were enroute to Seattle. On Si Vincent returned last week Questioneres; What Would Be A Nearly Catche« Bandit flout. ies Aid of Hie Presbyterian Church their wuy they visited Lassen Park. from Washington where he had Benefit For Grange; What You’d An important fair board meeting of Hogue River at her home. The Crater I.ake and Diamond luika spent some time visiting his mother, Like To Have On Programs. Buster Mullin, a resident of Gold will he held this Friday evening at House by Hie Side of the Hoad. Mrs. where they enjoyed some good Mr and Mrs. VeJtie Biles and fam H ill for the past 18 years and a he city hall at eight o'clock. A'.» James It. Edgar, wife of the Pres­ fishing. Mrs. Hluckington formerly ily left Friday to spend a week in GIRL SCOUTS TO HOLD graduate of Gold Hill high school committee chairmen, members of byterian minister at "Ashland, gave lived on Calls creek ut the Gold Seattle, Washington. They w ill re­ PICNIC AT MeKEE BRIDGE has “entered the hall of fame” for Hie board amt everyone interested a very interesting missionary honk (’.rest orchards. turn with the new bus purchased he has accomplished the impossible. in the fair is asked to attend this review. She was ucenmpanied by by the school. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter and Girl .Scoots of Gold H ill w ill leave meeting. Henry Wvtteriee and Miss Garri­ Monday afiernoon, August 12, for He nearly eaugiit a bandit in an ex­ Miss Juanita Demmer, a teacher In MNt Leroy and (Tiurlie Carter left citing escapade last Friday evening. the Medford schools. The next Sunday for California where they son of Elkton were week end guests McKee Bridge in the Applegate and Buster returned to his home late INJURED IN DIVE of Mr. and Mrs. James Adumo at will spend their vacation. They plan meeting will he held September ti will come back Wednesday after­ in the evening, heaved a sleepy .heir home here. al the home of Mrs. Charles Sams to attend Hie. fair at Sun Francisco noon. Plans were made Thursday Miss Virginia Centers has spent evening for the trip and any girl yawn and tumbled into bed. He was Hoy Swindler has been confined near Rogue River. for about a week. in the Sacred Heart hospital in A group of young people from the past several weeks in Sacra­ not present at the meeting may see just dozing off to sleep when he Announcements have been receiv­ Medford since Sunday when he ed here of the birth of a son lo Mr. Gold Hill motored to Lake O’ The ment« aud other California points, Mrs. Paul Holderness or Miss Mabel heard someone removing the lugs from one of the wheels on his car. fractured his neck while diving unit Mrs. George Oliver a, Snelling, Woods lust Sunday where they en­ visiting relatives. Moore for details. He jumped out of bed, donned the Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLean re­ near the Gold Hill bridge. He will California. Mrs. Oliver was former­ joyed boating, swimming and a pic­ trunks to his underwear and slip­ be in the hospital at least two weeks ly Miss Margaret Hates, daughter of nic dinner. Those making the trip turned home Monday from a sever­ COMPLETES FISHING LODGE ped to the front door. He slammed und will then wear u cast for sever­ Mr. und Mrs. Guy Hates, who lived were Irene Steadman, Buster Mul­ al days camping trip at Laurel- the door twice, so that any criminal hurst. al months. Bud Snyder announced the com­ here and at Hogue River about six lin, Vern Dungey, Maxine Holifield. could have a good chance to make Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Griffiths of Ruth I .a nee, Jill Martin, Wallace pletion of his “ijideaway Lodge” years ago before moving to C alif­ Earl Croft of Medford and Mrs. ornia. She is also the granddaugh­ Iverson, Ellsworth Greer, Don Dun­ Wildervillc spent Sunday vttiting on Hogue River ai Rainy Falls, last his escape. He ran around the car twice- rac­ Bertha Hedgpelh spent Sunday at ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dole. gcy. Aurelc Blair. June Furry, Myr­ Mrs Ella Patrick. week. This lodge has all the latest ed around the house and couldn't Crater Lake, as guests of Mr. ,nrt William Honeycutt of Sardine tle W inn, Mary l.ou Trgart und Has equipment to accommodate large Mrs Mamie Patterson who has sec a person. He was just getting Mrs. Clarence Hedgpelh. Tne gath­ spent purl of the summer at Ash­ Blair. Creek left Tuesday for Coquille lo fishing parties. ready to make a further investiga­ ering was in honor of Hie two Mrs. land is now ut the home of her dau­ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bailey and build a house for his daughter. tion when he happened to glance Hedgpeth*' birthdays. family moved Monday from the Wm Mrs. James McCoy and daughter Leona Holderness and Sybil W al­ ghter, Mrs Tom Knox while enter­ Mr. and Mrs. Oscur Gustafson taining a former friend; Mrs. Editl Bailey house to the house on Hie and brother left Wednesday for H il­ ker are attending the Girl Scout down and to his great surprise saw that his tire w*as going flat and as spent the week end a' the Salem Lewis of Livingston, Montana. Oi orth side of town recently occu­ ton Hopyards to pick hops. camp at Lake O’ the Woods this the air went out the lugs were loos­ Centennial in the State Capitol. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost and fam­ pied by the H I.. Bornamann family week. Thursday Mrs. Lewis, Mrs Patter ening. Mrs. Joe Shoemaker moved lo son, Mrs. Knox and daughter Patsy Among those from here who at­ ily spent Sunday at Laurelhurst. A very delightful picnic dinner Buster tumbled back into bed and Grunts Pass Tuesday lo work. tended the Gold HillXirants Pass Major and Mrs. Mayben of Stew­ was enjoyed on Wednesday at *he l.ou made a trip to Hornbrook, Cul Mr. and Mrs. Hill Wert or Trail ifornia to visit Mrs. Patterson’s son baseball game at Grants Pass Sun­ art. Florida were guests of Mr. and camp of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hitch­ was soon fast sleep dreaming of were Saturday guests of Mr and Harold and family. Sunday they day were Chet Foley, Lucille Smith, Mrs. Joe Lewis and family last cock of Dunsmuir at Cinnabar getting up two hours earlier in the morning to fix the flat. Mrs. Joe I.ewis und family. went to Crater l-ake and Tuesday Mrs. W ilmer Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. week. They plan to settle in the Springs when Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. anil Mrs. Alva Cook and fam­ was spent ut Crescent City, Calif­ Lester Dusenherry, Mr. and Mrs Bogue River Valley again. Taylor und mother, Mrs. E. C Baker ily were Tuesday guests of Mr. und ornia. Marie Jones who is also stay­ l.ogan Gardner, Mrs Fred Mr und Mrs. Bryan Ward spent Fiene, motored over and picked up WATER TURNED IN TO Mrs. Shannon Thornton and family* ing in Ashland this summer spent ind children, Kathryn Hayes. Bill Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dan­ W O. Andrews of Beaver Ci eek oil CEMENT PLANT CANAL on (>a I Is Creek. their way. Tom Rolfson also enjoy- the week end at the home of her Dungey, Guy Desimini, Art Parker, iel Biles of Foots Creek. Charles Logan and Harry and Jer­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewis spent aunt, Mrs. Toni Knox. Mrs. Roberts of Los Angeles. Cal­ eJ d»-i;ier with them. They were ail Last Friday the water from Rogue ry Smith. Tuesday calling at Myrtle Point. ifornia is a guest this week of Mr. friends that were at the springs River was turned into the canal Mrs. A. A. Dixon of the Gem Cot­ Mrs M. U. Brady, accompanied by und Mrs. Ray Shunterman. Donald Wilson of Medford trans­ tage and Mrs. W I, Radley returned whep Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had which w ill lead to the hydro elec­ acted business here Tuesday. Guy Desimini, who has visited charge of the spring* the sumrne • I tric power plant being built by the Friday from spending several days her great grand daughter Charline, Mrs. Torn Davis and daughters in eastern Oregon on a business and returned to her home un Sardine for some time in Portland, spent of 193». On their way home they Beaver-Portland Cement Co. The Creek lliis week after a six weeks the week end here with his parents, called on Mr. and Mrs. W alter Tre- canal is 30 feet wide and 6 feet deep and Mr. and Mrs W E Dunn ami pleasure trip. family left Tuesday for Hilton and catches a tittle over half of the Sidney Baker who is employed by visit with relatives at Pondosa, Mr. and Mrs. D. Desimini, return­ sham >f Beaver Creek. Hop Yards in Grants Puss where the Murry-Murphy dredge company California. ing to Portland Sunday evening. Beuel Rians of Jacksonville and flow of the river. The canal, dam they will pick hops. Miss Janet Mullin were Saturday and locks was constructed at a on Foots Creek lost part of two fin- Mrs. Dorn llaminersly and son gers Inst week while doing tesing guests of Mr. amt Mrs. Ben Minor cost of approximately $75,000. P- Hill sailed Saturday from Portland work here. of Central Point. Fishermen, miners and other in­ for Anchorage, Alaska v ' lcr(. it,,., Mr and Mrs. C D Winn and At- terested spectators gathered at the Mr. and Mrs. Marion Lance re­ will reside. They visited friends turned Tuesday from ii weeks vaca­ vis and Myrtle left Tuesday or. a site of the canal to watch the water here Thursday before leaving for tion. They spent three days at Un­ month's vacation trip to Texas amt change over. FINAL CLEARANCE SALE, STARTS Portland. Oklahoma. They w ilt visit Mr, ion Creek, Friday ai Crater Lake, Winn’s mother, who is ill in El C ITY BUDGET PRINTED IN were overnight guests of Mr. and Paso, Texas, returning here soon TH IS ISSUE OF TH E NEWS Mrs. Ralph Darling near Fori Klam­ after September first. ath. two nighft in Klamath Falls Mr and Mrs. Carl Routh and fam­ The proposed budget for the citv witli Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cook and Tremendous Savings on All Spring and ily left Monday for a vacation on of Gold Hill for the coining year is one w ith Mr. Lance’s sister, Mrs. Summer Merchandise. You can save the coast. PAUL THRONE telling how deli­ Mary Helms at the Klamath Junc­ published in this issue of the Gold cious fresh lima beans ure " If you tion south of Ashland. Raoul and Blake Maddox are H ill News. The budget committee HALF ON know how to cal them.” guests of Gene Holderness this met with the city dads at their regu­ Miss Marjorie Cameron of Grants COATS AND SUITS week. lar meeting. Monday, August 5. This Pass called at the home of her aunt, HETH PAULSON pausing in Hie Mrs. Effie Birdseye and family Sun­ • Mrs. Hay Chamberlin underwent years budget committee is compos­ middle of her vacation lo wonder day while on her way to Gold Hilt a major operation at the Osteopath­ ed of H. D. Force, chairman, John when school is going to start. ALL COTTON DRESSES Greatly REDUCED ic Clinic in Medford Wednesday Chisholm, W alter McLean, Earl to visit tier grandparents, Mr. and morning. She is getting along nice­ Moore, Chas. Kelt and C. D. Winn. Mrs. Walter Dungcy. These groups include L’Aiglon, Gay Gibsons and Swimming is fine at Bybee bridge ly. Mrs. Mary Malison returned F ri­ —Jaek Martin instructs there front day morning from visiting her son Kay Dunhills, famous for their high quality Welcome guests ut a picnic din­ REV. MILLARD TO PREACH 4 p.in. to I u.m every day. ner and watermelon feast on Sun­ AT BEAGLE SUNDAY SCHOOL Paul al San Francisco, CaHforn-n and smartness. You’ll want several. day, August 4th, at the Fiene ind and the fair at Treasure Island. MABEL DAVIS parking a yellow* Taylor home on Sardine Creek Ronald Smith, son of Mr and Mrs This Sunday, August 11, Rev. Mil­ jacket around in her jacket to see Arthur Smith, hud as his guests the were Mr. and Mrs. John Gray. Mr lard will preach at the Beagle Sun­ Exciting New Fall Merchandise if it wouldn'l sting her again. and Mrs. Jack Pinkerton». Mr and day school, services to start at 11 pnst week Guy and Jimmie Shaw Arriving Daily Mrs. Wm Howes and Mrs. Mary o’clock. A basket dinner w ill be of Grunts Pass. Mr. and Mrs Te l HAY BLAIH unsuccessfully try­ Dole were, visited by Mr. and Mrs. Mattson, all of Riverside, Mr. and held at noon and everyone is cordi­ ing to carry 14 empty Pepsa-Cola Ben Jeniftucs of Medford at their Mrs. John Holst of Sams Valley anil ally invited to attend. The Sunday- bottles. . a Mr and Mrs. John Dodge of Med­ home on Foots Creek Sunday. school is held in the Antioch school Grant« r ford. house. Hadley's GLAD DAYS The Spy-Glass P «« Hadley's