The Gold HIM Naw*, (told HIM, Orage» Attitude That Machine* Destroy More Job* Than They make called Defeatiam as he did in the sume message, that 'the efficiency of our industrial processes bus created a surplus of labor/ " Mr. Preutis declared, "The ultimate purpose of the li. W. Prenlls, Jr., President of whole industrial anil business or­ I lie National Aasoela I Ion of Manu­ ganization is to supply the needs facturer* ami President of Anu- and want* of the population. There strong Cork Company of ’Lancast­ is no limit to the amount of busi­ er, Pu., characterized u* “defeat­ ness thul may be done, because ism" the altitude that machines there is no visible limit to liuuimi need*. noil Inventions destroy Jobs, Speaking at the National Mod­ “Old the President count our en- ern Pioneers llumiuet held in Ness courugeuieilt ut invention und busi­ York to celebrate the 150th Anni­ ness enterprise during the period ut versary of the I'lilted States Pul our greuiest technological udvuncc, cut System mid to honor the con­ »«70 Io IU30, umong (lie ‘wuys lliul tribution of America’s inventors to nave failed' thul he mention*?'* Mr. national progress, Mr. Prentls cited I'reuti* asked. "It wus during that a recent statement by President period, wnile the population of our Roosevelt that we in this country country neurly trebled, that the “face the task of finding Jobs fast­ number of gainfully employed per­ er than invention cun take them sons neurly quadrupled and (lie vol­ away." ume of production increased uhout "Surely It is defeatism for the elevenfold. Did invention take President of 'the greatest indust­ away Jobs faster Ilian other jobs rial nution in the world Io suggest, could be louud ill those yeurs? Ob­ viously not. "Moreover, employment today is more nearly normal in those indus­ tries tliut ure most highly mecha­ nised—in which there bus been the greatest technological advance. Man- | ufacturing employment hus risen, in spite of many obstacles, to vir­ tually the 1029 level. In the ’build­ ing industry where handicraft has Bring in your worn tires. We largely persisted and per capita retread them with a thick, new production hus not increased, em­ wearing surface of the same ployment is ut least one-third be- kind of fine rubber yob get on .ow the 1020 level. a new tire — ill H the cos*. "In the modern world the ilevel- ipmenl of political and religious Safety, full mileage und i iberly, the rise of private business appearance guurunteed I enterprise, and the amazing growth See our American Betreading ’ if science and invention have ?ol- Molds at work ' owed parallel lines," Mr. Prentls ( .uid. "Indeed, this has "been mor Custom Retreading Inin u parallel process. Those fac iors of freedom and progress are Vulcanizing, Repairing inscfturuble and stand or fall to­ gether. The freeing of the human spirit from the slough of immemnr iu I custom und the shackles of ai hitrary authority hus been the on­ line along which Vivilizalion ha* THE TIRE MAN moved Io higher planes during t!i< U. S. TIRES I past 150 years. The patent system Is Sixth and M. Street* one factor, and a very significant Grant* Pa** i factor, is this whole movement. "In the long run, throughout the SAVE 1 On Tires Duckworth HOES ........................................................... 550 "‘Rival Brand"-®’-» in. riveted blade, polished ash handle 950 GARDEN RAKES "Pacific Brand" 12 curved tooth Bow Hacked Rake, forged from one piece of bar steel. 5 foot polished handle. SHOVELS ................................................... No. 2 Irrigating. "Squirrel Brand." Bound point, hollow buck. 4 ft. polished handle. CARDEN HOSE 25 foo* ........................ 50 ft............... $1.65 980 $ 2 .9 5 5-8" A B Special or Premier, complete with couplings HAND PRUNNING SHEARS 500 "Lexington” Brand, one piece drop forged tempered steel blade. Enameled handles 9" overall length. LAWN M OW ERS................................. $9«95 ‘Triumph” Brand, 14 inch four blade, self-spring ait- jusling. Ball bearings, 10 inch wheels. Rogue River Hardware Co. "Where Most People Trade" GRANTS PASS, OREGON history of the American patent sys­ tem, invention ha* creuled infinitely more jobs Ilian tc< luiological Im­ provement» have destroyed. Eighty four percent of all machine* invent­ ed ure 'lubor-suvilig' ralber tbun ‘lu- bor-displucing designed to create entirely new products, reader new services, or improve old products or service*. One out of every four persons employed in 'America today bold* u job ill un industry unknown in 1870. Over 100,000 new article* have appeured on tlie American murket since 1900. There hus been temporary disioeulion ol employ­ ment, with individual hardship, it is true, 't he cushioning of employ­ ment against such hurdship is today one of Hie major objectives of man­ ufacturing industry us evidenced by tlie consideration given tins mutter in tlie recent ‘Declaration of Prin­ ciples’ of tliis Association. The re­ cord is dear, however, thut the sat­ isfaction of more human wants ut lower costs is the esscntiul pre-re­ quisite to a rising standurd of liv­ ing. Thursday, March 11, l|4fl C O N F U C IU S SAY — NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Last Wsll and Testament and of the Estate of Howard Francis Drake, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Caro­ line Mary Drake has been appoint­ ed executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of Howard Francis Drake, deceased, and all persons having claims a- gainst the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the said executrix at her place of business in Gold Hill, Ore­ gon, or Io her at the law offices of Kiel R. Allen, First National Bank Building, Grants Pass, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication: March 7, 1940. CAROLINE MARY DRAKE, M7-28 Executrix MAN IN 'BARftEJ- IS J-ÜCKf— STlk-k- FtAVT 6ARRÖ-. ro MEDFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILE LOANS Commercial Finance Corporation Townsend News By D. D. Davis Since Hie Townsend Movement is often referred to us an “Ism" let’s puuse tor a tew moments and dis­ cuss the peculiar characteristics of tliis “Ism". First it is Hie one truly »00 per cent American “ism". It is ,o tar removed in spirit from any other isms Hint it cannot he con- . used with Inem. It differs witn ociuiiMii, Communism, Fascism ii'd Nuzi-ism in Huit it is based eq- irely upon the philosophy of plen­ ty. It is directly opposed to the philosophy of scarcity. It opposes lie idea of curtailed production, the .urning under of crops to keep pric­ es up, the payments of money to .ny one for not raising livestock. It contends tliut witli money freely .n circulation tliut tile demand for all products will he 'ol such vol­ ume us to make it no longer neces- tary to curtail production in any field of industry, this including .arm products. It believes in abun­ dant wealth for everyone. The ’renter is tlie wealth of the busi­ ness man, the large and small cor­ porations, Hie small business man, the carpenter, contrartor, painter plumber, furmer and what not, the greater will lie the prosperity of all. Townsendism is not opposed to wealth or large incomes. It hopes to make it possible for this wealth to he more equally distributed, so that all will enjoy his or her share of this wealth. It proposes to bring tliis uhout through its system of forced monthly spending by those who have reached the age of sixtv or over anil who will voluntarily retire from gainful employment. It hopes to make the business man in every field of business more pros­ perous than he is today or than he ever expected to be. It expects to move from the shelves and ware­ houses of every merchant and man­ ufacturer those goods that today lie as "stagnated” goods because of the lack of buying power on the part of the public. It proposes to put the factories to work making new merchandise to replace these goods that arc sold. It proposes to put back to work the millions of idle workers who will be needed Io replace these stocks that have been sold. It will do it. 11 will create a demand for those articles in the up­ per brackets, such as radios, re­ frigerators, modern electrical ap­ pliances, washing machines, iron- ers, automobiles, furniture, bedding, clothing, carpets, vncuum cleaners and wearing apparel of every kind. In short Mr. Business Man this is in reality a 100 per cent business man’s “ism” nnd if anyone should get behind the Townsend “ism" it is surely the business man. The Townsend Plan does not and never has promoted the idea of a $209 monthly itension to start with. The «200 "annuity” so designated by Townsend is to be the top or limit to which these annuities may go. Il is expected that the 'first re­ turns from the Gross Income Tax will return about $50,000.000 the first month and this prorated a- mong the people sixty or over will yield approximately $55 to $60 the first month. This nmount to grad­ ually increase each month ns busi­ ness expands until at some futurp time, not yet determined it will yield do the old folks their maxi­ mum lop limit of $200 per month. The Townsend Plan will do this, so Mr. American Citizen whoever you nre it Is to your benefit to get FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Madforg State License No. M-134 August W. Glutsch tlie nation, to those high school aud 1 college graduates who arc ’looking for good paying jobs, it behooves you to get behind this plan. To all who have not studied this plan we urge upon you to do so now. This is our crucial year. Join your near­ est Townsend Club. ‘With all our shoulders to the wheel the plan must succeed. Con\e on out to the next Townsend meeting in your locality. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY i Successor To Dr. Jud Rickert Specialist in all problems of eye comfort and vision 308 Fluhrer Bldg. - Phone 1148 Medford, Oregon DR. I. H. GOVE DENTISTRY Game Commission to Release Million Trout Phene 872 J The state game comission will ( start releasing this week approxi-! mutely 1,000,000 rainbow trout held over from lust season at the Dak Springs hatchery on the lower Des­ chutes river. Tlie fish range in length from three inches to legal size und will be liberated in the waters of the Mt. Hood area, Des­ chutes and Metolius river water­ sheds and some eastern Oregon ; streams. Legal sized trout will be released in some of the smaller ( streams where low temperature J prevents rapid growth such as in J the Mt. Hood area. ! Plantings are to be made on a| scientific basis and arc under the J direction of the newly organized ! department of fish liberations. j! WATCH REPAIRING Larry Schade S. P. W atch Inspector Since 1918 21 S. Central—Next to Craterian Medford, Oregon ItO X Y © It'sT weed Again / If you are kept busy replacing ; headlight globes, check the termi-1; nals of your battery. Loose or ! corroded battery terminals cause globes to burn out frequently, ad­ vises the service department of the Oregon State Motor Association. CHRISTIAH iC;2»3E C.iURCHES ffnUBSTANCE" was the subject of 0 the Lesscn-S:rmon tn all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, March 17. The Golden Text was. "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was. and is, and is to come’’ (Rev. 4:8). Among tlie cltaticns which com­ prised the Lessor.-Sermcn was the following from the Bible: "For all flesh D as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth. and the flower thereof falleth away; But the werd of the Lord endureth for ever” (I Peter 1:24, 25). The Lesscn-Sermon also Included the following correlative passage» from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip ures” by Mary Baker Eddy: "Spirit is the ouly substance and consciousness recognized by di­ vine Science . . . T hat m atter Is substantial or has life and sensa­ tion, is one of the false beliefs of mortals, and exists only In a supposi­ titious mortal consciousness’’ (p278) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Jackson county. In the Matter of the Estate of John Bartholmew Hammersly, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that in the above entitled Court and estate, on the 27th day of February, 1940, by order of the Honorable Earl B. Day, Judge of said Court, the undersign­ ed, John A. Chisholm, was the duly appointed administrator of the said estate of John Bartholmew Ham­ mersly, deceased, and all persons having claims ngainst said estate are hereby notified to file the same in the proper form with vouchers an­ nexed with John A. Chisholm, ad­ ministrator for said estate, at Gold Hill, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publica­ tion of this notice on the 7th day of March 1940. JOHN A. CHISHOLM, behind this plan. To the youth of M7-28 Administrator 41> Medford Medford Saturday Only! GENE AUTRY IN “Mountain Rhythm” Episode 14, “Oregon Trail” You’ll have to agree — it's certainly a tweedy year. . . And who wouldn’t succumb to its soft nulthy charms, when the coat Is a tailored classic as smart as this? In soft misty shades . . a var­ iety of styles. Sizes 12 to 20. Sunday and Monday George Raft — Claire Trevor “I STOLE A MILLION’ Tuesday and Wednesday By Popular Demand $12.95 •n