The Gold Hill News ____ Mo«* Thoroughly Read W eekly in Southern Oregon. V O L U M E X L I1 Dam Testimony Presented Court G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N LOCAL ITEMS Published in the Biggest L ittle To w n in the State T h u r s d a y , M a rc h 14, 1940 Walter McLean Appointed Constable of This District I Vernice Martin and Sidney Baker Married at Reno N U M B E R 47 John Chisholm to Move Local People In Accidents Office Next Week Mrs. Ndsou of Tucoma came Thursday Io spend some time with Waller McLean of Gold Hill, re­ -Miss Vernice Martin of Gold Hill her sister Mrs. E. E. Collins who la By Wednesday of next week John ceived the appointment on Febru­ quite ill. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Lhisholm, Justice uf the Peace in ary 29 as (a n .table for this secHoi Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P Amo of Sel­ Io fill the unexpired term of the ■Martin and Sidney Baker of Hogue this section, will have his office ma spent Saturday here visiting lute Hen F. Paul. The appointment Hirer, son of Mrs. Clara Baker of Arguiiiciits on both sides of the fi ieuds. Ix>s Angeles, were married at Heno, moved to a new location, between was made, by the county court und the (xildi Hill Market and Hecker’s case in which Hie Oregon »tale Mrs. Dorothy McGarvey und cnil- Mr. McLean look the oath of office Nevada, ut 12 o'clock noon, March Drug store. The new office has LEON WISE HAS NARROW 6. The ceremony was held al the gum* commission is attempting to dren came Friday to spend several ESCAPE IN TRUCK WRECK that same day from the county Metliodist parsonage with Hev. been cleaned, re-modeled and re­ obluln u permanent reatraining or­ days visiting Mr. und Mrs. Tom clerk. Cement truck number eleven, the painted during the past few days der uKuinat tlu- Beaver-Portland Look and Jake, on their way to Mr. McLean's lerm will expire Schmidt officiating. The. bride wore and will soon be ready for occupa­ new red Ford driven by Leon cement company in the conatruc- their home in California after vis­ a navy blue suit with mulching ac­ January 6, 1941 when the Con­ tion of their dum in Hogue river iting in Idaho Fulls, Idaho. cessories and her corsage was of tion. The front of the building lias Wise, was totally demolished when stable who is ejected ut the election near here 'were beard in court be­ Talisman roses. The young couple been painted green trimmed in it struck a soft shoulder near Miss Erma Colley of Reno and tiiis November, will take office Crescent Monday evening. fore Judge 11. 1). Norton Wedntw Mrs. Thorn Ward of the Gold Huv left Gold Hill Tuesday evening, re­ white. The Constable here serves the The truck, loaded with three Half of the front part of the build­ day. turning Thursday. They were hon­ dum were Thursday guests of Mis. territory between the overhead hundred sacks of cement, slid in ing will be used as Mr. Chisholm's ored that evening at a lovely wed­ The gunie commission ia attempt­ George Dorman. crossing and the Josephine county office and the other half will be the gravel on a turn, hitting a cul­ ding supper at the Grange hall. ing to 'atop the construction of the Mr. and Mrs. Hedgpeth of line and the Applegate divide to the hydro-electric power dam cluiining Mrs. Baker was honored at a used to display cards and real es­ vert and throwing off the load. Mr. Douglas county line. that the construction of the pro­ Medford were Sunday guests nt shower by the members of the Re­ tate offers. Besides being Justice of Wise was pinned between the ject will prevent passage of migra­ Mrs. Bertha Hedgpeth. bekah lodge on February 21 and was the Peace here Mr. Chisholm is steering wheel and seat and the Hill and Beth Heed and a friend SCHOOL NEWS tory fish up and down Hogue rivet. also honor guest at a shower by Notary Public, secretary of the door glass had to be removed so (Hill Force, Editor) The conunlaalon has already ob­ of Medford visited Saturday with friends and Grangers on February Chamber of Commerce and handles he could get out. Fortunately he escaped with minor bruises. Mrs. Susie Coy und family. real estate and insurance. 27. tained a temporary restraining or The accident happened on the der against the local company. Mrs. Kay Wyatt und baby son A spring and Easter vacation, the Mrs. Baker is a graduate of Gold Dalles-California highway, U. S. According to 'the testimony given Leon Huy, returned to their home first to be enjoyed by Gold Hill stu­ Hill high school with the class of FOOTS CREEK ITEMS 97, and Mrs. Wise, accompanied at the trial the cement plant Is Here Monday from the Sai red dents und teachers, will "begin here and is well known in this sec­ (By Mrs. Marion Lance) by Cleo Swindler went to Cres­ willing to do anything within rea­ ilcurt hospital in Medford. Mother on March 22 am i last until April 1. tion. The young couple will make cent immediately on hearing of the This means that school will run a their home on Fools creek near the son so there will be no hindrance md soi are getting along nice./. •Vlr. and Mrs. Ernest Heinkens, accident. Mr. Wise returned here in the migration of fish up and Mias H osu Desimini left Monday week longer in the spring and will Hiviera park. Mr. Baker is'employ­ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knox and Mrs. with them Tuesday morning. down the stream. ed al the new dredge there. o spend several days visiting rel- be out May 24. Knox's mother, Mrs. Mamie Patter­ Both sides in the case have been dives in Portland. son, Mrs. Cloyd Dick, and Mrs. Wil­ allowed until Monday to give their liam Hressel* from this community COOKS SLIGHTLY INJURED The girls pep cum qaa heid two I Four New Car* For Otear Gustulson spent Sunday written arguments lot the court and und Monday in a Medford hospital! «'»"<*>• »«•«» «0 raise funds for the attended the annual six o'clock IN UNUSUAL ACCIDENT Il is felt Judge Nbrton will give a suffering from blood poisoning i n : *ka,in8 Par,.v which they are hav- Gold Hill Resident* chicken dinner given by the ladies Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cook mirac­ decision by next Thursday. ing in honor of the basketball team of the Hogue River Civic Club, en­ his arm ulously escaped serious injury Fri­ Four new cars have been pur­ Mr. und Mrs. Leonurd Darling oT this Friday. The entire studentbody chased by residents of Gold Hill re­ tertaining their husbands at the day evening when their car left The meeting of the Health unit Jacksonville were Tuesday guests has been invited. cently with the Fords still leading Girl Scout Hall at Hogue River the road near Hornbrook, Cal­ •which was to have been held Mon­ Friday evening. There was an at­ ifornia and rolled over three times. of Mrs. Darling's parents, Mr. and two-to-one. day al the home of Mrs. Waller A special studentbody meeting tendance of about fifty. The Cooks were going to Etna, .Mrs. C. M. Richardson. Justice of the Peace, John Chish­ Lipes has been postponed. The was held Wednesday Io vote on the Mr. and Mrs. Waring Thorne and California, to visit relatives when Mrs. Edith Wert of Trail, form­ olm, is driving a 1939 Plymouth postponement was due to the ser- adoption of un amendment to the daughter Donnie Jean arrived W ed­ they met a car on a sharp turn. Mr. lous illness of Chris 'Hansen who er resident of Gold Hill, returned high school constitution. The a- two-door sedan. nesday from San Diego, California Cook pulled over to miss the on­ Io her home Saturday after spend­ Lins Dorman purchased a new will leave Tuesday Io enter a hos­ mendment is us follows: for a two weeks visit with Mrs. coming car and when he hit a soft ing u month in the Veterans hos­ pital al Vallejo, California. A student council shall be elect­ 1940 Convertible Ford V-8 coupe Thorne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. shoulder the car left the road and pital in Portland. The Daks Lunch of Gold Hill is ed, consisting of two members of and it was delivered to him Thurs­ Claire Stumbo. She will be remem­ rolled over three times, landing Mr. und .Mrs. John Essman anil now the local agency for Pat's each class and the four executive day of this week. The car is grey bered as Genevieve Stumbo. right side up and headed back in Cleaning Shop of Grants Puss. Leave Darlene spent the week end in with a black top and has red up­ your dry cleaning and laundry here Olympia, Washington where they officers of the student body. The holstering. The Riverside Extension Unit the direction they had been com­ for prompt, courteous service. attended the wedding of Mr. Ess class representatives of the council Miss Beth Paulsen purchased an met Thursday afternoon at the ing. Mr. and Mrs. Cook who had shall be elected by the .respective Mr. and Sirs. Leo Wise visited the man's sister. attractive blue 1040 Chevrolet se­ imine »4 Mr*. Cloyd Dick for a been riding in the front seat found Primerose Gardens near Savage Hap classes al the lime of the ejection special meeting by Mrs. Mabel C. themselves in the back seat when J. Hargraves of Foots Creek vis­ ids Tuesday. of the other class officers. The stu­ dan which she received Thu- lav Mack, county demonstration agent, the car righted itself. The car was ited friends here Tuesday of this week. Howard Kell left Friday for Oak­ dent council shall have all powers pulled back on the highway and Mrs. Maxine McKintry of Tacoma, Ellsworth Greer has purchased a on the care of the feet which was Io transact business, except lhal land, California where he has ac the Cooks returned home. very interesting and helpful. Dui- Washington spent Thursday and cepted u position in a garage. which in their judgment should be new 1940 V-8 business coupe and ing the absence of Mrs. A. A. Dix­ Mr. and Mrs. Cook received only Friday visiting her great aunt, Mrs expects delivery on it within a Mrs. Lulu Davis is now much im E. E. Collins, who is quite ill. placed before the student body. on, chairman, Mrs. Effie Birdseye, slight injuries and the car was not week. The minutes of the council meet­ proved after being quite ill for vice chairman, presided. The host­ badly damaged, the top and back Mrs. Cook and her three daugh­ some lime. ters of Medford visited Friday witn ings shall he [Misted the day follow­ MISS JOYCE HANDLEY OFFERED ess served refreshments to the fif­ fenders being dented and the wind­ Mr. and Mrs. la c McCarn of ing the meeting. Upon the request teen present. Two new names were shield broken. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook und family. South I'mpqun are here visiting Mr. Cook is a son of Mrs. Cook. of ten members of the student body CONTRACT TO TKACH HERE added to the membership. The next Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wise, for a few made to the secretary within two Mrs. II. F. Drake wus a business Miss Joyce Hundley, who has meeting, Weight Control, No. 2, Local Grange Observe* days. days following the posting of the visitor in Medford Saturday. been attending school in San Fran­ will be held at the home of Mrs. Fifth Birthday March 7 minutes, any action of the student Floyd laince of Trinity Center, Mrs. Leona Sullivan and two dau­ cisco for the past year, has been Hans Frei at Anderson's Auto Park council may be called before the California came Tuesday to visit ghters left Friday for their home otfered a contract to return to March 27 beginning at 1:30. his family here. His wfe and son. studentbody for vote. The vote of Gold Hill Grange members and Mrs. Fauiiue Wall) oi Medford in Boardman after spending some Gold Hill and teach the first grade the student body shall be final up­ Bolrfiy relumed to California with their friends celebrated the fifth time here visiting Mrs. Sullivan's tor the year 1940-41. Miss Handley came Thursday to spend the week him Thursday. parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lenii on such action. The meetings of the has not yet returned her contract euu at tne home oi Mr. and Mrs. birthday of their grange, March 7, Mr. and Mrs. Hay Chamberlin and family. council shall be presided over by ‘ P au l\tV ufte7" and daughUr £ V a I but it is understood she is interest and girls, Mrs. Daisy Paul nnd Mrs Mr. und Mrs. Cleo Swindler, Dale the president of the student body. cd in teaching here again ; wuo pian to leave shortly for Port- Pearl Ferguson baked the birthday Marvin Emery motored Io the nat­ Clement, Zen Davis, Tom Davis and cake and ice cream was furnished Miss Handley has taught the first land- 5lle also called on other by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker. Mrs. ural bridge towards Crater Lak, The following notice was posted 'ten Marsden were guests Thursday grade here for three years coming friends. last Sunday. Baker was Miss Vernice Martin be­ nt a birthday party at the home of on the bulltin board this week: I Mr. and Mrs. August Sutherliu, fore her marriage in Reno, March Wesley Hobinson left lhi< wee’ Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Thorson in Cen­ "The members of the Gold Hill here in 1936. ------ ---------- I who spent the summer at Newport, to spend some lime in the Veteran* tral Point, in honor of Mrs. Thor­ high student body and high school e. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE j Oregon where Mr. Sutherlin Mas Hospital in Portland. faculty members are cordially in­ A shower of soup bowls was pre­ son’s birthday. -------- j employed and ha^e lived in Rogux. Mrs. Marvin Emery of San Re> Lins Dorman and Miss Lucille vited to a leap year dance to be held The Young people of the Methodist J River since lust >«11, moved recent- sented the grange. nandino, California who has bee- Twenty-eight members and two Vogel spent the week end in Port- at the Odd Fellows hall. All persons church are sponsoring an Easter ly to the former William Carle visiting here for two weeks left land visiting relatives. attending, must be in costume re­ visitors stayed for the regular busi­ Sunrise Service at 6:30, March 23, place vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tuesday evening for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hamner and sembling some person in Dogpatrh. 1940 on the reservoir hill. Every­ Davis and family. Mr. Sutherlin is ness meeting which followed. Priies: 1, for best girl costume, 2 It was reported that Mrs. Lilly •hildren moved to the Meadows one is cordially invited to attend. working with Ed Prefountain on a McKay is quite ill with arthritis. NOTICE OF CALL FOR r id s Saturday from the Erickson house for best boy costume, 3. for best quarjz mine when the water for couple costume. Date will be an­ A very interesting and well pre­ un the south side of town. CHIEF LITTLE WOLF GIVES Notice is hereby given that scab placer mining is low. nounced later.” pared birthday program was given bids will be received bv the Schoo CHICK WRESTLING LESSON Lester Boling and son Wallace during the lecture hour and special Clerk of School District No. 57, Gob JUSTICE COURT NEWS of Camp Joy, north of Grants Pass, honor paid the seven charter mem­ The studentbody play chosen was Hill, Oregon, up to 8:00 p. m. March Chief Little Wolf, powerful 22.3- visited his brother Ed Boling bers present. 25, 1040 for tilie deJivery of 100 Several cases were tried in the i . A ^ J s*el"y at- Midnight. The cast cords of 4-foot, big body, old growth Sold Hill Justice of the Peace1 *’ .^ o s e n but Mrs. pound Navajo Indian, defeated Thursday who with Lester Davis­ fir, split reasonably fine and piled Dude Chick, former Junior Heavy­ on of Applegate are working the Kathryn Denier is the director. Regular meeting of the H.E.C. close without bulk heads, the snnu ourt this week by Judge John A. weight Champion of the world, placer mine at the Mrs. Bessie An­ was held at the Grange hall Tues­ to be delivered at the school housi Chisholm. two out of three falls in the Med­ derson Ranch on the right fork of day afternoon with a fairly good prior to July 15, 1040. GARDEN CLUB MEETING On March 7 Tcvis Ernest Dooley ford Armory Monday night. The In­ Foots Creek. They also called on attendance. The ladies made plans Successful bidder must furnish dian proved to be by far the strong­ Mr. and Mrs. J. Shaw near Riviera to hold a sausage dinner with all bond to Insure fulfillment of co- Medford appeared in the local coivt The Garden club will meet Fri­ tract. The board reserves the righ m a charge of operating a motor day March 15 nt 2 p. m. nt the home est and most scientific man to show Auto Park. the trimmings on "March 28 with chicle without an operators license to accept or reject any or all bid; in the local wrestling arena in Mr. und Mrs. L Pinkerton who serving starting at 5 o’clock. Adults Dated al Gold Hill, Oregon, Feb ie entered a plea of guilty nnd of Mrs. A. Meunier on Garden Row. years, defeating the former chnrr.- ruary 20, 1940. At this meeting the club will have lived at Grants Pass for sonic will be charged 35c for the din­ vas fined $5 and costs. On Hint >t |he Kenne, h ner and children 25c. , LETSY MILLER, make definite [dans to plant shrubs pion easily with superior strength . ,inic arc now ,ivi amc day Louis Win. Rohner of and grappling ubility. J Kegg place near Mr* Rose Gay's (Jerk of Hoard of Directors, Scho< at the city hall grounds. All mem­ rownsboro, Oregon, also uppear- District No. 57. In the middle event Pete Belcast- property GIRL SCOUT CANDY SALE :l in court on a charge of failing bers arc requested to be present. ro, the Weed Italian, slugged h i s / .., , , , The Girl Scouts of the “Ship­ ’ stop at a highway intersection, way to a win over Hob Montgmn- L Mrs> ^ “rd ","d daUghler Vern Walker started work at mate” patrol will hold a candy e entered a plea of guilty and was ery. Almost every foul method was Norma Lee of Gold Hill were visit­ ined $1.00 and costs. He was also Lnpham Motor Co. of Medford resorted to in this bout by both ing her parents Mr and Mrs. Daniel sale Saturday morning, March 16 at 10:30 near the Kell Garage. .¡veil a 5 day suspended jail sen- Monduy of this week. wrestlers. Montgomery took the Biles Thursday. ROB nnd ADA COOK believln. enec. Officer for both cases was first fall in the first round with a anything can happen when they F. J. Beers. CHRISTIAN TABERNACLE press, after clouting Belcastro to ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS started out for a ride in Hie front On March 13, Jacob Helmer of K. Earl Voiles, Pastor the mat with doubled-up fists. Pete TO ENJOY POT LUC|K SUPPER sent and all of a sudden finding Goodrich, North I)Hkota appeared got his bouncing surfboard in the themselves in the back seat in the local court on a charge of The Undenominational Sunday fourth and Montgomery was unable The members of the adult Sun­ Friday, March 15 failing to give his name and ad­ School is on the upward trend in day school class of the Methodist JOHN CHISHOLM believing his dress at the scene of an accideffl. attendance. Our goal for Easter to return for further wrestling. Garden club at Meunier home In the opener, Bobby Chick and church will hold their monthly pot­ business will pick-up as soon as h He entered a plea of guilty and was Sunday is 65 nnd $1.00 offering. On Saturday, March 16 Ernie Piluso went the full six luck supper and get-together in the gets on the "level”. given a 30-day jail sentence and Sunday, March 17 the pastor will rounds to a drnw, each garnering Dance at IOOF hall Gold Hill. church basement this Saturday eve­ fined $50 nnd costs. The jail sen­ prench on the subject ‘The Cost of one tumble. This was a very clean Monday, March 18. ning, March 16. Even if the church MYRTLE WINN nnd VALENTIN! tence was suspended on payment Christian Discipleship" at the It Rod and Gun club at Scout hall. exhibition of scientific wrestling, members don’t allend Sunday school COOK, each carrying a heavy tru> of fine and costs. Officer was Earl o’clock hour and "The Mind of Piluso taking the first fall in the they nrc urged to attend this affair. Tuesday, March 19 of enndy nnd having quite n time H. Hauslnf. Mr. Helmer failed to Christ nt 7:30 p. ni. fourth round with a press following I.O.O.F. lodge meeting. This Saturday afternoon (if the getting across the Gold Hill main stop when he had an accident with Prayer meeting every Tlmrsday several long sonnenburgs. and Chick weather permits) the ladies of the Wednesday, March 20 drag, amid giggling and starting and L. H. Wilson near Blackwell hill ut 7:30 p. ni. Special Easter Servic­ evening the score in the sixth with church will work in the church Itopping. Rebekah meeting and drill team on February 27. es are being planned. a shoulder stand. yard. practice. 77i2 Spy-G lasa Weekly Calendar